Camphor oil: use in cosmetology for facial beauty, reviews

Camphor oil comes in two types: a 10-20% solution of camphor in another oil (usually sunflower) and pure, 100% camphor oil. The solution is usually used for medical reasons. And in cosmetology, a pure product is used - it is added to masks and creams.

If you don’t know what product the recipe is talking about, then judge by the dosage: the solution can be measured in teaspoons, but pure camphor can only be measured in drops. This is an incredibly useful product that can cope with many skin problems.

general description

The evergreen camphor tree is native to East Asia. Today it grows all over the world - in Australia, Europe on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Laurel wood was highly valued in Ancient China; only representatives of the imperial dynasty could afford such products. But this is not the main value of the plant, the main significance is the production of ether.

Many people are familiar with the pharmaceutical preparation called camphor oil. Just a few years ago, it was widely used in medical practice for the treatment of various pathologies. The composition contains a 10% camphor solution, mineral or sunflower oil. The product can be used on the body, for example in massage mixtures. But for cosmetic purposes, only camphor essential oil is used.

It is obtained by distillation from the bark and roots of Japanese laurel. The process is very lengthy and can take more than 15 hours. After steam distillation, a solid mass is formed, then the dense part is separated using a centrifuge and freezing. The liquid substance is vacuum distilled, resulting in the release of white and brown oil. In cosmetology, white camphor oil is used - Camphor Oil White. The process of obtaining ether is quite labor-intensive and lengthy. It is difficult to carry out outside the walls of a laboratory; it is unlikely that it will be possible to isolate the aromatic liquid at home.

Camphor essential oil is a clear liquid that may have a yellowish tint. It has a characteristic spicy-woody aroma, in which you can detect notes of rose and mint. Widely used in cosmetology for problematic, aging skin. Promotes the expansion of blood vessels, improves lymph outflow, normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands. They enrich the compositions of creams and emulsions for oily skin, anti-aging masks, as well as anti-acne lotions.

By the way. The ether is used to restore skin after burns, soothes irritated dermis prone to allergic reactions.

Camphor oil in cosmetology and medicine

To make camphor oil, crushed roots, bark, and branches of Japanese laurel, an evergreen oriental tree that grows mainly in Japan and China, are used. The distillation process of the initial raw materials takes about 12–15 hours: the output is white (first distillation) or black oil. In cosmetology, only the first version of the ester is used, containing the maximum concentration of natural substances.

Do not confuse white camphor ether with pharmaceutical camphor oil. The latter is a solution of the main component in a base fatty oil - vegetable or mineral. This composition is most often used for medicinal rather than cosmetic purposes, and its dosage is measured in spoons (of ether - in drops).

White camphor oil is characterized by a light yellow hue and a pronounced bitter odor, reminiscent of the aroma of eucalyptus. Surely you remember this smell from childhood: our parents often used the healing liquid for rubbing or preparing compresses against coughs. The drug has gained popularity in medicine due to its pronounced antiseptic, antispasmodic and analgesic properties.

For cosmetic purposes, purchase white essential camphor oil - it must be 100% natural

Composition and benefits

How is ether useful in cosmetology? Oriental oil contains a whole complex of substances that are very important for maintaining healthy skin and hair. The main component is camphor itself, which is an organic compound famous for the following valuable properties:

  • eliminates inflammation, itching and signs of irritation;
  • helps normalize sebum secretion;
  • activates regenerative processes;
  • evens out skin texture;
  • stimulates collagen production;
  • whitens the skin.

In addition to the main ingredient, the ester contains the following substances:

  • limonene - destroys harmful microorganisms;
  • pinene - moisturizes the skin;
  • phellandrene - restores tissue structure;
  • camphene - improves blood circulation;
  • safrole - disinfects the skin and relieves swelling;
  • bisabolol - whitens age spots;
  • cineole - fights cell aging.

When used on hair, camphor ether helps restore its structure and prevent hair loss. Under the influence of oil, curls acquire shine and silkiness, flaking and itching of the scalp disappear.

Japanese laurel branches contain a huge amount of valuable substances that are preserved during the production of white camphor oil

Indications for use

Oriental ether is used for facial rejuvenation after 20 years: the product prevents early aging and stops the withering of mature skin. Also, cosmetic indications for its use are:

  • inflammatory processes on the skin, including chronic ones;
  • irritation of the epidermis;
  • enlarged pores;
  • greasy shine;
  • sagging and uneven skin;
  • pigmentation.

For hair, the product is used mainly in the following cases:

  • weakening of hair and tendency to fall out;
  • split and brittle hair;
  • dandruff and irritation;
  • Excessive oily scalp.

Natural camphor oil (not a pharmaceutical solution) costs about 100–150 rubles per 10 ml bottle. Please ensure that the composition does not contain foreign impurities, and that the label states “100% natural oil”.

Camphor ether is suitable for use on both young and mature facial skin

Video: benefits and options for using camphor oil for the face


It should be remembered that the healing ether is a highly concentrated agent and, even when used externally, is used with caution. You should avoid preparing mixtures with this component if the following factors are present:

  • severe damage (abrasions, scratches, ulcers) on the skin;
  • dermatitis and other skin diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • epilepsy (the pungent smell of ether can trigger seizures);
  • bronchial asthma;
  • severe burns and ulcers;
  • severe forms of heart disease.

Do not use ether without diluting with other ingredients on the scalp and face: in its pure form and in large dosages, the product can cause burns.

Precautionary measures

Observe the following precautions when using oil:

  • A day before the upcoming session, be sure to perform an allergy test: individual intolerance to camphor is much more common than other oils. Apply a small amount of liquid to the inner bend of the elbow: if the treated area turns red, starts to itch, or other unpleasant symptoms appear the next day, then this remedy is not suitable for you.
  • Do not exceed the dosages specified in the recipes, as well as the duration of sessions and frequency of use of the product - this will lead to negative consequences for the skin. In addition, the strong smell of oil can trigger an attack of nausea or dizziness.
  • Do not use the product continuously - for safe use, be sure to take breaks between courses.
  • If you have very dry skin, be sure to supplement the composition with moisturizing components. Remember that the product has a drying effect and can aggravate the situation with skin dehydration.

Follow the proven oil combinations specified in the recipes. You should not randomly replace one oil with another, since an arbitrarily added ingredient may not be combined with the rest. Remember that camphor ester works best with basil, lavender, lemon balm, frankincense, juniper, chamomile, rosemary, eucalyptus, sandalwood oils, and most citrus esters.

Camphor oil goes well with many essential oils, but they must be mixed according to proven recipes

A little history

The unique properties of camphor have been used since ancient times in India and Bengal to flavor sweets and drinks. During the Arab Caliphate, it was widely used for medical purposes to treat ulcers and skin infections. Chinese and Indian doctors thoroughly studied the properties of camphor, their knowledge is still used throughout the world today.

Arab scientists were the first to obtain ether using steam distillation. The method is still used today almost unchanged. The oil was used in cooking to flavor sweet dishes; antimicrobial and analgesic properties were used in ancient Chinese, Arabic, and Indian medicine. Women also often used ether.

Adding it to water helped cleanse the skin, freshness, and rejuvenation. This product was used to rinse the hair, adding shine and shine.

Reviews and advice from cosmetologists on the use of camphor oil

Cosmetologists give women useful tips to improve their appearance. So, it is better to use camphor like this:

  • as a lotion – it will cleanse pores of dirt and eliminate oily skin;
  • as compresses - such an effect should be targeted, so apply compresses only to problem areas of the skin;
  • in its pure form - wipe your face morning and evening with a cotton pad soaked in camphor so that your face is always radiant and attractive;
  • as a component of masks - you can prepare various masks based on the oil, the recipes for which we discussed above.

Camphor facial oil will surprise you with its tremendous effect.
Its regular use makes it possible to enjoy your beauty and youth for a long time. Learn how to take care of your appearance so you can look incredible at any time and in any situation. Information sources

Beneficial features

Camphor ether has a complex composition; the combination of active elements has a beneficial effect on all skin types:

  • phellandrene increases the density of the integument, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, restores the facial frame, and prevents displacement of the oval line;
  • pinene tightens pores, gives a smooth structure, stimulates renewal processes, gets rid of dead cells;
  • limonene has antiseptic properties, stops the spread of bactericidal microflora, gives the skin a beautiful even tone;
  • safrole improves the general condition of the skin, stimulates regeneration processes, activates intracellular metabolism;
  • cineole is effective for aging skin, smoothes out superficial wrinkles, restores turgor;
  • camphene dilates blood vessels, strengthens thin capillary walls, improves lymph outflow, and copes with swelling;
  • bisabolol whitens pigmentation, acne marks, gives a healthy, even tone, and has regenerating properties.

Properties and contraindications of camphor oil for the face

Camphor oil is a compound of a large number of vegetable oils. It is obtained by processing the leaves of camphor laurel. Camphor contains many useful components. But I would especially like to highlight these:

camphor – has a calming effect and can reduce signs of fatigue on the skin,

safrol - has anti-inflammatory properties,

pinene – makes the skin smooth,

limonel - whitens facial skin,

cineole - makes the skin young, renews cells, evens out the skin surface,

camphene - helps to restore damaged tissues,

felladrene - stimulates skin cells to produce elastin and collagen,

bisabolol - helps improve skin, whitens pigmentation.

Contraindications for the use of camphor oil:

pregnancy and breastfeeding,

high blood pressure,

individual intolerance to some components,

mental disorders,

irritated and damaged skin.

Indications for use

Camphor ether is used to care for young, problematic skin. Also widely used in anti-aging formulas for mature, aging dermis. Regular cosmetic care allows you to achieve pronounced lasting results.


  • facial, static wrinkles;
  • unhealthy complexion;
  • pigmentation, acne marks;
  • excess sebium synthesis;
  • enlarged pores;
  • inflammation, acne;
  • swelling, decreased elasticity.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Most experts approve of the use of camphor oil in home cosmetology. However, cosmetologists warn of the necessary caution. Do not forget that this is a very active remedy, so if you use it too often or if you exceed the recommended doses, you may experience a feeling of tightness.

Advice! Women who have dehydrated skin prone to peeling should not use home cosmetology products with the addition of camphor oil.

If you use the product correctly, you can achieve the following results:

  • small surface wrinkles will be smoothed out;
  • your complexion will be fresher and healthier;
  • There will be fewer pimples, and over time they will disappear completely.

But, of course, camphor oil will not solve global cosmetic problems. To treat severe forms of acne and eliminate deep wrinkles, modern hardware procedures are needed.

Where is the best place to buy

You can purchase essential oil in natural cosmetics stores or place an order online. Available in different volumes from 2 to 50 ml, the price also depends on the volume and manufacturer, ranging from 80 to 800 rubles. It is recommended to purchase it in a dark glass bottle with a dropper dispenser. Store at a temperature of 5–25° in a place protected from sunlight for no more than 9 months.

It is better to buy a concentrated product in small volumes of up to 10 ml; just a few drops are enough to enrich recipes.

Attention! It is difficult to distinguish spoiled oil by external characteristics; you can only rely on the information on expiration dates specified by the manufacturer.

Anti-wrinkle products with the addition of camphor oil

As a result of mixing camphor oil with other natural products, the best effect in the fight against wrinkles is observed. And along with crow’s feet, other epidermal problems disappear. The drug is added to the recipe of homemade creams, masks, and compresses.

However, despite all the visible benefits of camphor, cosmetologists strongly recommend using masks with this product not often, at least once every 6-7 days, and especially not experimenting, but using proven recipes. Since inexperience in preparing independent care products and an excessive desire for rejuvenation can lead to an overdose.

But if you follow the step-by-step instructions for preparing homemade masks with camphor oil, the effectiveness of such products cannot be denied.

Masks (10 recipes)

"Yolk and Butter"

  • Camphor oil – 10 drops
  • 1 yolk (raw)

Separate the yolk and beat, add camphor, mix thoroughly. Apply with a cotton pad or brush. Action time – 15 minutes.

"Clay and kefir"

  • White clay – 5 g
  • Kefir – 1 spoon
  • Camphor – 2 drops

Mix, apply and leave for 15-20 minutes.

The mask is effective for enlarged pores. If the skin is prone to irritation, add small oatmeal flakes (½ spoon) to the mask.

If desired, kefir can be replaced with the same amount of yogurt.

"Clay and Lemon Juice"

  • Camphor – 3 drops
  • Lemon juice – 1 spoon
  • White or blue clay – 15 g

Mix the ingredients until smooth. Keep on skin for 10-15 minutes.

Use with caution on flaky skin. The product removes oily shine and fights freckles.

"With seaweed"

  • Kelp (dried) – 2 g
  • Starch – 5 g
  • Vitamin "E" - 5 drops
  • Camphor – 5 drops

Prepare an infusion of medicinal herbs or rose hips in advance. Grind the algae to a powder state and pour in the infusion, add the remaining ingredients. Apply the paste for 20-25 minutes.

The mask does an excellent job of eliminating fine wrinkles, nourishing and drying the skin.

"Sour cream and parsley"

  • Chopped parsley – 1 spoon
  • Camphor ether – 2 drops
  • Sour cream – 2 spoons

Combine all ingredients, mix until smooth and apply to face. Leave for about half an hour.

This product moisturizes and brightens the epidermis, eliminates wrinkles and age spots.

"Honey and Milk"

  • Camphor oil – 3 drops
  • Milk – 1 spoon
  • Honey – 2 spoons

Heat the milk, add liquid honey. If the beekeeping product is candied, it should first be melted in a water bath. Add camphor to the mixture and mix well. The mask lasts for 30 minutes. It has good nutritional and firming properties.

"Coffee and sorbent"

  • Camphor ether – 5 drops
  • Green coffee extract – 10 drops
  • White coal – 2 tablets

Mash the sorbent tablets and add a few drops of water to make a paste, add camphor and green coffee oils. Apply to skin in circular motions, rubbing lightly. After 5 min. wash off.

Recommended for inflammation of the epidermis and extensive acne.

"Tomato and Corn"

  • Fresh tomato – 1 pc.
  • Corn flour – 1 spoon
  • Camphor – 6-7 drops

Remove the skin from the vegetable and grind the pulp, add flour and oily liquid, mix.

Action time – 20 minutes.

The mask tones, removes fat, cleanses pores, and moisturizes.

"Oatmeal and honey"

  • Oatmeal porridge – 2 spoons
  • Honey – 1 teaspoon
  • Camphor oil – 3 drops
  • Grapefruit essential oil – 2-3 drops

Cook oatmeal porridge in water or milk and cool. Add citrus and camphor essential oils, add liquid honey, stir. Apply and rinse after 10-15 minutes.

The product effectively fights fine wrinkles and acne.


  • "Ascorutin" - 2 tablets
  • Camphor – 6 drops
  • Kiwi – 1 pc.

Grind the kiwi tablets and pulp, add camphor. Apply the mixture to pre-steamed skin for 15 minutes.

Recommended for dry skin, as the mask eliminates the feeling of tightness and removes flaking.

Homemade creams (3 recipes)

The easiest way to use camphor is to mix the drug with a caring cream. The product does not require preliminary preparation. You should take as much cream into your palm as is usually used for 1 procedure and add 1 drop of camphor oil. Gently mix with your fingertips and apply immediately.

But you can also prepare homemade cream with camphor oil yourself.

"Camphor and lard"

50 g of unsalted lard, preferably chopped into small pieces and melted. Add camphor oil to the resulting liquid fatty mass (the greaves must be removed from it), so that both ingredients are in equal proportions. Mix and place the product in a small container. Apply the cream twice a week.


  • Vegetable oil (olive, flaxseed) – 1 spoon
  • Lanolin – 1 spoon
  • Vaseline – 3 teaspoons
  • Camphor ether – 3 teaspoons

Mix the ingredients and place the mixture in a small jar. Use every other day before bed.

"Blend of oils"

Combine 1 teaspoon each of milk thistle and grape seed oils with 3-4 drops of camphor oil.
Used for evening use 3 times a week.


Mix camphor oil and milk thistle oil in equal parts.
Soak a napkin in the oily liquid and apply the cloth to your face.

Lie quietly for half an hour.


  • Borax (powder) – 1 teaspoon
  • Camphor – 1 teaspoon
  • Pharmaceutical glycerin – 1 spoon
  • Water – 200 ml

Mix glycerin, borax and camphor and dissolve the composition in water. Wipe your face in the evenings without washing afterwards. Store the mixture in the refrigerator.

General recommendations

Camphor oil has a complex effect on the skin, improves general condition, rejuvenates, and whitens. It is worth considering the general rules for using ether for cosmetic purposes for different skin types:

  • cannot be used in its pure form, a standard concentration is recommended - 4-5 drops per 10 ml of cream or base oil, do not neglect the proportions, a larger amount can lead to irritation and redness;
  • used in creams, masks, emulsions, tonics; you can enrich ready-made formulations or add them to home recipes;
  • when making natural cosmetics, you need to use ceramic, earthenware, wooden, plastic spatulas; when interacting with metal, an oxidation reaction is observed;
  • for aging dry skin it is recommended to use once a week, for oily problem skin - 2-3 times to achieve the desired transformation effect;
  • combines with various base oils, herbs, cosmetic clays, as well as esters of basil, cajuput, chamomile, lemon balm, citrus;
  • can be used throughout the year, it is better to carry out care procedures with camphor oil in the evening.

Properties in cosmetology

In cosmetology, camphor oil serves as an indispensable assistant in almost everything.

  • brightens skin and age spots;
  • heals wounds;
  • removes irritation;
  • strengthens and stimulates the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes;
  • dries and removes acne;
  • eliminates scars;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • cleanses and makes the skin elastic;
  • regulates the production of subcutaneous sebum;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • fights blackheads, freckles;
  • deodorizes, nourishes and disinfects the skin.

The best remedy for oily, rash-prone skin is camphor oil.

Methods of application

The oil has a tonic, regenerating effect, relieves inflammation, and slows down the aging process. It has a beneficial effect on the cellular structure, stimulates blood flow, and saturates the integument with valuable elements. As a result of regular use, you can get rid of wrinkles and cure acne.

Cream enrichment

For oily, problem skin, it is recommended to enrich moisturizers with magical camphor oil. Stops the spread of infection, has a whitening and tonic effect. Pores are noticeably narrowed and an even, healthy tone is restored.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Clean your face of makeup; for oily, problematic dermis, you can use alcohol-free gel or gommage with oatmeal or cosmetic clay.
  2. Treat the skin with tonic or lotion.
  3. Measure out a single volume of moisturizer. Add 2-3 drops of camphor and mix well.
  4. Apply a thin layer to the face along massage lines and leave to absorb.
  5. Usually, ready-made products do not leave a greasy sheen or discomfort. But if you experience a feeling of stickiness, blot your skin with cosmetic wipes.

Acne lotion

Suitable for use from adolescence. It has bactericidal properties, tightens pores, regulates sebium synthesis. With regular use, a healthy tone is restored, inflammation and acne disappear.


  • 5 drops of camphor oil;
  • 20 gr. fennel seeds;
  • 200 ml water.

Pour boiling water over the seeds, cover with a lid, leave for 2 hours. Then strain and add wood ether. Pour into a prepared dark glass jar with a dispenser. Use morning and evening after cleansing the skin. Wet the cotton pad and treat the skin, moving along the massage lines.

Rejuvenating mask

Restores skin firmness and elasticity, reduces the number of wrinkles. The result of application will be fresh, well-groomed skin. The product saturates the skin with nutrients, prevents the aging process, and activates cell renewal.


  • 4 drops of camphor oil;
  • 5 ml grape seed oil;
  • 5 gr. cottage cheese;
  • yolk.

Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve and pour boiling water over it. Then add the yolk and mix thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous plastic mass. Heat the nutritious oil in a water bath, then add ether. Combine all ingredients and spread on face using a spatula after cleansing the skin. After resting for half an hour, remove the remaining mask; there is no need to use additional cream. Repeat the course of 10–12 sessions, then maintain the result by performing treatment 1–2 times a week.

Whitening mask

A natural remedy created at home will help get rid of pigmentation. Stimulates renewal processes, removes keratinized epithelium. It is recommended to use in the spring-autumn period to first prepare the skin for exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and then restore an even tone.


  • 3 drops of camphor oil;
  • 2 drops of lemon ether;
  • 5 grams of sour cream;
  • 5 gr. honey;
  • 5 gr. rice flour.

Mix sour cream with essential oils, add honey and flour. If the mixture is too dense, dilute it with a small amount of water. Clean your face; additionally, you can do a light scrub. Distribute the mask in a dense layer on the cheeks, chin, nose and forehead. Leave for 20 minutes, rinse with water, apply mattifying cream. Treatment courses are carried out in 8–10 sessions; it is important to use products with SPF filters to maintain the whitening results.

Toning mask

For aging, stressed, tired skin, it is recommended to use a care product with camphor ether. Activates lymph outflow, restores oxygen breathing, strengthens thin blood vessels. Can be used for all types of dermis, the mask neutralizes the aggressive influence of the environment.


  • 3 drops of camphor ether;
  • 5 drops of vitamin E oil extract;
  • 5 gr. coffee;
  • 5 gr. calendula.

Pour boiling water over the coffee grounds, add the calendula inflorescences crushed in a mortar. Mix with vitamin extract and wood ether. Clean your face, apply the finished product along the massage lines in a circular motion. Leave for 10 minutes, after washing you can apply moisturizer. It is recommended to use the mask up to 2 times a week.

How to make camphor masks: recipe and rules

If you do not yet know how to use camphor oil on the face for wrinkles, inflammation, acne and other skin problems, then you will find the examples of recipes and procedures described below useful.

Universal cream mask against aging, spots and irritation

  1. Add two to three drops of camphor essential oil to a regular single serving of your cream.
  2. Apply and massage.
  3. Best used before bed.

Mixture with white clay for moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and shine

  1. Combine two teaspoons of white clay and two or three drops of camphor oil.
  2. Add a tablespoon of kefir and stir.
  3. Keep for 15-30 minutes.
  4. Wash with water or herbal decoction.
  5. Apply daily cream or lotion.
  6. Since the composition contains white clay, the mixture should be used no more than twice a week.

Milk-honey-camphor nutrition

  1. Add two to three drops of oil to two tablespoons of honey.
  2. Add a spoonful of milk and stir.
  3. Keep on face for 15-30 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with warm water.

Scar remedy

Only use diluted oil!

  1. Take a small piece of clean gauze, bandage or any breathable fabric.
  2. Apply a few drops of oil solution to it.
  3. Apply the cloth to your face and leave it on overnight.
  4. To get rid of small scars or scars, the procedure must be done several times a week for a month.

Masks with camphor are very simple to prepare, and the naturalness of such products will be an undoubted advantage compared to preparations that contain chemical additives. Important: before applying any mask, you must wash off all makeup and cleanse the skin with a cotton pad soaked in a special lotion.

Application for lips, eyelashes, hair

Ether is often used to care for curls. Returns strength, beauty, restores dry, damaged strands. It is recommended to use to strengthen follicles, combat hair loss, and accelerate growth. Enriching shampoos with oil will reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands, making curls lush and voluminous.

Advice. It is useful to carry out aroma combing, it prevents tangling, splitting, and makes the hair soft and shiny.

Not recommended for use on eyelashes and lips. Camphor irritates thin sensitive skin and can lead to irritation, swelling, and cause tearing. If liquid gets in contact, rinse with plenty of water and consult a doctor if necessary.

How to use?

Camphor oil is not a base oil, but an essential oil . This means that it is highly active, so it must be used with caution. It is possible to apply the product in its pure form, but this option is recommended for those with oily skin.

It is very important to purchase a natural product ; before purchasing, carefully study the composition and give preference to one that does not contain any additives.

A more common option for using camphor oil is to add the product to ready-made cosmetic formulations - store-bought or homemade. Such mixtures act more gently, so they can be used without fear.

Attention! When applying oil or oil-based formulations, be careful not to get the product into your eyes. If this happens, immediately flush the eye with plenty of water. And if irritation occurs, contact an ophthalmologist.

When applying camphor undiluted or mixed with cream, there is no need to wash your face after application. Simply pat your face dry with a paper towel. Masks containing camphor are washed off with water.

After using camphor oil, be sure to additionally use moisturizers , this will help avoid the feeling of tightness. Only if the skin is very oily can you do without additional moisturizing.

Precautionary measures

There are contraindications for which it is not recommended to use ether:

  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy;
  • epilepsy;
  • taking homeopathic remedies.

Before use, apply the finished product to your wrist and wait for a possible reaction for half an hour. You should not test camphor oil in its pure form; a concentrated product can cause redness and irritation even in the absence of an allergic reaction. For cosmetic purposes it is used only in diluted form.

How does camphor oil affect the skin?

Despite its fairly high efficiency, camphor oil cannot be called a popular product in facial cosmetology.

However, due to its composition, this essential oil has the following effect on the skin:

  • Cleansing and disinfection of facial tissues.
  • Gives the skin a refined ethereal aroma.
  • Removing excess oily skin.
  • Removing unwanted skin pigmentation.
  • Skin whitening.
  • Increased skin elasticity.
  • Solution to the problem of aging skin.
  • Smoothing out facial wrinkles.
  • Help in the fight against acne and acne.

Camphor oil is especially effective in treating acne and pimples, because, as you know, it is an antibacterial agent.

This property allows the product not only to remove excess pimples from the face, but also to prevent their occurrence in the future.

As for oily skin, this essential oil has a positive effect on the condition of the sebaceous glands, normalizing their functioning. As a result, the skin “dries out” and the oily shine goes away.

Those women whose face is covered with freckles, which cause a lot of inconvenience, can use camphor oil to remove them. After regular “contact” with the skin of the face, the oil will remove freckles, whitening the face and evening out its color.

However, the use of this tool has its own number of limitations.

Advantages and disadvantages

Wood ether has a spicy, delicate aroma and has magical cosmetic properties. Many will appreciate the positive qualities, tangible benefits for oily, problem skin. It also has a rejuvenating effect, reducing the number of wrinkles. But in addition to the advantages, it is worth considering the disadvantages.


  • suitable for all skin types;
  • has no age restrictions, effective for young as well as mature dermis;
  • affordable cost, economical consumption;
  • you can enrich various products: creams, tonics, shampoos;
  • used not only for skin care, but also for curls;
  • combines with base oils, esters, and various natural ingredients;
  • can be used throughout the year;
  • the effect can be assessed after the first use.


  • there are a number of contraindications for using ether for cosmetic purposes;
  • It is important to adhere to the proportions recommended by the manufacturer to avoid irritation and increased skin sensitivity.

Indications and contraindications

Ether is a liquid with a high concentration of active substances, so it must be used carefully. Do not use the product unless necessary. There are indications for introducing camphor oil into your regular skin care ritual:

We advise you to read: Essential oils for the face and reviews about them

  • enlarged, clogged pores;
  • acne, other rashes;
  • oily or oily combination skin;
  • pigmentation;
  • dull complexion;
  • wrinkles, loss of skin elasticity;
  • irritation.

The oil can also be used to care for sensitive dermis; it relieves irritation, soothes, gives comfort and softness.

You can also list contraindications, which, with the exception of individual intolerance, include:

  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • epilepsy;
  • childhood.

It is also important to note that camphor ether should be used in small quantities. It is better to use it no more than once a week in masks and no more than three days in a row, targeted.

Reviews from cosmetologists

Cosmetologists recommend that patients use effective professional products with a balanced composition.

A forum participant describes what the drug for darsonvalization consists of. Camphor helps to cope with pigmentation and acne marks.

The review describes the treatment protocol for demodicosis. One of the remedies is a mask that includes camphor. Like other components of the composition, it has antimicrobial properties.

The cosmetologist recommends a line of professional cosmetics containing camphor to care for oily problem skin.

Benefits of camphor oil

The camphor tree grows mainly in Japan. It is from its wood that ether is obtained, which has a light yellowish tint and a pleasant spicy aroma with plant notes.

Camphor oil initially gained popularity due to its medicinal properties. It was used in folk medicine to combat many diseases. Then the ability of camphor oil to positively influence the condition of the skin, regardless of its type, was discovered.

The ether has a complex composition with a large number of useful substances (camphor, camphene, bisabolol, pinene, etc.), which determines the following properties of the product:

  • the oil soothes the skin and relieves irritation;
  • refreshes the face, eliminates puffiness;
  • accelerates regeneration, stimulates skin renewal;
  • smoothes the relief, reduces the number of wrinkles;
  • has a powerful antibacterial effect, cleanses pores, gets rid of acne, blackheads;
  • whitens, helps get rid of freckles, age spots and congestive spots;
  • stimulates the production of collagen fibers, thus increasing skin elasticity.

Thus, camphor facial oil is perfect for caring for oily, problematic, aging skin.

Camphor tree is common in eastern countries. Wood from wild plants is used to obtain essential oil. It is crushed and subjected to heat treatment, the result of which is a translucent aromatic liquid, which is later used in medicine and cosmetology.

Reviews from people

Many people associate camphor oil with a pharmaceutical product; not many people know about the use of wood ether for cosmetic purposes.

A user describes his positive experience using camphor for combination skin.

A participant describes how he managed to get rid of pigmentation.

There are also negative reviews due to product falsification . The user writes about counterfeiting camphor oil, replacing it with more affordable esters.

Camphor oil for facial acne

Camphor oil for facial acne

In order to get rid of acne, you should prepare the following product: it contains apricot oil as a base oil. Add 2 drops of camphor ether to 10 ml of apricot oil. These components are combined with 5 ml of cumin ether. This facial skin product should be applied twice a day: morning and evening. This composition is used instead of lotion; it does not need to be washed off with water.

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