Does a solarium help with acne on the face: reviews

Good afternoon, my dear readers! Today we will figure out whether a solarium helps with acne and will reveal to you all the secrets about ultraviolet radiation, its benefits and harm to the body.

Our skin is perhaps the most important treasure of female beauty. Men write poems about it, and we girls try to cherish it from our youth. We often encounter acne on various places of our body. Inflammation, oiliness, acne, blackheads - all this torments us and gives us no peace. Therefore, we, who believe in perfect beauty, are constantly looking for ways to overcome these skin imperfections.

Well, we got to the solarium and began to look for its benefits not only in the form of a beautiful tan, but also as a remedy for acne on the face and body.

What is a solarium

A solarium is a special equipment that operates on the basis of artificial ultraviolet lamps.

Under the influence of artificial radiation, the production of melanin is activated, which is responsible for the dark shade of the skin. In other words, without the participation of the sun, after a few sessions you can get a beautiful tan. In addition, ultraviolet light can be used to combat skin defects such as pimples and acne.

How does ultraviolet work?

Features and benefits of ultraviolet rays:

  • First of all, the sun's rays provoke the production of hormones in the body that are responsible for mood and well-being. That is why in the summer there is a good mood, absence of depression and nervous diseases.
  • Ultraviolet treatments stimulate the production of vitamin D, which is responsible for the strength and development of the musculoskeletal system. Moderate sunbathing is especially beneficial for small children and the elderly.
  • When exposed to natural or artificial UV rays, oil production is reduced, therefore reducing the risk of clogged pores and the development of acne.
  • Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, cells lose moisture and the upper layer of the epidermis dries, which automatically reduces the risk of acne.
  • Ultraviolet rays destroy pathogenic bacteria on the surface of the skin, preventing them from multiplying and penetrating deep into the epidermis.

Horizontal or vertical

There are two types of solariums – horizontal and vertical. There is an opinion that in the latter you will get a tan faster, but this is just a myth. In the vertical one you will not be in contact with the lamps, and in the horizontal one you will touch the surface on which an unknown number of people lay before you, but relax. Now the choice is yours!

Preparing for a trip to the solarium

In order to get the maximum benefit from artificial ultraviolet radiation, you should carefully prepare for going to the solarium:

  • First of all, we cleanse the body of cosmetics. However, you should not do deep peeling or other chemical manipulations that make the skin vulnerable.
  • Be sure to apply sunscreen intended for solariums a few minutes before the procedure.
  • We protect hair, breasts and bikini area with special covers.
  • After the procedure, we apply moisturizing and color-fixing products.
  • Do not use products with alcohol or chemical compounds before and after the procedure.

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Rules for visiting the solarium

It is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin of cosmetics: decorative cosmetics and creams. This procedure is performed before visiting a solarium, since it is necessary to remove sebum, which is constantly produced. You should not use the scrub either before or after visiting the solarium. If you plan to treat your back, shoulders, or other areas of your body for acne, you should shower before performing the procedure. It is necessary to enter the solarium after first protecting the mammary glands, hair and eyes from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. For this reason, the procedure is performed in a swimsuit, glasses and a cap.

If, while in the solarium, you feel a burning sensation, tingling or other unpleasant sensations, leave the chamber immediately. An emergency exit button is provided for this purpose. A specialist will tell you about the nuances of staying in a solarium. To treat acne, you should choose a salon with high-quality equipment. The duration of the procedure may vary, which is influenced by the severity of the skin rash.

Upon leaving the solarium chamber, you need to apply a moisturizer that is suitable for the patient's skin type. Treatment of acne in this way cannot be started on your own. It is recommended to visit a dermatologist first. After an external examination, the attending physician will prescribe a series of tests. This measure will help identify problems in the body’s functioning that may become contraindications to the procedure.

Is it possible to go to a solarium with acne?

Under the influence of ultraviolet rays of natural or artificial origin, acne begins to dry out and heal. A few procedures are enough to stop the inflammatory process and speed up wound healing. Pathogenic bacteria die, the skin becomes dry and rough, which ultimately leads to the renewal of the upper layer of the epidermis.

Sooner or later, any tan comes off along with dead cells, evening out the skin tone and eliminating minor defects. This process can be helped by scrubs and peeling procedures that eliminate dry cells along with pimples and blackheads.

There are certain contraindications, namely open wounds with bleeding or pus. Before going to the solarium, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist.

How does solarium affect acne?

Does tanning help with acne?

The following advantages of a solarium can be highlighted:

  • Under the influence of heat generated by ultraviolet rays, the skin begins to lose moisture and acne automatically begins to dry out.
  • The inflammatory process stops and the regeneration of damaged tissues accelerates.
  • The level of subcutaneous sebum secretion, which clogs pores, is reduced.
  • Reduces the risk of new acne and pimples.
  • Can be used to combat acne on various areas of the skin.
  • Tanning hides minor skin imperfections.
  • After the tan comes off, the skin tone evens out and acne spots disappear.
  • Helps fight small tumors on the skin.

In some cases, a solarium can cause harm, namely:

  • Large pimples with inflammation and pus can worsen under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  • The solarium does not allow you to get rid of comedones.
  • In addition, acne on the skin is predominantly the cause of hormonal imbalances in the body or a symptom of certain diseases. In this case, the solarium will not be able to help. At best, only hide minor skin imperfections.

Solarium can be used as an auxiliary method in the fight against acne, if there are no contraindications. Therefore, you should definitely consult a dermatologist before the procedure.

How to properly use a solarium against acne

Does solarium help against acne? To get maximum benefits for your skin, you should follow these tips:

  • First of all, you need to visit a dermatologist to rule out possible contraindications.
  • Before tanning, it is not recommended to use drugs that increase skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. These are mainly antibacterial and hormonal agents.
  • It is not recommended to carry out chemical peeling or any other manipulations that increase skin sensitivity before the procedure.
  • Before the procedure, take a light shower and wash off all cosmetics.
  • Be sure to apply sunscreen cosmetics to your skin, taking into account your skin type and ultraviolet intensity
  • During the procedure, we protect sensitive areas with special pads, including eyes and hair.
  • After the procedure, we treat the skin with special moisturizers that avoid cell drying.
  • You need to start with 2 minutes and increase the time with each procedure if there are no adverse reactions.
  • Two treatments a week are enough to dry out acne and get an even tan.

Also interesting: Solarium before or after training, tanning features, precautions

What can be the negative effect on the skin when visiting a solarium?

You can often come across the following question: can there be acne on the skin from tanning beds? The answer to this is partly positive, since if the rules for carrying out these procedures are not followed, ultraviolet radiation can cause a deterioration in the condition of the skin.

Acne from solarium – what is it? We can say that this is an individual reaction of the skin to an excessive dose of ultraviolet radiation. If you do not protect the skin with the help of special means, if you neglect the recommended duration of the procedure, then you can get not a beautiful tan, but new elements of acne on the skin of the face and body.

After the procedures it is recommended to take a shower

To minimize the likelihood of acne after visiting a solarium, it is recommended to take a shower a couple of hours after the procedure using mild exfoliating agents. This will rid the skin of dead cells and prevent the appearance of new acne elements.

Why did a rash appear after tanning?

Ultraviolet light in moderation is beneficial for the skin and overall health. Despite this, the main cause of acne may be the solarium.

Acne is caused by prolonged exposure to intense ultraviolet rays. Skin cells under prolonged exposure to heat begin to lose moisture and dry out. The body automatically turns on a protective reaction in the form of intensive production of subcutaneous fat. This, in turn, begins to clog the pores, provoking an inflammatory process in the form of acne and pimples.

So, abuse of solarium leads to the following consequences:

  • The upper layer of the epidermis thickens, a crust appears, under which an inflammatory process develops. Eventually pimples with pus appear.
  • Immunity decreases, which provokes a malfunction of important organs and systems. Not only acne appears on the surface of the skin, but also age spots, burns and malignant tumors.

Is it effective against the effects of acne?

In addition to the acne itself, its consequences - spots and scars - may be of concern. Acne marks spoil your appearance and make your complexion unattractive and unhealthy. And at the same time they reduce self-esteem. It is believed that ultraviolet rays help fight not only breakouts, but also promote faster healing and recovery from acne. This is true.

In a solarium, the pigment melanin is produced, the skin acquires a darker shade. Against this background, acne marks become less noticeable. In addition, UV rays begin to stimulate metabolic processes and cell regeneration.

Therefore, the spots begin to heal faster. They fade and are compared with the rest of the skin color. Solarium is very useful for acne spots. The skin acquires a beautiful golden hue, the face is filled with radiance.

How to avoid adverse consequences

In the fight against acne, you should follow these simple tips:

  • You should not visit a solarium with open wounds or acne with a serious inflammatory process. In this case, you should definitely consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist.
  • Before the procedure, wash off cosmetics from the skin, especially those containing alcohol.
  • We protect the delicate area of ​​the skin with sunscreen cosmetics with the required level of filters.
  • Before the procedure, it is not recommended to carry out any manipulations on the skin. A cool shower is enough.
  • After the procedure, we apply moisturizers to avoid tissue dryness.
  • It is recommended to start the course of treatment from 2 minutes in order to identify possible side effects in time.


Marina I don’t go to a solarium myself and don’t recommend it. Especially in the fight against acne. If there is any effect, it will only be drying, which can be achieved with a good lotion. The effect of a solarium is short-lived, and pigment spots may still form on light skin, which are then very difficult to remove. In the fight against acne, I give preference to masks, creams (usually homemade) and proper nutrition, which also plays an important role for our health and beauty of the skin.

Alina I visit solariums and have nothing against them. True, I never set myself the goal of drying out pimples, I was exclusively interested in tanning. Then I began to notice that not only my skin began to look more beautiful and well-groomed, but I also managed to get rid of pimples. Now the more interesting question is what to do with the marks from these acne?

Julia But I had the opposite effect. As a lover of solariums, I overdid it a little with tanning and dried out my skin. Because of this, acne appeared. I was forced to stop going to the solarium and Baziron and Roaccutane were used. Now I’m practically free of acne, but I don’t even want to go to the solarium anymore...

Victoria And the solarium helped me get rid of acne without any side effects. In general, the purpose of the visit was not to remove acne, I just wanted to tan a little before the wedding, so as not to blend in with the dress. I visited the salon only 2 times, and the sunbathing was also short-lived - about 5 minutes. And after the first procedure, my face became much cleaner and more pleasant, although before that I tried a bunch of products that the dermatologist prescribed, and the effect of them was not particularly noticeable. Now, if acne bothers me again, I will sign up for a session.

Contraindications for visiting

Main contraindications to visiting a solarium:

  • Children under 14 years of age and older people are not recommended to stay in direct ultraviolet rays for long periods of time. At this age, the skin is vulnerable and susceptible to sunburn.
  • In the presence of open wounds, including acne with severe inflammation.
  • During pregnancy and lactation, you should definitely consult a doctor.
  • Allergic reactions, including to sunlight.
  • Eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis and other skin diseases.
  • For dry skin prone to pigmentation, direct sunlight should be avoided.
  • Serious diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system.

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Solarium is artificial sunlight

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This is the same ultraviolet radiation that can be accurately dosed and received regardless of the time of year and even time of day.

There is a special apparatus that is equipped with many lamps that emit light, which is similar in structure and basic properties to solar light.

Professional solariums are of the following types:

  • horizontally;
  • vertical;
  • seated solariums (chairs - solariums);
  • turbo solariums.

The first three types are determined by the position of the human body inside the device.

Turbo solariums have a special cooling system that reduces the risk of burns and makes the procedure safe and convenient.

Solarium is very popular as a cosmetic procedure.

Among the many positive reviews after visiting a solarium to get rid of acne, the following reviews are most common:

  • rashes dry out quickly;
  • swelling decreases;
  • skin becomes less oily;
  • the number of new acne has sharply decreased;
  • helps get rid of acne marks.

How to get rid of acne correctly

How to get rid of acne on your face using a solarium?

To quickly get rid of acne, you need to follow these simple tips:

  • Before going to the solarium, we cleanse our facial skin of cosmetics using gentle products that do not irritate the epidermis.
  • We apply sunscreens designed specifically for solariums to avoid burns and age spots.
  • We start the procedure with 2 minutes and 2 times a week.
  • After each procedure, we moisturize the skin.
  • If you experience dryness and flakes, you can use scrubs to remove dead cells and even out your skin tone. During such procedures, it is possible to eliminate minor pimples and minor skin damage.
  • We strictly follow all the cosmetologist’s advice to clear the skin of acne.

Under what circumstances should you not use a tanning bed for acne?

There are a number of situations when visiting a solarium to get rid of acne is not recommended:

  • with a predisposition to cancer;
  • for diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • if a person suffers from asthma, kidney failure;
  • if the skin is covered with heavy pigmentation;
  • there are numerous moles;
  • in the presence of ulcers, wounds, and other skin lesions;
  • if we are talking about sensitive, very light skin;
  • during menstruation, pregnancy, lactation you should refrain from the procedure;
  • when treated with antibacterial drugs, taking antidepressants.

If a girl takes contraceptives or painkillers, then before the procedure you should visit your doctor.

Solarium, in some cases, becomes a real salvation from such a nuisance as acne. However, it is important to take into account contraindications, skin characteristics and specialist recommendations in order to get a positive result. .

How to care for your skin after solarium

After tanning in a solarium, be sure to properly care for your skin, following these tips:

  • After thermal procedures, skin cells begin to quickly lose moisture and die. To avoid uneven peeling of the skin, you need to use special moisturizing cosmetics after sunbathing. We strictly adhere to the instructions from the manufacturer.
  • For several days after tanning, you should avoid peeling and other chemical procedures that can injure the skin.
  • You should also avoid cosmetics with alcohol, which dry out the skin.
  • When the tan begins to gradually peel off in pieces, you can use soft scrubs to remove dead cells and even out skin tone. A homemade scrub based on body lotion and coffee brew will gently cleanse your skin after sunbathing.
  • It is better to consult with a cosmetologist who will select the optimal care products after tanning, taking into account the type and characteristics of the skin.

Acne after tanning: what causes it?

Unfortunately, it also happens that people with absolutely healthy skin suddenly notice that acne has appeared on it after tanning. Or tanning first helped to cope with acne, and after a while they returned again, sometimes even in greater quantities than before. What is the reason for this phenomenon? First of all, with the fact that UV rays, penetrating the skin, make it much rougher, causing the upper layers of skin cells to die. These dead cells clog the pores, leading to the fact that acne from tanning does not disappear, but rather appears. To prevent this phenomenon, after completing the tanning procedure in the solarium, you must take a hot shower or sauna. This is especially true in the cold season, when dead skin cells exfoliate very poorly, not giving room for new, young ones to fully develop. You should keep your skin clean, even if you don’t have rashes, very carefully: take a shower regularly, do cleansing peels, nourishing and moisturizing skin masks.

If you approach the tanning procedure responsibly, your acne will go away.

If you do everything correctly, and the rashes do not stop, then you should consult a doctor - perhaps a solarium is contraindicated for you.

You can learn when phototherapy is appropriate.

Does ultraviolet help remove acne?

The main function of ultraviolet rays when interacting with human skin is the destruction of pathogenic microbes.
A solarium helps eliminate only part of the skin problems. It reduces the activity of microflora, as do antibacterial ointments or creams. In addition, ultraviolet rays reduce the formation. Together, these two factors are decisive in the fight against acne.

It should be remembered that a solarium will not help eliminate acne if the cause of its appearance is hormonal imbalances, diseases of internal organs or allergic reactions. In this case, you should not rejoice at the reduction in the appearance of the skin rash, since the pimples will soon return to their original positions.

If rashes appear after visiting a solarium, these procedures should not necessarily be blamed. You may need to be examined by an experienced dermatologist to find out the real cause of the rash.

How to properly use a vertical solarium and a horizontal one?

I used to think that if I visit the aerosolarium (vertical) more often, the effect will be better. This is where I was wrong. Everyone should know that prolonged exposure to the sun has a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin. The same can be said about the solarium. Therefore, you should know the main rules for conducting wonderful and pleasant procedures:

  • the first fire should not last longer than three minutes;
  • the maximum time for subsequent procedures can be increased to 10 minutes at a time;
  • going to the solarium is allowed no more than twice a week;
  • Before the procedure, you should wash off your makeup, cleanse your face, and take a swim;
  • hair, chest and eyes should be protected from the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
  • examine your body for moles or other formations and consult with a dermatologist whether it is possible to carry out procedures in a solarium if they exist;
  • listen to your feelings during the session;
  • Upon completion of the procedure, you should lubricate the body well with a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

It should be remembered that too long procedures and heavy tanning can lead to serious oncological diseases such as cancer.

The effect of solarium on acne

From personal experience I can say that a solarium helps:

  • dry pimples and other skin formations;
  • take off ;
  • reduce the occurrence of sebum;
  • reduce the appearance of bacteria;
  • get rid of rashes (rash, acne) on various parts of the body;
  • eliminate marks and spots after acne.

Both horizontal and vertical solariums help dry out only small inflamed formations, but such procedures are useless for blackheads.

Today, tanning using artificial sun has become a very popular procedure. Many people use tanning beds for acne as a real help in getting rid of them.

Everyone knows that a small dose of sun during warm periods has a beneficial effect on the skin, making it healthy and giving a bronze tint. In winter, the opposite is true: due to the low temperature, the face becomes chapped, begins to peel, and inflammation often appears as a result of a lack of vitamins. One way to get rid of acne is to use ultraviolet light. However, during the cooler months the amount of natural sun is minimal. And then the question arises - “Does solarium help with acne?” .

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