How to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands: skin care rules, facial cleansing, basic nutrition, home and medicinal methods for normalizing the functioning of the glands, advice from dermatologists

Oily skin

– one of the most demanding and capricious types that require special corrective care aimed at accelerating cell renewal, controlling sebum production and deep hydration.

As a result of increased sebum secretion and disruption of its outflow, the sebaceous glands become clogged, creating an ideal environment for the proliferation of acne bacteria – Malassezia. This is the main reason why oily types often react with acne: blackheads, pimples, and comedones form on the face. Properly selected corrective care for oily skin will help prevent the occurrence of rashes and regulate sebum secretion.

General information

Sebaceous glands are located throughout the human body. They reach the greatest accumulation in the area of ​​the face, back, chest, groin and armpits. The glands are always concentrated where there is hair, and are absent in places with rough skin, such as on the palms and soles. This is due to their important functions: protection from damage when the skin is stretched and penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the epidermis. In addition, these glands moisturize the hair follicles, which are surrounded by pores.

These processes are achieved with the help of secreted sebum. Its composition is determined primarily by hormones and intestinal microflora. The amount and consistency of sebum will depend on these systems. With increased production of this substance, it accumulates in the pores. This leads to the proliferation of bacteria that provoke acne, which causes sebum to oxidize and interfere with the desquamation of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. And this process aggravates the problem even more. Thus, various types of inflammation appear on the skin.

Characteristics of oily and combination skin


Often, oily skin is most noticeable on certain areas of the face: the forehead, nose and chin. And also on the body: back and chest. The combination or oily type in most cases also manifests itself as oily scalp.


Oily skin does not look very aesthetically pleasing: rough, thickened, covered with liquid fat, shiny, uneven and unkempt, has a gray or even dull color. You can compare this look with an orange peel, because the pores stand out quite well and even with good care they shine. If there is no care, it becomes dirty, blackheads and comedones appear more often on the face. Seborrhea and thaleangiectasia may occur.

But, despite all these disadvantages, oily skin has its small advantages: it does not age as quickly, wrinkles appear more slowly, and the skin remains elastic longer.

Causes of skin diseases: internal

The functioning of the sebaceous glands of the face largely depends on the internal settings of the body. In such cases, solving the problem with superficial methods will only mask the symptoms.

There are several forms of acne: infantile, juvenile and post-pubertal. In the first two situations, unstable sebum production is due to the specifics of age and cannot be treated, only masked.

Post-pubertal acne occurs by the age of 25-30 and serves as evidence of improper functioning of body systems. It can be caused by heredity, which makes it possible to cancel this factor by eliminating the causes that provoke it. They can cause malfunction of the sebaceous glands and in conditions of normal heredity:

  1. Hormonal disbalance. This reason is more pronounced in women. Increased testosterone levels stimulate increased sebum production. This process is also provoked by progesterone. In women with polycystic disease and ovarian dysfunction, there are prerequisites for disruption of hormones.
  2. Chronic diseases. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, dysbiosis, gastritis, gallstone and adrenal gland diseases activate the sebaceous glands. Poor functioning of the pores on the face and head is often caused by infectious inflammatory processes in the body.

In case of internal problems, only a doctor can help get rid of the disease by prescribing appropriate treatment for interconnected organs and systems.

Failure in the hormonal system

Restructuring of the body occurs in the following cases:

  • Puberty occurs in teenage girls, and the hormonal levels are unstable because of this,
  • the strongest hormonal surge is associated with pregnancy, bearing a baby and childbirth,
  • The woman is already experiencing menopausal syndrome, which is why her hormonal levels are unstable and are characterized by sudden changes.

Ultimately, women cannot understand why facial skin has become sharply oily even in those who previously had excessively dry skin.

Let's try to figure out how disruptions in the functioning of the hormonal system affect the increase in oily skin.

The result quickly becomes noticeable: the face becomes shiny, pimples, numerous blackheads and blackheads, and rashes appear on it. Sebum is produced quickly, self-cleaning no longer helps.

The pores become clogged and the face stops breathing. As a result, this provokes the occurrence of numerous defects.

If we talk about the direct impact of testosterone levels on the activity of sebum production, it is worth considering other reasons for the jump in the level of this hormone.

Reasons for testosterone growth

When a woman discovers that her facial skin has become oily and acne has appeared, she needs to find out the risk factors and start fighting them.

You need to try to eliminate the reasons why rashes appear.

If acne is constantly covered with foundation or powder, the skin will stop breathing altogether. And then there will be many more defects on the skin. In general, a layer of cosmetics itself worsens the condition of the skin.

Squeezing out acne is also undesirable, since this crushes the subcutaneous layer of fat, swelling forms, and inflammation begins. Swelling and redness can be visually observed.

The best solution is to determine what exactly is causing the increase in testosterone, and then try to restore the hormonal balance.

Here are the likely risk factors:

  1. Stress, depression, unstable emotional background. A woman who faces psychological problems suffers from hormonal changes. All measures must be taken to restore emotional and hormonal balance.
  2. During pregnancy, puberty and menopause, you should consult a doctor for help. Qualified specialists will be able to select the most suitable drugs and conduct targeted drug therapy. Then the hormonal levels will be restored and the woman’s general condition will improve. The skin will also return to normal.
  3. Hormonal fluctuations are also associated with physical fatigue, poor nutrition and poor lifestyle, as well as irregular sex life. All these are risk factors that only the woman herself can eliminate.

It is necessary to listen to such “bells” and take all measures to improve your general condition. Then your health will improve and your face will look great.

Superficial causes of skin dysfunction

Skin problems caused by external factors are easier to treat. However, prolonged exposure to such irritating factors on the skin provokes skin diseases, such as oily and dry seborrhea, eczema and demodicosis.

Among the superficial causes of failures in the production of skin secretions are:

  • Cosmetics. Choosing products that are not suitable for the skin, or using products with a poor composition provokes an allergic reaction and the action of demodex mites. The content of alcohol, comedogenic oils and glycerin in care products, as well as some other dangerous ingredients, can overly dehydrate, irritate or create an airtight film on the skin that clogs pores. It is important to understand that cosmetics with silicones, proteins, and keratin applied to the scalp do not allow it to breathe. This provokes not only increased peeling of skin flakes, called dandruff, but can also cause hair loss.

  • Violation of the rules of care. The work of the sebaceous glands of the head and face will not decrease with aggressive cleansing. Such procedures destroy the acid-lipid protective layer from the skin secretion, which provokes it to be released more strongly. At this point, the penetration of any bacteria into the pores can cause inflammatory processes. Untimely cleansing of the skin also provokes the growth of bacteria and clogging of pores, so such procedures must be used with strict frequency.
  • Poor nutrition. To regulate the functioning of body systems, a certain amount of vitamins is necessary. Their deficiency leads to changes in the condition of the skin. In addition, excessive consumption of sweets stimulates the synthesis of androgens, which also causes diseases associated with the development of skin pathologies.
  • Environmental action. Frequent exposure to the sun, in a dry room or in the cold leads to dry skin, which increases the production of sebum along with the destruction of the lipid-acid membrane.

Before asking the question of how to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, it is necessary to identify the above factors and eradicate them. After which, having resorted to treatment methods, you can use a set of procedures as a preventive measure.

How to restore skin firmness and elasticity10,11,12

The genetic causes of skin metabolic disorders that cause such pathological disorders and hormone imbalance cannot be corrected by massages and diet; in these cases, a special medical approach is required. But other factors - stress, unbalanced diet, bad habits, exposure to ultraviolet radiation - can be neutralized or even completely eliminated.

Algorithm for improving skin condition:

  1. A balanced diet with sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals in accordance with consumption standards.
  2. Please note that during physical activity and stressful conditions, the body's need for nutrients increases.
  3. The lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet can be effectively compensated for by complex dietary supplements.
  4. Adequate water consumption is determined individually, on average 2.5 liters per day.
  5. Quitting smoking, fast food, alcohol and other bad habits that disrupt metabolism.
  6. Normalization of circadian rhythms and sleep/wake cycles, sleep at least 7 hours a day and no more than 8 hours.
  7. Sufficient physical activity (relevant for sedentary work and a sedentary lifestyle). Exercising, walking/jogging every night, visiting the pool or fitness room.
  8. Increasing stress resistance, immunity and adaptability of the body through hardening and dietary supplements.
  9. Careful skin hygiene, use of nourishing masks and scrubs, skin moisturizing, massage treatments.
  10. Sufficient exposure to fresh air (forest belt, park) and direct sunlight.
  11. Living outside the area of ​​large and dangerous industries, away from roads.
  12. Taking dietary supplements with collagen and hyaluronic acid, as well as supplements that minimize stress and increase the body's adaptability.

The algorithm for improving skin elasticity is based on the elimination of negative factors such as stress, insufficient sleep, deficiency of vitamins and minerals, and compliance with the drinking regime. As a rule, it is enough to stabilize the daily routine, and dietary supplements can also help here.

Dietary supplements to improve skin condition:

  • – Hyaluronic acid. In addition to the chondroprotective effect, it maintains skin elasticity, participating in its regeneration.
  • – Hydrolyzed collagen. Connective protein increases the density of collagen fibers and fibroblasts in the skin.
  • – Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3). Increases skin strength and elasticity, improves immunity, normalizes insulin sensitivity.
  • – Omega 3-6-9. Participates in a number of metabolic reactions, including restoring skin elasticity.
  • – Coenzyme Q10. Antioxidant, stimulates metabolism and regeneration of vitamin E, participates in collagen synthesis.
  • – Beta-carotene. Participates in the regeneration of the skin, has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • – Vitamin C. Participates in the production of collagen, suppresses the activity of free radicals, strengthens the immune system.
  • – Vitamin and mineral complex. Eliminates deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals.
  • – Dietary fiber, inulin and other additives with a prebiotic effect, normalizing the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • – Nootropic supplement “Healthy Sleep”. Normalizes the sleep/wake cycle and increases stress resistance.

Natural skin aging cannot be stopped, but you can slow it down and prevent premature aging by normalizing your diet and rhythm of life, eliminating destructive factors and using appropriate dietary supplements. With an integrated approach, restoring elasticity to the skin and improving its condition is quite possible.

Treatment of sebaceous glands on the face with medications

This method of therapy is prescribed after doctors have diagnosed and identified the causes of malfunctions in the sebaceous glands. They are referred for research by a dermatologist, gynecologist and gastroenterologist. During treatment, topical medications and antibiotics are prescribed and the nutrition plan is adjusted. If the disorders are associated with hormonal levels, then treatment includes taking pills to normalize them.

Local therapy consists of drugs with retinoic acid. This includes Differin and Adapalene gel, applied once a day and course duration up to 3-4 weeks. Antimicrobial agents are prescribed in the presence of inflammatory elements on the face. Dermatologists recommend using Baziron AC, Proderm, Eclaran and Desquam. During their use, the effect of peeling off skin scales is observed. In addition, combination drugs such as Zinerit, Klenzit S, and Isotrexin are also used in therapy. These methods regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands and are prescribed for mild stages of acne.

If necessary, doctors use antibiotic treatment. Among the most effective acne-resistant drugs are the groups of tetracyclines and macrolides. The first ones include “Erythromycin” and “Josamycin”, the second ones include “Doxycyline”, “Metacycline”, “Oxytetracycline”.

Courses of such drugs last 10 days. Under no circumstances should you interrupt the course of antibiotics or combine them with alcohol. When prescribing medications, the doctor must have information about the patient’s concomitant diseases. Diabetes, venous thrombosis and arrhythmia require additional nuances during treatment.

In severe cases of acne, the only drug prescribed for retinoic acid is Roaccutane. It reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands throughout the body, enhances exfoliation, but has a lot of side effects, so it is a radical means of normalizing pore activity.

Hormonal drugs are selected individually and are not used for self-medication.

How to remove fat from cheeks, forehead and chin

If fat cheeks, double chin and fat on the forehead are a consequence of excess body weight, then an undoubted condition for removing fat from these areas is losing weight and reducing the fat layer throughout the body

Therefore, it is so important to know how to remove fat from cheeks and other parts correctly.

But this is not always enough. Due to the fact that fat deposits on the face are not formed in the first place, but after an increase in the volume of the waist, hips and buttocks, the reduction in the number of fat cells on the cheeks and chin occurs at the last moment. Sometimes, when you reach a certain level of weight loss, when the body believes that all the excess fat tissue has disappeared and there is no need to spend any more of it, the fat on the face may not come off at all. Such an effect can cast doubt on the entire success of losing weight.

In addition, sometimes the owner of congenital chubby cheeks wants to achieve sharp, expressive cheekbones. In these two cases, auxiliary methods for removing fat from the face come to the rescue.

Before you start removing excess fat, you need to know how to combat chin fat. Depending on the desired results and the initial state of the problem, the following methods are used:

  • gymnastics;
  • massage;
  • proper care;
  • cosmetic procedures.

Exercises to reduce a double chin:

  • Place the book on your head, holding it, walk around the room for 10 minutes.
  • Pull the tongue towards the nose - 7 approaches.
  • Open your mouth wide, push your lower jaw forward, tense the muscles underneath, hold for 20 counts, and slowly return your jaw to its place. Repeat 5 times.
  • Pull the vowel letters of the alphabet “a, i, o, u, e” with effort for 20 seconds.
  • Move your jaw back and forth and left and right for 15 seconds.
  • Raise your head up, push your lower jaw forward, fold your lips into a tube, as if in a kiss, hold the position for 8 seconds. 5 reps.


  • Place your fingertips under your chin and make smoothing movements from bottom to top.
  • Pinch the chin along the lower edge of the oval of the face.
  • Make patting movements.

Note! Do not stretch the skin during a massage, as this may cause it to lose its elasticity and the problem will worsen.


Even with a small amount of fat, a double chin can be noticeable. This occurs due to low skin elasticity

To prevent your face from losing its elasticity, it is important to establish proper care that matches your skin type.

For your information! The cornerstone here is hydration. You need to choose a suitable moisturizer and apply it not only to the face, but also to the neck.


If home methods failed to cope with the problem, then there is an opportunity to do this with the help of professional cosmetology. At the moment, cosmetology offers injections into the chin to burn fat.

Solutions for such injections are lipolytics, soy enzyme, also known as lecithin. Lecithin is able to break down fat cells. Injections with it regulate metabolism and convert excess fat into energy. Thanks to this property, lipolytics are able to eliminate the fat layer on the chin and restore clarity to the oval of the face.

Lipolitics, effect

Important! The cause of a double chin may be diseases of the thyroid gland. Before you start fighting excess fat, you need to eliminate this risk

The cheeks are the area of ​​the face that is most affected by overall weight loss. You should not massage your cheeks, because... the effect will be minimal, and the risk of damaging the skin is high.

The best exercises to help speed up the removal of fat from the cheeks are:

  • With tension, stretch your lips with a “pipe”, draw out vowel sounds - 20 seconds.
  • Puff out your cheeks, draw in air through your nose, then slowly release it through your mouth - 25 seconds.
  • Distill the air in your mouth, puffing out your cheeks - 15 seconds.
  • Turn your head to the right, extend your lower jaw, the muscles should tense. Repeat on the other side. 5 times in each direction.

Treatment of sebaceous glands on the face with traditional methods

Treating facial pores with home remedies is a less effective activity that can only be used for external sources of the problem. This technique is suitable for preventing relapses. Homemade lotions from pharmaceutical herbs, masks and essential and base oils are used to enrich cosmetics.

Steaming the face with decoctions is practiced to clean the pores and, as a result, narrow them, which reduces the production of skin secretions. For the procedure, decoctions of chamomile or sage are selected. The procedure goes like this: the broth is brought to a boil, poured into a container, and, covered with a towel, the face is held over it for 5 to 7 minutes. This procedure is not suitable for those with dry skin or those with blood vessels close to the surface of the skin.

A common solution to the question is how to reduce the work of the sebaceous glands. are clay masks. This product has a drying, anti-inflammatory effect, and is also a source of nutrients beneficial to the skin. Masks made of white, green, blue and black clay are used.

The product is diluted with water to the consistency of sour cream and applied for 15–20 minutes to areas of enlarged pores. During the procedure, you should not let the clay dry out: to do this, the applied mask is irrigated with a spray bottle of water. It is recommended to use 1-2 times a week.

An egg white mask dries the skin and relieves inflammation, tightens pores. For the procedure, the product is whipped until foam forms and applied to the face in several layers. When the previous layer dries, apply the next one. After the procedure, the mixture is washed off and a moisturizer is applied.

Cosmetics review

Cleansing products

Product nameActive IngredientsAction
Absolue Precious Cells Cleansing Foam, Lancômewhite iris and proxilan complexCleanses pores of impurities and refreshes the skin.
Cleansing toner Purefect Skin Toner, BiothermL.Digitata extract and zincExfoliates dead cells and tightens pores.
Cleansing gel “Endless freshness”, L'Oréal ParisGallic rose and lotus extractsDoes not contain soap, so there is no feeling of tightness after washing.
Cleansing toner “CLEAN SKIN”, Garniersalicylic acid and zincFights blackheads and slightly mattifies the skin.

Creams and gels

Product nameActive IngredientsAction
Light cream-gel with a mattifying effect Pure Focus, Lancômebrown algae extract and LHA acidThe lightest texture of the cream noticeably tightens pores and smoothes the surface of the skin.
Moisturizing gel Aquasource Gel, Biothermthermal plankton extract and mannoseSaturates the epidermis with moisture, as a result the skin glows and becomes more elastic.
Moisturizing gel-cream Ultra Facial Oil Free Gel-Cream, Kiehl'santarcticin, desert plant extract, glycerin, vitamin EMoisturizes the skin, helps regulate the process of sebum production, and does not create a sticky film on the face.
Moisturizing “Botanic Cream”, Garniergreen tea extractMoisturizes and mattifies the skin, smoothing its surface for subsequent makeup application, suitable for problem skin.
Mattifying sorbet cream “Life-giving Moisturizing”, Garniergreen tea extractInstantly moisturizes and refreshes the face, fights the effects of harmful environmental factors.


Product nameActive IngredientsAction
Purifying mineral mask Masque Pure Empreinte, Lancômewhite clay and mineralsThe two main tasks of the mask are to rid the pores of impurities and regulate sebum production.
Intensive cleansing mask énergie de Vie, Lancômewhite clay, lemon balm, ginseng and cranberryNoticeably tightens pores and gives the skin radiance; you can evaluate the results after three weeks of regular use.
Cleansing mask Skin Best Wonder Mud, Biothermmineral clayRemoves impurities from pores, fights free radicals, and gives the skin a natural glow.
Calendula & Aloe Soothing Hydration Masque, Kiehl'scalendula petals and aloe vera extractSoothes and moisturizes irritated skin, used up to three times a week.
Mask “Clay magic, cleansing and mattifying”, L'Oréal Paristhree types of cleansing clay and eucalyptusRemoves oily shine and tightens pores, making the skin noticeably more elastic and toned.

Cosmetology procedures for skin

The solution to the question of how to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands can be hardware cosmetology. When identifying the cause of the disease, hereditary predisposition, medical history and other factors, a specialist may prescribe additional procedures. Cosmetology offers many highly effective skin treatment methods:

  • Laser biostimulation. This procedure can not only relieve problems with rashes. It has a comprehensive effect on the skin’s regeneration and protection systems, as well as removes toxins and restores a healthy complexion. The procedure is carried out in 10 sessions, during which light therapy, microcurrent stimulation and ultrasonic massage are combined. As a result, the skin looks firmer, tighter and more hydrated.
  • Microdermabrasion. How to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands on the face? This method can be used independently at home. Microdermabrasion is based on gentle, targeted scrubbing with exfoliating particles, which removes the dead skin that has accumulated around the pores and dilates them. This method allows you to narrow the mouths of the sebaceous glands, thereby reducing their activity.
  • Ultrasonic peeling. During this technique, the shock wave of the ultrasonic device gently removes impurities from the pores and removes the keratinized layer of the epidermis.
  • Iontophoresis. Microcurrent stimulation increases the delivery of nutrients to the dermis, thereby enhancing regeneration and reducing the fat content of the skin ducts. Delivery of vitamins along with blood helps to generally improve and refresh the face.
  • Chemical peeling. As a result of the procedure, the acidity of the skin is reduced to a level specified by the cosmetologist, which causes a controlled burn of the skin. Skin recovery enhances the production of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid. The skin is moisturized, the pores are narrowed, which reduces the production of sebum.

Thus, you can choose a more or less radical way to get rid of the problem. It is important to choose a qualified cosmetologist, since such procedures can aggravate the process if performed incorrectly.

How to get rid of oily face

Caring for problem skin is quite hard work, requiring effort and patience. First of all, you need to understand that to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, you need a complex of several methods:

  1. The simplest and most labor-intensive way is to use special care products. These include: foams, scrubs, wipes and special soaps. The scrub often comes with a special brush with medium-hard bristles. With its help you can remove the maximum amount of subcutaneous fat. It should be remembered that all procedures are carried out only with warm water. Cold water will not open the pores for cleaning, but hot water will activate the sebaceous glands and cause them to secrete more sebum. The forehead, nose and chin need special care. This is where most acne and blackheads form.
  2. Special lotions will help relieve redness. They contain special components that “cauterize” acne and pimples. The main thing is that the composition contains acetylsalicylic acid. The selected products must be of high quality, popular brands. There is no need to buy an unknown product just because it is cheap or casually recommended by friends. You need to wipe your face twice a day.
  3. To remove dead cells, it’s a good idea to do peeling and masks. Peeling can be done either at home using a scrub, or in a salon, where it is done professionally using fruit acids. You should not get carried away with this, because excessive cleaning will only harm, not help. The timing of peeling at home and in the salon varies. You don’t need to visit the salon as often as using a scrub at home. Mechanical peeling is a rather aggressive procedure.
  4. Girls with excess oil on their face should forget about excessive makeup. Too thick layers of foundation, powder and blush do not allow the skin to breathe. Because of this, its pores “close”, subcutaneous sebum accumulates there and collects into unfortunate pimples, blackheads and blackheads. If for some reason you cannot give up makeup, you should choose decorative cosmetics more carefully. Labels should include the warning “for oily skin.” Such cosmetics cost a little more than usual, but you need to fight shine using all means.
  5. Human skin is an indicator of the health of the body. First of all, this concerns the digestive system. Problems with your face indicate that you urgently need to review your own menu. To do this, you need to give up fried, sweet and salty foods on an ongoing basis. Fried meat can be replaced with boiled meat, and potatoes can be baked in the oven. You need to give up sweets and limit your salt intake. The best drink for skin is green tea instead of black tea. Coffee must be replaced; chicory would be an ideal option for variety.
  6. For additional skin nutrition, it is better to abandon the cream. Its foundation does not allow the skin to breathe because it is often too dense. It is better to replace it with hydrogel or serum. It is correct to apply them at night, when the skin is resting after a hard day. These methods of skin support are not difficult to use, but you shouldn’t get carried away with them either. Before the serum, it’s a good idea to apply cabbage or carrot juice for better penetration of the product into the pores.

Nutrition to normalize skin function

To make your facial skin healthy and enhance any treatment, you need to switch to proper nutrition. This means that you should exclude from your diet all foods that stimulate disturbances in the sebaceous glands. These include:

  • foods with a high glycemic index (fast carbohydrates);
  • food containing starch;
  • flour and carbonated drinks;
  • refined products;
  • caffeine;
  • alcohol;
  • nicotine.

Such food can be replaced with healthy analogues. It is worth adding foods to your diet that normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands:

  • vegetables and fruits;
  • high fiber cereals;
  • dairy products;
  • beans and nuts;
  • poultry meat.

It will also be beneficial for the skin to eat red fish and drink herbal decoctions.

Causes of scalp diseases

How to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands on the head? This is an issue that is undeservedly ignored. In fact, abnormalities in sebum production in this area in the early stages are not as noticeable as on the face, but can subsequently lead to thinning, loss, dryness and brittle hair. This problem can lead to seborrhea, eczema and subcutaneous mites.

Insufficient production of skin secretion or its excess can be due to both internal and external reasons. Flaws in care are insignificant against the background of seborrhea. During this disease, sebum does not perform its direct functions, but accumulates on the surface of the scalp, which leads to stagnation of the secretion. As a result of this process, natural lubrication loses its protection against fungi, which leads to severe exfoliation of the stratum corneum, which is called dandruff.

There is another reason that affects this disease - stress. How to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands on the face in this case?

Why do acne occur?

The causes of inflammation can be divided into 4 main groups: hormonal changes, increased dryness of the skin, excess sebum production and infection. In some cases, one person may have several causes of the disease. It is important to eliminate each of them in order to obtain the optimal effect of treatment.

It is also important to consider heredity as a factor in the development of acne. Scientists have proven that parents with severe acne in the present or past, children are more susceptible to this disease. Knowing this fact, you can carry out timely prevention by correcting the condition of the dermis.

Hormonal changes

The amount of sebum produced is most influenced by the ratio of sex hormones in a person’s blood. Of fundamental importance are:

  1. Androgens (testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, DHEA-S). Male hormones lead to increased activity of not only the sebaceous glands, but also the sweat glands. Therefore, an increase in their concentration can lead to acne;
  2. Progesterone . This is a “pregnancy hormone” that is intensively produced in women after the middle of the menstrual cycle and immediately after conception. Causes swelling of the excretory duct, which leads to stagnation of sebum;
  3. Estrogens (estrone, estriol, estradiol). These substances relieve swelling and restore the patency of the excretory ducts of the glands, somewhat reducing their secretion. Lack of estrogen can also cause acne formation.

There are times in the lives of people of both sexes when changes in hormonal levels are normal. In this case, the formation of acne is a temporary effect and does not require special treatment, except in cases of infection. However, when the amount of sex hormones changes due to illness, it is necessary to carefully approach the issues of therapy. This may require consultation not only with a general practitioner, but also with a gynecologist, andrologist or endocrinologist.

To distinguish the disease from the norm, it is necessary to know the periods when hormonal changes occur. These include:

PeriodTime of occurrence of hormonal changesChanges in the ratio of sex hormones
In newbornsFrom birth to 3-6 months.In newborn girls, a “sexual crisis” is possible - a temporary increase in the level of progesterone in the blood, due to its transfer from mother to fetus.
In this case, the following phenomena occur:
  • Breast engorgement;
  • Uterine spotting bleeding;
  • Acne;
  • Copious grayish-white vaginal discharge.
Puberty in menFrom 13 to 20 years old.There is a significant increase in androgen concentrations, which can persist for 5-7 years.
The second phase of the menstrual cycle in womenFrom the middle of the cycle (normally 13-15 days) until the start of menstrual bleeding.In the second half of the cycle, there is normally a rise in progesterone levels, which is a factor in the development of inflammation and blockage of the sebaceous gland.
PregnancyFrom the middle of the cycle (normally 13-15 days) until the birth of the child.During a normal pregnancy, a high level of progesterone is constantly maintained, which is produced first in the ovaries and then in the woman’s placenta.
Pre- and postmenopauseAfter 45 years. Due to a decrease in estrogen levels, a woman may develop acne and a number of other adverse effects associated with menopausal syndrome: emotional instability, periods of sweating, insomnia, etc.

Treatment of women during this period of life is possible using hormonal therapy.

The conditions in which the occurrence of acne is considered a normal variant have been listed above. In all other cases, the appearance of acne should be considered a sign of disease.

Increased dry skin

A fairly common cause of inflammation of the skin glands is their blockage by horny scales. When a person’s skin is excessively dry, its surface layer begins to peel off quickly. These particles of the epidermis can close the sebaceous ducts and lead to the formation of acne.

The degree of hydration of the skin is influenced by a large number of factors. The most important of them are:

  • Age over 40 years . Over the years, the body's ability to recover is inevitably depleted. It is more difficult for dermal cells to retain the required amount of moisture and microelements, so it must be additionally moisturized with the help of cosmetics;
  • Climate . This term refers not only to weather conditions, but also to the surrounding microclimate: room temperature, air humidity, and the use of gadgets to regulate temperature. Dry and frosty air, low air humidity, the use of air conditioners, heat convectors, heat guns, etc. have a negative impact;
  • Warm and humid air (sea air is optimal) and room humidifiers have a positive effect. If it is necessary to use thermal elements or air conditioners, it is recommended to combine them with humidifiers.
  • Hot bath or shower . The surface of the skin in a healthy person is protected by a lipid layer that prevents it from drying out. High temperature water destroys this natural defense, which can cause acne;
  • Hygiene products . Using regular soap to wash your face or intimate areas can cause increased dryness. Since the protective layers of the dermis are more vulnerable in these areas, to care for them it is necessary to use special lines of hygiene products, for example: milk or facial wash, micellar water, tonic lotion, intimate hygiene soap and others.
  • Skin diseases such as allergic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, etc.;
  • Endocrine diseases , for example: diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome/disease.
  • When treating inflammation of the sebaceous glands, identifying harmful factors is of great importance. Therapy may not bring any effect for a long time if the cause of acne formation is not identified and eliminated.

    Excessive sebum production

    At the moment, only three reasons are reliably known that can enhance the functioning of the glands: increased levels of androgens (described above), certain foods and the disease “seborrhea”. In the course of research by domestic doctors, it was determined that products with a high content of fatty acids have the greatest harm to the skin. These include:

    • Chocolate and cocoa;
    • Nuts;
    • Some types of cheese: feta cheese, suluguni, “pigtail cheese” and other pickled cheeses;
    • Fatty meats (veal, beef, lamb, etc.) and their processed products.

    Carbonated and caffeinated drinks can also become a factor in the development of acne. Some scientists believe that the substances they contain also increase the production of sebum.

    The next significant factor is disease, the only symptom of which is the presence of oily skin. To date, scientists have not determined the causes of seborrhea. It is believed that this disorder is inherited and develops under the influence of unfavorable factors (described above).

    Accession of infection

    The main reason why inflammation develops is microorganisms. When certain bacteria penetrate the skin, immune processes are activated, pus is formed, and surrounding tissues are damaged. Against the backdrop of an unfavorable course of the disease, bacteria can spread to neighboring areas and contribute to the formation of large acne conglomerates.

    At the moment, the role of only one type of microbe in the development of acne has been proven - Propionibacterium acne (Latin name - Propionibacterium acne). That is why in the treatment of patients with this disease, local or general antimicrobial drugs are necessarily used.

    Scalp treatment

    Drug treatment of the sebaceous glands on the head is resorted to when the source of the disease is seborrhea, eczema, nervous disorders, demodicosis and other internal causes.

    If the disease is caused by problems with the gastrointestinal tract and liver, doctors prescribe Festal and Pancreatin. When the illness is associated with stress, it is recommended to take sedatives, for example, Novopassit or Sedavit.

    For external treatment with local preparations, a shampoo is prescribed that normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Products containing ketoconazole and erythromycin are used, for example Nizoral, Sebiprox, Sulsena, Sebazol. They not only level out the acidity level of the skin, but also serve as antiseptics that prevent the return of sebaceous gland dysfunction.

    Such shampoos are used 2-3 times a week for 1-2 months. During this period, it is prohibited to use other cosmetics.

    Salon methods for solving the problem

    Increased secretion of the sebaceous glands can be treated using both cosmetic products and salon methods. They are prescribed when it is necessary to influence the deeper layers of the epidermis.

    Salon procedures are prescribed after a comprehensive examination and are an effective addition to drug treatment.

    Among the effective procedures, experts highlight the following:

    • galvanization;
    • microdermabrasion;
    • laser resurfacing;
    • mesotherapy;
    • acid peeling;
    • disincrustation.

    A pronounced effect is observed only after a full course of procedures and subject to preventive skin care measures.

    Prevention of normal functioning of the skin on the head and face

    In order for skin treatment to be successful, and after its completion, there are no relapses, you should pay attention to the rules of regular care for the scalp and face.

    A specialist can recommend how to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Here are some tips for facial care and choosing cosmetics:

    • Cleansing. For this procedure, soft foams without alcohol and sodium lauryl sulfate are purchased. You only need to wash your face when necessary. It is worth purchasing cleaning products with acids. Scrubbing should not be performed more than 1-2 times a week, and preference should be given to synthetic abrasives in cosmetics.
    • Toning. A mandatory step in care, which is the main way to normalize the sebaceous glands. Used after washes, scrubs, masks and as a preparatory measure before applying cream. It is worth giving preference to products with vitamin A and E.
    • Hydration. As care products, it is recommended to use cosmetics that prevent the evaporation of moisture from the skin, rather than pulling it out from the deep layers of the dermis. You should avoid products that contain glycerin and comedogenic oils.

    A list of recommendations for regular care will tell you how to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands on the head:

    • Wash your hair only when it is dirty. You should not adhere to the rules of cleansing once every 3 days, once a week, etc.
    • When washing, use water at room temperature. Hot liquid increases the secretion of the sebaceous glands.
    • Choose cosmetics that suit your hair type.
    • Use nourishing products for hair roots.
    • Thoroughly rinse off sprays, mousses, and styling creams.

    Solving the problem of how to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands requires patience and time. Many options for getting rid of the problem allow you to choose the best way to solve it. Proper nutrition, regular care and following daily rules will help you avoid this disorder, which will allow the skin to ideally perform its main function - adding beauty and charm to its owner.

    Oily facial skin in men: what to do about this problem?

    Oily facial skin in men is due to the physiological characteristics of gender. Unlike women, the dermis on a man's face is much thicker and contains a larger number of hair follicles and sebaceous glands.

    The secretion produced by the sebaceous glands (sebum) plays a huge role in the body's defense mechanisms.

    Causes of increased oily skin

    The condition of the skin can be influenced by the amount of fluid you drink. Daily water intake #8212; 30-40 ml per 1 kg of weight. In this case, preference should be given not to coffee or juice, but to clean still water.

    If you are concerned about the condition of the skin on your face, then you should stop smoking. It has long been known that nicotine has a detrimental effect on overall health. In addition, under its influence, the pores become wider and become clogged with sebum faster.

    Oily skin and human health

    Excessive sebum production may also be caused by a hormone that is a derivative of testosterone #8212; dihydrotestosterone. Its excess can lead not only to acne, but also to more serious diseases. Therefore, before doing anything to your face, consult a dermatologist and endocrinologist. Because oily skin can be a symptom of dysfunction of the endocrine glands.

    Men's skin care

    In order for your skin to look healthy, you must follow 3 basic rules for caring for it:

    1. Daily cleansing.
    2. Regular moisturizing.
    3. Constant nutrition.

    You need to wash your face every day, and you need to do this in the morning and evening. But you shouldn't use regular soap. It is much wiser to choose a special cleanser that suits your skin type. Be sure to rinse off the gel with plenty of cool (but not ice-cold) water. If your skin is prone to acne, then opt for products containing natural anti-inflammatory substances, such as chamomile extract. But without first consulting a dermatologist, you should not use gels with triclosan or salicylic acid.

    Remember that your skin needs to be moisturized, even if it is oily. After shaving, be sure to apply balms containing natural oils to your face. If you decide to use a moisturizer, then choose products designed specifically for your skin type. It is better to resort to its help every other day, and if you have combination skin, that is, oily sheen is present only on the forehead, fleshy part of the nose and chin, then the cream should be applied exclusively to this T-zone.

    Use gel when shaving daily. It dries out the skin and has the ability to absorb part of the sebum from the dermis. While oils or creams intended for shaving soften it, but also make it greasy.

    Anti-acne products

    Never squeeze pimples yourself. With this method, bacteria only spread throughout the skin, causing new foci of inflammation. If for some reason you do not want to visit a beauty salon and have a professional facial cleansing procedure, then use a local medication designed to combat acne. They are sold in pharmacies in the form of a cream or lotion. But keep in mind that you need to treat your face with it for several days until the inflammation goes away.

    How to improve the appearance of your skin?

    Carry wet wipes with impregnation designed for oily skin. Wipe your face with it 2-3 times a day to remove excess oil. This method of cleansing the skin is especially relevant in the summer, when the face sweats more actively and dirt settles on it faster.

    Never touch your face with your hands. Get rid of the habit of propping your cheek with your fist or palm, if you have one. Hands #8212; This is a real breeding ground for bacteria and harmful microorganisms. When they get on the face, they become a source of inflammation, which means they provoke the occurrence of acne. Therefore, you can only touch your face with clean hands.

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