Plastic massage of face and body. What is it, technique, training, reviews and video tutorials

The passing years are reflected to a greater extent on a woman’s appearance. Not all changes are desirable: the swollen contours of a recently beautiful face, wrinkles, pronounced jowls, a double chin, age spots and heavy eyelids disfigure the face. To get rid of age-related deficiencies, a woman will even risk going under the knife of a plastic surgeon when she is completely disappointed in conservative methods. But are you sure you've tried everything?

Recently, representatives of the beauty industry have begun to increasingly turn to the most gentle methods of rejuvenation. It’s not enough to be beautiful, you also need to stay healthy. Cosmetologists recommend physical therapy as a way to combat age-related manifestations. Among the varieties of anti-aging techniques for the face, plasticizing is the most effective.

Thematic material:

  • Modeling facial massage
  • Buccal facial massage technique

Features of plastic massage of face and body

Plastic facial massage trains muscles, which, as a rule, are capable of regeneration and independent rejuvenation. The plastic massage technique helps to train them correctly and with the required intensity.

The essence of the massage is that those muscles that are tense relax, and those that are weakened, on the contrary, become toned. The result is a tightened facial contour and a reduction in the number of wrinkles.

In addition, this massage improves blood circulation. The incoming arterial blood, together with the skin cells, receives a large amount of oxygen and nutrients.

The aging process slows down, the complexion becomes healthier and more natural, metabolism is normalized, age spots and acne disappear. And facial lifting, which is achieved thanks to the outflow of venous blood, eliminates swelling in the skin.

In addition, such a massage helps relieve tension and fights stress perfectly - it affects the cells of the nervous system. During the massage, happiness hormones (endorphins) are produced, which improves sleep, as well as elevates mood and promotes well-being.

The skin of the face has many biological points responsible for the health of the body as a whole. During the massage, all these points are well worked out, and as a result, not only external, but also internal rejuvenation occurs.

It is better for those girls who are over 25 years old to go for such a massage. Since it is at this age that the first signs of aging begin to appear on the skin.

It can be performed on girls and younger, but only if there are appropriate indications. Girls aged 30+ should include this massage in their regular skin care. The muscles of women of this age become flabby and weakened, and the skin needs additional care.

The opinion of cosmetologists about chiromassage

  • The procedure will be useful even for young girls for whom problems such as a sagging chin, wrinkles or sagging skin are not yet relevant. In their case, chiroplasty will perform a purely preventive function.
  • Massage using the chiroplastic method is a self-sufficient procedure and does not require additional adjustments. At the beginning of the session, the master removes makeup from the skin, and at the end cleanses it and applies a nourishing cream. It can be combined with mesotherapy, microcurrent or ultrasound liposuction, as well as other self-care procedures.
  • Chiroplasty should be carried out step by step. First, relax the facial muscles, and then push them with fairly intense movements.
  • Chiroplastic massage has a beneficial effect not only on a woman’s face, but also on her chest. She will become noticeably more toned and elastic.
  • During the session, not only the face is worked on, but also the neck, back, arms, and chest (since the muscles, capillaries and blood vessels of these parts of the body have a direct connection with the facial part).

What are cosmetologists silent about?

Areas being worked on

During this massage, all zones and massage lines are worked out:

  • the area between the chin and earlobes;
  • the area between the corners of the lips and ear tragus;
  • the area between the wings of the nose and the temples;
  • bridge of the nose;
  • the area between the brow ridges and temples;
  • forehead and temple area;
  • area from temples to cheekbones;
  • cheek area;
  • from cheekbones to collarbones.

Massage is carried out exclusively on clean skin, always consistently. It begins, as a rule, with stroking the forehead, and then the specialist, going down, works on the entire face.

Massage according to Akhabadze at home

For those wishing to improve the tone and contours of their face, facial massage according to Akhabadze is more suitable. The technique is simpler and there is no risk of harm to health.

How to do

Facial preparation is standard, including cleansing and applying cosmetics. You need to sit comfortably in front of the mirror and perform several movements:

  1. Place your palms so that four fingers lie on the cheekbones and the thumbs on the bridge of the nose. Move your thumbs down and connect them with your fingers on your cheekbones.
  2. Next, you need to lower your thumbs to the sternum area and run up your neck, again closing your palms on your cheekbones. Repeat 5 times.
  3. Place your index fingers above your lips and your thumbs below them. Make stroking movements, spreading your palms to the sides.
  4. Cover the auricle with one hand while making clockwise circular movements around the mouth with the other.
  5. Change hands and repeat the movement.
  6. Place the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th fingers on the wings of the nose. Draw down along the cheekbones and up to the temples. Do it three times.
  7. Draw circles with your middle and index fingers, starting at the outer corners of your eyes and continuing along the line above your eyebrows.
  8. One hand is placed on the temple. The second is to draw a figure eight around both eyes, starting from the outer corner. Do it 3 times. Change hands and repeat the movement.
  9. Draw an arc from the outer lower edge of the eyelid along the eyebrows. Repeat using the vibration method.
  10. Smooth your forehead starting from the bridge of your nose and moving upwards.
  11. Place your palms on your forehead and move with vibrating movements towards your temples.
  12. Using the vibration method, you need to massage areas along massage lines from the wings of the nose to the sides, from the corners of the lips to the sides and from the center of the chin to the sides.

Indications for use

  • the first signs of aging;
  • problematic skin;
  • unhealthy skin color;
  • unclear facial contour;
  • swelling;

  • presence of a double chin;
  • loose skin;
  • drooping corners of the lips;
  • dark spots.

The face is massaged in several courses. Basically, 8-12 sessions of plastic exercises are prescribed, although changes can be noticed after just a couple of procedures. One massage session takes on average 40 minutes. The number of sessions may vary for each person.

The specialist prescribes procedures based on age and skin structure. The older a person is, the more sessions he will have to undergo, since with age the skin wears out and ages.

Course fee

The price of a plastic massage course in St. Petersburg depends on many indicators. The main ones are the qualifications of the specialist, the number of sessions that need to be performed, as well as the type of procedure (modifying, maintaining or preventing). You can find out the final price of the course only after consulting a specialist, because it is he who determines the number of procedures, the degree of impact and the frequency of visits. Do not forget that with significant age-related changes, a set of measures may be required, which will be recommended by a clinic specialist.


  • age up to 25 years;
  • the presence of pimples, blackheads, comedones and other inflammations on the skin;
  • herpes;
  • presence of wounds, scratches;
  • presence of large moles;
  • diseases such as dermatosis, fungus;
  • oncology;
  • improper functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • hemophilia, rosacea;
  • diseases of the blood or circulatory system.

Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to undergo a high-quality examination by a doctor to identify relevant contraindications. After the examination, if everything is in order with your health, you can go for such a massage. Otherwise, it will only cause harm and aggravate existing diseases.

Preparation for LPG massage

No special preparation is required. The patient should come to an appointment with a cosmetologist-dermatologist for advice, since each specific case requires an individual approach.

The cosmetologist's recommendations are usually as follows:

  • Be careful about exposure to sunlight on the eve of the procedure so as not to burn your face;
  • Avoid chemical peels a month before the procedure and avoid visiting salons to cleanse your face a few days before.

Important! Do not use decorative cosmetics, put away foundation on the day you decide to perform the LPG massage procedure. It is advisable to drink a lot of clean water before it.

Efficiency of the technique

Plastic facial massage is effective for both a 25-year-old girl and a more mature person.

Plastic facial massage before and after photos

After its completion, noticeable changes appear:

  • facial skin tightens;
  • the number of wrinkles decreases, and barely noticeable ones disappear altogether;
  • the double chin practically disappears;
  • eyebrows are tightened;
  • the corners of the lips acquire the required position;
  • the oval of the face is tightened;
  • “crow's feet” around the eyes go away;
  • complexion becomes healthy and natural, swelling and bruising decreases;
  • blood circulation becomes better;
  • the number of pimples and blackheads decreases, the skin ceases to be problematic;
  • muscles are strengthened.

Plastic facial massage prevents the appearance of wrinkles, so it can also be performed for preventive purposes.

Protocol for classic massage in a beauty salon

If you want the massage to be done by a specialist, then you can go to a beauty salon, where a specialist will perform a small miracle in just twenty minutes. Classic massage is a painless and extremely pleasant procedure that lifts your spirits and improves the condition of your skin. You can discuss all the details of his work with the master in advance or watch a video describing the session.

Typically, salons operate according to the following scheme:

  1. Discussion of the client’s wishes, identification of individual skin problems;
  2. Thorough skin cleansing, scrubbing and steam bath;
  3. Selecting massage oil and applying it to the skin;
  4. Sequential facial massage: first the lower part, then the upper, finally the area around the eyes;
  5. Massage of the décolleté area;
  6. Cleansing the skin of massage oil;
  7. A consultation at which the master will talk about what effect was achieved, how to maintain the effect, and prescribe the next procedure.

Technique for performing plastic facial massage

The technique of performing such a massage is based on pressing, pressing, stroking, intense movements, pinching, vibration, which are performed in strict sequence at certain points.

There are several stages of massage:

  • stroking;
  • superficial kneading;
  • deep kneading;
  • effleurage;
  • vibration.

After the procedure, the surface of the epidermis is treated with a tonic, after which the face is lubricated with a cream with a lifting effect in order to consolidate the procedure.

Execution Rules

To carry out such a procedure, special training is needed. A cosmetologist must have a higher education and be proficient in plastic massage techniques.

The technique consists of four main stages: superficial and deep kneading, light tapping (staccato), vibration. Movements should be clear, purposeful, and pressing should be light and comfortable. All four fingers (except the thumb) must be kept connected together in one line.

Vibration movements are performed by special shaking (vibration) of the fingers, without stretching the patient's skin. The master must also master the technique of relaxing the pads of his fingers in order to control the force of pressure.

Types of massage techniques: classic technique

The classic plastic surgery technique involves working out massage lines by stroking, kneading, tapping, and vibration. The master affects the deep layers of the skin, subcutaneous fat, muscles, and even the bone structures of the face.

The lifting effect is obtained both due to special biological proteins of youth, and due to massaging the face and influencing fatty tissue. The classical technique involves getting rid of excess fat deposits (cheeks, chin), modeling the oval of the face.

Unlike chiroplastic, plasticizing and similar rejuvenating massages, classical massage is distinguished by softer, gentle movements and pressure.

This type of massage helps to cope with fine wrinkles and restore skin tone and elasticity.

Thanks to the effect on the skin, blood circulation improves, the complexion becomes healthier, and thanks to massaging movements along the contour of the lips, they become plump.

The classical technique can be an excellent alternative to mechanical cleaning sessions, which are contraindicated for many, since various oils, peelings, etc. are used during the massage process. As a result, the pores are freed and the face becomes clean.

Before the massage, the specialist treats the face with an alcohol solution. The master's hands are also disinfected with alcohol to prevent slipping. After the procedure, the specialist consolidates the effect with a tonic, possibly a herbal decoction, and uses a cream. Lifting masks have a good fixing effect after plastic massage.

Despite the fact that after the procedure a therapeutic effect is noticeable, plastic massage is not classified as a medical procedure. The classic type of plastic massage, in addition to all its rejuvenating properties, will help get rid of scars. In addition, a massage course is prescribed for severe stress or physical activity.

Correction of different areas of the body

Massage techniques for body shaping can tighten and smooth out many imperfections: a saggy belly, flabby buttocks, cellulite on the thighs. They are effective for people with any body type. The only condition necessary for a good result is to undergo the correction not just once, but in a course.

Regardless of the technique, massage sessions usually include four stages:

  • start with warming techniques - soft stroking with palms and kneading the skin;
  • then more intensive methods are used - deep kneading, pinching, rolling;
  • after this they move on to techniques with a tonic effect - smoothing, rubbing the skin, gentle pressure;
  • complete the session with light relaxing clockwise movements of the palms.


This type of correction is aimed at getting rid of cellulite that appears on the thighs. Often this procedure combines a massage of not only the hips, but also the legs.

They start by rubbing and kneading the problem area. This is necessary in order to restore microcirculation in the skin tissues and prepare them for more intense massage. Areas of the body are smoothed with palms: first from bottom to top, then clockwise, and then in zigzags. Gradually, the movements move from smooth to sharp, and the massage therapist’s hands begin to move in different directions.

After this, cellulite-breaking techniques are used. The fat fold is grabbed horizontally and rolled from bottom to top, and then grabbed and rolled vertically. Next, they use the pressing technique: with fingers, widely spaced at an angle of 30 degrees to the surface of the thighs, they gradually probe the entire problem area, moving from bottom to top.

This session ends with lymphatic drainage. Working from bottom to top, the treated area is gradually smoothed with intense rake-like movements using the second phalanges of bent fingers.


Abdominal massage corrects the abdomen and sides, where subcutaneous fat often accumulates.

Begin the session with warming techniques: stroke the lower abdomen clockwise, then gently roll the skin with your palms, placing them one above the other.

After this, a pinching technique is used: the folds of skin are deeply grasped with the thumb and forefinger. They also intensively rub the problem area with spiral movements in different directions.

The following techniques are vertical and transverse kneading. Using the pads of the thumb and index fingers, grab the fat fold in the sides and roll it towards the center of the abdomen. During transverse kneading, the fold is moved from bottom to top.

After this, the skin is smoothed with rake-like movements using the second phalanges of bent fingers.

Plasticizing massage

The difference between a plasticizing massage and a classic one is that a classic massage is performed entirely on dry skin, while a plasticizing massage is performed using oils, serums, and creams. Unlike the classical technique, plasticizing massage can be carried out in just 1 session, or maybe 15.

They are prescribed to undergo from 1 to 4 such sessions per week. After that, as a preventative measure, a couple more times a month.

The effect of this massage lasts up to 10-12 weeks.

This massage has more contraindications than the classic one. In addition to the above contraindications, pregnant women and those who may be allergic to cosmetics used during the procedure should not undergo it.

The basis of plasticizing massage is vibration, tingling and impact on biological points, activation of metabolic processes.

Plasticizing massage activates blood circulation, adjusts the functioning of the sebaceous glands, normalizes lymph flow in tissues, and breaks down subcutaneous fat.

The result can be seen after 1-2 sessions. But you shouldn’t stop there, you should undergo a full course of massage prescribed by a cosmetologist. Since the effect of 1-2 sessions will not last long, consolidation is necessary.


  • loose skin, wrinkles;
  • pronounced subcutaneous fat;
  • swelling on the face;
  • tense muscles.

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What is hidden behind the letters "LPG"

The developer of the method is the Frenchman Louis-Paul Guitey. The initials of his full name became the name of the method. After the car accident, Louis was deprived of the ability to move normally. Every day he was forced to resort to special exercises and massages in order to experience a minimum of hardship. He constantly thought about how to get rid of the damage. And so he began developing a device that would allow the body to recover from the effects of injuries. But the system he invented was also used to reduce stretch marks, heal facial skin and get rid of “orange peels”.

You can often find such names for LPG massage as:

  • Liftmassage;
  • Non-surgical LPG face lift;
  • LPG endermology;
  • Endermolift;
  • Cosmechanics;
  • Endermological lipomassage.

To carry out all these procedures, a device manufactured by LPG Systems is used. Some other companies are trying to copy or improve this device, but the original is better than the copy and it is difficult to believe that their equipment is effective.

For LPG massage of the body, face, and décolleté, different attachments are used. These are Endermolab, Integral, Lift, Keymodule Cellu M6. The models are constantly being improved and currently look like this:

Chiroplastic massage

Plastic facial massage, the main purpose of which is to awaken receptors on the surface of the skin, is called chiroplastic. The cost of such a procedure ranges on average from 1000 rubles, depending on the choice of specialist; more experienced and professional ones can charge more.

One massage course includes from 10 to 20 sessions, taking into account the condition of the patient’s skin surface and his age.

Chiroplastic massage is a complete cosmetic procedure. It is carried out using oils, nutrients and other cosmetics. After the procedure, the skin is cleansed with tonic or lotion. This type of massage has virtually no contraindications.

The only case when chiroplastic massage is prohibited is the presence of skin rashes that have become inflammatory.

Reviews from patients after the first chiroplastic massage procedure
The surface of the skin is dry, peeling in some placesThe surface of the skin becomes softer and more pleasant to the touch
Presence of shallow wrinklesWrinkles become almost invisible
Swelling around the eyesSwelling decreases
Skin color slightly grayishThe skin becomes healthy, pinkish in color
There are bags under the eyesBags under the eyes disappear

Chiroplastic massage is also reflected in therapy. With its help, you can cure scoliosis and osteochondrosis. In addition, this massage helps athletes recover from injuries. Chiroplastic massage makes the ligaments elastic, helps overcome pain and relieve tension.

Customer Reviews

“I never thought that at 55 you could look so wonderful. Six months ago, I stopped using powder because it emphasized the deep nasolabial folds, not to mention my double chin: it completely ruined my face. I thought that only plastic surgery could help me, but a friend recommended that I try plastic massage first. Now I am incredibly glad that I followed her advice. After just ten sessions, I was unrecognizable: my skin glowed, wrinkles were almost invisible, and my double chin melted before my eyes” - Natalya, 56 years old.

“I want to talk about the effect of plastic massage techniques using the example of my mother. She is 60 years old. The skin is mature and also prone to oiliness. Until recently, my mother treated massage as something not very serious. And in vain. I took her to a cosmetologist friend for the first procedure almost by force, but when she saw the result, she no longer had to persuade her. The most interesting thing: not only did the wrinkles begin to disappear, but the oiliness of the skin also disappeared. I don’t even know how to explain it, but the result is amazing. Now we go to sessions twice a month – already together. Although I just turned 30, I don’t want to wait for wrinkles and feel sad looking at my aging reflection in the mirror” - Alevtina, 30 years old.

“Before visiting the salon, I read reviews about plastic massage. It was hard to believe that using your hands could give the effect of plastic surgery. I had to prove it by my own example. For about 5 years now I’ve had a complex about my flabby cheeks and expressionless cheekbones. I went to the session more out of curiosity. Then I signed up for the whole course. By the way, the price turned out to be quite affordable: for a 15-minute session I pay 300 rubles. After the course, my skin simply glows, my face somehow looks younger and tightened. I finally saw my cheekbones and got rid of crow's feet. This is simply incredible. I recommend it to all women, regardless of age” - Nadezhda, 48 years old.

Myoplastic technique

Myoplastic facial massage helps to cope with wrinkles and sagging skin that occurs as a result of aging (elastin and collagen levels decrease). In addition, myoplastic massage regulates blood supply, outflow through vessels, and eliminates spasms.

With the help of this massage, you can even achieve correct alignment of the cheekbones and lower jaw if their location has changed with age.

Most of the girls who underwent the procedure noted that the myoplastic technique is the most effective among other types of plastic massage, and cannot even be compared with medications. Unlike chiroplastic and plasticizing massage, the effect of the myoplastic technique lasts for a longer period.

Pros and cons of myoplastic massage

Positive sidesNegative sides
Makes the facial contour symmetrical, close to ideal.It is impossible to do it at home correctly. A professional approach is needed here.
Lips become plumper and firmer, and the lip contour becomes more pronounced.The cost of one procedure is not comfortable for all segments of the population (from 800 rubles and above).
The complexion acquires a healthy shade, acne and pimples disappear, pigment spots become less noticeable (and weak spots disappear completely).
The technique removes small wrinkles (large ones shrink and become less noticeable) and prevents the appearance of new ones.
Dark circles under the eyes and other problems are also eliminated.
The skin becomes soft, bright and toned. Its elasticity and tone improves.
By stimulating biological points, vital energy, mood and overall well-being increase.

The essence of the myoplastic technique, like any massage, is to work out all facial tissues and muscles. The master, working the upper layer of skin with gentle but intense movements, at the same time activates biological points.
And this, as we know, affects human health and well-being. Indications:

  • wrinkles, sagging skin;
  • muscles are not toned;
  • acne, problem skin;
  • unhealthy skin color.


  • skin wounds;
  • large moles;
  • ulcers;
  • herpes, rosacea;
  • kidney and heart diseases.

There are several levels of myoplastic massage:

  • Intraosseous. Massage at the intraosseous level involves the restoration of cartilage and joints after injuries and bruises of the skull. In addition, intraosseous massage affects a person’s energy and mood.
  • Neural. During such a massage, the vagus nerves are worked out, which affect the tone of a person’s muscles and his condition. After the massage is carried out at the neural level, the rejuvenation effect continues (i.e. the sessions have already stopped, but the skin is still becoming cleaner, softer, more pleasant and younger).
  • Vascular. The main purpose of this massage is to influence the blood vessels of the brain by working out biological points. Blood circulation after such a massage becomes better not only in the tissues of the face, but also in the human brain. This means that the likelihood of depression, stress and other troubles after a session of such a massage is reduced to zero within a few weeks.
  • Lymphatic. When massaged at the lymphatic level, the lymph becomes cleaner, which means the tissues become more saturated. Thus, facial skin tissues receive more nutrients.

  • Energy. Thanks to special meridians passing through the skin, energy increases, mood improves, a person becomes more efficient and energetic, and healing occurs at the biological level. Myoplastic massage at the energy level helps soften the skin, it becomes more elastic, wrinkles are reduced. Energetic myoplastic massage eliminates tension and shapes the oval of the face.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Facial massage according to the system of the Japanese doctor Asahi Zogan.

Types of sculptural practice

The technique, which provoked a kind of revolution in the world of beauty, is compared to non-surgical lifting. Therefore, the top ranking of the popularity of anti-aging procedures is occupied by two trends advocated by master cosmetologists: plastic surgery and plasticizing massage.

The first option is really relevant in cases where the patient wants to radically change his appearance and is not afraid to go under a scalpel to do this.

The second option, facial modeling using sculpting, also helps fight aging. The effect will not be instantaneous and 100%, but will appear without negative effects on the body.

Sculptural method

When properly performed, the modeling effect lasts a long time.

Intensive exposure is performed in the following areas:

  • from the middle of the forehead to the temples;
  • from the brow ridges to the hairline;
  • from the inner corners of the eye sockets to the outer ones;
  • from nostrils to ears;
  • from the corners of the lips to the lobes;
  • from the center of the chin to the ears.

Important: This massage is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation without prior consultation with a competent physician.

The effect of the preventive procedure is hardly noticeable. The process gives a tangible result only if there are indications for its implementation.

Interesting: This technique helps reduce tissue volume after or during weight loss.

The cheek muscles are the largest on the facial frame, which is why their sagging is most noticeable in the appearance of both men and women. After the session, the tissue tone will return to normal, the corners of your lips will rise, you will forget about facial wrinkles and notice noticeably firmer cheeks.

Deep tissue or sublingual (buccal)

Perhaps what you learn will seem strange, but this massage is partially carried out through the oral cavity. Its specificity is that the face is massaged both from the outside and from the inside of the oral cavity (the inside of the cheeks and gums), and the chewing and facial muscles are worked out. Please wait to discard this option due to its unusual nature. First, familiarize yourself with the methodology in more detail. What if she is the right one for you?

French sublingual massage can be called relaxing at a stretch, but it definitely does not cause negative sensations. The level of pain does not exceed the standard indicator for any modeling effect. Over time, you will even learn to enjoy the procedure.

The main positive aspects of the technique:

  • the skin becomes more toned;
  • cheeks are tightened;
  • jowls decrease;
  • the muscle frame is toned;
  • the face becomes thinner;
  • mimic wrinkles in the corners of the lips become invisible.

The epidermal layer begins to actively produce new cells. Such physiotherapy sessions are recommended for people who have suffered a stroke that left complications in the form of:

  • nervous tic;
  • numbness in some areas of the face;
  • spasm and muscle atrophy.

After the first visits to the specialist, all patients experience unpleasant consequences that quickly pass:

  • swelling of the cheeks;
  • aching pain, in particular in problem areas;
  • discomfort comparable to mild sore throat.

If such phenomena scare you, think about the fact that this technique is a kind of facial training. Sit down 40 times without habit - your muscles will hurt the same.

As soon as all the unpleasant symptoms go away, you will see the expected result.

Remember: depending on your age and the condition of your skin and muscles, a visible effect may appear only after 5-6 procedures out of 10 standard ones.

Massage therapists are trained under the personal guidance of the founder of the technique, Joelle Siocco, which indicates the highest class of masters practicing this technique.

Execution of the technique:

  1. The patient lies or sits in a relaxed position with his head resting on the headrest.
  2. A specialist wearing sterile gloves begins to massage the muscles from the outside.
  3. Gradually it moves into the oral cavity, capturing the cheeks and gums.

Goal: grab the muscles, lightly stretch them and return them to their original place.

Important: The correct technique does not leave behind negative consequences: bruises, bruises, etc.

Asahi and Zogan techniques

It would be wrong to say that the Japanese Yukuko Tanaka created something new. She revived the long-forgotten practice of two-finger manipulation. Ten years ago, the world first saw the book “Facial Massage” under her authorship, but in Russia the technique appeared much later and was called Asahi - Morning Sun Massage.

This technique differs from the standard one by affecting not only the skin, but also the deep tissues. The master works on the epidermal layer, muscles, joints and even bones.

The main difference is its detoxifying effect. The master’s movements follow the movement of lymph, improving the outflow of fluids in the face and neck.

The process affects the following groups of lymph nodes:

  • behind the ear;
  • parotid;
  • occipital;
  • sublingual;
  • mandibular;
  • angle of the lower jaw;
  • cervical anterior

The Zogan technique is an improved Asahi practice, which has a key effect on the facial muscles: tones them, strengthening them, improving cell nutrition and metabolic processes. The oval of the face acquires a clear contour, the severity of folds decreases and the condition of the skin improves.

Facial skin care after the procedure

You can prolong the effect of plastic massage if you properly care for your skin. There is a false belief that you don’t need to do anything to your skin after undergoing procedures. Basically, proper skin care consists of 3 points:

  1. Cleansing. It is necessary to cleanse the skin with water 2-3 times a day. It is better not to do this more often, as it can dry out the skin. Every time you cleanse your skin, it is important to massage it lightly. This will improve blood circulation and nutrition of the epidermis. Once a week you should include peeling procedures in your traditional skin care. It is better to do this when the face is well steamed.
  2. Toning. You can choose a toner for treating your skin in a store, or you can prepare it yourself. For example, adding a few drops of lemon juice to 200 ml of green tea. Or squeeze the juice from half a cucumber in 200 ml of water. The effect is no worse than from store-bought products. Ice cubes based on herbs also tone the skin well. Chamomile tea is brewed (you can also use a decoction of calendula), then it is cooled and frozen in a special form. You can use these ice cubes in the morning, immediately after waking up. This helps reduce facial swelling after sleep.
  3. Nutrition. There are a huge number of nourishing creams and masks. It is better to choose those that suit your skin type and have a lifting effect. This will once again tighten the skin and visibly rejuvenate it. Instructions are included with each cream. If there is none, then you need to apply the cream 2 times a day, morning and evening, to cleansed skin. To make the cream more nutritious, you can add an aevit capsule to it.

Recently, plastic facial massage has completely pushed traditional plastic surgery into the background. Since the consequences after a massage are more satisfactory than after plastic surgery several years later. At least plastic massages have no side effects, but only bring benefits to both health and beauty.

Article design: Mila Friedan

Description of the procedure and principle of operation

Every day, most girls carefully take care of the condition of their face - they use masks, creams, all kinds of serums and ointments to look flawless. Unfortunately, wrinkles can appear at a fairly young age; it is for this reason that a certain part of girls and women around the world resort to more serious methods of eliminating wrinkles and other “flaws” that are unpleasant for them.

Some people agree to surgery, some get injections, and some agree to facial plastic surgery. And although creams and masks, serums and emulsions for the face cannot give a 100% lifting effect, this does not mean that you cannot solve this problem differently.

Everyone knows perfectly well what massage is and why it is needed. However, few people have thought about how far existing technologies have come and what effect can be achieved with a simple massage . More precisely, not entirely simple. There are many techniques, such as myofascial facial massage, Spanish technique or even plastic massage.

Each of the techniques differs in certain nuances of implementation, but the essence remains the same - thanks to these massage variations, you can not only tighten your face and get rid of wrinkles. With this massage, your face visually becomes more symmetrical. If you take a before and after photo of these massages, you will notice that your face looks completely different in the photo. Yes, yes, these techniques will help make your selfies even more beautiful! How does it work? Find out about it below.

  • You can consider this type of massage from both sides. Firstly, this is a therapeutic procedure that helps relieve tension from the facial muscles and make it more visually symmetrical. Secondly, this is an excellent preventive way of facial rejuvenation without surgery. In both cases, the procedure is almost completely safe - you can perform it as needed or at will.
  • This modern technique has a deep effect on facial tissues, which allows you to practically change the contours and lines of the face. With the help of plastic massage, you can get rid of all problem areas on your face - tighten your chin, remove wrinkles, and so on. Many cosmetologists consider this procedure an excellent alternative to surgery and injections.
  • The techniques with which you can achieve the desired effect are nothing special. They are simply performed by a real specialist, in a certain sequence and over a certain period of time. After regularly performing such a massage, you will absolutely notice the result (of course, if it was performed correctly).
  • During the procedure, massage has a positive effect not only on the face, but also on the neck. Blood and lymph circulation improves, facial muscles are warmed up and strengthened.

What else happens to the skin after plastic massage:

  • toxins and waste are removed;
  • blood circulation improves;
  • damaged subcutaneous processes are restored;
  • lymphatic drainage is stimulated;
  • tissues are saturated with oxygen;
  • the activity of the sebaceous glands is activated;
  • the production of subcutaneous fat and sweat is regulated;
  • the functioning of the lymphatic system improves;
  • the functioning of the nervous system and blood vessels improves;
  • tense muscles relax;
  • the epidermis is toned;
  • improves complexion;
  • facial tone is evened out.

As you can see, this technique works flawlessly. It has many beneficial properties on the face, skin and subcutaneous layers. As a rule, plastic massage leads to facial rejuvenation. It becomes toned, soft, velvety. Many women and girls resort to this method to improve facial expressions - as a rule, after a massage you show emotions more clearly.

Note! They say that some actors and people who care about how their face looks on stage or on camera go to special courses that “train” their face and “rebuild” it. In this case, this technique is called “face building”, but it is practically no different from plastic massage.

The difference is that the procedure is often carried out by people without the help of specialists, and with the help of massage you can achieve greater results than with the help of “face building”. However, with the help of the latter you cannot achieve a rejuvenating effect.

Reviews, before and after photos

To understand the effect of the technique, look at several photographs of women who tried lpg for the face. We will also provide some useful reviews from the popular resource



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