Leeches on the face (hirudotherapy) - an amazing method of rejuvenation

People used leeches for many diseases and illnesses in China, Greece, Rome and Egypt several centuries BC, when there were no medicines.
The ancients used them to treat nervous system disorders, dental problems, skin diseases and infections. Leeches were used to “bleed” people with high blood pressure (hypertension) until the mid-19th century. The modern term for treatment with leeches is “hirudotherapy”

got its name from the scientific name of leeches (from the Latin Hirudo medicinals). Hirudotherapy has not lost its position today; it is successfully practiced in many commercial medical clinics.

What are these creatures?

Previously, leeches were found everywhere - in swamps, in reservoirs, and were not a curiosity to anyone.

Today, the number of these creatures has decreased significantly, and not everyone has seen them in their natural form.

Despite the fact that leeches live in the aquatic environment, no one specifically catches them for use for cosmetic purposes, since creatures bred artificially in laboratory conditions are used for this.

Leeches belong to the class of annelids. These representatives have a rounded-elongated body, slightly flattened on the sides.

It is crowned with suckers at both ends: the anterior nipple is equipped with a sucking cavity.

These individuals are extremely voracious. In a hungry state, they weigh no more than 2 grams, and after drinking blood, they increase 10 times.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Many cosmetologists have a positive attitude towards hirudotherapy. After a course of procedures, the supply of oxygen to tissues significantly improves, and this has the most positive effect on appearance.

However, you also need to remember to be careful. Under no circumstances should you try to carry out the procedure yourself or trust a person with dubious qualifications.

It is important that the sessions are conducted by a specialist with experience. In addition, you must be patient and complete the full course; if you do a couple of procedures and refuse further sessions, you should not expect a noticeable rejuvenation effect.

Is it possible to rejuvenate with leeches?

According to numerous enthusiastic female reviews, leeches on the face for wrinkles and other skin defects really turn out to be effective.

This applies exclusively to medicinal leeches grown artificially. Unlike wild ones, they are sterile. They are used once, which ensures the safety of such a procedure.

Do not try to rejuvenate yourself using leeches caught in a pond. This can cause significant harm to health, since such leeches often cause infection.

For medical purposes, leeches are taken, the species of which is called Hirudo medicinalis. They secrete saliva, which contains special enzymes (hirudin, hyaluronidase, aspirase, etc.).

Hirudotherapy in cosmetology is a new direction, but shows good results:

  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • restores facial turgor;
  • relieves acne;
  • eliminates swelling and irritation of any etiology;
  • discolors pigment spots;
  • normalizes blood microcirculation in the surface layer of the epidermis;
  • renews tissue at the cellular level;
  • enhances protective functions from negative external factors;
  • improves oxygen exchange in the skin layers with deeper penetration.

By sucking, the leech releases saliva into the dermis, along with which multiple beneficial enzymes and biochemical elements penetrate.

Due to this, the blood composition is enriched, metabolic processes are normalized and the body is renewed from the inside.

After hirudotherapy sessions, the skin acquires: a silky and elastic structure, healthy color, elasticity and smoothness.

Leeches on the face help against acne, scars and other external defects. But the main purpose of leeches on the face is to get rid of wrinkles (before and after photos of many women are direct proof of this).

When visually comparing the image before the start of the course of hirudotherapy and upon completion, the transformation for the better is clearly noticeable.

Properties of leeches

According to cosmetologists and doctors, the fundamental benefits of leeches on the face and the minimum of harm are caused by the wide range of healing properties of the salivary secretion of these bloodsuckers. These include:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • pain reliever;
  • antimicrobial;
  • nutritious;
  • regenerating;
  • antiseptic;
  • anticoagulant.

Hirudotherapy is the best preventive remedy against the manifestation of early signs of aging, somewhat reminiscent of acupuncture.

The use of leeches to restore youth requires a competent approach, so they should only be administered by a specialist.

Achieving the desired result is only possible if you know where to place leeches on the face for wrinkles - these slimy creatures must bite the skin in specific areas.

Hence the conclusion that it is important not only the entry of leech secretion into the blood, but also the reflex effect.


Bites from small “vampires” will help cope with the following conditions:

  • acne and its residual manifestations - scars, scars, pigmentation;
  • pustular skin lesions;
  • atopic dermatitis, psoriasis;
  • anemic pallor of the skin;
  • signs of skin aging - sagging, stretch marks, swelling, wrinkles (including deep wrinkles).

Hirudotherapy sessions are also indicated in the late recovery period after plastic surgery. They improve rehabilitation results.

Question answer

If the temperature does not subside, and the tumor grows at the site of the bites, causing general malaise and weakness, then you should go to the doctor.
Antihistamines are mainly prescribed externally. Fenistil-gel is suitable, which is applied to problem areas. Such manifestations are not considered allergic and the procedures are not cancelled. No further complications arise. For more severe consequences (Quincke's edema, urticaria), medical intervention cannot be avoided. You should be concerned when blood does not stop oozing for more than 2 days. This is evidence of slow blood clotting and you should consult a doctor.

They adhere to the course approach - 2 times every 7-8 days, for a month.


The secretory fluid secreted by the salivary glands of the leech contains protein. It can provoke both local allergic reactions (swelling, itching, rash) and dangerous ones - Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock.

In addition, the following undesirable effects are possible:

  • the appearance of a hematoma, bruise, bruise at the site of the bite;
  • external and internal bleeding - especially in persons who ignore contraindications to the procedure;
  • inflammation of adjacent lymph nodes;
  • infection of the wound - more often if the rules of care are not followed.

Hirudin slightly reduces blood viscosity. It can flow out of the wound for quite a long time. The normal duration of bleeding is up to 24 hours. There is no significant blood loss observed. Otherwise, you need to seek medical help.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this method

No matter how unique the technique is, there are always certain contraindications. To fully evaluate this approach, it is necessary to analyze it from all sides.

The advantages and disadvantages of hirudotherapy are given in the table:

Naturalness.Immediately after removing the material, minor wounds and swelling remain.
Long lasting rejuvenating effect.Brief bleeding from the bite sites is possible.
Favorable effect on the body as a whole.After healing, sometimes dark pigment spots remain (disappear after 2-3 weeks).
It has a number of medical contraindications.

Where are leeches placed?

Planting leeches on the face requires preparation. The first thing you need to do is visit a doctor in this area to rule out medical contraindications. During the inspection, he will mark the areas where the leeches will attach.

The day before your scheduled session, you should not drink alcoholic beverages or eat strong-smelling foods.

Do not smoke for several hours before hirudoplasty. It is not advisable to use cosmetics with strong fragrances on this day. Leeches are extremely sensitive to strong odors.

That is why the doctor initially cleanses the skin with neutral products. It is necessary to ensure that the specialist performs all actions wearing gloves.

A special syringe is used to transfer the leech to the skin.

The patient is placed in a comfortable lying position, and the specialist begins work. First, the natural material is attached behind the ears, then distributed in stages to other points:

  • on the jaw - right and left;
  • in the area between the eyebrows;
  • along the nasolabial folds;
  • along the contour;
  • on the border area between hair and forehead;
  • in the corners of the eyes.

During the procedure, it is strictly forbidden to tear off the leeches by force - after a maximum of half an hour they fall off on their own.

To remove an individual, touch it with a swab soaked in alcohol. Blood usually comes out of the remaining punctures, but not for long - no more than 20-30 minutes.

A sterile gauze bandage is applied on top, which is removed after 15-20 minutes. Cotton swabs are attached to its place and secured with adhesive tape.

It is advisable not to get up suddenly, but to lie down for a while to avoid dizziness.

The number of sessions in each case is determined by the doctor depending on individual characteristics and the planned result.

If there are no visible signs of aging yet, then 5-6 times will be enough for prevention. Full treatment includes 10 procedures.

A visible transformation is noted after the first 2-3 approaches. But this doesn't mean you can stop. After completing the course, the effect lasts for about six months. It is allowed to repeat no earlier than after 4 months.

How does a hirudotherapy session work?

Before prescribing hirudotherapy, the doctor examines the face to make sure there are no open lesions (ulcers, wounds). It is recommended to review any medications you are taking that increase the risk of bleeding or decrease the immune response. Caffeine should be avoided during and until completion of therapy to reduce the risk of vasospasm. Smoking and the use of nicotine substitutes are contraindicated during therapy due to the vasoconstrictor effects of carbon monoxide and nicotine.

Carrying out the procedure

The recommended course of rejuvenating procedures is 6–10 sessions of hirudotherapy with breaks of 3–4 days. The patient's position during the session should be as comfortable as possible for a comfortable stay for an hour. The algorithm of actions of a hirudotherapist is approximately as follows:

  1. Before applying the leech, the skin is washed with neutral soap and rinsed with sterilized water. Wipe dry.
  2. The therapist wears medical gloves and uses a pair of long, non-toothed forceps to remove the leech from its container. This is easier to do immediately after removing the container from the refrigerator, when the leeches are relatively docile.
  3. Then the leech is placed in a 5 cm plastic syringe (with the tip previously removed) and inverted over the treatment site.
  4. When the leech has attached itself, the syringe can be removed. To prevent the leech from moving and to calm the patient, you can use a soaked cotton ball and place it under the leech's body.

The leech is planted on a specific area of ​​the face using a plastic syringe

If problems arise with attachment, the doctor may make a small puncture of the skin. The released drop of blood will stimulate the attachment of the geruda. The medicinal leech has three jaws with tiny teeth, with which it pierces the human skin and injects its own saliva, which has a healing effect. After the leech has finally attached and the sucking process has begun, the patient may feel a slight local burning sensation similar to a nettle burn. But after a few minutes, the natural pain-relieving components of saliva begin to act and the discomfort stops.

The leech releases about 60–70% of its medicinal substances in the first 10–15 minutes of the session. But in order for the patient to receive the full dose of enzymes, the procedure should last about 45 minutes. During this time, one leech manages to suck up to 15 ml of blood, after which it independently detaches from the wound. In case of reluctant detachment of the leech, use a 5% solution of benzoylecgonine externally to paralyze. Forced removal of a creature with tongs is never used.

A persistent reluctance of a leech to attach or detach indicates dying tissue or insufficient tissue nutrition.

Bite wounds will bleed for up to 10 hours after completion of the session, which is normal after the administration of hirudin, which has a blood thinning effect. During this time, the skin should be regularly washed with a disinfectant solution or protected by applying an aseptic dressing. After a few days, the wounds gradually close and then disappear without a trace, leaving no marks or scars.

Leeches should never be used repeatedly, even on the same patient, to avoid the transmission of bloodborne infections. After one-time use, leeches are disposed of as biohazardous waste. They are destroyed by immersing them in a 7% ethanol solution for five minutes before euthanizing them with 70% ethanol alcohol.

Is it possible to carry out the procedure yourself?

Of course, any person is theoretically capable of conducting a session on their own if they first learn the nuances of this rejuvenation.

But most experts will recommend trusting a professional. The fact is that the procedure has many nuances. You need to know where to place the leeches correctly; besides, they are not entirely obedient.

At home, you may not be able to maintain 100 percent sterility. Therefore, the risk of infection increases. It’s better not to take risks, but to go to a clinic for hirudotherapy.


Despite the enormous benefits of leeches for facial skin, there are a number of contraindications to hirudotherapy. Under no circumstances should leeches be applied to:

  • allergic reactions to components of their saliva;
  • decrease in hemoglobin level to 100 g/l and below;
  • pathologies of the blood coagulation system (hemophilia, thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopathy and other conditions with increased bleeding);
  • low blood pressure;
  • physical exhaustion, sudden weight loss;
  • mental disorders;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • bearing and feeding a child.

In addition, it is impossible to treat facial skin with leeches in the first weeks of the postoperative period. This applies to any surgical intervention – not necessarily plastic surgery. At this time, you must strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions that he gives for rehabilitation.

Necessary Precautions

It is mandatory to follow certain safety rules when conducting gyroduplasty sessions:

  1. They do not make any effort to detach the leech - once it is satiated, it spontaneously falls off. This usually takes no more than an hour.
  2. Do not take any action to stop bleeding from wounds if it lasts less than 2 days. This is a natural phenomenon.
  3. The crusts that subsequently form on the skin are not picked, but wait for them to heal naturally. During this time, try to take baths less often.
  4. Leeches are used only once and then destroyed.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Michelle Ellern

practicing cosmetologist-dermatologist

You shouldn’t put leeches unless you really want to, if you’re squeamish. The negative experience you experience does not contribute to achieving the desired result, so there will be no benefit anyway.

Theda Contis

plastic surgeon

After removing leeches, do not scratch the itchy wounds. A jump in body temperature is likely, but this is a normal response of the body - no measures need to be taken.


In addition to everything that has been said about leeches on the face for wrinkles, here are some reviews and photos before and after rejuvenation.


“Since I am wary of plastic surgery, hirudotherapy seemed like a completely acceptable alternative to me.
I don’t have an aversion to leeches, so that wasn’t a problem. Literally after the third session, I was surprised by the changes that I noticed on my face - the nasolabial folds smoothed out significantly and became less noticeable, the crow's feet under the eyes also practically disappeared.

After completing the course, I became so rejuvenated that my friends stopped recognizing me.”


“I am familiar with leeches firsthand - I constantly undergo course therapy using them.
At first I looked at a photo of where leeches are placed on the face for wrinkles. Armed with the information, I went to the doctor. Now I undergo the procedure regularly. I usually rest for 5-6 months between courses. This way you can keep your face toned. After these bloodsuckers, the skin smoothes out and the swollen semicircles in the eye area disappear.

Changes occur not only outside, but also from the inside - overall well-being improves significantly. Cosmetologists advise resorting to such therapy at least once a year.”


“It was difficult for me to dare to undergo hirudoplasty, because I am afraid of various bugs and spiders, and even more so of worms.
The decisive incentive was the feedback from my friends, who really began to look several years younger after such procedures. It turned out that everything was not so scary - there was a slight tingling sensation from the bloodsuckers, but it was bearable. The unpleasant thing is that after removing them, I wanted to scratch my face for several days.

You just can’t do this, then the itching goes away faster. A week later, when everything had healed, I was surprised by my reflection in the mirror - a blush appeared on my cheeks, my eyes sparkled, my skin became soft and silky.”

Today, many people go for cosmetic procedures that involve placing leeches on their face. With its help you can really achieve an amazing effect, as people’s reviews say.

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