How to properly squeeze out blackheads on the face and nose? Common mistakes

Reasons for appearance

In adolescents starting from the age of 12, the main cause of the appearance of blackheads is considered to be hormonal changes in the body. In older age, the cause of comedones may be poor nutrition or poor skin care. Blackheads, unlike other skin rashes such as acne, rarely become inflamed.

The formation of blackheads occurs due to clogging of pores with secretions of the sebaceous glands and street or household dust, as well as oxidation under the influence of oxygen, as a result of which the skin pore becomes dark gray or black.

Often, to get rid of comedones, it is enough to change your diet, excluding fatty, floury and sweet foods from the menu.

Is it safe to squeeze out blackheads?

Open comedones occur due to organic disorders: the flaking of the flat epithelium of the upper layer of the skin is increased, and the secretion of sebum is increased, but there is not enough linoleic acid in it. This causes a significant narrowing of the mouths of the hair follicles, which can close completely. The fat accumulated in them is not rejected, the walls of the follicles stretch.

Dust and other household contaminants are absorbed by the sebaceous secretion, clogging the follicle like a cork. As a result, black dots appear on the face—usually on the wings of the nose and chin. Regular washing does not help deal with them.

Is it possible to squeeze out blackheads and is there another way to get rid of them? Violation of personal hygiene rules and attempts to get rid of them with dirty hands have a great influence on the appearance of blackheads. You can squeeze out blackheads, you just need to do it correctly! How exactly, you will find out further.

When not to squeeze out blackheads

Squeezing out blackheads is not possible for everyone and not always. The procedure cannot be carried out:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • during illnesses - of any etiology;
  • with exacerbation of bronchial asthma;
  • with rosacea;
  • with increased skin sensitivity.

In case of exacerbation of inflammatory processes of the face, in the event of purulent acne and swelling of the face, mechanical effects are contraindicated.


In people suffering from increased sweating and sebum secretion and, as a result, oily skin, fat plugs form, which become especially noticeable in the nose area.

It is impossible to get rid of the problem once and for all, but daily, systematic cleansing and the use of pigment-constricting drugs will make the skin clean and healthy. It is recommended to carry out such procedures daily, so it is better to do them at home.

How to squeeze out blackheads on the nose yourself, using available means and methods? Facial cleansing is the main way to combat blackheads; regular cleansing will keep your skin clean and healthy. Cleaning is mainly done by squeezing; this can be done at home. But to do this, you should take care of disinfecting the devices by first disinfecting them with medical alcohol.

Before squeezing out blackheads on your nose, you need to properly steam your face so that the pores open and the fat plugs come out after light pressure.

Spoon Uno

It should also be made of the same steel as the loop. On one side there is something like a strainer, on the other there is a small spoon with a tiny hole. This device is almost universal. A strainer will help you deal with blackheads and comedones, and a spoon will squeeze out single pimples. The tool can only be used on prepared skin (cleansed and steamed).

We apply a spoon to the pimple so that it is in the center of the lumen. Apply light pressure and move the tool slightly. The contamination comes out and remains on the spoon. The advantages of the tool are undeniable:

  • comfortable;
  • hygienic;
  • painless;
  • no scars remain;
  • deeply cleanses;
  • no scars.

The loop and spoon cannot be used for carbuncles, boils, demodicosis, pyoderma, and skin infections. Each time after use, instruments are thoroughly washed and must be sterilized before new use. The skin and fingers must be wiped with antiseptics.


Method one: steam bath. For the procedure, you will need to boil water in a saucepan, add a pinch of oak bark, chamomile, sage, a couple of drops of eucalyptus essential oil, tilt your face over the saucepan, cover your head with a thick scarf or towel and breathe over the hot steam for ten to fifteen minutes.

Method two: warm mask. For this procedure, you should purchase skin care products that have a steaming effect, for example, warming strips, scrubs, masks, in advance at a pharmacy or store.

Method three: hot compresses or visiting a sauna. During hygiene procedures, hot steam opens the pores; you can use a compress of thyme or chamomile, soaking it in herbal infusion every 2-3 minutes.

Preparing the skin


Cleansing. Let's give up today expensive belongings, makeup removers and other innovations. Let's use ordinary water as a cleanser. Clean. And also soap. Children's. All. No more complications. We just wash ourselves like our grandmothers did. All that remains is to pat your face dry with a clean towel. At this point, the first stage of purification will be considered complete.


Steaming. Pour the same ordinary water into the pan. Bring it to a boil and add mint, chamomile, linden, eucalyptus (a little of everything). Turn off the gas and transfer the pan to the table. We bend over the steam emanating from the broth (just not close, otherwise you can burn the skin) and sit like that for about 10 minutes. During this time, the pores will have time to expand sufficiently.


Applying hot compress masks. This option will replace steaming. In some ways, it’s more convenient (you won’t have to bend over and breathe in the steam), but it will take a little longer to prepare the masks. First of all, we prepare a decoction from approximately the same composition of herbs as indicated in paragraph 2, you can add St. John's wort and calendula. These are herbs that traditional healers use for inflammation. The masks are applied for the same amount of time (ten minutes will be enough).

Mechanical cleaning

It is important to know how to properly squeeze out blackheads on the nose. After the skin on the face has steamed and the pores have opened, you can begin the procedure of cleansing the epidermis of blackheads.


  1. Cleansing your face with a scrub or foam.
  2. Disinfection of hands washed with soap and medical alcohol.
  3. Preparing the face for the procedure by steaming using baths or warming masks.
  4. Before cleaning, wrap your fingers in sterile gauze or a bandage soaked in hydrogen peroxide.
  5. You need to remove comedones by gently pressing your fingers on both sides.
  6. After cleansing, wipe your face with hydrogen peroxide and apply a pigment-constricting lotion.
  7. It should be remembered that after the procedure it is not recommended to apply greasy creams or decorative cosmetics.

In addition to manual cleaning, blackheads on the nose can be squeezed out with tweezers and a cosmetic loop. They should also be disinfected before the procedure.

Cleaning your face with a pen rod

Before squeezing out blackheads on your nose with a pen rod, you need to steam your face over steam so that the pores open and the sebaceous mass becomes more pliable. Cleaning is carried out with a simple ballpoint pen; it should be no more than 3 mm in diameter.

The rod must be disinfected, this can be done using a tonic with a high alcohol content. The pen shaft should be placed on the black dot, adjusting the degree of pressure, you need to carefully pull out the dot. Here the tube acts as a vacuum pump, drawing the sebaceous mass inside. If anything remains under the skin, the procedure can be completed by manual cleaning.

To prevent the reappearance of blackheads, you can apply a restorative, pore-tightening one-component mask to your skin. To do this you need to: beat the chicken protein into a thick foam, spread it on your face in three layers, applying each layer after the previous one has dried. Rinse off with cool water after twenty-five to thirty minutes. To ensure that the mask has a pore-tightening effect, you can add one teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to the whites when whipping. The procedure must be repeated every two days for a month.

Removing blackheads with matches

Before squeezing out blackheads on your nose with matches, you need to prepare your face. Two to three days before the procedure, apply tea tree oil lotion and a green tea mask with honey to the problem area. To prepare the lotion you will need: six drops of tea tree oil, two tablespoons of boiled water. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to wipe your face with lotion twice a day; in addition, you can add tea tree oil to water and hold your face over the steam, this manipulation will be no less effective. The same tea tree oil can also be used as a disinfectant.

Green tea mask with honey. To prepare the mask, you need to mix four teaspoons of honey, four tablespoons of sugar, one and a half teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, two tablespoons of green tea. Apply the finished mask to your face for fifteen minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Before cleansing your face, you need to thoroughly steam the area around the nose and disinfect it, then use clean matches from the box to press on the area around the comedone. Using two matches, pressing the match head on the blackhead, you should carefully pull out the sebaceous mass. If the skin is well steamed, there will be no problems during the procedure. After manipulation, it is recommended to lubricate the inflamed areas with salicylic or syntomycin ointment.

Narrowing the pores

This is the final stage of cleaning. It is important to expand the pores so that acne can be removed more easily. But after squeezing, these mini-channels remain open and infection can easily get into them, which inevitably leads to inflammation and the appearance of new pimples. Therefore, let's still be patient and narrow the enlarged pores. To do this, you must have frozen chamomile and mint decoctions prepared. Rubbing with ice cubes will soothe the skin and tighten the pores. You can also try a composition of a trichopolum tablet, a few drops of propolis tincture and a tablespoon of salicylic alcohol - this product disinfects, tightens pores, and prevents the appearance of new acne.

Dry cleaning and cosmetics

There are different ways to squeeze out blackheads on the nose:

  • Chemical cleaning: cleansing occurs through the application of a special composition - a mask containing fruit acids. Under the influence of glycolic acid, the pores open, dissolving the fatty cores of blackheads.
  • Cosmetics: there are no universal means for carrying out an effective procedure at home, but compositions of triothioin, azelaic acid, and defirin, which have the ability to normalize the functioning of the fatty glands, can be considered effective. Zinc or salicylic acid will help reduce inflammation. Using products with such components regularly, you can achieve a good effect - scars will heal, and acne and blackheads will gradually begin to disappear.
  • Cleansing mask: for preparation you will need baking soda and baby soap. Apply soap, whipped into foam, onto the face in the first layer, baking soda is poured in the second layer. If the skin begins to turn red or tingling begins, the mask should be washed off immediately and the next time repeat the session after seven to ten days, reducing the amount of soda.

Often, at an appointment with a cosmetologist or on forums, visitors ask the question: “Is it possible to squeeze out blackheads on the nose?” It’s definitely possible, but it needs to be done correctly, using only sterile equipment. However, there are circumstances under which mechanical facial cleansing is prohibited.


  • Second and third trimester of pregnancy.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • High or low blood pressure.
  • Weak blood vessels and capillaries.
  • CNS dysfunction, epilepsy.
  • Chronic dermatological diseases.
  • Bronchial asthma.

How to squeeze out blackheads on the nose if manual cleaning is contraindicated? You can use more gentle methods, for example, masks, scrubs, brossage or ultrasonic cleaning.

Consequences of mechanical cleaning

The disadvantages of getting rid of blackheads include:

  • A long period of skin renewal and restoration - from three to ten days.
  • The appearance of scars and cicatrices if the procedure is carried out incorrectly.
  • Possibility of infection or infection of the wound.
  • The appearance of itching and rashes after poor cleaning.

Also, significant disadvantages include such a problem as deep-lying fatty tubules in the pores.
How to squeeze out blackheads on the nose if they don't squash? Contact a cosmetologist who will perform deep ultrasonic cleaning and clog the pores, after which they will become less deep, and next time you can cleanse yourself at home. After the procedure, for two to three days it is not recommended to: use decorative cosmetics, drink alcohol, play sports or fitness, visit baths or saunas, wash your face with hot water, sunbathe in the sun or visit a solarium.

Vidal loop

If you have visited beauty salons, you have already seen this tool more than once. Don’t worry, you won’t have to beg cosmetologists for it - such a thing is on sale. Buy only a loop that is made of special medical steel.

The tool allows you to cleanse pores, get rid of acne and even deep-seated comedones. Before use, the skin is cleansed as described above and steamed.

To remove a pimple directly, place a loop so that the pimple is exactly in the middle. We make a pressing movement with the device until the contents come out. Please note that removing creamy stains with a Vidal loop is difficult. It is more suitable for getting rid of denser acne, which protrudes slightly and pops out in a “column” when pressed. To remove another type of acne, there is a similar device, but with a slightly different configuration.

Blackheads in children

Children often develop acne or blackheads starting from birth; this most often occurs due to poor nutrition or child care. Often concerned about a skin rash atypical for a child, parents ask the dermatologist the question: “Is it possible to squeeze out blackheads on a child’s nose?”

If the child has not reached adolescence, you should not visit a cosmetologist; the pores of children at this age are quite dense, and there cannot be contamination with dirt. You can get rid of the rash by removing dense fats from your child’s diet and adding B vitamins and zinc.

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