Rosemary essential oil: recipes for facial skin care

The first masks, lotions and face creams with rosemary began to be prepared by the inhabitants of Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. Today, the main producers of natural essential oil are concentrated in Spain, France and Tunisia. The liquid has a light and transparent texture and a pronounced herbal aroma. Its properties form the basis of care cosmetics for different skin types: from dry to combination. Rosemary oil tones, eliminates dryness and normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands. The product is suitable for combating wrinkles, acne, scars and rosacea.

Composition and beneficial properties of rosemary oil for facial skin

Rosemary in cosmetology as a plant is used in many recipes and in various forms - decoctions and tinctures, applications and aromatic pillows. But the most valuable thing is rosemary essential oil for the face, obtained from the flowers of the plant, which has an incredible aroma and healing properties,

In appearance, it is a pale yellowish liquid with a pronounced aroma, combining shades of mint and damp wood, camphor. From the point of view of doctors, the use of rosemary in cosmetology is due to its pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial characteristics.

Its composition is truly unique - it contains large quantities of B vitamins and calcium, iron and vegetable proteins and fatty acids, tannins. In more detail:

calcium helps activate the production of your own collagen, helping to relieve irritation.

iron – normalizes the water-fat balance, activating tissue regeneration at the cellular level.

B vitamins rejuvenate and even out skin color, moisturize and act as a natural antioxidant.

proteins and fatty acids help restore the structure of the skin at the cellular level, even in its deepest layers.

Selection and storage

When purchasing rosemary leaf extract, pay attention to the following criteria:

  • Purchase method. Try not to purchase oil on the Internet. The fact is, in this way you will deprive yourself of the opportunity to evaluate the color, aroma and consistency of the product. All this, in turn, is of great importance when purchasing quality oil. Give preference to simple cosmetic stores that have samples of the product.
  • Ether type. It should be understood that refined rosemary remedy can also be found on store shelves. Usually the label indicates the degree of purity of the product. Give preference to the inscriptions “unrefined” and “extra”.
  • Color. Real unrefined oil made from rosemary leaves has a yellow tint. However, on the shelves you can find a product that has a paler color, which is also the norm. The fact is that the shade directly depends on the place and time of collection of the raw materials. But you should know: if the product is brown, it is clearly spoiled.

    Rosemary essential oil should have a soft yellow tint.

  • Aroma. The squeeze has a sharp and specific smell. However, bitter and minty notes should be subtle. If this is not the case, then the product most likely has added flavorings. The latter, when regularly entering cells, can cause serious harm to the internal and external condition of the dermis.
  • Consistency. It should be light and fluid. If the product is too thick, then the likelihood that various types of impurities have been added to it increases. The latter most often have an unknown origin, so they can harm the external and internal condition of the dermis.
  • Price. Directly depends on the place of collection of raw materials and the country of production. For example, Moroccan oil cannot cost less than 500 rubles per 10 ml. The same applies to products manufactured in European countries. However, you can also find cheaper analogues, the cost of which does not exceed 150 rubles per 10 ml. In this case, the substance was most likely produced on the Crimean Peninsula or in the Caucasus Mountains. But you should remember that the squeeze, the price of which is less than 100 rubles per 10 ml, is still not worth purchasing. The fact is that such a product was most likely obtained by hot rather than cold pressing.
  • Manufacturer. It is believed that the highest quality substance is produced in France, Spain and Tunisia.

Oil produced from the leaves of the rosemary bush can be stored for up to six years if certain conditions are met. To do this, it is necessary that the factory packaging of the product is not damaged. It should also be taken into account that the pomace must be stored in a place protected from light. The room temperature can vary from 5°C to 20°C. An open product must be used within six months.

It is recommended to store rosemary extract in a dark glass bottle to minimize interaction of the product with light.

How it is used in cosmetology

Experts recommend using rosemary oil in cosmetology by adding it to base vegetable oil or face cream. But besides this, it can be added as a component of masks - it is best used to care for oily and problem skin. This enriched rosemary composition helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, removing oily shine, tightening pores and evening out skin texture.

Among other things, using it as part of a cream or mask, you can soften the skin, getting rid of acne and rashes, relieving inflammation and cleansing pores of dirt and excessive pigmentation. For dry skin, it is recommended to use it to soften rough areas and normalize water balance, restore elasticity and even out the relief.


Most often, women respond positively to the use of cosmetics with the addition of rosemary oil. Reviews confirm the ability to strengthen and tone hair, significantly improve the condition of nails, excellent healing properties for the skin and an affordable price. The disadvantages of using the product include: the ability to cause increased blood pressure in hypertensive patients, the inability to use during pregnancy.

How to use rosemary essential oil for hair:

Who should use rosemary?

Rosemary for the face and its characteristics as a natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory plant, with pronounced bactericidal properties, determine its use to eliminate many skin problems:

– dermatitis and acne, other rashes.

– eczema and furunculosis, as well as in the fight against any types of acne.

– in case of excessive work of the sebaceous glands – to normalize the production of sebum.

– to narrow pores and eliminate any inflammatory processes, allergic reactions.

– helps smooth out fine wrinkles and scars, improve blood flow and increase the tone of the facial dermis.

– removes puffiness, improving the relief and complexion.

Who should not use rosemary?

Despite the fact that the properties and use of rosemary in cosmetology, reviews from patients and cosmetologists are the most positive, it also has its limitations for use. So its use in cosmetology is limited:

– individual intolerance to it.

– diagnosing the patient with epilepsy and a tendency to muscle cramps.

– hypertension and the period of gestation and breastfeeding.

– it is not recommended to use it for children under 12 years of age, and also to apply it to the skin of the face an hour before going out into the sun or going to the solarium.

The best time to use it is before going to bed. If it is used excessively as an independent product, or when added to cosmetic masks and creams, the following side effects are possible:

– dizziness and migraine attacks.

– high blood pressure and allergies.

– rashes on the body and redness.

– excessive itching and excessive tearing.

Precautionary measures

Ether should not be used if at least one of the following contraindications is present:

  1. Hypertension.
  2. Pregnancy and age up to 7 years.
  3. Particularly sensitive skin.
  4. Tendency to allergic reactions and frequent seizures.
  5. Personal intolerance.
  6. Epilepsy.

In some conditions, it is the aroma of rosemary oil that plays a decisive role - it can cause an attack of illness. Therefore, before the first use, it is imperative to carry out an allergy test.

Home cosmetology recipes with rosemary oil

Face masks with the addition of rosemary essential oil are an effective remedy for acne and fine wrinkles, scars and purulent rashes, for normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands and in the fight against other skin imperfections. Next will be presented recipes for masks with the addition of rosemary.

Masks for dry skin

1. Mash half a banana with a fork and add 2-3 drops of rosemary, avocado and lavender essential oils to the mixture. Apply the mask for 20 minutes, then rinse with water.

  1. In case of excessive dryness and flaking of the facial skin, the following mask is recommended - mix rosemary essential oil with a base, for example castor oil or flaxseed, olive or corn oil in a ratio of 1 to 4. Apply to the face, leaving for 40-45 minutes, then just rinse your skin with warm water.

Masks for oily skin

Thus, rosemary essential oil for the face is especially indicated for use with oily and combination skin types and dermis prone to rashes.

  1. An oatmeal mask for acne with the addition of rosemary helps cleanse the skin and eliminate rashes, relieve redness and swelling. To prepare it, take 10 grams. oatmeal, half a grated apple, puree from several strawberries - all ingredients are mixed together. Next, add 2 drops. rosemary essential oil and apply for 20 minutes, after which simply rinse with warm water.
  2. Anti-acne mask with the addition of green clay - apply it pointwise, applying directly to the pimples themselves, using regularly at intervals of 2-3 days, after 2-3 weeks you can see positive changes in eliminating many skin imperfections. To prepare it, 2 tbsp. l. green clay is diluted with water to the consistency of thick sour cream, add 5 drops. rosemary oil and apply to the pimples themselves for 20 minutes, then rinse with water.
  3. Rice flour and rosemary are an anti-acne mask that helps relieve inflammation and pustules, clear blackheads and acne. To prepare a therapeutic mask, take 12 grams. rice flour and cinnamon on the tip of a knife, dilute with warm water to the consistency of sour cream, add 7-8 drops. rosemary essential oil - apply the mask to a previously cleansed and steamed face, leave for 20 minutes, then simply rinse with warm water.

Anti-aging masks

  1. To rejuvenate the skin, prepare the following composition - mix 1 yolk and 2 tbsp. l. any fatty cream, adding 3 drops to it. rosemary essential oil. Apply for 15 minutes.
  2. To achieve a rejuvenating effect, mix rosemary essential oil with base oils - avocado or flaxseed, almond. The proportions taken into account are 1 to 1, applying the aromatic mixture to the face, leaving for half an hour, then simply blotting the residue from the skin.

Masks for rosacea and scars

The use of rosemary in cosmetology helps to perfectly remove, even at home, the unpleasant manifestations of rosacea and small scars.

  1. The anti-scar mask helps to even out and smooth out small scars, the first wrinkles and even out the color and texture of the face - after just 5 procedures the first positive results of its use are noticeable. To prepare it, mix 5 drops. rosemary essential oil and 11 gr. starch and the same amount of cosmetic clay, 13 sour cream or heavy cream. Apply the mask to cleansed facial skin for 10 minutes, then simply rinse your face with warm water.
  2. Rosemary oil perfectly helps eliminate the manifestations of rosacea, blemishes and redness. It’s easy to prepare an effective mask – mix 6 drops together. rosemary essential oil, 1 tab. ascorutin or vitamin C, and 18 drops. almond oil and 6 gr. pink clay. Apply, leave for 8 minutes, then simply rinse with warm water.

Of course, the recipes presented are not a complete list; the use of rosemary in cosmetology is the widest, but they are considered the main and most effective in home cosmetics.

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