Is it worth eating hop cones for breast enlargement?

Bust enlargement is the work of plastic surgeons. But there are plenty of other ways to make your breasts fuller and more shaped, and it’s worth trying them out before going under the knife. Hop cones have a similar property. They do not instantly transform the bust, but do it slowly. But this method is safe for general health, and if it gives positive results, they are always sustainable.

Properties of hop cones for bust

All the beneficial properties of the plant are determined by its composition, and in hop cones it can safely be characterized as unique. For example, it contains flavonoids and tannins, complex vitamins and saturated fatty acids.

And relatively recently, scientists have discovered that the fruits of the plant contain phytoestrogens - specific substances that have a positive effect on the functioning of a woman’s hormonal system (in particular, they stimulate the body’s production of its own estrogens in normal quantities) and trigger processes leading to the proliferation of glandular tissue.

Based on their composition, hop cones have the following positive effects on a woman’s bust and décolleté:

  • increase the firmness of the skin and its elasticity;
  • promote the growth of glandular tissue cells;
  • moisturizes the dermis well.

With proper preparation of folk remedies from the plant materials in question and their correct use, a woman can achieve not only correction of the size and shape of her breasts, but also:

  • improved sleep;
  • normalization, stabilization of the psycho-emotional background;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes at the cellular level;
  • removing excess fluid from the body.

Hop cones increase and strengthen the immune system, have a general anti-inflammatory effect and can even put some chronic internal diseases into a stage of long-term drug remission.

Such a complex effect on the body will certainly lead to overall health and bust enlargement. Adding here the relative safety of products based on hop cones, a small number of contraindications and the availability of the product, we can call the plant the optimal choice for solving the problem of small mammary glands.

We recommend reading the article on how to enlarge your breasts without surgery. From it you will learn about whether it is possible to enlarge your breasts without surgery, as well as about creams, gels, and oils for actually changing the size. And here is more information about bust enlargement cream.

Composition and beneficial properties

Hop cones are considered medicinal in folk medicine. They contain many useful substances:

  1. Lupulin. Heals the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.
  2. Polyphenols.
  3. Magnesium.
  4. Alkaloids.
  5. Calcium.
  6. Organic acids.
  7. Manganese.
  8. Choline.
  9. Iodine.
  10. Tannin.
  11. Zinc.
  12. Phytoestrogen. This is a plant analogue of estrogen. According to legend, this is the reason why hop cones are used to enlarge the breasts.
  13. Essential oils. They give the plant a pleasant aroma that calms the nervous system.
  14. Substance that causes drowsiness. Its chemical formula is 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol. This component was discovered quite recently.

Now it is clearly shown how useful hop cones are for treatment. However, it is very important to follow the correct dosage so as not to harm the body.

Breast enlargement oil

This remedy is prepared with olive oil, but sesame seeds will be more effective. They need to pour fresh or dried hop cones (pre-chopped) so that the plant material is completely covered. Hop oil is infused for 10 days in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator. After this period, the product must be filtered and stored at room temperature.

Use hop cone oil twice a day: morning and evening, apply it to the skin of the bust. You don’t need to make any special efforts, you don’t need to rub it into the dermis, but it would be useful to carry out a gentle massage, acting on the mammary glands with circular, stroking and rubbing movements.

It must be remembered that the product should not get on the nipple and areola, and before the procedure it is necessary to carry out a simple allergy test - apply a drop of oil to the skin of the inner bend of the elbow joint or behind the ear area and wait 15 minutes. The presence of redness, burning or itching is a contraindication for use.

How to use hop oil

Hop essential oil can be used like all other essential oils: in inhalations, in aroma lamps, for bathing.

For relaxation

Apply 2-4 drops of hop oil to your temples and massage.

For insomnia and improved sleep

Place a few drops of oil on your pillow to help you fall asleep faster.

Can be used in aroma lamps by adding three drops of oil into a diffuser.

For therapeutic massage

Mix a few drops of oil with a carrier oil and massage the affected area.

When using oil, you need to take some precautions. Although the oil is not considered a toxic oil, it can cause allergies in some people. Therefore, it must be diluted with a carrier oil before use. Any vegetable or cosmetic oils are suitable for this, for example, coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil.

Before use, test by dropping the mixture onto a small area of ​​skin.

How to brew a decoction

It is better to prepare it from fresh hop fruits, but dried plant materials are also suitable. Add 2 tablespoons of the product to 0.5 liters of water and simmer on low heat for 2 - 5 minutes. Then the broth should cool at room temperature, which will take about an hour.

Decoction of hop cones

The broth should be strained and consumed 3 times a day before each meal in the amount of 1 tablespoon. If the product is prepared “with a reserve”, then it should be stored in a cool place.

In addition to the decoction, infusion and tea made from hop cones will be effective. Preparation of the infusion is practically no different from the recipe for the decoction, you just need to pour 2 tablespoons of the plant material with boiling water and leave for 2 hours in a sealed container without heating.

Tea from hop cones is prepared according to the classic recipe: 1 teaspoon per 200 ml of hot water, leave for 20 - 30 minutes at room temperature, drink throughout the day. Tea is not prepared for future use; you need to brew a new portion every day in the morning.

The taste of any drink is distinctly bitter, but you cannot add honey, sugar or any other taste correctors to it . If you can’t drink the decoction, then you should replace it with tea - a lower concentration makes the unpleasant aftertaste less pronounced.

Rules of application

How to drink this healing infusion, you ask? It is recommended to divide the glass of the product you brew into three doses and take 1/3 glass 30 minutes before you go for a snack.

The decoction is taken for 30 days, then a break is taken for the same period. Under no circumstances should you drink decoctions containing phytoestrogens constantly. This threatens your body with hormonal imbalance and loss of women's health.

When the hops “give” all their benefits to the base, and your miracle oil is ready, you can lubricate the décolleté area with the resulting preparations, make wraps and compresses at night. It is advisable to strain the oil first. You can lubricate your bust every day with light massage movements.


Any medicinal plant has contraindications, hop cones are no exception. Unlike other raw materials, this one has few restrictions on its use, but you need to know about them:

  • periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • diseases of the reproductive system of a hormonal nature;
  • increased amount of synthesized estrogen.

Hop cones are also contraindicated for children under 18 years of age. At this age, the mammary glands are actively forming and the functioning of the hormonal system is stabilizing. And thoughtless use of oil or decoction can provoke problems in the development of one or another.

Allergy to hops

Separately, it is worth considering the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction. Some women experience severe skin irritation when touching hop vines/stems - the area of ​​contact becomes covered in a small rash, swells, turns red and is very itchy .

But internal use of decoctions can be perceived by the body quite normally, and the oil softens the effect of the cones. An individual approach and mandatory preliminary allergy testing are important here.

Possible complications

Hops are considered a poisonous plant, so using it as a folk remedy for bust enlargement should be done with extreme caution. It is strictly forbidden to exceed the indicated dosages both when preparing the oil/decoction and when using it.

In addition, you cannot use any product based on hop cones for more than 4 weeks in a row, as this can cause the development of side effects.

Complications from improper use/use of folk hop remedies are:

  • regular dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting without reference to meals;
  • sleep disturbances and constant feeling of fatigue;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • intense white, thick vaginal discharge;
  • change in voice timbre.

Sleep disorders
Some women note the appearance of unwanted hair on the body and face, unmotivated irritability, and frequent mood swings. Shortness of breath and pain in the area of ​​the anatomical location of the heart may be bothersome.

The appearance of any of the listed conditions should serve as a reason to terminate the procedures. You need to immediately visit a doctor and undergo a full examination.

A hormonal disorder may be detected. And since in the initial stage it is corrected with a “small fight”, in a neglected state it can lead to infertility, then you should not delay the visit.

What are the dangers of taking the decoction?

With regular use of a decoction of hop cones, a disruption of the individual female cycle is observed. Menstruation often begins prematurely or is delayed, pathological discharge and discomfort in the genital area appear.

The naturalness of a product does not yet indicate its complete safety for health. The tincture is a hormonal agent that, if used incorrectly, can greatly harm the functioning of a woman’s reproductive system.

Contraindications to the use of folk remedies are the presence of neoplasms in the breast and pelvic organs (cysts, polyps, tumors), pregnancy and lactation. When carrying and feeding a baby, you should be careful about all the foods you eat and exclude any hormonal and pharmaceutical drugs, so as not to cause hormonal disorders in a fragile child.

In addition, changes in hormonal levels affect the overall functioning of the body, causing:

  • sleep problems;
  • vaginal dysbiosis;
  • endometriosis;
  • rapid development of glandular tissue;
  • pathological growth of epithelium in the uterus and vagina;
  • development of infertility due to lack of ovulation.

The most undesirable consequence for women is the growth of adipose tissue not only in the chest, but throughout the body, due to which the weight and volume of the hips and waist increase.

In rare cases, long-term use of phytoestrogens causes the appearance of benign and malignant neoplasms in the breast. In the chest, such tumors can be felt as lumps. They can be small or large. Therefore, for an accurate diagnosis, it will be necessary not only to be examined by a mammologist, but also to have a mammogram.

If you do not stop consuming the decoction in a timely manner, the cyst in the mammary glands can increase and cause severe discomfort.

Will my bust get bigger?

The first results of using the oil or decoction will appear already on the 10th - 14th day of the course - the breasts will actually become 1 - 2 sizes larger, tightened and take on the classic round shape.

It is noteworthy that a month after stopping the use of hop cone products (that is, 2 months from the start of the course), a gradual return to the original norms will be noted. This happens slowly, and only after 2 - 3 months the size and shape will become the same.

And here it becomes clear why folk remedies for bust enlargement have advantages over creams - a course of their use can be carried out every 3 months. It turns out that the gradual growth and “decrease” of the breast occurs smoothly and unnoticed by others.

In between taking hop cones, you can use specific cosmetics - these can be creams for daily use. Regarding the choice of a specific drug, it is worth consulting with a mammologist - a doctor who deals with problems of the mammary glands. As soon as a repeated course of application/consumption of hop products begins, any additional ones are canceled.

We recommend reading the article about breast augmentation with fillers. From it you will learn about options for breast augmentation, intervention techniques, fillers for a chic bust, as well as the consequences of the procedure, how long the effect lasts. Read more about seamless breast augmentation here.

Enlarging your bust using folk remedies is relatively safe and cheap. If the problem lies only in some sagging of the mammary glands and loss of their shape, then you can use a decoction or oil from hop cones, but this plant is not capable of dramatic changes.

Cooking rules

A decoction or infusion is prepared from fresh hop cones. If you cannot get “live” cones, use an alcohol infusion. Dried cones are effective as a sedative, but are of little use for breast enlargement.

Prepare a decoction or infusion based on the ratio of 200 ml of water + 1 tbsp. spoon of hop raw materials. You can brew it as tea and infuse the drug (in a thermos overnight), or you can boil it. The infusion is considered healthier.

You can use essential oil by mixing it with the base:

  • corn;
  • linen;
  • olive;
  • cottonseed oils.

You can use the same oils as a base, but prepare the oil extract yourself. To do this, hop inflorescences are crushed into powder, poured with oil, and infused in a dark glass jar or simply in a dark place for 14 days, shaking its contents periodically.

Useful video

Watch the video about the beneficial properties of hops:

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What effect should I expect?

Hops for breasts is one of the popular folk remedies. It affects hormonal levels, so any course should be carried out only after taking a hormone test, as well as under the supervision of a specialist - an endocrinologist.

If you drink hop decoctions just like that, despite the fact that the ratio of female and male hormones in a girl is normal, then hop cones for the breasts will simply not be needed, in a positive scenario.

With prolonged use of oils and tinctures based on this plant, engorgement of the mammary glands is noted, and some pain may be felt. Every representative of the fair sex experiences these same sensations immediately before menstruation. This happens because water accumulates in the tissues.

Also, under the influence of phytoestrogens, adipose tissue grows, but not as much as we would like. You can enlarge your breasts up to 2 sizes. It all depends on the hormonal background.

As soon as the course ends, the mammary glands simply “deflate”, but the small effect of therapy will still remain for a long time.

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