Hollywood hair extensions: simple and safe

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Many women dream of having long, well-groomed hair, but not everyone has the patience to grow their own. Modern girls don’t have time to wait for grandmother’s advice to start helping.

There are a huge number of beauty salons where the Hollywood hair extension procedure is practiced so that you can save time and love yourself, because you want to look no worse than popular actresses on the red carpet.

For example, African women were the first to artificially grow their hair because they were tired of their unruly, thick curls, since long hair is a sign of femininity and romance.

In this text you will learn about the features of Hollywood hair extensions, whether this procedure can be carried out at home and a lot of other interesting information on this topic.

The essence of technology

Today, the Hollywood hair extension technique has become one of the safest and most popular among salon visitors.
The technology appeared for about 10 years on the stages of Hollywood to give the necessary length and volume to the curls of actresses. It was also called afro extension. Its essence was to attach donor strands to the back of the head into small braids.

At first, the technique caused a lot of inconvenience due to the fact that the curls were secured with tresses - special threads. As a result, it was simply impossible to comb; such lengthening was temporary.

But after some time, in 2006, the technique was improved and the tresses were replaced with kerotene capsules. Now, using a special ultrasound machine, the donor curls were attached to natural hair. Another name for this technique is ultrasonic extension.


The main feature of extensions is the limitation of the length of natural curls. Extensions for short hair are not yet available. You can use this procedure only when your hair reaches 20 cm in length . This value is explained by the fact that with a shorter hair length the joints will be noticeable.

You can find out how to add hair extensions for short haircuts on our website.

Important! The procedure does not cause any harm to your hair, since during ultrasonic attachment only gentle temperatures are used only at the attachment site. It is these features that made the procedure so popular.

How much do Hollywood hair extensions cost? The answer will be a fairly high cost, but quality work cannot be cheap.

The duration of the procedure takes about 2–3 hours and this is a very short time compared to other methods. The process is quite painstaking and requires certain professional skills of the master. After lengthening, the hair can be dyed and all kinds of styling can be done.

What is the price

The price of this type of extension varies depending on the quality of the materials, the volume of strands used, their length, the level of skill of the specialist and the level of the salon.

Usually the price of strands is about 6 thousand rubles, and the cost of the service is about 4 thousand rubles. It will be cheaper to use artificial curls; they cost about 3 thousand rubles, but saving in this case is not recommended, since the same curls will be used for correction. Natural hair for extensions will last much longer, which is better to choose, read on our website.

The cost of correction will be approximately a third of the price of extensions.


You cannot use this service if you have the following problems:

  • severely weakened, thin curls;
  • when strands fall out;
  • in case of wounds, other damage to the scalp, as well as dermatological diseases;
  • when visiting chemotherapy, for cancer;
  • when there is high blood pressure, migraines, headaches;
  • when taking hormonal medications or antibiotics;
  • if the strand length is too short, less than 20 cm;
  • with increased skin sensitivity.

Attention! It is not recommended to grow hair during pregnancy and lactation. Is it possible to get hair extensions for pregnant women and what methods are safe for this, you will find out on our website.

Possible contraindications

You should not resort to this procedure if you have at least one of the following contraindications:

  • thin and weakened hair;
  • severe hair loss;
  • head injuries, dermatological diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • high blood pressure, headaches, migraines;
  • taking antibiotics, hormonal medications;
  • hair length less than twenty centimeters;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Extension procedure

The process of lengthening curls consists of weaving tresses onto your strands. Donor curls are called tresses. As a rule, they are selected according to color and structure individually for the client. The length of such strands varies from 30 cm to 1 m, the number can be increased from 50 to 300 pieces.

The step-by-step technique includes the following steps:

  1. To begin with, all the hair is removed from the bottom row and tied at the top on the top of the head in a bun.
  2. A bunch of natural curls is taken, comparable to the one being extended, and braided into a braid 1 cm long.
  3. Donor strands are woven into the braid using a special heat-treated thread. This thread allows you to safely curl and straighten your curls.
  4. By connecting the strands with wax, the excess part of the thread is removed.

The improved technology consists in replacing the threads with keratin capsules. This procedure may seem similar to the Italian technique. The difference is that in Hollywood elongation, ultrasound is used instead of temperature. It turns into heat on the surface of the capsule and seals the strands. The ultrasound device itself selects the desired operating mode depending on the structure and thickness of the hairs.


Despite the apparent simplicity of execution, it is better not to try to grow your hair by braiding it yourself. After all, only a master can determine the required number of artificial strands, in which they will be invisible on natural hair.

At home, it is difficult to achieve the same width and length of woven curls, so the fastening itself may be uneven. In addition, if the braid is not braided correctly, the artificial hair is easily separated from the natural hair, and such strands threaten to fall off at any moment.

Stages of build-up

A week before the procedure, specialists recommend taking a course of vitamins A, E, B, C.

Extension technique:

  1. Thoroughly wash your hair without using any care products other than shampoo. You cannot use balms or conditioners.
  2. Oil is rubbed into the hair, dried and combed. This step makes it easier to further connect the strands.
  3. Then the strands are carefully combed and divided into 4 equal sections by two perpendicular lines. Correct directions: from the forehead - to the back of the head in the middle; from one ear to the second, also at the same distance. For convenience, it is better to use a thin, long comb.
  4. After this, the separated areas are fixed with clips/hairpins. This makes it easier to weave.
  5. Next, the master weaves the strands into the hair. The process at this stage begins from the back of the head. Moreover, each natural strand should be no more than 5 mm wide. An artificial strand is applied to it (width - 0.5 cm, length - 5 cm), which is folded in half.
  6. At the point of folding, the artificial curl is distributed around the natural one so that it is in the middle.
  7. Next, a traditional braid up to 8 mm long is woven.
  8. The weaving is secured with a loop knot made from an overhead strand, and the protruding ends are cut off. Some craftsmen mark the end of the work with a synthetic thread, which is neatly tied on the braid.

All subsequent strands are woven in this way, the number of which is determined depending on the thickness, length and thickness of the hair. Moreover, it is necessary to move in sequence from bottom to top.

Important! As for the question of the frequency of such a procedure, as a rule, correction occurs once every 3–4 months.

Types of artificial strands

To extend curls using the Brazilian method, the following artificial strands are used:

  • Asian (China, Korea). They are considered the cheapest and lowest quality. To determine them, you just need to wash the strand. Asian samples immediately lose their original, marketable appearance. They often become tangled, poorly laid and painted. Sometimes they even stick out.
  • European (Europe, India, Latin America, other countries). They cost more than Asian ones, but the quality is almost the same. May be suitable for those with coarse hair. To determine them, it is also enough to wash them.
  • Slavic. They are among the highest quality and most expensive. They lend themselves well to all manipulations that are usually carried out with natural curls. Therefore, they are a priority in comparison with other types.

We recommend reading: which natural hair extensions are best to choose.

How long does it last?

The period of wearing donor hair depends on its quality, density of attachment, and weaving. Depending on how much Hollywood hair extensions cost, you can judge the quality of materials and results.

Correction is required once every 2-3 months, it depends on the growth rate of natural curls. The correction process involves removing the strands and weaving them back into a new place; the correction takes about an hour.

In the case of ultrasonic technology, it will take a little more time, since the specialist will need to soften the capsules, remove the curls and re-extend them.

Please note that the service life of the donor curls themselves is unlimited.

Hair correction

In the process of wearing the strands, gradually, as the native curls grow, the attachment points move down. The hairstyle loses its neat, well-groomed appearance. To always look impressive with such long curls, you need to periodically make corrections. This procedure, like the extension itself, requires special skills. Therefore, the correction must be carried out in a salon under the supervision of a professional hairdresser. The adjustment procedure is performed as follows: the master unravels the threads, disconnecting the donor bundles, and then weaves the strands again. Correction is cheaper than extensions using the Hollywood method.

You don't have to buy a new set of donor locks because the same locks can be used over and over again.

Post-procedure care

Care is practically no different from a similar procedure with natural hair. But there are several mandatory aspects:

  • regular, gentle combing of your hair; a wooden comb is better;
  • You should wash your hair in the shower, after combing it;
  • It is recommended to apply balms and masks not to the joints of the strands;
  • If possible, minimize the use of hair dryers, curling irons, and straightening irons;
  • It is forbidden to wash your hair for the first 2 days after the service.

After the final removal of donor hair, it is recommended to complete a course of restorative masks and measures for hair.


The extension procedure involves the cosmetologist first braiding small braids located on horizontal axes on the head. Additional strands are fixed on them mechanically, gradually being attached with a special hairdressing thread. Because of this, the method is suitable for those who do not want to expose their hair to aggressive chemical compounds.

The technique is suitable for home use, since its main difficulty is to carefully braid small braids that will not cause discomfort while wearing. The closer they are woven to the scalp, the more effective the manipulations will be and the longer the result will last.

Extensions are suitable for filling individual zones with strands, so they are often used on the temples or crown, where bald patches and bald spots can form. And it is carried out using tresses - continuous lines of curls that are attached to the head.

However, if you do the procedure yourself, during correction you need to change the place where the braids are braided, because natural hair can become thin because it does not receive the required amount of microelements and vitamins.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Hollywood technology are:

  • absolutely safe technique;
  • there is no need to limit yourself in anything (visiting beaches, baths, saunas is allowed);
  • possibility of hair coloring;
  • natural look of curls, joints are not visible;
  • fast procedure time.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • high cost of service;
  • fairly frequent correction;
  • if fastened incorrectly, the strands may peel off;
  • You can't do some hairstyles.

Favorite hair extension techniques:

  • tape hair extensions: the essence of the procedure, pros and cons;
  • what is capsule-free hair extensions;
  • Brazilian technique or weaving hair extensions;
  • features, price of diamond hair extensions Diamond Hair;
  • how to do gel hair extensions, reviews;
  • What is the difference between Japanese hair extensions and other techniques, its advantages.

Who can and who can’t?

The Hollywood method of hair extensions suits almost any beauty . The only requirement is the presence of hair on the head of a minimum length (from 2 cm). This method is also suitable for lovers of ultra-short haircuts. But for tresses you need a length of 20 cm.

But experts do not recommend performing the procedure for those who regularly lose weakened hair (stage of active baldness).

Contraindications also include undergoing chemotherapy, the presence of various skin diseases, frequent migraine attacks, and taking hormonal medications.

All other ladies (with thin or curly hair, pregnant women), dreaming of rich hair “a la Rapunzel and trusting modern hairdressing technologies, can and should try Hollywood extensions.

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