Carbon facial peeling: all about an effective way to rejuvenate and cleanse the skin

What is carbon peeling

Laser carbon peeling is a type of facial skin cleansing based on the use of nanogel and additional exposure to a laser beam. During the procedure, the keratinized layer of the epidermis is removed, as a result of which the skin is smoothed and acquires a healthy color without inflammation and age spots.

The cleansing effect of the carbon peeling procedure is achieved through the use of a unique nanomask. The carbon reinforcement included in its composition - carbon - has a number of useful properties:

  • penetrates into the deep layers of the skin;
  • binds cells;
  • attracts sebum along with impurities and removes them out.

Together with laser beams, carbon nanogel activates collagen production, destroys bacteria, removes the layer of dead cells, and relieves inflammation.

What kind of procedure is this: what is the essence, what does it give?

Reference. Deep cleansing of facial skin and its rejuvenation during carbon peeling is carried out under the influence of a laser. The main advantage of the cosmetic procedure is its gentle effect on the skin. After cleansing, the face quickly recovers. In addition, the laser stimulates the formation of collagen, thereby slowing down the aging process.

Laser exfoliation is also known as “carbon peeling”, due to the use of a special nanogel containing carbon dioxide (carbon). It is applied to the skin of the face before the procedure.

Detailed description and features

Before exfoliation, the specialist applies nanogel to the skin and waits for it to dry completely. After this, the surface of the dermis is exposed to a laser, which increases the penetration of beneficial components into each cell.

The features of carbon peeling include a long-lasting effect and the ability to be used for all skin types.

In most patients, the effect of the procedure is observed for 2 years. Regular visits to the beauty salon to maintain the result allows you to maintain the resulting effect a little longer. There are no side effects in the form of scars, hyperpigmentation, redness or peeling of the skin.

The main difference between carbon peeling and other skin restoration methods is the use of:

  • carbon nanogel, penetrating deep into the tissue of the epidermis and removing excess fat and unnecessary pollutants from the pores;
  • a powerful neodymium laser emitting a maximum wavelength that penetrates tissue to a depth of 8 mm.

Indications for use and effectiveness

Experts recommend using carbon peeling for skin fatigue or the first signs of aging. Direct indications for the use of laser exfoliation are:

  • enlarged pores;
  • comedones, blackheads and acne;
  • uneven skin microrelief;
  • freckles and age spots;
  • decreased elasticity of the surface of the dermis and facial wrinkles;
  • dull skin and gray complexion;
  • post-acne scars and post-acne.

The cosmetic procedure is highly effective. As a result of carbon peeling, pathogenic microflora is destroyed, tissue regeneration is enhanced, impurities are eliminated and the surface of the dermis is cleansed of fat particles and dead cells. Exfoliation has a beneficial effect on the skin, promoting its rejuvenation:

  • deeply cleanses and evens out natural tone;
  • prevents the formation of dry patches;
  • tightens the skin and improves its turgor;
  • smoothes, reduces creases and wrinkles;
  • tightens pores;
  • removes dead cells;
  • eliminates scars;
  • lightens age spots;
  • evens out complexion;
  • saturates cells with nutrients and moisture;
  • stops inflammatory processes, eliminates pimples and blackheads;
  • reduces the amount of sebaceous secretions;
  • starts regeneration processes.

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After completing the full course, the skin on your face looks fresh and healthy.

How does a carbon amplifier laser work?

The carbon peeling device generates a laser beam that acts through carbon dioxide on the skin. Carbon penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis and sebaceous glands under the influence of light pulses, heats up and “explodes”, pushing out all impurities. As a result, the skin is cleansed and the production of natural collagen is stimulated.

How many procedures need to be done to achieve the effect and how often can it be done?

To solve minor skin problems, such as pigmentation, dull color, acne, a carbon peeling course lasting from 3 to 5 procedures is prescribed. With pronounced age-related changes, the number of sessions is increased to 6–8. It is recommended to take breaks of at least 5 days between courses. The effect of exfoliation is noticeable after the first cleansing. With each subsequent procedure it intensifies.

Contraindications for carbon peeling

Despite its gentle effect on the skin, the carbon peeling procedure has contraindications:

  • oncological neoplasms;
  • intolerance to mask components;
  • vitiligo;
  • open wounds and abrasions;
  • infectious diseases in the acute stage, including at elevated temperatures;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • herpes, ulcers on the face;
  • cardiovascular pathologies.

Carbon peeling is prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Description of the technique

The name of the procedure comes from the word carbon. Its meaning lies in the effect of laser and photorejuvenation on the skin .

This is achieved by applying a mask with carbon dioxide nanoparticles to the face. The gel used can penetrate the superficial and deep layers of the epidermis, drawing out impurities from them.

The use of laser beams helps remove dead cells, cleanses the skin, and activates the synthesis of elastin and collagen.

The result of this is a smooth surface of the face with a beautiful color. Carbon laser peeling is also used for rejuvenation and treatment of skin diseases: acne, rosacea and others.

You will see clear results immediately after the first session. The procedure does not provoke irritation and redness, which are the consequences of many other peels.

The procedure is also known as the “Hollywood cleanse” . The main advantage of carbon peeling is the complete absence of pain. The procedure does not use anesthetics, and it does not cause any discomfort.

It gives very quick results and can be used as a quick measure before a significant event.

The skin exfoliates in just 1-2 days, which is significantly less than with other methods. Therefore, you can safely exfoliate on the weekend, and by the beginning of the week you will be able to go out into the world with perfect skin.

Peeling can be carried out regardless of the time of year - both in the heat and in the cold or during times of strong winds. It does not imply any restrictions on gender or age.

Also, the advantage of the technique is its complex effect. Several sessions of carbon peeling will help to obtain a pronounced healing effect , cleanse the skin, and rejuvenate it.

Despite the fact that a laser is used for the work, the price of peeling is quite reasonable.

How to do carbon peeling in a salon

Before deciding to undergo a carbon peeling procedure, you must undergo an examination of the body and consult a cosmetologist. Before the session, make-up is removed, then the cosmetologist conducts a drug sensitivity test and treats the skin with an antiseptic. The procedure itself consists of two stages:

  1. Distribution of carbon gel over the face. The effect of the mask lasts 5–7 minutes.
  2. Laser photothermolysis. Before exposure to the laser beam, the client wears safety glasses. Penetrating into the deep layers of the skin, laser beams warm up the tissue, restore elasticity, and relieve inflammation. The stage lasts 15–20 minutes.

The cleaning procedure is completely painless, thanks to the soft effect of carbon gel. Sometimes those with sensitive skin experience a slight tingling and burning sensation. After laser exposure, the gel is washed off and a moisturizing mask is applied to the face.

IMPORTANT. A noticeable burning sensation during the procedure may occur in the area of ​​scars or if the intensity of the laser beam is incorrectly adjusted. Too much laser exposure can also cause peeling and swelling in certain areas of the face.

Carbon + laser = effective skin cleansing and rejuvenation

This formula really works. What is its essence?

Many people already know about the laser device and its wonderful effect on different layers of the epidermis. If you add an absorbent nanogel based on carbon dioxide - this is carbon - to the laser beam, you will get a wonderful way to get rid of horny skin cells, comedones, skin secretions and stimulate the production of your own collagen and elastin in the epidermis. This, in principle, is the ultimate goal of any skin cleansing.

Carrying out carbon peeling at home

Carbon peeling is a purely salon procedure, which is carried out by professional cosmetologists using special devices. Recipes found on the Internet with activated carbon, which is supposedly an analogue of carbon, have nothing to do with this method. Activated carbon is included in the cleansing mask recipe and nothing more. It is also impossible to perform this procedure without a laser.

CAREFULLY. You can purchase nanogel and a special laser device for use at home. But without professional skills and knowledge, the procedure can lead to irreparable consequences.


This procedure is minimally invasive and practically does not injure the skin. But, judging by the reviews, a laser in close tandem with carbon nanogel, under the influence of various factors, can provoke complications.

This usually happens due to a frivolous attitude to contraindications, the doctor’s unprofessionalism, incorrectly set parameters on the cosmetology device, or a poor-quality solution. The result of all this can be extensive hyperemia, point inflammation, blackness on the face and excessive peeling.

Penetrating deep into the skin, carbon dioxide acts in different directions. It adheres to organic cellular debris in order to later extract it to the surface, has a beneficial effect on collagen production, and actively interacts with melanin, which is responsible for pigmentation, which in most cases is destroyed, which leads to lightening of freckles. But in the presence of more serious pathologies associated with this substance, neoplasms can have the opposite effect, that is, darken, increase in size and even lead to cancerous tumors.

To avoid these troubles, you must strictly follow all the cosmetologist’s instructions.

Care after carbon peeling

The rehabilitation period after lasts 10–14 days. You should take extra care of your skin in the first week. Cosmetologists recommend:

  • regularly moisturize the skin with high-quality products;
  • wash with foam for sensitive skin;
  • do not use decorative cosmetics;
  • minimize contact with sunlight.

In the second week, care requirements are less stringent. You can start using foundation and blush. You can tan in moderation.

Failure to follow the cosmetologist's recommendations can cause unpleasant consequences in the form of skin inflammation. If the patient hid her pregnancy, skin pigmentation may increase.

ATTENTION. After the procedure, you cannot use other types of peeling or laser facial resurfacing for 30 days.

How to care for your skin after procedures?

The most important step after the procedure is further care after carbon peeling. A set of certain actions will help maintain the result for a long period of time. Otherwise, the problems will return in 2-3 weeks. Rehabilitation after carbon peeling and skin restoration takes little time compared to chemical or mechanical cleaning. It will be restored in no more than 2 hours, but we must not forget about further care:

  1. In the evening of the same day, do not wash the treated skin areas with running water. To do this, you can use mild cleansers. Using cotton pads, simply wipe the skin with light touches.
  2. The cosmetologist who performed the procedure should recommend antiseptic agents. With their help, you need to wipe the treated surface 2 times a day.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to treat cleansed epidermis with aggressive compounds. These include various scrubs, masks and products containing alcohol.
  4. Although the procedure is all-season, cosmetologists prohibit staying in the sun for a long time. Ultraviolet radiation has a detrimental effect on the newly cleansed epidermis. If you need to take a long walk in direct sunlight, you need to use a protective cream.
  5. For two weeks it is forbidden to use hard washcloths and towels.
  6. It is important to wipe your skin with moisturizers as often as possible. It should not be dry for a long time. Otherwise, microcracks may form and peeling may occur.
  7. It is prohibited to use decorative cosmetics for the first 7 days after the procedure. It can lead to the development of inflammatory processes and introduce infection into the body.

Reviews about carbon peeling

  • Christina, 35 years old: “I did carbon peeling 2 times. But I cannot say that this is an effective procedure. The black dots remained in place, then I squeezed them out. I did not see such a result as described in the advertisement. Irritation developed on one cheek and had to be treated. I paid 4 thousand for each procedure. I won’t go again.”
  • Katyusha, 23 years old: “I did 5 courses of treatment. After the third, it seemed that there were results. But then everything returned to its previous state, the oily sheen did not go away. It is no different from using a regular scrub. The skin is a little smoother, but the pores are still visible.”
  • Olga, 40 years old: “Carbon peeling is expensive and not effective enough. For a few days after cleansing, the skin is a little smoother and pinker than usual. As promised, photorejuvenation occurred, but not for long. The same effect can be obtained from a regular shallow scrub, which is much cheaper. Disappointed."

Execution frequency

The frequency and duration of carbon laser peeling courses is determined by a cosmetologist, focusing on the condition of the skin and the age of the client.

For minor problems: light pigmentation, a small number of rashes and inflamed areas, slight pallor - 3-5 sessions are enough. Significant problems: scars, wrinkles, loss of turgor, severe pigmentation - require increasing the amount to 8–9.

Between sessions there are breaks of 5–7 days for those with oily skin, and at least 10 days for those with dry and sensitive skin.

How many procedures need to be done?

The effect of carbon peeling very often becomes noticeable after the first session. Most note clear skin and lightening of age spots. But for a lasting result and rejuvenation effect, it is necessary to perform at least 3-5 procedures. For minor skin problems, this is enough.

In more complex cases, about 7-8 sessions are required with almost week-long breaks to restore the skin.

For mature skin, it is often recommended to combine carbon facial peeling with procedures such as Fraxel, laser biorevitalization or thermolifting. This gives an additional facelift effect.

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Is it possible to carry out the procedure in summer?

On sunny days, it is better to avoid any procedures related to cleaning: it is better to postpone treatment until the autumn-winter period. But if you have to do it in the summer, it is important to use a cream with a high degree of protection against UV rays and avoid walking in the open sun.

Does carbon eliminate increased pigmentation?

Brushing will not completely get rid of freckles and dark spots. But the result will still be noticeable.

Is preliminary preparation necessary for the procedure?

The face does not require special preparation before carbon peeling. However, it is worth visiting a cosmetologist in advance so that he can identify possible inflammations or contraindications for the procedure and give recommendations for skin care.

The carbon peeling technique has obvious advantages and some disadvantages. Its effectiveness depends on the type and condition of the skin, the age of the patient and other factors. To evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of such cleansing, you should try the procedure on your face at least once.


Where to begin?

If you want to do laser carbon peeling, the first thing you need to do is visit a doctor for a consultation. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to take a course, which usually includes up to 4-5 procedures every one to two weeks, although one-time peeling is also possible, for example, before an important event.

The doctor will tell you about this in more detail after examining the skin, identifying the range of existing problems and hearing from you what result you want to achieve. It should be noted right away that the procedure is not cheap, but the result, if, of course, you complete the entire course, is worth it.

Also, at the first visit, it is necessary to inform the doctor about existing health problems, since the procedure has a number of contraindications. A sensitivity test to the nanogel will also be required to exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction during the cleaning itself.

If the decision to undergo laser carbon peeling is positive, before the procedure it is necessary to abandon any other facial cleansing and the use of products with abrasives.

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