The capillaries on my face burst after vomiting. Prevention

Red eyes after childbirth are broken capillaries.
The eyes reflect the human soul. After all, looking at them, you can understand the mood of a close relative or even an unfamiliar passerby. No matter how good we try to look, carefully applying makeup, spending hours on hairstyle and choosing outfits, but if the white of the eye is pierced with a red mesh, everything is in vain.

After giving birth, unfortunately, the woman is not in the best physical shape. There is still a saggy, flabby tummy, there are often extra pounds, and bruises from lack of sleep are visible under the eyes. But avoiding red eyes is in the hands of every woman in labor.

What kind of pathology is this

Cuperosis is a pathology that occurs against the background of impaired blood microcirculation. It develops due to an increase in the diameter of blood vessels, which increases fragility. Clinical manifestations are clearly manifested in hypersensitive skin.

During the development of a new life, the mother's body reacts sensitively to changes. You can independently determine the skin's reaction to the influence of external and internal factors. This results in severe irritation and inflammation.

The appearance of inflammation is provoked by changes in air temperature and the use of new cosmetic products. Initially, slight redness of the face occurs. Expectant mothers with thin skin have an increased risk of developing the disease.

The vessels are located close to the surface and, if disturbed, bright and extensive hemorrhages appear. In these cases, the pregnant woman can independently determine the development of the pathology.

Nutritional Features

What foods should form the basis of your diet?

When a woman bursts blood vessels on her face while carrying a child or after childbirth, she needs to follow a certain diet. This diet involves eating foods that do not harm the cardiovascular system and strengthen the body as a whole.

Proper nutrition for rosacea consists of eating food that is high in vitamins.

The main products that should be included in your diet are the following:

  • red paprika;
  • carrot;
  • buckwheat;
  • parsley;
  • asparagus.

The listed products are characterized by high concentrations of rutin. You should also include spinach as it contains large amounts of vitamin K, which improves vascular strength.

To get enough vitamin C into your body, you need to consume the following categories of foods:

  • cabbage;
  • citrus;
  • onion;
  • currants

The benefits of ascorbic acid.

Ascorbic acid normalizes blood circulation and causes blood vessels to become less fragile. You also need to consume sufficient amounts of calciferol, which is found in dairy products. We must not forget about Omega-3 fatty acids, the record holder of which is sea fish.

Attention! Proper nutrition can somewhat speed up the healing process.

Basic nutritional recommendations:

  1. The presented products are recommended to be consumed boiled, baked, stewed or fresh.
  2. It is required to strictly follow the drinking regime - to restore water balance, you need to consume at least 1.5 liters of purified water per day.
  3. It is necessary to completely stop consuming tonic drinks and carbonated drinks.
  4. Reduce consumption of excessively salty, hot and spicy foods.
  5. Completely avoid fried and smoked foods.
  6. Stop smoking and consuming alcohol-containing products.

By reviewing your own eating habits, you can significantly improve your condition and reduce the signs of rosacea.


Skin problems during pregnancy arise due to genetic predisposition, exposure to external factors, and hormonal changes.

Also, rosacea during pregnancy is provoked by diseases of the endocrine system.

Common reasons include:

  • violation of diet and diet;
  • consumption of semi-finished products, fast food;
  • smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • prolonged exposure to open sun;
  • sudden changes in air temperature;
  • nervous tension, frequent stress.

The development of pathology is facilitated by the consumption of coffee, chocolate, and spicy foods in large quantities during pregnancy.

Preventing the problem

Vitamins and nutrition

Due to a lack of a number of vitamins, blood vessels become fragile and burst. Therefore, it is important during pregnancy to regularly take vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women (as prescribed by a doctor) and eat well (See “Which vitamins for pregnant women to choose”).

Moderate physical activity

Moderate physical activity will help you avoid red eyes after childbirth. A sports mother will easily give birth to a baby, and her eyes will remain beautiful. The minimum stage of recovery can be daily walking for at least an hour.

Attending preparatory courses

The most important thing, of course, is proper preparation for childbirth, which allows you to avoid unnecessary pushing at the wrong time. It is ideal to attend specialized preparatory courses, where they will tell you in detail and show you how and when to breathe, how to push, and how to relax correctly during childbirth. Right in the classroom, among other pregnant women, you will be able to try different methods, choose the ones that are most suitable for you, and consolidate skills that will be useful during labor. Such training courses are organized not only at antenatal clinics, but in specialized commercial centers.

Communication with friends who have given birth

If circumstances do not allow you to complete the courses, then it is recommended to communicate with experienced mothers and midwives, who will certainly give valuable recommendations. You can independently study detailed information on how to give birth correctly in books and thematic magazines. After this, you need to practice pushing and breathing at home so that in the maternity hospital you can confidently and correctly perform these actions.

Understand how to push correctly

The most important rule is the following: do not push on the head, this does not make the fate of the baby moving along the birth canal easier, push on the area where the child emerges. There is no need to contract the muscles as much as possible when there are no natural efforts. You still can't cope without them. Your energy will be wasted. Listen to your body and your midwife's advice.


It is useful for expectant mothers to learn how to identify rosacea during pregnancy. Women with light skin color are at risk. Pathology can be detected after a thorough examination, since the dermis reacts sensitively to changes.

The primary manifestations of rosacea in expectant mothers include:

  • pronounced blush;
  • dryness;
  • visual manifestation of blood vessels;
  • itching associated with changes in air temperature.

A pregnant woman observes the appearance of subcutaneous hemorrhages in the forehead, chin, neck, and cheeks. In the absence of therapy, manifestations begin to progress.

Nutrients do not reach the affected areas. This leads to accelerated aging.

What to do if blood vessels on the face burst after childbirth?

At the first symptoms, you should consult a doctor. The first advice for those who are faced with such a problem after childbirth would be proper skin care. It is necessary to restore the water balance in the body, moisturize the skin, and replenish it with nutrients from the outside. But you should buy creams only after a detailed consultation with your doctor; it is advisable to choose products rich in vitamin E, ascorbic acid and element K. Before going to bed, you need to take a cool shower and apply serum to the skin.

It is advisable to enrich your diet with asparagus.

You can also take a complex of vitamins and minerals, combining them with proper nutrition. Eliminate or reduce the consumption of tea, coffee and carbonated drinks from the diet (all of them are tonic), but add foods rich in fiber, rutin and vitamin K (asparagus, buckwheat, carrots, citrus fruits, sea fish and currants). It is advisable to wash your face with water at room temperature, rub the irritated areas with pieces of ice based on chamomile infusion.

You can go to the salon and undergo ozone or laser therapy, as well as photorejuvenation. It is recommended to do massage and facial exercises.

What is the danger

Redness of the skin during pregnancy is common. The circulatory system of the expectant mother is subject to double load. The vascular walls lose their tone, and the capillaries cannot withstand the pressure.

The pathological process does not affect the course of pregnancy and does not have a negative effect on the fetus. The danger is associated exclusively with the external and psychological state of the expectant mother.

A woman who is dissatisfied with her appearance becomes more nervous and becomes depressed. Due to constant stress, already weakened immunity decreases. Against this background, chronic disorders are exacerbated, which pose a danger to the formation and development of the child.

During gestation, it is necessary to begin treatment with safe drugs. Otherwise, it will lead to a deterioration in the general condition, a threat and even a miscarriage.

Rules of care

To eliminate the consequences of childbirth, you need to provide the skin with proper care. It is necessary to cleanse the skin and moisturize it daily to restore normal water balance.

Vitamin E as a means to increase the elasticity of the vascular wall.

It is necessary to purchase a remedy for rosacea only after consultation with a medical specialist. Such preparations must contain natural ingredients, for example, grape seed oil, which holds the record for vitamin E content.

How does the procedure work?

Before removing blood vessels using a laser, the skin is treated with a solution, then a special gel is applied. When eliminating defects on the face, the patient wears glasses that protect the eyes from the laser flash. There is no pain during laser exposure; only minor tingling sensations can cause discomfort. The use of anesthesia is indicated only in case of serious damage to large vessels.

Removal of spider veins in time depends on the degree of damage to the vascular tissue and the individual characteristics of the venous system. To remove a formation of small diameter (1-1.5 cm) it will take only a couple of sessions. To eliminate larger defects, three to five sessions are needed.


Due to the non-hazardous nature of most cases, hemorrhage in the eye in newborns does not require special treatment. This phenomenon goes away on its own during the first month of the child’s life. The exception is situations where there is mechanical damage during childbirth. The need for treatment is determined by the doctor. Studies of hemorrhage in the eye of a newborn and disturbances in brain activity have not found any relationship between these phenomena. It is important to follow all doctor's instructions.

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