Chlorhexidine for the face: reviews from cosmetologists, doctors, use in cosmetology

The substance chlorhexidine and its salts (chlorhexidine hydrochloride, chlorhexidine digluconate, chlorhexidine diacetate) is included in cosmetic products and personal care products, such as facial cosmetics, hair dyes, soaps, and mouth rinses.

This compound is added as a cosmetic antiseptic, preservative or disinfectant. The substance has a strong bactericidal effect. There are often recommendations to use it against acne, but reviews about its use in this capacity are contradictory, and it has contraindications.

Description of Chlorhexidine

To eliminate acne, the component chlorhexidine is needed. Preparations containing the active substance are known under the trade names Miramistin and Chlorhexidine.

The drug has the appearance of a clear, colorless liquid. There is no noticeable odor. The effect is due to the basic properties. The drug has a pronounced bactericidal and antiseptic effect. To suppress gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, a solution at a concentration of 0.01% is used, viruses - 0.05%. A weak antifungal effect was also noted.

Important! After penetration onto the skin, the product acts for a long time without causing allergies or irritation.

Read more about the beneficial properties of the drug

The popularity of the drug is explained by its properties: bactericidal (causes the death of bacteria), bacteriostatic (prevents the proliferation of bacteria), virucidal (antiviral), fungicidal (antifungal).

The listed disinfectant properties are combined in this preparation with others that are no less important. Based on this, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to treat the face with chlorhexidine is obvious. The wide distribution and popularity of the drug was ensured by the fact that it:

  • Does not cause tissue burns, hypoallergenic.
  • Non-addictive.
  • Sold without a prescription.
  • Suitable for treating mucous membranes and epidermis, including after cleansing the face.
  • Active in the deep layers of the epidermis for up to 4 hours after application.
  • Does not penetrate the bloodstream.
  • Has a low cost.

Release form of Chlorhexidine

The drug can be used in various dosage forms, depending on the purpose of use. The following forms of Chlorhexidine exist:

  • gel (containing lidocaine);
  • solution (0.01-20%);
  • cream;
  • bactericidal patch;
  • spray;
  • candles.

Attention! The main active ingredient is chlorhexidine bigluconate.

It is advisable to use chlorhexidine in the form of a solution for acne. You should also pay attention to its concentration. A 0.01% solution is suitable for treating acne.

Main characteristics

Chlorhexidine belongs to the group of antiseptics and disinfectants. It has an antimicrobial effect, which is aimed at gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria . With a concentration of 0.01%, the product successfully fights such bacteria.

Depending on the concentration, Chlorhexidine is divided into drugs with bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects.

Too concentrated a product can be diluted with distilled water, alcohol, glycerin.

Active ingredient: Chlorhexidine bigluconate.

It is used not only to get rid of acne , but also in other situations:

  • for the treatment of infections,
  • for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases,
  • in the presence of wounds, cracks, scratches,
  • disinfects the skin,
  • for the treatment of purulent wounds,
  • treats fungal and bacterial skin diseases,
  • disinfects medical equipment and devices.

The solution is able to penetrate deeply into the skin and remain in sufficient quantity for a long time , providing a therapeutic effect. Does not injure the skin, does not damage objects. It is also used to disinfect hands, medical instruments, and furniture.

Release forms

The drug is produced in the form of solutions, creams, gels, patches, suppositories .

A 0.05% solution is used for washing wounds, abrasions, burns, scratching insect bites, for the treatment of pharyngitis, laryngitis and other ENT diseases, and for the prevention of vaginal infections.

It can rarely cause itching and allergies . With gingivitis, tooth enamel may become stained, taste may be impaired, and tartar may be deposited (long-term use of the drug).

Suppositories are used for the treatment and prevention of vaginal infections: bacterial vaginosis, nonspecific mixed infections. They do not disturb the balance of microflora and have a gentle effect on the mucous membrane .

Used for the prevention of genital herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis. Used to sanitize the birth canal before delivery.

Can be used in all trimesters of pregnancy, during lactation, but you should first consult a doctor. Itching and allergic reactions may occur , which will subside after discontinuation of the drug.

Chlorhexidine gel is used to treat and disinfect wounds, burns, scratches, and will help with skin infections and acne. It contains no alcohol and is gentle on the skin and mucous membranes.

Thanks to its bactericidal effect, it quickly heals wounds and purulent processes. Used as a disinfectant for piercing, tattooing, and depilation.

Also used in cosmetology for stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis and other diseases. Also suitable as protection against germs in public places or outdoors.

Possible side effects after using the gel:

  • allergic reactions, dryness and discoloration of the skin, itching,
  • dermatitis,
  • the skin of the hands becomes sticky for 7 minutes,
  • increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

Another form of solution is Chlorhexidine bigluconate . The product can be used for acne in a concentration of no higher than 0.05%. The action is bacteriostatic. At a concentration of 0.1% it can kill viruses.

Does Chlorhexidine help with acne?

The product is effective for acne and blackheads due to its basic properties. After a few weeks of regular use, skin rashes and redness disappear. Unlike other drugs, Chlorhexidine also has a detrimental effect on viruses, which often infect the skin against the background of an inflammatory process.

The product is not only an antiseptic, but also a healing agent. It helps eliminate acne at any age. In some cases, complex treatment is necessary to achieve lasting results.

Attention! Acne is often caused by hormonal disorders and diseases of the digestive tract. Before use, it is advisable to undergo an examination and consult a specialist.

Is it possible to wipe your face every day?

Cosmetologists recommend using an antiseptic to wipe the entire surface of the face only if there are multiple pustular rashes. But, as with any other medicine, you should not be overzealous.

The effect of the bactericidal drug is on pathogenic microorganisms and natural microflora. The skin loses its own protective functions and becomes more susceptible to external factors. Therefore, constant wiping with chlorhexidine can lead to new problems. The recommended course of treatment is two weeks.

Indications for use of Chlorhexidine

The solution is used not only for the treatment of acne. Experts name the following indications for the use of Chlorhexidine:

  • therapy and prevention of skin diseases of bacterial or fungal etiology;
  • acne;
  • acne;
  • treatment of burns or wounds;
  • sterilization of medical instruments;
  • hand disinfection.

Chlorhexidine digluconate is actively used in cosmetology for acne and as a means of reducing the severity of inflammation on the skin.

Compresses based on the drug

An effective remedy against pimples and acne is solution-based lotions. To make a compress, you must adhere to the following sequence:

  • facial skin is pre-cleaned with lotions that do not contain alcohol;
  • a cotton swab is soaked in antiseptic;
  • a disc is applied to the problem area of ​​the skin affected by purulent growths and secured with a band-aid for 10 minutes;
  • after 10 minutes, the cotton pad must be removed and the face washed under cold running water;
  • Although the drug does not dry out the skin, as doctors say, it is still recommended to moisturize the skin with a nourishing cream after the lotion to avoid peeling.

It is very important to wash your face with cold water after using lotions, as the solution becomes more active when the temperature rises.

How to use Chlorhexidine for acne

Experts emphasize that if you have acne, it is advisable to contact a dermatologist or cosmetologist. The doctor will select the optimal treatment regimen.

It is not recommended to squeeze purulent pimples, so as not to aggravate the inflammation and spread of infection. If you need to squeeze out a pimple, you need to remember about the mandatory treatment with Chlorhexidine:

  • the solution is applied to the hands and skin in the area of ​​inflamed areas;
  • the sterile needle is wiped with medical alcohol;
  • use the tip of a treated needle to make a puncture in the abscess;
  • the contents of the pimple are removed with a tampon, which is pre-moistened in the solution;
  • Using a clean cotton pad soaked in Chlorhexidine, re-treat the inflamed lesion and adjacent areas.

The algorithm of actions allows you to get rid of redness and prevent infection of damaged areas.

Compresses and applications

The drug is often used in the form of applications or compresses. A cotton pad is moistened in the solution and applied to the abscess for several minutes. The procedure helps relieve swelling and redness. Applications can be carried out 2 times a day for several days.


This processing method is recommended due to its antiseptic and antimicrobial effects. The skin is wiped with a cotton swab soaked in Chlorhexidine twice a day. After 10 minutes, apply an anti-acne ointment, for example, Skinoren. The therapeutic course is 14 days.

Attention! Chlorhexidine should be applied to acne as a disinfectant.

Acne masks based on Chlorhexidine

When treating acne, masks based on chlorhexidine bigluconate are also used.

With cosmetic clay

The mask normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and helps eliminate oily sheen. In a bowl, mix black clay and solution in equal proportions. The mixture is applied to cleansed skin and washed off after 20 minutes. After the procedure, you need to apply a moisturizing cream to your face.

Attention! Black, green or blue clay is suitable for the mask.

With baby powder

A special mask reduces the severity of inflammation and dries out the skin. It is recommended to perform the treatment procedure before bedtime. To prepare a therapeutic mask, you need to take 1.5 tablespoons of solution and powder without flavorings. The mixture should be thick. After the mask has dried, it must be removed by hand. The white coating is left until the morning. It is washed off with water, and then a cream with a moisturizing effect is applied to the face.

With essential oils

To enhance the effect, the solution is mixed with essential oils, such as chamomile. The mixture should be applied to the face and washed off with cool water after 20 minutes. This mask actively fights post-acne and evens out the complexion.


Face masks that help treat acne are different from regular skin-moisturizing masks. To eliminate acne, the best masks are those that absorb excess oils, draw out impurities from the skin's pores and restore balance. After using the mask, the skin looks fresher.

Antibacterial ingredients are also added to the masks, such as charcoal, green tea or a few drops of chlorhexidine. When using masks, the size of comedones is reduced, and the removal of excess fat and impurities prevents the appearance of acne in the future.

Masks can be used 1-2 times a week for 15-30 minutes.

  • Mix a mixture of bodyaga powder and cosmetic white clay with a 0.05% chlorhexidine solution. Ratio of mask components: 2 volumes of clay powder, one volume of bodyaga powder.
  • Apply the product for 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.
  • After using the mask, it is recommended to use sunscreen creams.

Advantages and disadvantages of Chlorhexidine

Treatment with Chlorhexidine has positive and negative aspects that are directly related to the effect of the drug. The advantages of the solution include:

  • use for various therapeutic purposes due to activity against bacteria and viruses;
  • effectiveness in the treatment of single acne;
  • elimination of inflammation at an early stage;
  • duration of exposure;
  • penetration into deep layers.

Attention! The product is highly safe. If you wipe your face with Chlorhexidine for acne, the solution is not absorbed into the general bloodstream and does not have systemic side effects.

During the use of the drug, a number of phenomena are observed that can be attributed to disadvantages. The following negative aspects associated with the use of the drug are identified:

  • increased photosensitivity;
  • a decrease in the protective properties of the skin, since the drug has a detrimental effect on both harmful and beneficial flora;
  • decreased effectiveness when the solution comes into contact with pus or blood.

Attention! Despite isolated shortcomings, Chlorhexidine is considered an effective and safe treatment method.

Are there any harms and contraindications?

Although the drug is capable of destroying most bacteria, it is less effective in the fight against viruses and can only have an effect in high concentrations (from 0.5%). Fighting fungal infections on the skin with Chlorhexidine is completely pointless.

The drug should not be used to treat skin:

  • women during pregnancy and lactation,
  • children under 12 years old,
  • people with dry skin and allergic skin rashes.

There is no point in using Chlorhexidine for any rash that is not caused by bacteria. Long-term use of the drug increases the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, so it is necessary to use a product with a high SPF factor as a day cream. Finally, an allergy to Chlorhexidine is also possible, so you should use the product with caution the first time.

Side effects of Chlorhexidine

The drug is safe due to the lack of systemic effects. In exceptional cases, undesirable reactions may occur. Side effects include:

  • local allergic reactions, such as irritation, itching or dryness;
  • dermatitis;
  • increased sensitivity to sun rays (photosensitization).

To exclude the occurrence of unwanted reactions, experts recommend conducting a sensitivity test. It involves applying a solution to the skin of the elbow. If there are no signs of allergy during the day, the product is recommended for use. Thus, acne on the face can be treated with Chlorhexidine.

Attention! The product should not be applied to the skin of the face in the summer due to possible photosensitivity. For dry skin types, it is not advisable to use the solution.

Instructions for use

Before using the medicine, you should carefully study the instructions supplied with it so as not to harm your health.


  • Children's age up to 13 years. Due to the active development of the skin, the drug should not be used so as not to harm the proper formation of natural defenses.
  • Pregnancy period. It is not recommended for use due to insufficient research conducted in this area.
  • Breastfeeding period. Use is possible only after consulting a doctor if the expected benefits outweigh the risks of harm.
  • Dermatitis. Extensive infections should be treated with less aggressive means.

Compatibility of Chlorhexidine with other drugs

Before using the drug, you need to consider the following features:

  1. Hard water reduces the bactericidal properties of the drug.
  2. Heating the solution enhances the bactericidal effect.
  3. Before applying the product, you need to wash your face without using cleansers.
  4. Open areas are treated with caution in the summer due to the risk of photosensitivity.

Attention! You cannot use different antiseptics in parallel.

Sometimes the solution is combined with antibacterial drugs to enhance its effect. These antibiotics include:

  • cefazolin;
  • kanamycin;
  • neomycin;
  • chloramphenicol.

Medical alcohol enhances the effect of the product.

The drug is not prescribed simultaneously with drugs that contain:

  • chlorides;
  • carbonates;
  • sulfates;
  • phosphates;
  • borates;
  • citrates.

Attention! Ignoring drug interactions may lead to unwanted reactions.

Limitations and Negative Reactions

Chlorhexidine should not be used in case of individual intolerance to its composition and in the presence of dermatitis of various natures. The drug should be used with caution by children, pregnant women and breastfeeding women.

People with open traumatic brain injury, damage to the spinal cord and eardrum should be careful that the medicine does not get into the ear, onto the brain or meninges.

Chlorhexidine is usually well tolerated, but sometimes its use can cause undesirable effects, including:

  • allergies manifested by rashes;
  • itching and dry skin;
  • a sticky feeling that goes away within 5 minutes;
  • photosensitivity;
  • if it enters the oral cavity, there may be a distortion of taste, the formation of tartar, and a change in the color of the enamel.

To find out whether it is possible to wipe acne with Chlorhexidine, you need to make sure that there is no hypersensitivity to it.

To do this, apply a little solution to the wrist or elbow; if after 24 hours there are no negative reactions, then the antiseptic can be used.

Comparison of Chlorhexidine with analogues

Chlorhexidine bigluconate has analogue drugs.

Difference between Chlorhexidine and Miramistin

The drugs differ in cost. Miramistin can be purchased at a pharmacy at a higher price.

Medicines have differences in chemical formula:

  • benzyldimethyl ammonium monohydrate (Miramistin);
  • chlorhexidine bigluconate (Chlorhexidine).

Miramistin is effective against complex viral infections and HIV. The drug has a milder effect and can be used for a long time. Side effects occur less frequently during treatment.

What is the difference between Chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide

Both drugs take the form of a clear, odorless liquid used as an antiseptic. The difference lies in the nature of the effect and the chemical formula. When hydrogen peroxide comes into contact with the wound surface, microelements decompose. This solution has no long-term effect.

Important! Solutions cannot be used simultaneously.

User reviews

Marina Polishchuk

I bought this as a mouth rinse a year ago. I forgot the bottle in the medicine cabinet)) And then I got the flu, and unpleasant pimples appeared on my chin. I rushed to the medicine cabinet - and there it was!)) I applied cotton wool with chlorhexidine to the pimples for three days, morning and evening. In three days they dried up, and the redness around also went away. Just don’t smear it all over your face - it’s very tight on the skin ! It's a good product for drying out acne.


Recommended by a friend. Now I always use Chlorhexidine during PMS . The rashes still plague me, even though I’m already 21. The drug works and saves me and my face.

Chlorhexidine is used as a broad-spectrum disinfectant in hospitals, hospitals, and home medicine cabinets. Proven antimicrobial effectiveness and low cost are the basis for the long-term popularity of the drug .

Functional analogues

How is Chlorhexidine different from Miramistin?

Both drugs belong to the class of antiseptic drugs and are functional analogues .

Effective against most known pathogens.

But they have different active ingredients. Applicable for:

  • prevention of sexually transmitted diseases,
  • disinfection of wounds from infections,
  • treatment in urology, obstetrics, gynecology, ENT diseases,
  • treat stomatitis, use them to treat removable dentures,
  • used to treat acne.

Miramistin also cleanses the skin, kills germs, and normalizes sebum secretion. The drug is non-toxic, it has no side effects or contraindications. You can wipe your entire face with it. The effect of Miramistin on the skin is gentler than that of Chlorhexidine.

Allergies are extremely rare . After Chlorhexidine, dermatitis, burning, and itching are possible. When Miramistin gets on the mucous membranes, it practically does not cause a burning sensation , unlike Chlorhexidine. Both drugs can be used during pregnancy, but Chlorhexidine should not be taken orally.

Miramistin can be instilled into the eyes, there are no side effects after rinsing the mouth, and it is not dangerous if swallowed. The situation is different with Chlorhexidine . If a little solution gets into your eyes, they must be rinsed immediately.

It tastes very bitter. When rinsing the mouth, it stains the enamel of teeth, affects the taste, and deposits tartar. After accidental swallowing, you should immediately induce vomiting and rinse the stomach, then take activated charcoal.

Chlorhexidine works better when treating hands, disinfecting medical devices and premises. Also, the solution should not be taken for dermatitis. Miramistin has no such contraindications .

Chlorhexidine is much cheaper. The cost is about 20 rubles. The cost of Miramistin is about 300 rubles .

How is Chlorhexidine different from hydrogen peroxide?

Another functional analogue of Chlorhexidine is hydrogen peroxide.

The concentration of the last remedy is 3% . Both substances are used to treat acne.

The advantage of Chlorhexidine is a stronger antiseptic effect , and the effect lasts longer. The advantage of peroxide is that it does not leave behind any harmful products on the skin, only oxygen and water.

Disadvantages of peroxide:

  • is not capable of providing a sterilizing effect equal to Chlorhexidine,
  • has a weaker effect on microbiological forms,
  • It is believed that hydrogen peroxide may slow down wound healing.

The open wound is washed with peroxide and the mature abscess is dried. When it gets into an open wound, it foams, washes away the remaining pus, ichor, bringing impurities to the surface, removing everything that interfered with healing.

Acne is burned with peroxide three times a day. After using peroxide, a burning sensation and redness , but they quickly pass. The solution should be used carefully, precisely, otherwise you may get a chemical burn.

Reviews from people who have used Chlorhexidine for acne are, in most cases, positive. But it is important not to overdo it with this remedy. The duration of the course and methods of application will be prescribed by a dermatologist.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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