Papules after biorevitalization: is this considered normal?

Acne is currently a problem not only for teenagers, but also for adults of all ages for various reasons. Everyone strives to get rid of such a skin defect as quickly as possible, using a variety of techniques, including hardware, as well as injections, for example, biorevitalization, mesotherapy or oxygen therapy. But sometimes such procedures become a provoking factor and cause the appearance of pathogenic elements. The concepts - biorevitalization and acne - have a fairly close connection, but at the same time they raise many questions.

Reasons for appearance

Papules are among the standard side effects after “beauty injections” and occur as a result of the introduction of special biorevitalizants into the upper layers of the skin, the main component of which is hyaluronic acid.

This component is already contained in the intercellular matrix of connective tissue, but with age its amount decreases significantly. As a result of such metamorphoses, the skin becomes thinner, loses its healthy appearance and becomes covered with a network of wrinkles.

This is why the biorevitalization procedure, which consists of replenishing hyaluronate reservoirs, is currently so relevant - with the help of injections you can almost painlessly and safely return your appearance to your former youth.

Papules take the form of convex tubercles due to the ability of the active substance to attract and hold liquid molecules near itself.

As a result, a microinfiltrate is created on the lower layers of the skin, due to which the upper layers of the epidermis are pushed out.

In some cases, the rehabilitation period is not accompanied by such symptoms.

There may be several reasons:

  • thick and atonic skin;
  • severe dehydration of the epidermis;
  • low density of the drug used (in most cases, the phenomenon is observed when using mesotherapy cocktails containing hyaluronic acid).

The absence of papules may also be due to incorrect work by the cosmetologist if the biorevitalizant was not introduced into the upper layers of the skin, but subdermally.

What is the procedure and how long do papules last?

Biorevitalization is a method of injecting drugs with a short thin needle, which ensures the least damage, for intensive hydration and nutrition of the skin. This procedure can be suggested by a cosmetologist for excessive dry skin and problems associated with this condition. This manifests itself as a feeling of tightness; it can appear due to improper functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands, imbalance of fat and water balance, and metabolic failure.

Healthy skin is sufficiently moisturized, has an even, beautiful shade, i.e. its normal condition depends quite strongly on the degree of hydration. An insufficient amount of water in cells provokes a decrease in elasticity, loss of firmness, and thinning. At the same time, the protective mechanisms of the dermis are disrupted, its sensitivity to various negative influences increases, and wrinkles appear.

The level of hydration of the epidermis is influenced by various factors of both exogenous and endogenous origin. Any uncomfortable conditions, such as cold, wind, too dry air lead to a decrease in skin moisture.

Poor quality water, alcohol-based lotions, aggressive peeling, etc. dehydrate the skin when exposed externally. Abuse of alcoholic beverages, insufficient fluid intake, lack of vitamins, poor nutrition - deprive the skin of moisture from the inside.

Prolonged exposure to the sun actively stimulates dry skin, the appearance of age spots and wrinkles. Solar ultraviolet radiation has a depressing effect on fibroblast function.

The video shows the facial biorevitalization procedure:

You can restore your skin as much as possible, give it tone and a healthy color using biorevitalization. During this procedure, a biorevitalizant is used - a biologically active substance that maximally moisturizes the skin and has minimal side effects. The main active component of biorevitalizant is hyaluronic acid or its salts.

This substance is able to bind water molecules and activate fibroblast function. Artificially moisturized skin begins to produce more hyaluronate, which leads to increased synthesis of collagen and elastin - proteins that give firmness and elasticity. What is better: plasma lifting or biorevitalization can be found out here.

What papules look like without complications

If the recovery process is not accompanied by any complications, the papules will practically not differ from the skin in color.
Tubercles appear at the sites where the dermis is punctured and are located with a certain symmetry. Depending on the task and the correction zone, the average distance between injections ranges from 1-2 mm to a centimeter.

Subsequently, they undergo deformation and increase in size by approximately 30%, which can be observed in the first few hours after the session. This phenomenon is due to the fact that the biogel gradually dissolves in the intercellular space.

Papules last the longest in the periorbital zone and the part of the neck located closer to the mandibular bone. If additional side effects occur, such as swelling or bruising, the bumps become brighter.

Recovery time

The question of how long papules can last is quite relevant.
Knowledge allows you to prevent complications and, if necessary, immediately contact a specialist. The average duration of resorption is 2-3 days.

The following factors influence rehabilitation:

  • thickness and density of the skin (in patients with special sensitivity, recovery processes may take up to a week);
  • speed of blood supply to connective tissue;
  • level of lymph outflow;
  • dehydration;
  • the drug used (with an increase in the density of the biorevitalizant, the healing period increases).

The maximum recovery period should not exceed 10 days from the date of injection.

User comments

Now, this is exactly what I wrote about earlier... It’s not suitable for you. I broke out right away, but for you after a while. Switch to another drug. Unfortunately, the effect will not be so bright, but it will still be)

Can you recommend any other drug?

I just don’t know what drugs are available in your city, look at Teosyal, a good Swiss drug. There are also drugs from Skin, which are also not bad... but again you have to choose. The main thing is to find a competent cosmetologist, just Aquashine, a serious drug and very complex in composition , but one of the most effective, and all these drugs are lighter in composition, but do not give results so quickly and noticeably)

Aquashine has this side effect. Next time choose a different drug. And you need to make sure that at the time of the procedure there is no inflammation on the face in the form of pimples.

Acne is currently a problem not only for teenagers, but also for adults of all ages for various reasons. Everyone strives to get rid of such a skin defect as quickly as possible, using a variety of techniques, including hardware, as well as injections, for example, biorevitalization, mesotherapy or oxygen therapy. But sometimes such procedures become a provoking factor and cause the appearance of pathogenic elements. The concepts - biorevitalization and acne - have a fairly close connection, but at the same time they raise many questions.

How to understand that you need to see a doctor

After the procedure, the cosmetologist must announce the acceptable recovery period. In this case, both the individual characteristics of the skin and the specifics of the drug used are taken into account.

For people with different skin types, the average healing period, in most cases, does not exceed 4 days. If the situation does not improve after this, the patient should be wary.

When is it necessary to contact a cosmetologist again:

  • change in the appearance of papules;
  • manifestation of allergic reactions (associated with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug);
  • pain syndrome;
  • the appearance of vesicular neoplasms (vesicles);
  • suppuration in places where the dermis is punctured;
  • long period of preservation of papules (more than 7 days);
  • the appearance of compactions;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • severe swelling.


This is a rare consequence of facial biorevitalization, since hyaluronic acid is an integral component of the human body.

An allergy manifests itself in the form of one or more symptoms:

  • redness of the skin over the entire area of ​​the face, neck, chest;
  • growing swelling;
  • acne ;
  • itching
On this topic

Biorevitalization Neauvia

  • Olga Aleksandrovna Kalinina
  • October 21, 2021

To prevent an allergic reaction, a skin test must be taken before the session and the procedure protocol must be followed.

If allergy symptoms are detected, the maximum that you are allowed to do on your own is to wash your face with a hypoallergenic product. Next, the problem is solved together with a cosmetologist.

Photos before and after

Recommendations during the rehabilitation period

To make the papules disappear faster, you should follow a number of recommendations during rehabilitation.

  1. Try not to come into contact with the correction area until the side effects disappear. Under no circumstances should you rub it with your hands or other household surfaces, such as a towel. After washing, you should wipe your face exclusively with blotting movements. It is recommended to sleep on your back.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to massage the affected area.
  3. You should not use decorative cosmetics to camouflage redness. Conventional moisturizing creams are also taboo.
  4. You should not wash your face with tap water for the first few days. To remove impurities, you can use light-textured tonics and lotions. Masks and scrubs are prohibited.
  5. For several weeks, it is better to limit your facial skin as much as possible from exposure to sunlight and temperature changes. In winter, do not stay outside for a long time.
  6. It is prohibited to visit the solarium, swimming pool, sauna, bathhouse and gym for a period of six months.
  7. For a week, refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking and eating highly salty foods.

How to reduce the side effect

It is strictly prohibited to take any measures at home without the permission of a doctor. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the situation will worsen.

You should first consult with a leading specialist about all acceptable methods of accelerating the healing process.

Sometimes the doctor prescribes additional anti-inflammatory therapy or lymphatic drainage.

Also, to reduce symptoms, he may prescribe the use of certain ointments, which will make the papules disappear much faster.

Among the common drugs, Troxevasin is in particular demand. To enhance its effect, the gel can be supplemented with chlorhexidine and aloe vera extract.

In agreement with a cosmetologist, it is possible to use fabric masks, which will help relieve inflammation and redness. Preference should be given to those that contain honey, algae or placenta extract.

What do doctors advise?

If the papules do not disappear for a long time, the cosmetologist may prescribe additional procedures that help remove unwanted consequences after biorevitalization.

  1. Microcurrent therapy . The process aims to speed up metabolism through pulsed current, resulting in faster absorption of hyaluronic acid.
  2. Lymphatic drainage . Various massage techniques can reduce the degree of swelling, due to which papules persist for a long time.
  3. Therapy with antihistamines . It is used if the papules do not go away due to the high level of sensitivity of the epidermis to the active substance of the biorevitalizant used.

Cosmetologists do not recommend carrying out the procedure during menstrual periods. Otherwise, papules can not only last a long time, but also be accompanied by pain, as well as a strong inflammatory process. This phenomenon is caused by hormonal fluctuations and changes in the permeability of the vascular walls.

Experts recommend that people with a predisposition to the occurrence of edema and hematomas first take a course of Ascorutin.

Expert commentary

A cosmetologist should always warn the patient about possible consequences after biorevitalization. Most skin reactions after the procedure do not require active intervention. It is important to follow the doctor’s recommendations even before the procedure.

Inna Viktorovna Zhikhoreva

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist. Education: Voronezh State Medical Academy named after N.N. Burdenko, Faculty of Medicine, doctor specializing in general medicine. Clinical internship in dermatovenerology at the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education. A cycle of training in medical trichology on the basis of the Russian Peoples' Friendship University. Primary retraining in medical cosmetology on the basis of the St. Petersburg Institute of Dentistry of Postgraduate Education. Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after A.S. Loginova, training cycle in dermato-oncology. Areas of activity: dermatology, venereology, pediatric dermatology, trichology, mycology, dermato-oncology, cosmetology. Work experience in the specialty for more than 5 years. Place of work: JSC "Family Doctor", Moscow.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Cosmetologists do not classify the occurrence of papules as complications. This is a common phenomenon that disappears on its own with proper care during the rehabilitation period.

If the patient is not ready to accept such symptoms at the stage of the recovery process, the specialist may offer an alternative method of rejuvenation - laser biorevitalization.

A practicing doctor points out that papules after biorevitalization are a standard process:

In this commentary, the doctor gives advice on speeding up the recovery process:

The specialist talks about the principle of biorevitalization:

The dermatologist limits the rehabilitation time depending on the affected area:

The cosmetologist talks about extreme measures to eliminate papules if additional therapy is not successful:

The effect of biorevitalization

After injection of hyaluronic acid:

  • There is a general improvement of the skin, its hydration, saturation with various nutrients;
  • All metabolic processes in skin cells improve, its elasticity and firmness increase;
  • The processes of regeneration and cell renewal are accelerated, the overall complexion improves;
  • The skin is noticeably tightened, the oval of the face becomes clearer, wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • Bruises and swelling (bags under the eyes) disappear in the area around the eyes;
  • Skin pigmentation disappears, stretch marks and scars of various types are smoothed out;
  • Cooper mesh disappears.

In addition, the biorevitalization procedure helps to narrow enlarged pores, which prevents their contamination, and rids the skin surface of acne and acne.

The procedure is very effective, which is confirmed by many years of experience and many patients. However, you should not expect that the result will appear instantly and in full. This happens gradually. As a rule, the first positive changes can be observed a few days after the procedure. The exact timing, as well as the duration of the effect, is always individual and depends on the characteristics of the body.

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