What kind of perineal plastic surgery after childbirth can be performed?

The birth of a baby is a joyful event in the life of parents. But often the birth of a child can leave not the most pleasant marks on the mother’s body. Tears and scars that form on the perineum can cause a woman not only physical, but also moral discomfort. Perineoplasty can correct these problems by returning the external genitalia to its normal appearance.

What does the postpartum recovery complex include?

A complex of figure rejuvenation for women who have given birth - in the simultaneous correction of several zones at once.
Almost all women after pregnancy face the same problems: excess fatty tissue in the abdomen, hips and buttocks, stretch marks and excess skin, sagging and loss of breast volume, tissue deformation in the intimate area. Mommy makeover is a Hollywood approach to solving several big problems at once, where the main criteria are fast and safe rehabilitation of the body.

What is included in the body restoration complex after childbirth?

1. Mammoplasty

2. Liposuction of the abdomen, sides and buttocks

3. Abdominoplasty/miniabdominoplasty

4. Intimate plastic surgery

The complex can be combined depending on the patient’s needs. An important condition is that everything is done at the same time!

Mini abdominoplasty

Type of scar after miniabdominoplasty

It is performed when there is a slight excess of skin. Mini abdominoplasty is combined with liposuction. After this, the excess tissue is excised, and the relaxed muscles of the abdominal wall are tightened.

Mini abdominoplasty is usually performed under anesthesia and lasts 1.5-2 hours.

The main advantage of this technique is aesthetics, since only a small incision is made. During this operation, the navel is not affected, and all excess tissue is removed purely in the area between the umbilical ring and the pubic symphysis. The seam is located in the pubic hair and is completely invisible in the bikini area.


As a rule, after childbirth, the mammary glands need serious correction: not only the skin of the mammary gland itself is stretched, but the nipple-areolar complex is significantly deformed. What types of breast correction are used?

Areola lift with implants

An areola lift (periareolar mastopexy) is suitable for women with minor changes in the shape of the mammary glands. An incision is made around the circumference of the areola, excess skin is pulled together and excised. Scars are hidden in the pigmented part of the areola, so they are practically invisible.

If volume is lost, implants are installed.

T-shaped lift on implants

T-shaped (anchor) mastopexy is performed for ptosis of the 3rd degree (very severe sagging). An inverted T-shaped incision is made from the circumference of the nipple and along the inframammary fold.

It is possible both with and without the use of implants, provided that the patient has enough of her own glandular and adipose tissue.

Immediately after mammoplasty, the patient is put on special compression garments, which she wears for a month.

What is the effect after surgery

  • breast lifting
  • restoration of lost volumes
  • neat areolas

Liposuction and lipomodeling

The next stage of recovery after childbirth is liposuction. Liposuction is the surgical removal of fatty tissue through small incisions.

Plastic surgery is performed in the abdomen and sides, on the back, hips and inner arms.

Today it is important to combine liposuction with lipomodeling. Lipomodeling is the formation of body contours and volumes using your own fat. Relevant for the abdominal area (it’s even possible to “draw” abs with a cannula) and buttocks in places where there is a lack of volume.


After removing the fat layer, the doctor proceeds to a rather difficult stage - tummy tuck. The essence of abdominoplasty is the surgical excision of excess stretched skin. In addition to correcting the contours of the abdomen, during the operation the surgeon moves the umbilical ring to a higher position (this manipulation is called “transposition of the umbilical ring”).

The size and position of the seam depend on the scale: it can be a few centimeters long (mini abdominoplasty), or from the hip to the thigh (classic abdominoplasty).

After the “liposuction + abdominoplasty” complex, the patient must wear compression garments for a month.

What is the effect after surgery

  • flat stomach without excess skin
  • physiological position of the navel
  • reducing the number of stretch marks
  • feminine waist modeling

What are the real risks of plastic surgery?

Plastic surgery, like any operation, is always stressful for the body. The surgeon is obliged to honestly talk about all possible complications of surgery.

  • Thromboembolism. With thromboembolism, blood clots form in the large veins of the legs or pelvis. When these blood clots break off and travel to the lungs, the pulmonary arteries become blocked.
  • Damage to nerve endings. A common occurrence after surgery is numbness. Sensitivity returns 6-12 months after surgery. But in some cases, the nerve endings remain damaged forever.
  • Infection and injury to internal organs. During the operation, perforation (puncture) of internal organs is possible, which can lead to infection, malfunction of the damaged system, or a heart attack.
  • Hematomas and seromas. This is the accumulation of blood under the skin, resulting in painful bruising. With seroma, tissue fluid accumulates under the skin due to rupture of small vessels, causing a tumor or abscess to appear. Seromas must be drained, that is, dried, since the liquid contents may contain infection.

Intimate plastic surgery

After childbirth, women often experience deformations of the labia: loss of elasticity, asymmetry, stretching. Labiaplasty is a surgical operation aimed at correcting the labia majora and minora. Restoring the volume of the labia is carried out using lipofilling (injection of the patient’s own fat).

Modern women do not hush up this problem; they turn to specialists to restore the aesthetics of the genital organs and thereby remove possible complexes and restrictions in their sexual life.

What is the effect after surgery:

  • transformation of the aesthetic appearance of the labia
  • restoration of symmetrical forms
  • increase in volume

Benefits of an integrated approach

Today, combined techniques, which include Mommy makeover, are especially relevant in aesthetic medicine. There are certainly risks, but risks are present even during small corrections

1. Several operations – one rehabilitation period

  • In the first place are the listed advantages. Each of the interventions that make up the complex restoration of the figure after childbirth using plastic surgery involves a fairly long rehabilitation period
  • For example, after mammoplasty or abdominoplasty, compression garments are worn for 1 month. This is followed by a period of abstinence from physical activity. If you carry out each operation separately, then you will be cut off from social life for a noticeably long time.
  • Surgical comprehensive restoration of the figure after childbirth saves your time

2. Total transformation

  • The patient receives the maximum possible aesthetic effect in one procedure. After correcting one zone, other imperfections of the figure are evident. If you have modeled beautiful breasts, then you definitely want to see a flat, athletic belly instead of an apron of skin and fat with stretch marks.

3. More economical

Complex surgery is cheaper than the sum of individual operations performed. This approach allows you to save up to 30% of your budget

Comprehensive body restoration is suitable for you if:

  • More than six months have passed since giving birth
  • 6 months after completion of lactation
  • you are not planning pregnancy in the future
  • you have no contraindications (autoimmune diseases, cancer, diabetes, chronic diseases in the acute stage, etc.)

After consultation with a plastic surgeon, the patient prepares for recovery after pregnancy and childbirth in accordance with the list of tests.


  • Clinical blood test
  • Biochemical blood test (total protein, urea, creatinine, bilirubin (total), ALT, AST, glucose, potassium, sodium)
  • Coagulogram (INR, prothrombin, bleeding time, clotting time)
  • Blood test for RW (syphilis), HIV
  • Hbc
  • antigen+anti HCV (hepatitis B, C)
  • Blood group, Rh factor
  • General urine analysis
  • ECG (electrocardiogram) with interpretation

On the day of body modeling

  • The patient comes to the clinic on an empty stomach. You can have your last meal the night before.
  • This is followed by a consultation with an anesthesiologist. Afterwards, a plastic surgeon meets with you and explains the procedure again.
  • After regaining her figure after childbirth, the patient comes to her senses in the recovery room under the supervision of specialists. A few hours later she is transferred to a ward.
  • Discharge is possible in 2-3 days.

How to prepare for the procedure

The success of perineal plastic surgery after childbirth depends on many factors. One of the most important points is how thoroughly the woman prepared for the operation. Before performing perineoplasty you must:

  • Two weeks before the intervention, stop taking medications containing hormones, as well as tablets that contain aspirin. You should also stop smoking.
  • A week before perineal surgery, doctors recommend excluding spicy and fatty foods and alcohol from the menu.
  • It is better not to eat in the evening before the day of surgery. This is necessary so that the anesthesia does not cause unexpected reactions.
  • In the morning, before going to the clinic, you should prepare all the necessary things for a comfortable stay in the ward: clothes, hygiene products, linen, documents, results of previous tests.
  • On the day of the operation, it is recommended to be in a normal emotional state, do not worry.

Rehabilitation after Mommy makeover

Postpartum plastic surgery is a large-scale operation. But the recovery period after childbirth is not much different from mammoplasty or abdominoplasty, performed separately. The only difference is that the woman wears compression garments for both the chest and abdomen.

  • Before the stitches are removed (the first 7-10 days). Water treatments are prohibited: use wet wipes to maintain hygiene. Follow a special diet: eat small portions, excluding foods that cause flatulence. Refrain from sexual contact.
  • After the stitches are removed. You can take a shower. A hot bath is excluded, since high temperature and humid air have an adverse effect on the condition of the scars. For the same reasons, it is not recommended to visit the sauna, bathhouse, solarium, beach, or swimming pool for 3 months.
  • Three months. As a rule, the patient returns to her usual lifestyle after plastic surgery to recover after childbirth. It is advisable to include light physical activity, but in moderation.
  • Six months. The result of plastic surgery is fully visible. As a rule, all restrictions are lifted.

To maintain and prolong the effect of liposuction and abdominoplasty, try to adhere to a healthy lifestyle with mandatory physical activity!


There are quite contradictory data on the Internet about prices for perineoplasty. Some sources say that it is not that expensive - from 8,000 to 14,000 rubles. This price is affordable for any woman.

But there are completely different data, according to which the cost of perineal plastic surgery exceeds 55,000 rubles. And if other types of interventions are performed simultaneously with this operation, then the price increases noticeably. For example, plastic surgery of the anterior and posterior walls of the vagina together with correction of the perineum cost from 130,000 rubles. Not everyone can afford such a luxury.

We recommend reading about vaginal wall surgery. From the article you will learn about the causes of the problem, indications for seeing a doctor, and methods of performing plastic surgery. And here is more information about labia reduction surgery.

Perineoplasty will help a woman who has suffered serious damage to the external genitalia during childbirth to return to her normal state. Perineal correction is carried out for various reasons, but the result is always accompanied by an improvement in the physical and emotional state of the fair sex.

It is important to approach the upcoming operation responsibly and prepare thoroughly. And following the doctor’s recommendations after the intervention will help you recover quickly.

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