Biorevitalization Skin: review of all fillers in the line, how to choose yours

On many women's forums there are reviews about Skin R biorevitalization, both true and not. But this is not the only drug from the Skin series of the Italian company Ital Farmacia, a recognized leader in the market of cosmetic products for biorevitalization. The line of drugs is designed to solve various skin problems according to individual indicators.

Modern innovative technologies in the field of youth prolongation offer mesotherapy, and biorevitalization as one of its varieties, as an alternative to plastic surgery.

There are many different drugs manufactured around the world. But I want to understand their diversity and choose the best one that can prolong youth and beauty for a long time without compromising health.

We recommend: reviews from cosmetologists about Aquashine biorevitalization.

Features of the brand's products

The Skin line of effective biorevitalizants is produced by the Italian company Ital Farmacia, well-known in the pharmaceutical products market. A line of 4 brand products of the same type in composition. All products are based on hyaluronic acid supplemented with amino acids. Each substance in the line contains nuances that determine indications for use.

Skin preparations were created taking into account most of the pros and cons inherent in existing biorevitalizants. The products contain stabilized hyaluronic acid. A short compound of a substance is used that allows not only to attract water, but also to stimulate the body’s own regenerative processes.

Note! The presence of special L-form amino acids activates and accelerates cell division, leading to natural tissue renewal.

Indications, effectiveness of use

Biorevitalization with Skin preparations is intended for patients over 18 years of age according to indications. Depending on age and skin condition, the cosmetologist selects a specific option from the Skin line. The action of the funds is aimed at solving the following problems:

  • eliminating signs of fatigue (evening out skin tone, eliminating bags, circles under the eyes);
  • restoration of tissue hydration balance (elimination of dryness, sagging);
  • elimination, minimization, prevention of age-related changes (wrinkles, ptosis);
  • healing, improving the quality of integument (leveling the relief, normalizing firmness, elasticity);
  • assistance in eliminating various defects (rosacea, pigmentation, tendency to inflammation).

After biorevitalization with Skin products, the skin looks healthy, fresh, and toned. Signs of aging become less noticeable. The procedure is carried out to improve complexion, activate the process of tissue renewal after the change of seasons, to restore appearance after protracted illnesses, in preparation for serious aesthetic interventions or rehabilitation after them.

How is Skin Colin used?

This biorevitalizant is indicated for patients between thirty-five and forty years old if their skin is flabby, dehydrated and aging. Since the product contains choline, it provides lifting, increases muscle tone, and tightens the collagen spirals inside the skin.

Moreover, the solution is also characterized by an oxidative effect along with the already familiar indicators for such products. Due to its influence, metabolic processes are stimulated, and its own hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen are produced.

Feedback about “Skin C” speaks of effectiveness after completing a whole course of procedures (according to the same scheme as “Skin B”). It happens that cosmetologists recommend combining the use of Skin C with other products in order to achieve maximum effect.

“I liked this tool. There were unpleasant sensations during the procedure, and then papules appeared. However, it passed quite quickly, and the skin of the face became smooth and radiant. Expression wrinkles have smoothed out.”

(Zhanna, 29 years old)

Types of biorevitalizants

The Skin line of biorevitalizants contains 4 main products:

  • SKIN-B. Used for young skin with signs of fatigue and aging. Usually the drug is prescribed to patients 25–30 years old. An additional component is glucosamine sulfate. The product provokes the production of hyaluronic acid, elastin, collagen, which promotes natural cell renewal. The substance is aimed at maintaining normal levels of skin acidity.

  • SKIN-OX. Used for young skin with noticeable signs of aging. The product is used from 30–35 years of age. Among the additional components, the preparation contains glutathione and vitamin C. The substance is used for biostimulation and antioxidant protection of the skin. The gel is indicated for rosacea, decreased tissue elasticity, dryness, pigmentation, and wrinkles. Suitable for restoring the condition of the epidermis after prolonged exposure to the sun in a metropolitan environment.

  • SKIN-Colin. Used for young skin with persistent signs of aging. The product is used from 35–40 years of age. An additional component is choline. The drug deeply moisturizes tissue, restores turgor, smoothes wrinkles, and helps achieve a lifting effect.

  • SKIN-R. The product is suitable for patients over 45 years of age. The drug is aimed at achieving biorestructuring and extreme skin tightening. The substance gives an instant lifting effect, as with more serious procedures. The use of the gel is indicated for pronounced age-related changes and sagging skin.

Gels Skin B, Oks, Colin are sold in ampoules of 5 ml, Skin R - 10 ml. The box contains 3 units of the drug. To correct persistent signs of aging, the manufacturer also offers HYXA calcium hydroxyapatite filler.

"Skin B" - a preventive remedy against age-related changes

The first and easiest solution is the “Skin B” corrector. Cosmetologists claim that this composition is suitable for young skin (up to thirty years of age). It is used to prevent natural aging processes and combat the first shallow wrinkles. The drug is used for biostimulation and biorevitalization. It provides the skin with excellent hydration, smoothes out the first folds, fine wrinkles on the neck, forehead and near the eyes. In addition, thanks to it you can easily eliminate small age spots, as well as bags under the eyes.

The use of "Skin B" is usually carried out in a course. The system consists of six procedures carried out according to a special scheme:

  • the last two sessions with a break of fifteen days;
  • four sessions four times a month.

A couple of hours after the first injection, a concrete positive effect is visible. The water balance returns to normal, collagen synthesis is activated, the epidermis becomes firmer and healthier.

“Skin B” consists of three groups of classic components:

  • hyaluronic acid (from 20 to 38 nanometers);
  • amino acids (alanine, glycine and others);
  • phosphate buffer (with a pH level of 7.4);
  • glucosamine sulfate.

“Skin B” is produced in a set of three ampoules of five milliliters each. A fairly large volume of products makes it possible to use it for simultaneous treatment of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.

Progress of the procedure

Injections of Skin preparations are performed using biorevitalization techniques. Before the procedure, the cosmetologist meets with the patient. The doctor performs an examination and talks to identify contraindications. Based on the collected information, the cosmetologist selects the Skin option, determines the technique of work, and draws up a course of treatment.

Before the procedure, the patient is advised not to perform deep interventions (cleaning, peeling, polishing), avoid taking a number of medications (the list will be indicated by the doctor), and abstain from alcohol. To prevent an unfavorable outcome, the patient is advised to carefully select a cosmetologist. The doctor must confirm his competence with relevant documents (diplomas, certificates).

Biorevitalization is carried out in an office designed for medical manipulations. The process requires compliance with appropriate sterility requirements. The intervention is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Cleansing, anesthesia, disinfection of the skin in areas involving participation in the procedure.
  2. The doctor opens the package of Skin and draws the required amount of the substance into the syringe.
  3. The cosmetologist performs multiple injections, injecting the required amount of the substance under the skin. The depth of injections is determined individually. Typically, Skin B is characterized by superficial injection (2 mm), while Skin r is suitable for deeper injection (up to 4 mm).
  4. After injections, the treated surfaces are wiped with an antiseptic. The doctor stipulates the conditions, compliance with which affects the quality of the result.

Biorevitalization with Skin preparations is carried out in courses. The doctor individually prescribes a series of interventions. When using SKIN-B, SKIN-Colin, 6 sessions are usually performed with 1-2 weeks between treatments. When using SKIN-OX, 6–8 interventions are performed one week apart. The use of SKIN-R is characterized by a course of 4 procedures, performed twice a month and repeated every 4 months.

How is Skin L used?

This solution, used for biorevitalization together with the drug "Skin B", is characterized by almost identical properties with it. The above products differ in the technique of manipulation and the depth of insertion into the skin.

All other agents are often administered papually, namely at a shallow depth, and after the injections small “hailstones” appear on the skin, dissolving during the first day after the procedure.

Skin L is injected deeper and does not cause such an external effect. But its internal impact is much stronger. However, you cannot use the solution at your own request; this requires indications that must be taken into account by a specialist.

Most reviews of biorevitalization with products from the Skin series (Skin L) are positive, as with all products in this line.

“I have been using Skin preparations for the biorevitalization procedure for a long time. I always like the effect, that’s why I didn’t look for alternative means. But one day my cosmetologist advised me to try Skin L, explaining this recommendation by a longer-lasting result, as well as the absence of papules, which took quite a long time to resolve (about two weeks). I followed the advice and have never regretted it. The result was brighter, the swelling after the injections was insignificant, and there were no “pimples” at all. Of course, I liked everything!”

(Nina, 47 years old)

Healing period

The face after biorevitalization with Skin products does not look entirely aesthetically pleasing: papules, hyperemia, bruises, and swelling are typical. The norm is that such side effects disappear spontaneously within a week. It is not recommended to make attempts to eliminate or mask manifestations.

During the recovery period, adhere to standard skin care rules. Only on the first day will the doctor recommend that you stop washing your face and using any cosmetics. Cleansing of the integument is performed using an antiseptic solution. After the wounds have healed, it is permissible to use the usual care products, excluding abrasive ones.

During the rehabilitation period, the doctor will recommend adhering to restrictions. It is forbidden:

  • apply makeup, swim in the pool, open water until the puncture wounds are completely healed;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • be exposed to stress in the gym;
  • sunbathe in direct sunlight, visit a solarium;
  • carry out various skin procedures not authorized by a cosmetologist.

Important point! The bans are being lifted gradually. If it is necessary to perform the above actions, it is advisable to additionally consult your cosmetologist.

The positive results of Skin products are noticeable after the first procedure. The full effect develops after a course of interventions. The result lasts for 4–6 months or more. The duration of the effect is individual: it depends on the initial condition of the skin, age, and lifestyle of the patient.

be careful

To minimize the risk of possible side effects, follow specific directions. If this is necessary, the doctor will give you personal advice. If we talk about general rules, then among them it is worth listing:

  • use of special antiseptic cosmetics;
  • following advice on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which increases immunity and protects against possible infections;
  • refusal to go to the pool or open water;
  • refusal to visit saunas, baths, steam rooms - rooms with high humidity and temperature.

Precautionary measures

Biorevitalization with Skin products is not carried out if contraindications are identified:

  • autoimmune, cancer diseases;
  • period of pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • acute period of any disease;
  • wounds, inflammation of the skin in places where injections are required;
  • predisposition to keloid scarring;
  • individual reactions to the ingredients of the selected Skin product.

If there is a history of serious illnesses of various natures (diabetes mellitus, stroke), then the cosmetologist makes a decision on the possibility of carrying out the procedure on an individual basis. It is advisable to undergo intervention if you feel unwell or start menstruation.

The number of typical side effects of the procedure is small: persistence of papules, redness of the integument, local hematomas, swelling, itching, pain, mild discomfort. The disappearance of symptoms occurs within a week. Complications of the procedure are:

  • inflammation;
  • allergy;
  • tissue necrosis.

A doctor will help you cope with problems. Timely measures taken will help prevent the problem from getting worse.

How is Skin B used?

Skin B biorevitalization is a biostimulation of the functions of the dermis when the processes in it are still proceeding normally, but are already at the critical “point of no return”. Until approximately twenty-five years of age (age is influenced by genetic predisposition, individual characteristics of the body and a person’s lifestyle), the required amount of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid is produced in the skin. Thanks to these important substances, elasticity, hydration, firmness and healthy skin color are ensured.

Over the years, these processes slow down and natural aging occurs. It is with the help of anti-aging procedures using solutions based on hyaluronic acid that it is possible to stimulate all of the above processes, and therefore prolong youth.

"Skin B" consists of:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • glucosamine sulfate (short chain);
  • amino acids: isoleucine, leucine and glycine;
  • bicarbonate systems (pH 7.4).

Biorevitalization “Skin B” includes six procedures. The first four are done weekly, the remaining two are done with a pause of two weeks. If you wish, you can undergo another procedure a month later as a preventive measure.

Reviews about this product from both doctors and patients are quite good. Occasionally, certain consequences are observed; there are almost no complications if you properly care for the skin after biorevitalization. The rehabilitation period is up to seven days.

“I noticed that I needed more cream to get rid of dry skin. I saw crow's feet near the eyes and near the corners of the lips. I dared to undergo a biorevitalization procedure with Skin B. The result turned out quite good. The effect is becoming more visible every day.”

(Yana, 29 years old)

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of the Skin line of products is the ability to solve various problems: the substances are used to work with young and aging skin. The action of biorevitalizants is aimed at stimulating the body’s own forces aimed at tissue rejuvenation. The substances are produced in a format convenient for complex procedures.

The disadvantage of the funds is the delayed effect. You won’t be able to get a bright result instantly. Many cosmetologists and patients seek to use skin boosters (British Weiss and others) to obtain a hybrid result.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Doctors use Skin R and other products from the line in their work. The effect of the substances is considered strong. The drugs give noticeable results. The gels have a safe composition and do not cause complications. This allows cosmetologists to maintain a positive reputation and receive praise from patients.

The cosmetologist calls the substance strong.

The cosmetologist calls the result of Skin R impressive.

Patient reviews

Patients like the Skin line gels. With the help of drugs you can get at least not immediate, but noticeable positive results. The products of the line have a mild effect, and the procedures are at an affordable price. Patients like it.

The patient claims that she got great results.

The patient liked the gels from the line.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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