The difference between lymphatic drainage massage and anti-cellulite massage - which is better?

Cellulite is a problem familiar to every woman. The cause of the defect is a slowdown in metabolic processes, accumulation of toxins and fluid, and the formation of subcutaneous fat. Due to poor circulation and lymph outflow, tissues do not receive enough oxygen and nutrients. And waste accumulates in the subcutaneous fatty tissue. This leads to a decrease in the elasticity and smoothness of the dermis. Lumps and pits appear. Anti-cellulite and lymphatic drainage massage are the most popular methods of combating the defect. Let's consider which of the procedures is more effective and how they differ.

Features of lymphatic drainage massage

This type of massage was developed back in the last century to get rid of swelling after surgery. Subsequently, it was successfully used to combat varicose veins. Now this type of massage is widely used in cosmetology. The effect of the massage is observed after the first procedure, and over time, you will notice that many diseases will pass, including cellulite, and the metabolism will be restored.

This is due to the fact that lymphatic drainage massage has the following effects on the body:

  • Relieves lymph stagnation;
  • Promotes the removal of harmful substances;
  • Removes swelling, as it enhances the outflow of excess fluid;
  • Removes orange peel;
  • Increases immunity;
  • Makes the skin elastic and firm;
  • Accelerates skin regeneration processes;
  • Normalizes metabolism;
  • Promotes weight loss, shapes your figure;
  • Increases immunity;
  • Relieves dark circles under the eyes;
  • Improves skin color and condition;
  • Treats varicose veins;
  • Gets rid of acne;
  • Removes stretch marks, shallow scars and scars;
  • Restores the functioning of the digestive and genitourinary systems;
  • Gives strength and fights fatigue.

After a course of lymphatic drainage massage, you will feel a significant increase in strength and vigor, and also get rid of a number of diseases and excess weight.

How is it different from others

Lymphatic drainage massage and anti-cellulite massage: what is the difference, what is the difference, and which massage is more useful? Such questions may arise for any woman who is actively struggling with figure and skin imperfections at home or in the salon...

All types of massage are beneficial for the human body. However, the technique of anti-cellulite massage procedures is mainly aimed at stimulating blood circulation in problem areas and getting rid of the “orange peel”. The lymphatic drainage method, as mentioned above, is characterized by the fight against tissue swelling and the prevention of varicose veins. Activation of lymphatic drainage using this procedure well cleanses the skin of inflammation and acne, and eliminates small scars. Restoring the functioning of various body systems, slowing down the aging process and protecting the body from diseases - this is how lymphatic drainage massage differs from anti-cellulite massage. It should also be noted that not a single anti-cellulite cosmetology program is complete without lymphatic drainage.


The first external manifestations of cellulite will not disappear on their own. Over time, they can only get worse if you do not use a whole range of measures to eliminate them. In the fight against changes in subcutaneous fat, it is impossible to achieve visible changes using only one of the methods - the result will be short-lived.

First of all, it is necessary to restore lymphatic drainage and blood microcirculation. Lymphatic drainage massage for cellulite, performed by an experienced specialist, will give tangible results, improve the appearance of the skin and overall well-being. A qualified specialist, taking into account the individual characteristics of your body, will select the optimal procedures, suggesting:

  • manual massage;
  • vacuum, hardware massage;
  • pressotherapy;
  • myostimulation.

Pressotherapy - undeniable effectiveness

Pressotherapy for cellulite involves putting a special suit on the body, into the sleeves of which air is supplied through a special system, creating zones of different pressure.

According to many women, the pressotherapy method is one of the most effective ways to combat cellulite at any stage.

A special device, reminiscent of medical cups, allows for vacuum massage, restoring impaired blood supply and lymph flow, significantly improving the condition of the skin and subcutaneous fat. An experienced specialist can accurately determine the amount of negative pressure to create a vacuum so that the procedure has a positive effect without creating inconvenience, discomfort and pain.

(!) With excessive exposure to vacuum massage, capillaries can be injured, forming massive bruises. To achieve a good result from vacuum massage, you should correctly select the optimal load.

Myostimulation - a radical approach

Myostimulation is based on the use of sensors that deliver an electrical discharge to problem areas of the body. Under the influence of electric current, muscles contract, improving blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. Some clients sometimes complain of discomfort during the myostimulation procedure, but at the same time note a noticeable improvement in their skin condition.

Features of anti-cellulite massage

This type is also widespread in cosmetology. Its main goal is to get rid of cellulite and sagging skin. It has the following effects on the body:

  • Returns skin elasticity;
  • Improves blood supply to the skin and subcutaneous layer;
  • Accelerates the metabolic process in cells;
  • Helps remove toxins;
  • Increases muscle tone;
  • Opens pores, so the skin breathes better and metabolic processes increase;
  • Improves the functioning of the skin glands;
  • Eliminates pronounced signs of cellulite: orange peel and sagging skin;
  • Promotes weight loss.

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Complexity comes first

All procedures that improve lymphatic drainage have a pronounced restorative and rejuvenating effect on the skin, which acquires a healthy color, elasticity, becomes velvety and soft. However, it is impossible to achieve a lasting visible result in the fight against cellulite only with the help of local restoration of blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. In combination with the procedures performed, it is necessary to provide a complete, balanced diet. In your daily diet, you should increase the amount of fruits and vegetables, protein foods, and limit animal fats and carbohydrates. Eliminate or at least reduce the consumption of salt, fried, smoked, pickled foods, confectionery, and sweet carbonated drinks.

Even a few minutes of regular daily morning exercises will have a beneficial effect on the well-being and appearance of every woman. Gradual normalization of body weight, without sudden jumps and changes, will delight you with smooth, elastic skin without wrinkles. Restored blood circulation and lymphatic drainage will improve skin color and restore the activity of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Getting enough sleep at night will have a beneficial effect on your mood, appearance and well-being. A healthy lifestyle combined with anti-cellulite lymphatic drainage massage for cellulite will give a woman at any age healthy and attractive skin.


Before any type of massage, you need to cleanse the skin. To do this, you can exfoliate with a scrub. The areas being massaged should be cleaned especially thoroughly. After which the skin should be blotted dry with a towel, since the wet epidermis is easily damaged during the massage.

It is better not to eat before a lymphatic drainage massage; the last meal should be at least two hours before the procedure. But at the same time you need to drink as much fluid as possible. There are no special instructions in preparing for anti-cellulite massage.

To better understand the difference between lymphatic drainage and anti-cellulite massages, let’s take a closer look at their types and techniques.

Indications for use

The doctor prescribes lymphatic drainage massage or anti-cellite massage, based on the patient’s medical history. Lymphatic drainage procedure is indicated for:

  • Tendency to swelling;
  • Obesity;
  • Cellulite;
  • Stretch marks or scars;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • Uneven color of the dermis;
  • General weakness;
  • Impaired blood flow.

Anti-cellulite massage is chosen when congestion is detected, accumulation of fat deposits, deterioration of the skin texture - the appearance of cold areas and lumpy areas.

On a note!

You can detect cellulite at home. It is necessary to squeeze the skin on the thighs or buttocks. The pits and tubercles that appear indicate the initial stage of cellulite.

Indications for anti-cellulite massage

Types of lymphatic drainage massage

There are several types of this massage. The choice of one type or another depends on the area being treated and the desired result. The following types of lymphatic drainage are usually offered:

  • Facial lymphatic drainage is used to relieve puffiness, fatigue and dullness of the skin. It will return an even tone, eliminate acne, small wrinkles and scars.
  • Lymphatic drainage of the area under the eyes perfectly relieves bruises and puffiness of the eyes.
  • Lymphatic drainage of the body will get rid of cellulite, help you lose weight and get back in shape. Speeds up metabolism and improves lymph flow, helps in the treatment of certain diseases.
  • Lymphatic drainage of the legs will help with swelling and fatigue of the legs. It is an excellent prevention of varicose veins.

Lymphatic drainage massage technique

Lymphatic drainage massage is based on the classic one. The peculiarity is that all techniques are performed along the flow of lymph in the direction of the lymph nodes. The movements are smooth, slow, gentle, wavy.

The duration varies depending on the area of ​​the body part being treated, so it can last from 30 minutes to 2 hours and consists of the following stages:

  1. Before the procedure, the skin is cleansed with a special gel, after which massage products are applied.
  2. The body is warming up. To do this, the massage therapist strokes the skin with the edge of his palm. Movements occur in one direction, towards the lymph nodes.
  3. Subsequently, the movements become more active.
  4. After the procedure, the skin is cleansed and lubricated with cream or milk.

Manual massage is divided into several subtypes:

  1. Superficial: movements are performed only in the upper layers of the skin, stimulating metabolism in the cells of the epidermis;
  2. Deep: done with pressure and deepening. Acts on capillaries and normalizes lymph flow;
  3. Internal: acts directly on the lymph nodes. The techniques are the same as in anti-cellulite massage (pinching, rubbing, patting, etc.). The differences are that the movements are made along the line of lymph flow.

Optimal zones

Lymphatic drainage techniques are not allowed to be used throughout the entire body. To ensure that the before and after effect is more clearly visible and is not accompanied by high risks of side effects, specialists work only with strictly defined areas.

This is also explained by the fact that excess fluid accumulates most on the face and lower extremities. But there are exceptions when people come with problems in the upper extremities, when the hands become the most swollen part. Here everything depends more on the individual characteristics of each victim.

If you strictly follow the prescribed medical course, then after just a couple of appointments you can notice significant progress. First, the swelling of the eyelids goes away, then the skin becomes smoother and the complexion evens out.

For such a delicate area, it is better to use a traditional manual type of lymphatic drainage massage, which can restore skin elasticity. The only warning here is the absence of contraindications, as well as cured ulcers, if any.

There is a separate category for those who participate in anti-cellulite programs. They are provided with a full body massage service, which guarantees the natural modulation of a slender silhouette. This happens due to the acceleration of blood and lymph movement, and the launch of long-dormant metabolic processes.

Often among the visitors of such specialized doctors there are those who are faced with the problem of rapid swelling of the limbs. Sometimes only acupressure therapy is used to treat this abnormality, but in most cases a general lymphatic drainage approach is used. This allows you to increase the final percentage of productivity.

Lymphatic drainage hardware massage

Hardware massage is performed using special equipment and is divided into the following types:

  • Galvanic – produced using low current, helping to activate metabolic processes and eliminate excessive swelling;
  • Electroiontophoresis - special substances are introduced into the skin that remove toxins from the skin and moisturize it, eliminating wrinkles, puffiness, and uneven color.
  • Pressotherapy is performed in a special suit with a microprocessor. The suit creates pressure and accelerates the circulation of fluid and its removal. This method is the most effective and comparable to manual massage.
  • Vacuum is produced using cans.

Anti-stress massage for relaxation and peace

If your main desire is to relieve stress and emotional fatigue, which, when accumulated, lead to sleep disturbances and a deterioration in psychological state, pay attention to an anti-stress massage.

Its important feature is the surroundings: pleasant relaxing music and essential oils that affect your body and mood. The massage therapist selects base oils (olive, almond, jojoba, peach, apricot) and adds special aromas to them - lavender, chamomile, orange, lemon balm, patchouli, bergamot. Oils additionally care for the skin and give it smoothness.

The massage technique is not as intense as the classic one, but also includes all the required stages of working with the body and is aimed at relieving muscle tension that appears during stress.

Did you enjoy it and were able to relax? Did you leave the massage with a new mood and strength and sleep soundly that night? You have chosen the right massage and specialist.

What type of massage to choose? Decide based on your goals and the recommendations of a cosmetologist. You can sign up for all types of massage that we talked about in this article at the Viardi beauty salon.

Anti-cellulite massage technique

The duration of the anti-cellulite massage is 30-60 minutes and consists of the following stages:

  1. The body is warmed by soft stroking only with the fingertips, which activates metabolic processes.
  2. After sufficient warming up, movements that are unique to this type of massage begin, such as pinching, rolling, kneading, and rubbing. They are aimed at affecting the deeper layers of subcutaneous fat.
  3. After this, toning movements are carried out.

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When is it better to refuse a massage?

There are no differences in contraindications for both procedures. You will have to refuse lymphatic drainage and anti-cellulite massage if you have:

  • Dermatoses and other skin diseases;
  • Inflammatory processes of the dermis;
  • Burns, wounds, other injuries;
  • Pathologies of hematopoiesis and blood circulation;
  • Thrombosis or thrombophlebitis;
  • Kidney dysfunction;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Tendency to bleed;
  • Neurological diagnosis;
  • Neoplasms.


Relative contraindications to anti-cellulite or lymphatic drainage massage are menstrual periods, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

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