Laser biorevitalization of the face: features of the procedure

What is facial biorevitalization, and what effect does this procedure provide? What are the pros and cons of biorevitalization and how many procedures need to be done? Read the BEFORE and AFTER photos, as well as people’s reviews in this article!

Problems of dryness and sagging skin are solved with the help of cosmetic procedures. One of the most popular techniques is biorevitalization. It involves the introduction of hyaluronate under the skin. Before you decide on such manipulations, you should carefully familiarize yourself with their nuances and contraindications.

Features of the procedure

At its core, biorevitalization is a method of rejuvenation by introducing a drug based on hyaluronic acid under the skin. The latter saturates the dermis with moisture, strengthens weakened collagen and elastin fibers. It leads to:

  1. Relief restoration;
  2. Tightening of “sagging” areas of skin;
  3. Getting rid of unwanted pigmentation;
  4. Acquiring a healthy color.

Penetration of the active substance into the skin is carried out in two ways:

  • By frequently pricking the problem area with a thin needle (injection method);
  • Using a device that allows you to deliver the components of the product to the level of the dermis without disturbing the integrity of the skin (usually a laser is used).

The first method is more traumatic because it involves multiple microdamages of the skin. Its advantage is its faster action: the drug is delivered immediately to the desired subcutaneous level. Since the effect is carried out without delay, the effect is achieved in a short time.

To achieve the same result with a laser, you will have to increase the number of sessions. The second method is attractive due to the lack of subsequent rehabilitation.

In each individual case, a different concentration of the active substance is used. The specialist varies the composition, focusing on the age and condition of the patient’s epidermis.

Depending on the concentration of hyaluronic acid, the cosmetologist calculates how many ml of the active substance is needed to treat the face at the time of the procedure.

IMPORTANT! In some cases, the specialist resorts to ready-made formulations with the required concentration. This helps to avoid erroneous calculations when diluting hyaluronate.

What is the duration of preservation of papules

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Indications and contraindications

The main guideline for starting rejuvenation procedures is the first age-related changes in the skin. They can appear both at the age of 25 and after 30. You should seek help from a cosmetologist in the following cases:

  • The appearance of facial wrinkles;
  • Decreased skin turgor;
  • Dryness of the epidermis;
  • Presence of pigmented spots;
  • Photoaging;
  • Post-peeling recovery (if chemical exposure was performed).

In the latter case, for biorevitalization of the face, the calculation of how many ml of hyaluronate is needed for optimal restoration of the epidermis is carried out taking into account the aggressiveness of the peeling performed and the rate of skin regeneration after it.

A course of rejuvenation with hyaluronic acid should be abandoned if:

  1. There is a high allergic reaction to the active substance;
  2. There are inflammatory processes in the affected area;
  3. There is an exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  4. The woman is pregnant or breastfeeding;
  5. Increased body temperature;
  6. There are herpetic rashes.

When choosing the injection method, you must refrain from taking blood thinning medications.

Main functions of hyaluronic acid:

  • preventing moisture evaporation, binding water molecules and retaining them in the thickness of the epidermis;
  • protecting tissues from exposure to bacteria, preventing the development of infections;
  • acceleration of cellular metabolism;
  • binding and removing free radicals, toxins, and tissue waste products from the thickness of the skin.

Modern peeling with hyaluronic acid contains crushed molecules of a chemical compound. The low molecular weight of the substance allows it to bind the active components and deliver them as deeply as possible. At the same time, hyaluronic peeling ensures the formation of a thin porous film on the surface of the face. It protects cells from negative effects, allows oxygen molecules to penetrate the skin, and prevents moisture loss.

At what age is biorevitalization recommended?

There is no single answer to the question at what age it is necessary to start rejuvenation, since biorevitalization can be done both from 25 and 35 years.

The main criterion for starting procedures is the presence of the first signs of skin aging.

Skin that is exposed to frequent tanning and does not have constant care ages faster. At the same time, the first age-related changes can appear at 25 years of age. But this does not mean that it makes sense to immediately overload the dermis with intensive hyaluronate treatment. Usually, up to 30 years of age, the epidermis needs a preventive treatment consisting of a course of 2-3 procedures. Prevention should not be repeated more than once a year.

After 30 years, as the first wrinkles appear and elasticity is lost, biorevitalization often has to be done for medicinal purposes. This course involves taking it twice over the course of one year with a break of 6 months.

If preventive treatment with hyaluronate was carried out before this age, then the break between courses can increase to 8-9 months.

At the age of 30, before starting biorevitalization, you should visit a cosmetologist who will tell you how many procedures need to be done to eliminate visible skin problems.

In case of lack of proper care and seeking help from a specialist in adulthood, the number of sessions and frequency of their repetition are determined individually.

On average, cosmetologists, answering the question of how many biorevitalization procedures are needed for 35 years, recommend doing courses of 2-3 approaches for injection therapy, and at least 10 for laser therapy. In the first case, 2-3 weeks should pass between sessions, while in the second, the break should not exceed 7 days.

Based on the individual characteristics of the patient’s skin, the course of hyaluronic acid is repeated after 5-8 months.

At the age of 40, biorevitalization is already a necessity, and how many procedures need to be done to achieve a quality result depends on the thoroughness of previous skin care. The more the epidermis received nutrition and hydration from a young age, the less it requires the number of rejuvenation sessions. If a woman has only become concerned about her appearance in adulthood and has deep wrinkles, sagging, and a gray face, then the procedures are carried out more actively, and the interval between them is reduced.

When wondering whether it is possible to rejuvenate the skin after 40 years and how often to do biorevitalization, you should again focus on each specific case. In a neglected state, previously formed wrinkles already form deep folds. It is not always possible to completely get rid of them, but reducing their manifestation is quite possible. At the same time, hyaluronic acid provides a significant face lift, returns the skin to a healthy appearance, and produces intense hydration of the epidermis.

Summing up

According to patient reviews, if you correctly determine the duration of the course and the frequency of procedures, biorevitalization really gives impressive results, which are easy to see in the photo. Efficiency largely depends on the quality of the drugs used. Professionals today prefer to administer Juvederm.

In severe cases, intolerance to hyaluronic acid occurs. And then peptide products come to the rescue. One of the best today is Mezovarton, which has an excellent ability to smooth out small and even shallow expression wrinkles. But it does not hydrate the skin as well as hyaluronic acid.

If you really want to perform a course of hardware biorevitalization for the face, you can do it yourself at home, using high-quality serums and portable electrical appliances. You can easily buy them in specialized professional stores or online. But before the first use, be sure to read the instructions, take into account all contraindications and do an allergy test. It is also worth understanding that the effect will always be lower than from salon procedures.

Preparations for biorevitalization

The products used in anti-aging procedures differ in the concentration of the active substance and additional vitamin components. To achieve high-quality results, you should use proven products that have proven themselves in the beauty industry. Depending on the chosen method, biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is performed 2-3 times, or 10-15 times, while the specialist decides how many procedures are needed in each specific case.

The safest compounds include:

  • IAL Sistem (Italy) – a universal composition with a minimum of side effects;
  • Restylane Vital (Switzerland) – for mature sensitive skin;
  • Meso Wharton p199 (USA) – with antioxidants, for patients 40-45 years old;
  • Teosyal Meso (Switzerland) – hyaluronate without additives, suitable for any age;
  • NCTF 135 (France) – contains vitamins and is available for different age categories.

Each course of biorevitalization for the face begins with the calculation of the product and depends on how many times the skin is treated and how many ml will be administered during the session.

Should you worry: possible side effects?

Side effects after biorevitalization are rare and depend on the administration technique, the professionalism of the cosmetologist, and the individual characteristics of the body. Despite the minimally invasive method, the risk of side effects is important to consider:

  • redness;
  • formation of papules at the beauty injection site;
  • slight swelling;
  • allergic reactions with high sensitivity to filler components.

All these side effects are reversible, go away on their own after a few days and do not require special treatment. Additionally, antiseptic rules should be followed to avoid infectious complications. If you experience pain, severe swelling, or skin rashes, you should contact your cosmetologist.

Restrictions after the procedure

General recommendations after implementation:

  • eliminate facial friction, intensive washing - just treating with a moisturizing spray and blotting with a paper towel;
  • within 2-5 days after the procedure, refuse decorative cosmetics;
  • use only high-quality cosmetics in the future;
  • limit contact with ultraviolet radiation;
  • do not visit the bathhouse, sauna;
  • reduce physical activity.

For a week after biorevitalization, you should follow a gentle regimen. Women are not recommended to pluck their eyebrows, sleep face down on a pillow, or drink alcoholic beverages.

Possible side effects

The injection procedure is rarely associated with serious complications; usually side effects pass quickly and are considered normal. The reaction to exposure is characterized by slight redness, swelling, and pinpoint redness at the site of needle insertion. Serious complications include atrophy of anatomical areas of the face, lymphostasis as a result of traumatic exposure, the formation of fibrous tissue, infection and septic complications.

Neglecting contraindications can lead to exacerbation of existing chronic diseases caused by psoriasis and autoimmune pathologies.

How many procedures are needed?

How often facial biorevitalization can be done depends on the patient’s age. Young women should not resort to rejuvenation sessions more than once a year, while in adulthood the frequency of course repetitions reaches 3 times.

To understand how many times and at what intervals you need to do repeated biorevitalization of the face in a particular case, you should ask a cosmetologist about the condition of your skin, as well as what drug is used to carry out the procedures.

The choice of procedures will help determine how many sessions are needed if biorevitalization is carried out on mature skin: injection or non-injection treatment. With injection treatment, the course includes 3-4 times, while laser therapy involves 10-15 sessions.

With a one-time administration, on average, 1-2 ml is needed per face; in complex cases, one biorevitalization requires as much of the drug as is needed to achieve a positive effect.

How many sessions need to be done in a particular case depends on the cosmetologist conducting the biorevitalization course.

The effect of biorevitalization: how to prolong it, and what to do if it doesn’t exist at all?

In order to be a beautiful girl, you don’t need much: a little natural luck, a little good mood and basic care. Being a beautiful woman is more difficult. It requires character, willpower and careful care. This is neither more nor less, but a life position. Maybe that's why there are so many beautiful girls and so few beautiful women around. Not everyone dares to defy age and decide on biorevitalization and other cosmetic procedures without having any idea about their effect. Anyone who has taken on the challenge should make friends with aesthetic medicine in general and biorevitalization in particular.

Preventive biorevitalization

Prevention is carried out only before the age of 30 years. It includes a minimum of procedures aimed at eliminating mild age-related changes and slight dryness.

How often to do biorevitalization at a young age: no more than once a year.

For prevention, 2 sessions with a break of 3-4 weeks are enough. This type of hyaluronic therapy is suitable for restoring the skin after chemical peels.

Therapeutic biorevitalization

Anti-aging procedures are therapeutic in nature if they are used with an interval of 4-8 months. To determine at what interval and how often you need to do biorevitalization of the face for therapeutic purposes, you should pay attention to the duration of the effect of the course of sessions.

As a rule, the higher the patient's age, the shorter the breaks between courses become.

How much does facial biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid cost?

Sometimes, depending on how much facial biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid costs, the method of performing the procedure is chosen.

Since the injection method gives a faster effect, its cost is higher than that of the laser method. But regardless of the chosen method of administering the anti-aging drug, the overall course will cost the same.

The price for the biorevitalization procedure varies between 4,000-15,000 rubles. A lower cost indicates the use of low-quality products or a lack of specialist experience. Therefore, the desire to save money can have fatal consequences.

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  1. Inna says:
    Yes indeed. The price is no problem. I'm definitely not into korman. Moreover, there is no way to avoid a common procedure. Mom let out a face, don’t worry! Has anyone tried it? Does it really help or is it a scam? Otherwise, maybe we need to collect some money in order to rejuvenate. Although there doesn’t seem to be much need for it yet))
  2. Lilka says:

    I’ve been doing it once every six months since I was 30. It makes sense. The skin is great and wrinkles are really smoothed out. True, I still have 35 current. I did not select the drug myself. I found a cosmetologist on the recommendation of friends. So I understand that the main thing in this matter is a good specialist.

  3. Manik says:

    And I don't particularly like it. The result is of course awesome! But after each injection I walk like I’m beaten. Either I was unlucky with the cosmetologist, or I’m so individual that any poke on me is a bruise. I do it once a year now. I have enough for my thirties so far

  4. Rimma says:

    I have never tried it, to my shame. I’m almost forty, and I’m still on home care. Need to try. My friends have been chipping away for a long time, but I’m afraid myself What’s wrong? What should I do then? Moreover, there is a tendency to form bruises

  5. Moli says:

    I do it all the time. Previously I went 2 times a year, now I started 3 times a year. It’s true that this is the third time I’ve taken a non-injection course. I feel sorry for the skin. It turns out it’s like you’re treating, but you’re poking everything with needles. Regeneration is no longer the same with age.. 

  6. Natalya says:

    I really liked this procedure)) I’m 38 and doing it for the first time), and the result was visible after the first injection)) the next day. Kolya Aquashine)) A couple more times left with an interval of two weeks, and I’ll be a beauty!! In general, of course everything! Absolutely everything depends on the cosmetologist and it is very important to find exactly the right one))) I have no swelling after injections with hematomas)) and one procedure costs 5000 rubles))


In regions with clearly defined changes of seasons, each of them has its own characteristics, to which the human body always reacts. And the first is the skin, as the largest organ in area, which performs many important functions.

On closed parts of the body it is not so noticeable. But open ones: hands, neck, face are directly exposed to the environment. Therefore, they require seasonal adjustments in the care program.


It is the summer season that most women both look forward to and fear. On the one hand, I really want light dresses and a golden tan. On the other hand, this insidious sun can cause so much trouble! But you can find a middle ground. And by the way, the biorevitalization procedure is close to it!

If you do it before your vacation, you can perfectly prepare your skin for a hot climate: saturate it with moisture, nourish it with vitamins, and even protect it from the negative effects of sunlight and salty sea water. Be sure to inform your doctor that you are going to travel to the coast - this will help him choose the right medications.

But it is important to calculate the course so that it consists of 2-5 procedures performed at 7-10 day intervals and ends at least a couple of weeks before active rest. Otherwise, the sun can cause hyperpigmentation at the puncture sites, and salt water can cause irritation and severe peeling.

People often ask whether it is possible to do biorevitalization in the summer just a couple of days before an important event or going on vacation. Theoretically, yes. But practice shows that this is money thrown away.

One session will only be effective if the procedure is performed regularly and now only support is needed, and not a complete renewal of the skin. And even then, the result will appear in full force no earlier than in a week.


This is a period when the skin is tired of heat and sweat and requires intensive restoration, and in late autumn - preparation for the coming frosts. Those who did not sunbathe too much and ate fruits usually do not need biorevitalization at the beginning of autumn. For quality care, masks and good moisturizers are enough.

And, starting from mid-October, it’s time to take care of preparing your face (and hands, if desired) for the coming cold. And biorevitalization is a great helper in this. But before it, it is advisable to do a chemical or laser peeling. It will remove damaged and old cells of the upper layer of the epidermis, even out skin texture and smooth out fine wrinkles.

After procedures performed in the fall, it is important to ensure that the skin is not exposed to the wind or high humidity for a long time, at least until the wounds are completely healed. This increases the risk of developing inflammatory processes and provokes severe peeling.

Therefore, on the day of the injections, if the weather is bad, it is better to stay indoors.


And again, biorevitalization will come in very handy. Firstly, it compensates for the lack of vitamins, which begins to be felt in mid-January. In addition, the skin suffers in winter from constantly running heaters, which literally suck the water out of it. And plus reduced immunity and sudden temperature changes. And now, even at a relatively young age, the result on the face is grayish skin with confidently spreading wrinkles.

Hyaluronic acid injections will help quickly get rid of these problems. Especially if drugs containing multivitamin complexes were used.

But it is also important to consider the following:

  • To drink a lot of water. Dehydration in winter is quite normal, but after biorevitalization it is completely unacceptable.
  • Maintain air humidity. Otherwise, the duration of the result from the procedure will be significantly reduced. The hyaluronic acid will begin to actively release water to compensate for the effects of dry air.
  • Avoid sudden temperature changes. They increase swelling and can cause severe redness of the skin.
  • Prevent infection. In winter, the immune system is usually weakened, and invasive procedures place an additional burden on it. Accordingly, if even conditionally pathogenic microflora gets into the wounds, inflammatory processes can develop.

After biorevitalization in winter, you should not abuse decorative cosmetics and, first of all, foundations with a prolonged effect. They contain substances that dry out the skin and also quickly neutralize the results of the procedure.


The question of whether it is possible to do the biorevitalization procedure in the spring is generally rhetorical. This is the time of year when everything wakes up and is renewed, including the skin. And there is nothing wrong with helping her. Moreover, the sun is not too active yet and cannot create additional problems.

In general, early spring and late autumn are the right time for rejuvenating procedures. And again, you need to start the course with peeling. In this case, it will exfoliate the layer of keratinized cells that has thickened over the winter, allowing the skin to breathe and better absorb nutrients from masks and creams.

Hyaluronic acid:

  • deeply moisturizes the skin;
  • smooth out small wrinkles;
  • refreshes complexion;
  • regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • will start regeneration processes;
  • accelerates collagen production;
  • will remove acne marks and spots.

But remember that spring days are treacherous. The sun can come out and hide, causing quite sharp temperature changes. And this is very undesirable after injections. And its activity is growing every day, so you should never forget about applying a cream with UV protection.

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