How to remove wrinkles on the chin to avoid a sullen appearance?

Photo: @jelena.marija

What to do and where to run if you see a jowl or a double chin in the mirror? Plastic surgeon Leonard Vardanovich Virabyan answers this question.

The cause of these defects may not only be age. Many people believe that sagging soft tissues on the face do not occur in young boys and girls. Unfortunately, the real state of affairs differs from our illusions.

Almost everyone can develop a double chin over time. This aesthetic defect, of course, is unpleasant, but it is possible and even necessary to fight it. However, if everything is clear with a double chin, then not everyone knows what a shave is. Jowls are a kind of sagging skin, the appearance of which is not always associated with age or excess weight.

Why do wrinkles appear on the chin?

Folds in the lower part of the face are noticeable much more often than in other problem areas.
The presence of wrinkles on the chin immediately spoils the facial expression. But few people think about why their appearance is typical even for 20-year-olds. Causes of grooves on the chin:

  • excessive exposure to active sun;
  • insufficient water balance in the body;
  • prolonged depression and anxiety;
  • incorrect posture;
  • improper sleep patterns;
  • bad habits;
  • abuse of facial expressions;
  • incorrect diet.

In parallel with procedures and remedies aimed at getting rid of wrinkles on the chin, you should:

  • control your habits,
  • seeks to get rid of some of them.

Where do purse-string wrinkles around the mouth come from?

The first purse-string wrinkles near the lips can appear quite early, and, alas, every year they become deeper and more noticeable.

There are several reasons for their appearance. Some of them can be eliminated and thereby prevent early wrinkles.

Expert comment:

“Plastic surgeons know that the orbicularis oris muscle attaches directly to the dermis. Therefore, with each contraction it stretches the skin to the sides. At the same time, in principle, there is no fat layer in the lip area and very few sebaceous glands. It is very, very difficult for such skin to recover.

This is how the first wrinkles near the mouth are formed.

The second feature of the lip area speeds up the process: it is an estrogen-dependent zone. The less estrogen produced with age, the less collagen is synthesized, the less elastic the skin becomes. Therefore, age-related changes here begin much earlier.”

Andrey Iskornev, plastic surgeon.

Third reason

The way facial wrinkles appear around the mouth is facial expressions. Active articulation, for example in singers, wind instrument players or teachers, very often causes vertical and horizontal wrinkles to form above the upper lip.

If you have a habit of pursing or curling your lips, add this to the list of reasons for the appearance of wrinkles. Even frequent laughter can cause wrinkles near the lips. What to do? Naturally, no one is calling for giving up facial expressions - but it’s worth paying attention to.

Fourth reason

, very close to the first - the activity of the orbicularis oris muscle. Do you often drink drinks through a straw and can’t imagine life without chewing gum? Wrinkles on your lips are practically guaranteed. To reduce the risk, do facial exercises, massage your lips - and again, make sure that lip tension does not become habitual and constant for you.

Fifth reason

. Smoking. One of the most common causes of wrinkles around the lips. Why? Not only because of the same tension in the perioral muscles mentioned above.

Nicotine destroys elastin and collagen fibers, that is, it turns the already not very moisturized skin around the lips into thin and dry “tissue paper”, on which creases instantly appear. No wonder the second name for purse-string wrinkles is smoker’s wrinkles.


Sixth reason

not associated with tension of the perioral muscles. These are disproportions of the facial skeleton, micrognathia, malocclusion, missing teeth or abrasion of the enamel.

Moreover, even if you have naturally beautiful teeth, with age they wear out, the bones of the skull become thinner - this is a natural process.

Therefore, before starting treatment with a cosmetologist, it makes sense to visit an aesthetic dentist - today there are methods for raising the bite.

Seventh reason

- weather. Temperature changes, excessive dryness and ultraviolet radiation harm your lips. The latter penetrates deep into the skin and has great destructive power, triggering the aging process.

Eighth reason

– nutritional imbalance. Sudden weight loss, poor diet, and insufficient fluid intake accelerate skin aging and the appearance of wrinkles on the upper lip

Now we know the enemy by sight. It remains to be seen whether it is possible to get rid of purse-string wrinkles.

What will help overcome wrinkles?

The modern arsenal of cosmetology offers several methods that will help not only prevent the appearance of wrinkles in the lower part of the face, but also actively resist them. This:

  • homemade anti-wrinkle face masks, creams (including homemade anti-wrinkle cream) and gels;
  • procedures using special equipment;
  • injections;
  • clinical methods.

When choosing any method to combat wrinkles, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body, age, skin type and the presence of contraindications.

What is a double chin?

A double chin is a cosmetic defect that occurs in both sexes at different ages. From an anatomical point of view, it is an accumulation of adipose tissue under the skin in the chin-maxillary angle. It is formed between the chin bone and the neck. Many people believe that a double chin only affects overweight people. But this is not true; this problem is no less common among thin people. One of the decisive factors in its appearance is the shape of the chin-maxillary angle.

A double chin greatly deforms and changes facial features and can visually add up to ten years of age.

A double chin is least likely to appear in people with an acute chin-maxillary angle. It is characteristic of some ethnic groups, but according to modern canons of beauty it is not considered very attractive. Today, the straight chin-maxillary angle is considered the most “correct” and beautiful. If an obtuse angle forms between the neck and lower jaw, this is an excellent prerequisite for the formation of a double chin . Sometimes an abnormal facial structure occurs when the chin-maxillary angle is practically absent. Such people may develop a double chin during adolescence.

Although a double chin is not a disease, but a feature of appearance, it can greatly ruin the life of its owner. It often interferes with professional activities, for example, in the modeling business or on television, and becomes the cause of complexes and other psychological problems.

If the structure of the face and neck provides the prerequisites for the appearance of a double chin, it is necessary to try to prevent its appearance from childhood. To do this, you need to study the reasons for the growth of fatty deposits in this particular place and fight them in advance.

Home remedies to get rid of wrinkles

Representatives of the fair half do not have to run to the clinic for radical procedures if they have deep wrinkles on the chin. It is possible to get rid of grooves using gentle and inexpensive means.

Cosmetic forms

To combat grooves on the chin, creams, gels and masks are suitable. Among the products of modern cosmetology, the most popular products are:

  • The anti-myoaging line from Vichy helps to relax and smooth the skin due to the presence of microparticles that fill unevenness.
  • Derma Genesis cream from L'Oreal with special components aimed at the production of collagen and elastin fibers. With daily use for 12 weeks, you can get rid of wrinkles for a long time.
  • Skin Naturals cream from Garnier is one of the few products that can be used during the day. Actively evens out the structure of the skin and activates all metabolic processes within it.

Home Remedies

To prepare masks, compresses and lotions, you can use the components that are available. The main thing is to pre-cleanse the skin, follow temporary recommendations and carefully remove the compositions.

Home methods:

  1. Moisturizing mask , which is applied to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. You need to grind 1 egg yolk with 1 tbsp. oatmeal Add enough warm milk to get the consistency of sour cream. Apply the mixture for 5 maximum 10 minutes. Wash off with a weak tea solution.
  2. heated olive oil to your chin and cover with a napkin for 15 minutes. Then wash with warm water.
  3. Contrast compresses . Prepare two containers with cold and hot water. Alternately apply cloth napkins soaked in hot or cold water for 1 minute. Perform 20 applications.

When using masks, lotions or compresses you need:

  • alternate compositions,
  • Avoid daily use
  • Always thoroughly cleanse your skin first.

Text of the book “The Resurrection of the Face, or an Ordinary Miracle. Theory and practice of restoring youth"

Chapter 7. My face is my wealth

Various types of facial skin aging, their causal relationship with body problems. Tests to determine age-related biomechanical defects of the face

All our years with their joys and tragedies, smiles and tears are reflected on our faces in labyrinths of wrinkles and folds.

They speak not only about a person’s unique personality, but also reflect the state of his health. Since the skin is connected to all organs and systems (vessels, internal organs, central nervous system, endocrine glands), there is a close relationship with various zones and points on the skin, which is successfully used in acupuncture, magnetic therapy, and so on. The first attempts to read the secrets of a face were made back in Ancient China, this art was called Hsien-Ming

(“Face Reading”).

Can you imagine how much our health will improve if we remove wrinkles in a natural physiological way, and not with peeling or laser? By restoring the skin and muscles of the face, we, in fact, rejuvenate the entire body.

The cause of wrinkles has always been considered an age-related loss of elasticity and firmness in the skin due to a decrease in elastin and collagen in it. Which, in turn, is due to many internal and external factors: age, photoaging of the skin under the influence of sunlight, smoking, exposure to free radicals, degree of skin care, climate, nutrition, lifestyle, and so on. More often than not, word of mouth points to genetics.

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My face is my wealth

Indeed, the skin loses its elasticity due to the fact that tissue fluid is displaced by compounds of lime and other mineral substances. And there are many people who are genetically predisposed to accumulate more ballast substances in the body than others. This is why it happens that the faces of fairly young people become covered with wrinkles. As mentioned above, we can counteract the buildup of these deposits by helping to remove them from the skin.

Manual techniques can help you not only preventively, but also actually restore the smoothness of the skin, even if it is damaged like a “baked apple”, and doing this right before your eyes.

It is believed that biological skin aging comes in several types, usually between two and six. Two opposite types manifest themselves most clearly: finely wrinkled

(when the face is covered with many small wrinkles in the absence or slight sagging of tissues) and
(which, on the contrary, is characterized by the “sliding” of the oval of the face and the loss of its clear contours with fairly smooth skin). Most often it is stated that such a division is a “genetic feature”. In fact, in the aging of the face according to the deformation type, the main role is played by the excess weight of its owner and improper lymphatic drainage, when a mixture of excess fat and lymph fills the soft tissues of the face, thereby increasing their weight. Those with the finely wrinkled type usually (though not always) have a thin build. In most cases, maintaining a certain weight throughout life prevents them from becoming saggy. Which, in fact, is confirmed by all researchers.

Apart from all sorts of pathologies that lead to swelling, and, therefore, to the filling of the skin with excess fluid (which, naturally, increases ptosis), the main reason leading to sagging skin on the face under the influence of gravity is fat deposits. Women who constantly maintain their normal weight maintain their facial features unchanged for much longer and are less at risk of aging according to the deformation type.

The fact that thin women more often have finely wrinkled skin can also be explained not only by genetics, but also by lifestyle: possible abuse in the form of heavy smoking, poor diets and other things, which leads to capillary atrophy, lack of good subcutaneous fat, healthy collagen and so on - and, accordingly, to wrinkling of the skin. That is, calling this division into two types genetic is not entirely correct, since a necessary condition (although not sufficient) is the weight category of their owners and incorrect lymphatic drainage, which is also not a genetic given. In this sense, only a predisposition to a certain somatotype can be genetic.

If, in your opinion, some specific examples from your life do not fit into this system, then this is not an exception to the rule, but rather a confirmation of it. After all, any skin condition is only a consequence of many processes, often far from genetics. For example, the thin skin of middle-aged women (seemingly included in the “fine-wrinkled” risk group) may be smooth and not have fine wrinkles, but have sagging, typical of the deformation type.

From anatomy

Blood moves under the influence of the pressure gradient in the vessels created by the heart, therefore the greatest drop in blood pressure occurs in small vessels: arterioles, capillaries and venules.

This is explained, as mentioned above, by impaired lymphatic drainage and excessive hydrophilicity of the skin (excessive fluid filling). Or this, quite complex option, when the face of a fairly well-fed woman ages like a “baked apple” - which also has its own non-genetic explanation. Such a case is a combination of several factors layered on top of each other. The main ones are consistently low blood pressure (even if slightly below normal), the thickness of subcutaneous adipose tissue and spinal osteochondrosis, which prevents normal blood supply to the head and facial skin. Coupled with low blood pressure, it prevents blood from breaking through the thick “compacted” barrier of subcutaneous fat tissue and nourishing the skin.

And it would be strange if, with such a bouquet, the skin would bloom like poppies, contrary to all the laws of physiology and Nature.

Wrinkles associated with facial expressions also spoil our appearance. Most often, they form in areas of the skin that have muscle hypertonicity and are laid across them. Or they arise at the junction of the facial muscles with the skin or other muscles, and then the contraction goes along the wrinkle. Constant mechanical bending of the skin (in the face of an ever-decreasing amount of collagen, elastin and subcutaneous fat) leads to the separation of muscle fibers and the squeezing of interstitial fluid upward into neighboring tissues. The latter, receiving excess nutrition, begin to develop somewhat more intensively, emphasizing the contrast between the place of the fold and its surroundings.

The very appearance of a wrinkle consists of its real depth and its visible depth. Wrinkles usually appear deeper than they actually are because they are almost always located in a fold of excess skin. When the muscle corset is restored, the skin tightens, the fold straightens out, and visually the wrinkles become much thinner, only their real depth remains.

Any of our facial expressions sets in motion many muscles and, therefore, over the years creates a unique individual pattern on our face: after all, when smiling, forty muscles are involved, and when kissing, from twenty-nine to thirty-four.

Look at the foreigners. They can always be recognized at first sight. And not just by clothes or skin color. And not only because genetically each nation has certain facial features. Language! The native language that a child speaks from childhood forms the tension of many muscles, both superficial and deep, associated with speech (muscles of the lips, tongue, lower jaw, pharynx, larynx, soft palate).

Therefore, you should not think that only active grimacing leads to hypertonicity and, accordingly, to facial wrinkles. Even the smallest, deepest movements of small “speech” muscles, repeated constantly throughout life, leave their mark. The older a person is, the more strongly the work of these muscles manifests itself on his face, creating a typical pattern of wrinkles and folds characteristic of every nation.

Usually people go to a cosmetologist not so much for real help as for psychological help. Or the second option, which is already becoming the norm (and this is wonderful!) - when visiting a cosmetologist becomes part of your lifestyle, along with diet, exercise, haircut, pedicure and manicure. In any case, few people expect miracles from a cosmetologist. Therefore, a professional, trying to treat the client as delicately as possible, usually gives her a lot of compliments, often completely undeserved, that is, he openly flatters her. In the case of working according to the MyoStatics and Revitonics system, a different approach is relevant: “Better the cruel truth than a beautiful lie.” Since each appointment is done “according to indications”. And without understanding your problems, it is impossible to get results.

Therefore, before you start working on these programs, we definitely recommend testing your face and taking pictures.

Otherwise, it may happen that you create a real miracle and not even notice it. And not only you, but at first those around you. This should not discourage you - everything has its time. The reality is that usually the average woman not only does not understand the intricacies of her facial defects, but is generally not accustomed to seeing herself entirely (maybe this is for the best: so as not to get scared and upset). Most women, having absolutely no understanding of why their face has changed so much with age, are mostly fixated on one problem (most often wrinkles, and sometimes just one). I had such a case: a client of about fifty came to me and asked: “Can you remove a wrinkle for me?” I explain that in her case it is necessary to work not with a single wrinkle, but with the entire face. “I’m happy with my face, I just don’t like one wrinkle,” the woman points something on her face with her finger. I (with 100% vision) not seeing anything, am perplexed. The lady, nervous, again points to some short thread-like “scratch” on her cheek (indeed, atypical in location). Having found it with difficulty, I say that the “wrinkle” is practically invisible. To which the lady reasonably replies: “Maybe you don’t see her, but I see her and I think that she ages me very much. And if you take it away, I’ll look much younger.” And this despite the fact that the woman looked like she was fifty, with all the attributes of her age - nasolabial folds, jowls, overhanging eyebrows, a shortened neck and a drooping chin. I didn’t try to convince her, saying that we couldn’t help her.

This, of course, is an extreme case, a clinical one, so to speak. But in a lighter version, this is practically the norm. We were not taught to see either our own faces or those of others. Few people can boast of observation skills. But in this, women are still ahead of men. One day, my client, who changed greatly during the procedure (her eyes opened, drooping eyelids lifted, eyebrows literally flew up onto her forehead, and so on), receiving compliments from literally everyone except her own husband, unable to bear it, turned to him with the words: “Well, look at me! Don’t you notice anything?!” He concentrated his gaze on her, peered into her face for quite a long time and finally asked: “Did you pluck your eyebrows?” Moreover, this was not the humor of a fan of “Town,” the husband was simply trying to somehow realistically explain the changes he noticed. This is how jokes are born from life.

Accustomed to the fact that people do not understand what lies behind the words “changing the shape of the face”, in order not to waste time, I do not always explain to my clients in what way I am going to work with them.

Once a client with a too triangular face shape, which I decided to change to oval without her asking, asked: “But I noticed that my face shape has changed. Is this from our activities? Or from what? Why? I heard many possible reasons for the sudden blossoming and improvement of their faces: someone took a young lover, someone divorced their disgusted husband, someone went to a resort, someone took “wonderful” nutritional supplements, and so on.

People are not yet ready to realize that the times are coming when a specialist working not only with the skin, but also with other structures (primarily muscles), will be able to reverse age-related processes and actually restore youthful facial features. And even more so, they are not ready for the fact that this secret may end up in their own hands.

And yet, this is reality. You can make yourself, “sculpting” your face at your own request, restoring your youth and beauty with your own hands. But this is an Ordinary miracle.

Without seeing ourselves or each other, without understanding what is happening under the skin, in most cases we miss the initial stage of the metamorphoses happening to us, and the first unpleasant amazement usually awaits us when viewing amateur photographs or videos where the lens caught us at a disadvantage angle or lighting. Some shadows on the face, sunken eyes, hollows in the cheeks, deepened nasolabial folds, a sagging oval line, a double chin... In everyday life, when we look at ourselves in the mirror, we instinctively tighten our facial muscles, lift our chin, and stretch our neck. Therefore, traces of destruction caused by time elude our attention. But those who are not afraid to face the truth can get to know their own face better by doing small tests


Start with the eyes. Try to raise your eyebrow with your fingers. And if it goes up freely, it means your eyebrow has long been out of place. And since the eyebrow has drooped, it means that the eyes have sunken, and folds have hung on the upper eyelid.

Take the second mirror in your hands and look at yourself in profile, with your head slightly lowered, to get a true idea of ​​​​the line of your oval. This is usually how others see us.

A more rigorous way to test your face is to lower your head over a mirror. Here, sometimes it won’t hurt to take a sedative, especially if you are well over forty and the mirror you took has a magnifying effect. Tilt your face over this mirror: all the folds hanging from your ears to your lips, the skin of the lower eyelids folded into pouches, and so on will become the main component of your “jowls,” “dog cheeks,” “bulldogs,” and nasolabial folds when you raise your head. And it is clear that working with such defects with cream alone is useless.

Try exploring yourself while lying down. Feel the areas of skin in front of the ears and in front of the posterolateral surface of the neck with your fingers. If the skin in these areas is flabby and not tightly stretched, then this is the first alarm signal. If folds hang over the ears and neck, this is the minimum skin that the surgeon cuts off during plastic surgery as excess.

At the same time, check your face for asymmetry. Place your palms on it, close your eyes, touch your eyeballs with three fingers of both hands, and pull down slightly. Feel if one side of your face may be higher than the other, or deeper than the other. Or the distance from the earlobes to the nose will be different for different halves of the face. Anything can happen. And not as rare as you think.

Look at the line of the scalp above the forehead. Does it go horizontally or diagonally? If the latter, then this is not at all because the hair grows crookedly, but because the frontal part of the skull is slanted to one side. Most likely, at the same time, the eyebrow will be lowered, and the upper eyelid will begin to sag lower. And the further, the more.

The time will come (and it will definitely come) when your eyes will brighten, as if some kind of curtain will fall from them, and all these defects, asymmetries and deformations will be revealed to you. Without any comparisons and measurements, all these shortcomings will hurt the eye with their blatant truth.

You will become interested in looking at those around you, at your acquaintances and strangers, in the subway, in public transport, on the street. It will be a look from a different angle. And it will be strange to you: how could you not have seen this before and why don’t others see it?

Maybe because from time immemorial pathological asymmetry was considered a genetic “gift”. "This is fine. We are all like that. There are no symmetrical faces. It’s even interesting, some kind of zest”—whatever you hear to your own consolation. Starting with a “zest” at a young age, asymmetries intensify over the years and begin to specifically distort the face.

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Eyebrow asymmetry

All such asymmetries can and should be worked on, if only in order to restore Nature’s idea for your face. After all, symmetrical means perfect. In any case, these words are used as synonyms in the languages ​​of many European nations. The harmonious relationship of proportions, symmetry in many peoples is associated with the concept of beauty.

To determine the condition of your mental muscle, you can conduct a simple test to see if it has a spasm (hypertonicity). Close your lips. Grasp the fleshy part of your chin with both hands. The thumbs lie on the commissure under the chin, the index fingers just under the lower lip. Pull your fingers down slightly, causing your lower lip to pull down behind your fingers. Without changing the position of your fingers, try to lift your lip up. If there is tension in the chin area, it will begin to pulsate, break out from under your fingers and provide powerful resistance to the downward movement of your fingers.

This suggests that the chin is in spasm, which provokes not only the formation of wrinkles, but also deeper structural changes in the lower part of the face. Due to spasm of the mental muscle, the blood supply to the jaw bone itself decreases, and this leads to its resorption (resorption). As a result, over time, the volume of the chin decreases and the length of the jaw arch shortens, which greatly reveals age, leading to “jowls.” In general, all these tests are not carried out to completely upset you, but only to know what defects you have to deal with. And as a result, you look younger and more beautiful. Not just because your “skin is fresher.” It’s time for this favorite term of cosmetologists to stop being the only one. The “refreshed” metaphor would be fully adorned with such constructive words as: “And I noticed that my eyes opened, and my eyebrows rose high, and my double chin became significantly smaller, and how my oval tightened, and how my neck stretched out...” These and other pleasant metamorphoses are noticed by everyone involved in the self-modeling system.

Of course, it’s very nice to see the gradual return of youth, but, you see, prevention is always better than rehabilitation

. Therefore, it is better to start working with your face from a young age, when wrinkles are just beginning, temporarily appearing when smiling, laughing or other facial expressions. In youth, they quickly pass, disappear without a trace, you just have to “calm down” your face. But muscle tensions do not pass without a trace, they accumulate deep under the skin and little by little begin to emerge on its surface in the form of creases and wrinkles, becoming more and more noticeable and permanent. These muscle tensions, leading to wrinkles, are the so-called muscle hypertonicity. Each facial wrinkle on our face has its own silent culprit in the form of a specific muscle that we will work with. Our task is to use special techniques to relieve this hypertonicity, restore balance to the muscle, and with it, nutrition of the skin. By constantly relaxing a muscle, we block muscle memory, and the muscle “forgets” its desire to contract at the slightest movement of your emotional thought. The shorter the time of existence of the wrinkle, the faster the effect will occur. Who wins: either your desire to look younger - or your habits and laziness.

We must not forget that the trace phenomena of our muscle memory are very strong. The longer you have had a wrinkle, the longer the memory of it lasts. As a result of prolonged overwork or stress, the wrinkle may appear again. The sooner you notice this, the less time you will need to eliminate it.

Chapter 8. Causes of expression wrinkles

Wrinkles on the forehead and bridge of the nose; eyebrow folds; wrinkles around the lips and chin

As mentioned earlier, we owe all the sagging, folds, “bulldogs” and other ugliness to the deformed muscles of the face and head, which have shrunk with age. All muscles on the face are divided into two types depending on the task performed and the method of attachment to the skin and bones - facial and chewing

. It is on the specific behavior of both (in moments of stress, during sleep or work) that many age-related facial defects depend.

The facial muscles are attached at one end to the bones, and at the other to neighboring muscles or to the skin of the face. Spasming and shortening, the facial muscles begin to pull the skin along with them. And although she tries to resist with all her might, as far as she has enough elastin given by nature, the fight is not equal, and the remnants of excess skin, unable to shrink, begin to sag in folds in the form of “jowls”, “dogs”, “bulldogs” and other terms, trying to describe the same phenomenon: sagging of the lower part of the face. The silent culprits of this process are specific muscles that are deformed for a number of reasons - age-related (atrophy of nerve fibers and blood vessels) and traumatic (prenatal, birth, intravital injuries), and not the skin.

Each facial muscle is responsible not only for its specific area of ​​skin to which it is attached, as one might assume. The muscles of the face and head are parts of a single biomechanical structure, being part of an integral system of the body. In this case, one group of muscles can be spasmed, that is, be in hypertonicity, and another, smaller one, on the contrary, is relaxed, that is, be in hypotonicity. Such an imbalance leads to the appearance of nasolabial folds, “bulldogs” and other sagging, stagnation of lymph (lymphostasis) and, accordingly, to swelling, bags under the eyes, and the appearance of a double chin. It is clear that relying only on creams, even the most expensive ones, to save our youth is at least naive. Well, let’s not talk about sad things, let’s better try to understand the true state of affairs.

Wrinkles on the forehead

Wrinkles on the forehead are caused by hypertonicity of the frontalis muscle

(Fig. 4).

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Frontalis muscle (top); wrinkles on the forehead (bottom)

The effect of removing this hypertonicity is expressed in the following:

• reducing wrinkles on the forehead or completely getting rid of them;

• raising drooping eyebrows;

• restoration of smooth forehead skin;

• reduction of migraines;

• improving sleep quality.

That is why, despite the fact that you can work the frontalis muscle at any time of the day, it is recommended to do these exercises at night

, since techniques for relieving hypertonicity have a strong anti-stress effect, promoting quick fall asleep and restful sleep.
This occurs by relieving tension in the frontalis muscle
, which is both the cause and consequence of anxious dreams.
Relaxing the frontal muscle
at night will ensure the absence of wrinkles in the morning. If the main reason for the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead is nighttime (and not facial expression during the day), as an additional help, it can be recommended to apply special taping patches to the forehead after these techniques at night - while fixing the muscle, they nevertheless allow the skin to breathe . Previously, in the absence of them, simple waxed paper was glued, which mechanically controlled the forehead and prevented its usual wrinkling during restless dreams.

Spasms of the frontal region are often caused by fatigue from information overload, which is felt by many as heaviness in the forehead and can be accompanied by migraines, increased intracranial pressure, and vegetative-vascular dystonia. According to Eastern researchers, the projection of the forehead reflects the problems of the large and small intestines. A certain forehead shape clearly demonstrates the characteristic qualities of its owner: stubbornness, reaching the point of obstinacy, assertiveness, and determination. As you can see, the condition of the forehead area can reflect problems of both a psychological and medical nature. Can you imagine how much our character, destiny and health can improve according to the law of feedback if we eliminate these wrinkles in a physiological non-invasive way?

Horizontal wrinkles on the bridge of the nose

Provoked by spasm of the pride muscles

(Fig. 5).

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Frontalis muscle (top); wrinkles on the forehead (bottom)

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Muscle of the proud (top); horizontal wrinkles on the bridge of the nose (bottom)

The effect of reducing hypertonicity of the pride muscles

is expressed in the reduction or complete elimination of wrinkles in the bridge of the nose, correction of the position of the eyebrows.

Vertical folds between eyebrows

Occurs due to hypertonicity of the corrugator muscle

(Fig. 6).

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Corrugator muscle (top); vertical folds between the eyebrows (bottom)

Most often, these problems are accompanied by deformation of the frontal muscle.

, especially in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose.

Therefore, before you start working with the pride muscle

the corrugator muscle
, it is recommended to perform exercises for
the frontalis muscle

Wrinkles around the lips

Unlike the rest of the skin, which usually more or less loosely covers the muscle, the orbicularis oris muscle

(Fig. 7) is firmly “glued” to the skin, so the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle always creates problems during plastic surgery; it cannot be “torn off” and straightened. In case of severely wrinkled skin in this area, the plastic surgeon offers other procedures for its rejuvenation - resurfacing, chemical peeling.

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Orbicularis oris muscle (top); wrinkles around the lips (bottom)

Shrinkage of the orbicularis oris muscle

often leads to the mouth sinking inward, to thinning of the mucous membrane of the lips, and also plays an important role in the formation of drooping corners of the mouth and various folds and wrinkles going down from them.
Therefore, you should understand its structure in more detail. The orbicularis oris muscle
has the appearance of a flat muscle plate, in which two layers are distinguished: deep (marginal) and superficial (labial) (Fig. 8).

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The superficial layer consists of two arcuate bundles surrounding the border of the lips and repeatedly intertwining in the area of ​​the corners of the mouth with other muscles approaching the oral fissure. The fibers of this labial layer are woven into bundles of the muscle that depresses the lower lip and the muscle that elevates the upper lip. The marginal (deep) part is the main one and also consists of two bundles, which are a continuation of the buccal muscle.

That is, in the corners of our mouth, in addition to the actual fibers of the circular muscles of the upper and lower lips, muscle fibers of the triangular and buccal muscles are also woven, and into the lower part - bundles of the muscle that lowers the lower lip.

With age, the orbicularis oris muscle begins to contract towards the center, that is, to close, like the diaphragm of a camera, while centripetal forces twist the red border of the mucous membrane of the lips inward (pulling along the fibers of the muscle that lowers the lower lip), and centrifugal forces - into the corners of the mouth (in " whirlpools" of which both the ends of the triangular muscle and the fibers of the buccal muscle are involved).

With centripetal spasm, not only the deep part begins to shrink, but also the mucous membrane of the lips itself (the labial superficial part of the muscle). In this case, when testing with the tongue, it is felt that there is a kind of tight rope stretched along the outer border of the lips, which “drawstring” pulls them together in a circle, after which the lips themselves begin to wrap themselves “sausage” inside the mouth.

With spasm of the orbicularis oris muscle

towards the center, vertical wrinkles that we hate so much begin to form on the upper lip.

We will look at an example of the operation of this complex but unified mechanism, leading to complex deformations of the entire lower part of the face, a little later, in Chapter 13, armed with knowledge of the biomechanics of aging of our muscles.

Having removed the fold at the corners of the mouth, you will be surprised to find under it one or several small, but very deep wrinkles, as if drawn by a file, previously invisible under the fold. You will have to deal with them separately - on the one hand, increasing blood circulation in this area, on the other, exfoliating the top layer of skin with peelings. As the skin recovers, they will decrease.

In general, the orbicularis oris muscle

refers to important psychosomatic areas of the body.
Most often, its deep spasm will be accompanied by dysfunction of other circular muscles of the digestive system (intestinal sphincters). Therefore, by relaxing the orbicularis oris muscle
, we thereby significantly facilitate the work of the intestines.

Perform a test to detect spasm of the orbicularis oris muscle


It's easy to test with your tongue. Extend your lips with a tube and run your tongue from the inside along the tense lips, closer to the mucous border of the lips.

Do you feel how a tight rope, a flagellum, is stretched along the border? If yes, then in the orbicularis oris muscle

spasm mechanisms have already been launched, which will literally begin to wrap the lips inside the mouth and provoke further deformation of the adjacent muscle structures associated with it.

But lips are also a biological factor, responsible not only for the formation of speech or for emotional, sexual openness, but also involved in the digestive system. This means that their physiological aging is the same indicator of dropping out of active life as the wear of teeth.

Muscle clamps in the mouth area reflect states of rejection, disgust, resentment, and emotional constriction. A person with such clamps usually develops limited articulation and a compressed smile, more like a smirk. During a stressful conversation, your lips may cramp. Clamping of the area around the mouth is closely associated with severe, emotionally unresolved conflicts. This means that lips directly reflect the fact that negative emotions age us.

The result of relaxing the orbicularis oris muscle

is expressed as follows:

• increasing lip fullness;

• improving their color;

• eliminating vertical wrinkles above the lip.

Wrinkles on the chin

Wrinkles on the chin are caused by spasm of the mentalis muscle.

(Fig. 9).

Rice. 9.

Mentalis muscle (top); wrinkles on the chin (bottom)

A hypertonic chin often looks like a “chicken tail” dotted with many small wrinkles.

To smooth out these wrinkles, you need to relax the mentalis muscle.

, allowing lymph to cope with its task.

The effect of relaxing the mental muscle

is expressed in smoothing wrinkles on the chin, recreating its shape.

What methods do clinics and beauty salons offer?

Not all women are able to fight wrinkles day after day. There is a category of beauties who are skeptical about various cosmetic forms and prefer only clinical and salon methods.

On the one hand, hardware and radical procedures give a quick effect, but on the other hand, all procedures are expensive, require correction every few months, and have contraindications and side effects.

Techniques used in salons

To get rid of wrinkles on the chin, cosmetologists use methods that are aimed at activating metabolic processes and producing substances necessary to improve the texture of the skin. This:

  • Microcurrent therapy. Briefly, the microcurrent procedure is as follows: using electrical impulses, certain layers of the epidermis are affected, thereby increasing muscle tone and the production of collagen and elastin.
  • Lifting . Thermolifting of the face is one of the most popular techniques, since contraindications and side effects are minimal. Wrinkle smoothing occurs using radiofrequency energy.
  • Laser correction . Alignment of folds using laser energy.
  • Chemical peeling . Acids are used to clean the upper layer of the epidermis, after which the wrinkles become less deep. The procedure is quite painful.
  • Photorejuvenation of facial skin . Skin renewal using laser beams. At the same time, the production of substances necessary to align the structure of the epidermis is activated.

When visiting salons, women should remember that each of the procedures gives a quick, but not long-lasting effect and requires periodic repetition.

Salon procedures require periodic repetition.

How to get rid of wrinkles - radical ways

When neither cosmetic forms, nor massages, nor hardware methods have led to complete elimination of folds on the chin, women have to resort to cosmetology clinics.
Clinical procedures also provide quick results that last longer than hardware methods. They also have a number of contraindications, possible negative consequences and high cost. Although in pursuit of the desire to become beautiful, this stops few people.

Methods used in clinics:

  • Beauty injections . This was the name previously given to Botox injections. Now there are several other drugs with a similar spectrum of action that are used by injection. But they all tend to relax the muscles that contribute to the formation of wrinkles.
  • Surgical lift . With this method, wrinkles are completely smoothed out, but periodically appear again. Experts do not recommend performing this procedure for the chin more than 2 or maximum 3 times.
  • Introduction of implants from your own tissues , which are subcutaneous fat. The likelihood of allergic reactions and rejection is reduced to zero. The effect of the operation lasts for several years with proper care.
  • Artificial implants . Small thin plates that are implanted under the skin. When done correctly, the result is permanent.

When contacting salons and clinics, it is worth remembering that after such procedures, the skin on the chin requires more active protection than before.

After radical procedures you will have to:

  • refuse solarium and sunbathing;
  • Carefully monitor your diet, fluid intake and use of decorative cosmetics to remain beautiful.

How to effectively remove purse-string wrinkles above the upper lip

There are many ways to smooth out purse-string wrinkles and make wrinkles in the corners of the lips invisible.

  1. Injections of fillers based on hyaluronic acid

    (Volbella, Equio) fill every wrinkle and thereby smooth them out. The undeniable advantage of gels is that they can solve all the problems of the mouth area - in particular, restore volume to the lips and smooth out the labio-mental folds under the lower lip.

    To naturally correct purse-string wrinkles, the doctor must have a special microtechnique for administering the drug. Otherwise, excess filler distorts the smile and makes facial expressions robotic.

  2. Biorevitalization

    with unstabilized hyaluronic acid, Ial-System provides hydration and effective correction of fine wrinkles around the mouth.

  3. Introduction of a collagen-based drug

    within 2-3 weeks it tightens the skin, reduces sagging, smoothes out wrinkles and folds.

  4. Mesotherapy

    with vitamins, microelements, collagen, elastin, etc. The effect appears slowly, but is more sustainable and delays further skin aging.

  5. Botox

    – one or two injections will relieve muscle spasms, thereby smoothing out purse-string wrinkles and lifting the corners of the mouth. If Botox in its classic form is contraindicated for you, a more gentle mesobotox procedure or the introduction of the Argireline peptide is performed.

  6. Mesothreads

    , installed along the contour of the lips. After resorption, the thread leaves a framework of collagen fibers, which strengthens the skin and smoothes out wrinkles.

  7. Plasmafiller

    – Swiss plasma therapy Regen Lab – naturally launches the processes of rejuvenation and restoration of the skin, smoothes out wrinkles.

  8. Chemical peeling

    improves the condition of the skin around the mouth, enhances cellular metabolism and blood flow - small wrinkles are smoothed out, large ones become less noticeable.

  9. Laser peeling
    using the Asklepion fractional laser triggers the renewal of the upper layer of skin. As a result, purse-string wrinkles disappear and the skin rejuvenates.

How to prevent wrinkles from forming on the chin?

You need to start fighting wrinkles before they appear. And at the same time, you don’t have to do any supernatural actions, but only:

  • avoid active sunlight, especially from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.;
  • use sunscreen;
  • apply proper moisturizing using masks, gel and cream;
  • watch your posture;
  • observe water and food regimes;
  • adhere to a balanced diet instead of exhausting diets;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • take the correct position while sleeping;
  • give up the habit of grimacing.

In conclusion, we suggest watching a video about how to remove a deep crease on the chin using DERMAFILL GLOBAL XTRA injections:

Most tips do not require any additional funds, but only control over your habits. Getting rid of them, even gradually, will give better results than radical clinical procedures. After all, no lift will help if the charming woman does not stop pulling her chin up.

You can find more information on this topic in the Wrinkles section.

Where does it come from?

Such unwanted “decoration” is often a genetic feature; it happens with excess weight, with poor posture, with a short neck, malocclusion, or the anatomical structure of the jaw. It is also often observed among those who like to read while lying down or with an incorrect posture during sleep.

You can get rid of a double chin and make your face shape clearer both in a beauty salon and at home. Cosmetologists usually suggest lifting with special threads. But surgery may be indicated if the skin is sagging too much, there are incorrect proportions of the chin, or there is too much fat in the indicated area.

Recommendations from experts

Experts warn that improper skin care can lead to sagging, sagging, and loose chins. Hanging dermis is far from an adornment to the face, so you should not let the situation reach a critical state. In order not to remove excess fat through surgery, it is recommended to take care of the dermis in advance. Regular home procedures using tightening agents are an effective technique that will prevent the appearance of a defect.

It must be remembered that the cosmetologist will detect sagging in a timely manner and take the necessary measures to eliminate it without causing complications. That is why it is recommended to regularly visit a specialist, undergo simple procedures - massage, use of tightening drugs, and hardware techniques.

A sagging chin with folds of fat is a problem that should not be ignored. If you are unable to cope with the defect on your own, it is better to trust a cosmetologist who will select the safest and most effective method. There is no need to be afraid of procedures - the impeccable reputation of a specialist and trusted beauty salons are a guarantee that everything will work out and your face will look fit and fresh.

How to prevent new wrinkles from appearing

In order to quickly get rid of fine and other types of wrinkles, as well as prevent their appearance, you need to put your body in order.

The skin, as you know, is a large part of it, and any changes that occur in it are reflected on it first of all. As a result, your appearance may suffer.

In order to always look beautiful and not encounter problems such as wrinkles, you must follow the following rules:

  • Go to bed no later than 23 hours, since the human body actively recovers between 22 and 24 hours. Early sleep is also called “beauty sleep.”
  • Every day, go outside for at least half an hour, and do not forget to use protective creams with a factor of at least 20 in hot weather. This will enrich the cells with oxygen and improve blood circulation.
  • Do not use mattifying creams. If you cannot do without such a product, then to even out the tone of your face, it is better to choose a BB or CC balm with a toning effect. Today, almost every cosmetics manufacturer offers such products. This will simultaneously solve the problem and have a moisturizing and nourishing effect on the skin.
  • Before going to bed, use a night cream (moisturizing or nourishing), but it should be applied 30–40 minutes in advance, otherwise bags and swelling under the eyes may appear in the morning.
  • Eliminate bad habits from your life. If you can’t completely give up cigarettes, you need to reduce their volume by at least 30%. This will immediately affect your appearance for the better.
  • Eat 200 g of fruits and vegetables every day. This, of course, is not much, but it is enough for the body to receive fiber that promotes cleansing, and for the skin to receive the microelements and vitamins it needs.
  • Drink more clean water, as well as juices (vegetable and fruit). If there is not enough fluid in the body, the skin will become dry, wrinkles will appear early, swelling and bags will form under the eyes.
  • Sleep on a small pillow, not on your side, but on your back. This way you can get rid of small facial wrinkles around the mouth and folds on the neck. The fact is that when the head is in this position, the facial muscles relax and the skin smoothes out.

The above recommendations do not need to be introduced all at once. You can do this gradually, especially since they are not at all difficult to do. When a person sees a positive result from just one or two changes, he becomes motivated to achieve more.

You need to get rid of small wrinkles on time. Only in this case will the skin be healthy and the face become well-groomed and beautiful. Knowing how to eliminate this deficiency at home, you will be able to slow down the withering process and save your budget on trips to beauty salons. At the same time, we should not forget that there are separate areas on the face with their own characteristics that require an individual approach.

Nowadays, you no longer have to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba beauty and health center:

  • This is a beauty center where they will help you get rid of fine wrinkles at a reasonable cost, and you will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best specialists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13, and you will see for yourself!

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