For several decades now, Botox injections have consistently held the title of champion in the fight against expression wrinkles. And the special technique of micro-injection of Botox, which Andrei Aleksandrovich brought from a closed Parisian clinic, allows even eyebrow lifting and upper eyelid tightening, prevention of wrinkles on the neck and purse-string wrinkles in the lip area without surgery.
And although Botox has become as familiar as Ksenia Sobchak in the role of a faithful wife, not everyone can or wants to take advantage of its capabilities.
Correction of facial expressions in the scar area with Botox after removal of myolipoma. Performed by surgeon: Gladysheva Vladislava.
Of all the remedies similar to Botox, the most common now are:
- "Dysport";
- "Xeomin";
- "Lantox";
- "Relatox".
There are more common analogues
There are also less popular botulinum toxin products. For example:
- "Neuronox";
- "Botulax";
- Refinex.
There are also lesser known analogues
These products are based on the same active substance as Botox - botulinum neurotoxin type A. It turns out that they act the same and are used for the same problems. Here are the differences:
- production technology;
- quality of cleansing;
- dosage;
- auxiliary ingredients;
- application features;
- storage features;
- how long does the drug last?
- how long it can be stored;
- price.
There are quite a lot of differences between analogues
The main thing that attracts patients to Botox analogues is their lower price. A cosmetologist may also recommend switching to these products if the patient is allergic to Botox or is addicted to it. Simply put, the use of this substance no longer gives much results, although it was previously successfully used by the same patient many times.
Lower price is the main advantage of analogues
Cases when it is difficult to do without botulinum toxin preparations
Understanding the principle of action of botulinum toxin, it is easy to figure out in which cases it will be the main means of correcting wrinkles. Such cases include:
- Horizontal and vertical wrinkles on the forehead;
- "Rabbit" wrinkles that appear on the bridge of the nose when expressing anger;
- Wrinkles between the eyebrows and on the bridge of the nose;
- Small wrinkles in the eye area;
- Wrinkles above the lips and on the chin;
- Wrinkles on the neck and décolleté;
- Defects in the position of the lips, when the lower or upper lip is raised;
- “Gummy smile,” when a person unintentionally exposes the upper gum when smiling.
Also, with the help of botulinum toxin, the severity of fresh scars is sometimes corrected (for example, after surgery), but this use has nothing to do with wrinkles.
For medical purposes, botulinum toxin preparations are used to treat serious diseases. For example, they may be shown when:
- Blepharospasm - drooping of the eyelid as a result of tension in the orbicularis oculi muscle;
- Hemifacial spasm - asymmetrical curvature of the face due to contraction of large facial muscles;
- Hyperkinesis – sudden involuntary muscle contractions;
- Nervous tics;
- Spastic torticollis;
- Hyperhidrosis – increased sweating in the armpits, feet and palms;
To treat excessive sweating, medications containing botulinum toxin can be used.
- Paralytic form of strabismus;
- Cerebral palsy;
- Lip asymmetry caused by hyperactivity or paresis of the masticatory muscles;
- Migraine.
It is also useful to read: Undesirable consequences for the face from Botox injections
For blepharospasm, Botox allows you to relax the orbicularis oculi muscle, the tension of which causes the eyelid to droop, but it is important not to immobilize it completely. In this case, the effectiveness of treatment directly depends on the professionalism of the doctor. He must correctly calculate the dosage and injection sites of the drug so that the muscle is not completely paralyzed, but relaxes to the required extent.
The use of botulinum toxin for paralytic strabismus allows you to solve the problem without the use of surgical methods.
In patients with frequent migraine attacks, Botox can reduce the symptoms of the disease. The drug prevents muscle strain and blocks receptors that transmit pain signals, thus reducing the severity of attacks. However, Botox does not treat migraine or eliminate its causes, but only acts on the symptoms.
When should you choose Botox instead of its analogues?
According to statistics, most patients base their choice of product on the price tag. Everything is correct here: there is no point in overpaying for the same result. Botox and its analogues are not hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers, where quality is proportional to price.
You don't always have to pay for Botox
If you inject the same drug with botulinum toxin several times, the body can get used to it. That is, the muscle reaction becomes weaker, which means the smoothing out of wrinkles too. Then it is best to give one or two injections with another means so that the injections regain their former effectiveness.
Creams with Botox effect as a replacement
In cosmetology, there are also options that can replace Botox. For this purpose, creams with a lifting effect are used. Nivea Q10 Plus, which is applied at night, is very popular. The main component of the drug is coenzyme Q10. Thanks to this enzyme, facial wrinkles are reduced and natural creatines are increased, which quickly tighten sagging skin.
Nivea Q10 Plus
Another cream is Creme Beaute du Temps. This product is intended to prevent age-related changes. You can apply the composition to the skin at any time of the day. The product contains peptides, walnut extracts, jojoba and shea butter. This complex is used immediately after the first symptoms of aging appear.
Creme Beauty du Temps
You can replace Botox with Vichy Liftactiv cream. Just 4 days of regular use of the product is enough to see a positive effect. This cream is used to reduce wrinkles and strengthen facial contours.
Vichy Liftactiv
Cosmetologists recommend using Swisscode serum, which can replace Botox if desired. This product provides an effective lifting effect, corrects wrinkles and strengthens the facial contour. To maintain the achieved results, you can use anti-aging foundation creams. Skinleya received good reviews because this product has a number of advantages:
- perfectly evens out skin color;
- reduces signs of loss of facial freshness;
- intensively nourishes the epidermis.
You can use eye creams, which are an effective substitute for Botox. It’s easy to find a good product from the Garnier series. There are many cosmetic complexes that are used to tighten the décolleté and neck. You need to select them individually, listening to the advice of specialists.
Which remedy is best?
There is simply no clear answer here. During the first procedure, the patient usually relies on the doctor to select the drug. He works with a brand that is familiar to him and personally tested. By the way, the best method of advertising injections is to train the maximum number of doctors to work with this particular drug: they will then definitely sell such a medicine to the patient, who is both the consumer and the final buyer.
Worth thinking before you buy
All this is the norm, and satisfaction with the result is a reason to continue. Changing something is useful when you get used to it or if the remedy suddenly turns out to be unsuitable.
What is Dysport?
Dysport is a budget-friendly, safe analogue of botulinum toxin. It contains a lower concentration of toxin, so the effect of the procedure lasts no more than 4 months. To achieve rejuvenation, the cosmetologist needs to increase the dose by 60%. Thanks to the larger number of units, the result of the procedure will be visible within 3-4 days.
Dysport must be injected more often, which increases the risk of complications. When a large dose of the drug is administered, natural facial expressions disappear and skin sensitivity is absent.
We will indicate the cost of each listed item.
Means | Cost (1 unit) |
Botox | 350 rub. |
Dysport | 180 rub. |
Xeomin | 310 rub. |
Myobloc | 230 rub. |
Neuronox | 170 rub. |
Relatox | 150 rub. |
Botulax | 190 rub. |
Existing new generation alternatives
In modern cosmetology, there are such methods of influencing the skin and muscles of the face as non-injection and injection. The first method differs in that the procedure is considered painless, but less effective compared to injection drugs.
The second method is considered more effective, since it not only regenerates the cellular structure of the facial skin, but also instantly blocks the contractile activity of neuromuscular fibers in the forehead, eyes, and nasolabial folds.
Choosing an injection as a replacement for Botox is a personal decision.
Most drugs have advantages over the traditional method, since they not only produce the desired effect faster, but also have much fewer contraindications. The rehabilitation period is also shorter, during which complications occur less frequently.
Cosmetologist, dermatologist, trichologist
Kalinina Olga Alexandrovna
4 years of experience
Below is a list of the most effective procedures in cosmetology that are a worthy replacement for Botox:
- Lantox® (Lantoks).
- Dysport® (Dysport).
- Xeomin® (Xeomin).
- Hyaluronic acid injections.
- Ulthera System® (Altera systems).
- Chemical peeling.
To understand the principle and mechanism of action of each drug, it is necessary to consider each drug independently of each other.
Lantox® (Lantoks) appeared on the Russian market relatively long ago. Like Botox, it consists of group A botulinum toxin, but unlike Botox, Lantox® has established itself not only as a cosmetic product, but also as a medical one.
Lantox® not only easily smoothes out the deepest wrinkles, but also has a beneficial effect on eliminating severe headaches, disorders of the vestibular system, and also improves the functional activity of the motor system.
If we compare Lantox® and Botox, the first has practically no contraindications, and there are many more advantages. The main advantages of the drug:
- the effect is noticeable on the second day;
- the effect lasts from six months to a year;
- used for correction of lips, décolleté, and neck;
- the cost of the drug is approximately 30% lower;
- opportunity to purchase ampoules of 50 units.
The principle and mechanism of action of Lantox® on muscle fibers are identical to Botox. It also has a paralytic effect on the fibers of the facial muscles, quickly smoothes out wrinkles, and the facial skin becomes elastic and smooth. This is why Lantox® is considered a worthy replacement for Botox.
There is still debate in cosmetology whether Dysport® is an analogue or alternative to Botox for the face. The main characteristics that indicate the alternativeness of the drug are:
- botulinum toxin is 2.5 times lower
- the effect occurs within 48 hours;
- deeply into tissues, the effect lasts longer;
- the dosage does not increase with subsequent procedures;
- long-term storage of the drug up to 2 years.
Difference between filler and botox
In the field of cosmetology, there is a wide variety of procedures that help fight signs of age-related changes and help improve skin firmness and elasticity.
Dysport® is an analogue of Botox in the following ways:
- the main part of the composition belongs to group “A” neurotoxins
- used mainly in the upper part of the face;
- causes headaches .
Consensus was not found among cosmetologists. One thing is known: both drugs have their pros and cons. In this regard, the prescription of both drugs depends on individual tolerance.
In contrast to the above drugs, Xeomin® (Xeomin) is a relatively very “young” cosmetic product. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it does not contain neurotoxins and other chemical impurities.
Its main composition is determined by protein substances produced from nutrient concentrate. Xeomin® is without a doubt the best alternative to Botox.
Xeomin® is used:
- on certain areas of the forehead;
- in the neck to smooth out vertical wrinkles;
- to remove crow's feet in the corners of the eyes;
- in case of formation of small wrinkles around the lips and nose;
- as a sweat control.
The main mechanism of how Xeomin® works is in its dosage. Experts say that for a visible effect, 1.5 times fewer units of the drug are required compared to Botox. This cost-effectiveness is due to the absence of additional impurities that are contained in Dysport® and Botox.
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As a result of the absence of neurotoxins, Xeomin® does not paralyze muscle fibers, which determines the following advantages of the drug:
- the effect is noticeable on the third day;
- the effect lasts more than a year;
- does not cause headaches;
- there is no intoxication of the nervous system;
Xeomin® belongs to a new generation of cosmetic preparations, a worthy alternative to Botox. Today, leading cosmetic manufacturers are working on creating special cosmetics based on Xeomin®.
Hyaluronic acid injections
Hyaluronic acid is produced in the upper layers of facial skin and is responsible for the accumulation and maintenance of water balance in skin cells.
With age, the water balance weakens, the elasticity and tone of the skin decreases, resulting in wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid is intended primarily to combat wrinkles, sagging skin, and dull skin color.
All these manifestations are primarily associated with an imbalance of water balance in facial skin cells. There are two types of injections:
- Through the solution , hyaluronic acid is mixed with vitamins. The resulting solution is injected under the epidermis layer, as a result of which the skin is moisturized and acquires an even, healthy color. The effect lasts almost 2 months;
- Using a gel , a gel combined with hyaluronic acid is also injected under the skin of problem areas. Thanks to its characteristics, the gel ideally fills all folds, thereby leveling and straightening deep wrinkles on the forehead, and also smoothes nasolabial folds. It is used to enlarge and highlight cheekbones and lips.
The main advantages of hyaluronic acid:
- moisturizing and nourishing facial skin;
- even out complexion ;
- modeling the shape of lips, eyebrows and facial contours
- instant effect;
- affordable price;
- no side effects;
- The duration of the effect is from six months to a year.
There is a non-injection method for administering hyaluronic acid. This procedure is called skin biorevitalization and refers to hardware cosmetology. Hyaluronic acid along with oxygen is injected under the upper layers of the skin using a special device.
Ulthera Systema
Ulthera Systema® refers to hardware cosmetology. Effectively smoothes expression lines using ultrasonic waves. The intensity of the waves is initially designed to trigger active collagen synthesis.
Features of the procedure:
- is safe;
- breaks down the subcutaneous fat layer;
- restores muscle tone;
- smoothes out small wrinkles;
- prevents the formation double chin;
- emphasizes the cheekbone line;
- prevents hernia ;
- the effect lasts up to three years.
The Ulthera Systema® procedure is mainly characterized by its tightening effect. Thus, hardware cosmetology cannot be characterized as an alternative to Botex: firstly, it is not designed to smooth out deep creases in the form of wrinkles, secondly, it is an expensive procedure, and thirdly, 5-6 procedures per year are necessary for a visible effect.
Chemical peeling
Chemical peels were created to combat pigmentation, unevenness and other skin imperfections. This procedure is carried out by exposing the upper layers of the skin of the face and décolleté to chemical elements.
After peeling, regeneration of new cells occurs as old cells are removed from the thin top layer of the epidermis along with chemicals.
Chemical peeling is divided into 3 types:
- Superficial peeling is the most gentle. The procedure is carried out for the purpose of easy cleansing without acid penetration inside. The superficial type of peeling includes retinoic (yellow) peeling. Used in the presence of age spots. Superficial peeling is necessary from 4 to 10 times with breaks of 10 days. The effect lasts up to 12 months;
- Medium chemical peeling. The procedure is painful, patients feel a strong burning sensation. Experienced cosmetologists usually use trichloroacetic acid; it is less harmful and suitable for hypersensitive skin. This peeling can be carried out 1 to 3 times with breaks per month. Effect up to 12 months;
- Deep peeling. This type is rarely used, since the procedure is very painful, takes a long time to heal and there is a possibility of severe pigmentation. The procedure is carried out with phenol (a repeat procedure is possible after 6-12 months).
Which is better: Relatox or Botox?
To preserve the beauty and youth of the skin, for several decades, beauty salon specialists have been offering their clients injections of botulinum toxin.
Regardless of the type of peeling, the procedure should be carried out in the cold season, since the sun's rays can cause burns and age spots. After this procedure, cosmetologists recommend using sunscreens with a UV of at least 30. Before carrying out the procedure, consultation with a cosmetologist is necessary.
Replacing Botox with peeling is ideal for young skin, without obvious creases and folds caused by deep wrinkles.
Relatox® (Relatox) is a Russian analogue of Botox, which is widely used by cosmetologists today. Available in powder form, packaged in a plastic container.
It is diluted in a certain dosage and administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously. It can only be purchased at a cosmetology or medical institution that has the appropriate license.
Store the drug in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees for no more than 2 years from the date of manufacture.
After administration of the product, the result can be seen after a day, but the final effect appears after a week. But, according to experts, the most pronounced result is noticeable only after 4 weeks.
If the effect does not appear within a month, you should contact your cosmetologist, who will find out the reason. Often this may be due to incorrect choice of injection points or selection of the dosage of the drug. The lack of effect may also be due to the characteristics of the patient’s muscle tissue.
Let's sum it up
Today there are quite a large number of analogues of Botox. It is impossible to determine which one is better, since the effect depends not only on the product, but also on the initial condition of the skin, the number and depth of wrinkles, and the age of the patient. Despite this, of course, you cannot choose a remedy yourself, because only a specialist knows exactly how each drug works, what effect can be achieved and how long it will last in a particular case.
That is why, before the procedure itself, a consultation with a specialist is carried out, a skin examination is carried out, and tests are also possible. During the consultation, the goals that the patient wants to achieve after using the drug are also determined. After this, the doctor determines which remedy is best. In this regard, it is very important to contact only a qualified specialist who already has experience and a sufficient number of positive reviews.
The first wrinkles are a sign of emotionality
We move our facial muscles when we express emotions, which is why everyone gets wrinkles on their faces, even babies. However, in childhood they disappear immediately, and as we grow older, the body increasingly loses its ability to attract and retain moisture, the skin becomes less elastic and wrinkles remain forever.
Wrinkles on the face can appear as early as 20 years of age. And that's okay!
The first wrinkles are a sign of emotionality
Indications for use
The Botox procedure for the face is used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine. The procedure is also widely used in neurology.
- The first signs of aging and the appearance of facial wrinkles.
- Increased sweating.
- Lip shape correction.
- Hypotonia and atony of the skin.
- Thinning and laxity of the skin.
- Gravitational ptosis.
- Post-acne.
- Prevention and correction of cicatricial changes in the skin.
- Finely wrinkled type of skin aging.
- Preparation for plastic surgery.
- Preparation with medium and deep peelings.
Contrasting washes
Alternating cold and hot water is an excellent workout for blood vessels. Massaging your face with ice cubes has the same effect. To make ice, it is better to use not ordinary water, but green tea or decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, calendula.
Before starting the massage, wash your face with warm water, and then take an ice cube and wipe the middle area of your face with it. As soon as the skin turns slightly red, the massage should be completed (usually this takes 1–2 minutes). Then gently pat your face with a terry towel and apply the cream.
Provocateurs of acne and wrinkles. 8 products that a dermatologist does not recommend Read more
The simplest version of gymnastics is pinching in the shoulders and neck. Short but noticeable pinches will improve blood circulation and reduce swelling of the face.
Another exercise. Give your neck a good stretch. Pull your right arm down along your body, and your head to the left, then vice versa. Feel the muscles stretch. Create tension primarily through the movement of the shoulder, not the head; do not bend your head to the side too much: this is harmful to the blood vessels. Now pull your arms down and your chin up, tilting your head back slightly. When you stretch your muscles, blood begins to circulate freely.
Stretching the scalp is another way to improve blood circulation. Grasp your hair firmly and pull it in different directions. Do this gently, but with force, as if pulling the skin away from the skull.
We wiggle our ears and smile. 5 face fitness exercises for a cheerful morning Read more
Nose transformation (muscle no. 
Photo: AiF/ Alexey Vitvitsky
We squeeze our thumb and index fingers and place them as tightly as possible closer to the tip of the nose. Without spreading your fingers, press your nose inward. We place the index finger of the second hand under the tip of the nose. There should be resistance. Simultaneously with these movements, we lower and raise the upper lip up to 30 times. Each time you should feel the tip of your nose resting on the extended finger. The exercise will shorten and narrow the tip of the nose.
The right pillow
In order not to impair blood circulation, you need to maintain correct posture even while sleeping. The traditional height of the pillow is 5–9 cm. This height provides support for the cervical lordosis (bend). Side sleepers can choose a higher and firmer pillow, while stomach sleepers can choose a low and soft one. If you prefer to sleep on your back, you'll want to choose a traditional-height, rectangular-shaped pillow (wider than your shoulders).
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