Effective ways to get rid of stretch marks on the chest

Many women have wondered how to remove stretch marks on their breasts. This is not surprising, because every woman dreams of attractive and toned breasts, which is quite natural.

The appearance of a woman’s main asset can be ruined by stretch marks, which arise for various reasons. After the appearance of such a deficiency, the question of solving this problem becomes relevant.

To combat it, various methods are used: cosmetological, salon, folk. Which ones are considered the most effective?

Causes of the problem

Striae are formed according to a fairly simple principle: due to rapid changes in body weight, collagen fibers in the skin lead to stretching and then to rupture.

Blood vessels are visible through the tightly stretched skin, which has become thinner. They give the affected areas a purple or reddish color. Gradually, the stretch marks become overgrown with connective tissue and lighten, becoming almost invisible.

The most pronounced ruptures become after sunbathing, as well as when the skin becomes red.

The main reason for the formation of stretch marks is a sudden increase in body weight and breast volume. This often occurs during pregnancy and lactation, as well as during puberty.

Other factors also lead to the appearance of stretch marks:

  • mechanical damage resulting from careless handling of the breast;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • stretching of large breasts due to incorrect selection of underwear;
  • strict diets and other methods to help you lose weight quickly;
  • physical training with high load on the pectoral muscles;
  • genetic predisposition.

If stretch marks appear, you should consult a dermatologist to select the most effective method for their correction or complete removal through surgery.

How to remove stretch marks on chest

Our body is able to independently heal cuts, injuries and burns, leaving “memento” marks of varying degrees of visibility. But even without violating the integrity of the outer covering, the skin can be injured due to strong tension, leaving a network of scars after healing.

Stretch marks (striae) on the chest are a problem that sooner or later more than a third of all modern women face. In their most general form, they are micro-tears in the fibers of the epidermis, which are overgrown with scar tissue and have the appearance of strips of varying lengths, widths and colors, located just below the skin.

Where can stretch marks appear in this delicate area? Are there ways to get rid of them once and for all? What techniques and salon procedures are best suited for this? TecRussia.ru finds out together with the best cosmetologists in the capital.

↑ Why do stretch marks appear on the chest..?

The mechanism for the formation of stretch marks is simple - due to the rapid change in body volume, collagen fibers in the epidermis are stretched (hence the name) and torn, and blood vessels begin to appear through the tense and thinned skin, giving the injured area a red or purple color. Over time, the tears are overgrown with connective tissue, due to which they gradually lighten, becoming almost invisible, but after tanning or any natural redness of the skin they again stand out in contrast.

There is one main reason for the appearance of stretch marks in the breast area in women - a sharp increase in total body weight and/or bust volume. Most often this occurs during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in teenage girls during puberty . However, other factors can also cause the problem:

  • hereditary predisposition to the formation of stretch marks;
  • mechanical damage to the skin due to careless handling of the breast;
  • stretching of initially large breasts due to improper selection of a bra or lack thereof;
  • abuse of strict diets and other methods of sudden weight loss (such processes are just as traumatic for the skin as rapid weight gain);
  • workouts with increased load on the pectoral muscles
  • hormonal disorders.
This is what relatively fresh stretch marks look like:

↑ ...And what to do with them now?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of stretch marks on the chest (and if an advertisement for another miracle remedy tries to convince you of the opposite, you should treat it with a certain amount of irony). But there are effective ways to make stretch marks less pronounced and almost invisible:

  • external preparations – special creams and ointments;
  • cosmetology care – masks, wraps, serums;
  • hardware techniques - laser resurfacing, microcurrents, microdermabrasion, etc.;
  • injection mesotherapy;
  • deep peelings;
  • surgical removal of stretch marks as part of a breast lift.

Each of these methods is effective in its own way; cosmetologists often combine them based on the individual characteristics of the patient’s skin: it is a correctly selected set of procedures that allows you to achieve the best result. As is the case with other types of scars, the “fresh” the stretch marks, the easier it is to correct them, but working with old stretch marks will require much more effort and financial investment (see also the article “Atrophic scars and their treatment”).

↑ Creams for stretch marks on the chest

This category of drugs includes various external agents, the task of which is to prevent the problem from occurring or to help cope with it. Such creams moisturize the skin, increase its elasticity, and activate intracellular metabolic processes.

  • Traditionally, the palm in this segment is held by manufacturers of products for pregnant and lactating women, since they are the ones who most often encounter stretch marks on the chest. Many world-famous cosmetic brands also produce corresponding thematic lines. Among the most popular: Mama Comfort, Avent, Sanosan, Pregnacare, Vichy, Lierac, Chicco, Weleda, Mothercare, Biotherm, etc.
  • Pharmaceutical anti-scar agents such as Mederma and Contractubex are also suitable for combating stretch marks. Their action is aimed at restoring damaged skin and enhancing collagen synthesis (for more details, see the article “Creams, ointments, gels for scars”).
Photos before and after laser correction of stretch marks:

↑ Cosmetology care

Cosmetologists also have external remedies in their arsenal that can combat stretch marks: various masks, serums and medicinal wraps. The main principle of their work is to improve regeneration and metabolic processes in injured areas of the skin, increasing its elasticity.

  • Wraps are considered the most effective. During the procedure, special therapeutic mixtures based on seaweed, essential and fatty oils, plant extracts and other active substances are applied to the desired area. After this, the body is wrapped in film and a thermal blanket for half an hour or an hour, which ensure deeper penetration of the active components into the skin.

It is advisable to resort to such skincare procedures if the stretch marks are very fresh and slightly pronounced (or as part of a comprehensive program). To obtain a noticeable effect, you will need to complete a course of 6-12 sessions.

↑ Hardware techniques

This is a more serious and expensive “artillery”, but the time and money spent are compensated by very impressive results:

ProcedureWhat's the point?
Laser resurfacingThis is precisely calculated, controlled damage to problem areas of the skin. The body reacts to the resulting microburns with the active synthesis of new collagen and elastin fibers, as a result of which the skin in the treated area thickens and stretch marks cease to stand out on its surface. Typically, resurfacing is performed with a fractional laser under local anesthesia. The first few days there may be residual effects - soreness, redness of the skin. To achieve a visible effect, you will need about 5 procedures (for more details, see the article “Removing stretch marks with laser”).
Radio wave (RF) therapy Exposure to radiofrequency pulses, which compact collagen fibers, causes them to curl. As a result, the skin tightens, and although nothing happens to the stretch marks themselves, they become much less noticeable. As a bonus, there is an overall improvement in the quality and texture of the skin in the treated area. The result appears after 3-5 sessions, there is no rehabilitation period.
Microcurrent therapy (MTT)It has a therapeutic effect due to the passage of a low current through the epidermal cells. This is a universal procedure that restores the skin at the cellular level, improves metabolism, increases skin tone and elasticity. Microcurrents easily penetrate to the desired depth, affecting the entire depth of the stretch. MTT is often used in combination with external medications to improve the absorption of active substances. The course of treatment is about 8-10 procedures.
Ozone therapy It is the introduction of a specially enriched ozone-oxygen mixture into the locations of stretch marks. Ozone destroys formed fibrous tissues, stimulates lipid metabolism and blood microcirculation. The course of treatment is 8-10 procedures. Goes well with skincare procedures and external products.
Microdermabrasion Mechanical skin resurfacing is quite painful, but very effective. It is even suitable for correcting old stretch marks, but only if they are not very deep (in the latter case, laser resurfacing or chemical peeling will be required). The result will be noticeable after 4-6 sessions.

↑ Mesotherapy

One of the most popular recently ways to get rid of stretch marks on the chest. It is a course of injections of specially selected meso-cocktails consisting of hyaluronic acid, vitamins, minerals, collagen, amino acids and other active ingredients.

“You should be prepared for the fact that a lot of time will pass before stretch marks decrease or completely disappear from the surface of the skin” - cosmetologist O.N. Zobnina, quote from this article

Under the influence of cocktails, regeneration and metabolic processes are launched in the deep layers of the skin, the skin becomes more toned, smooth and elastic, due to which stretch marks are noticeably smoothed out. To obtain a lasting effect, it is necessary to undergo a course of procedures, the duration of which depends on the age of the stretch marks, the condition of the patient’s skin, and her reaction to the ingredients of the drugs.

↑ Chemical and other types of peelings

Treatment of stretch marks with peeling involves the removal of the upper layers of the skin, which triggers the regeneration process and the production of new collagen and elastin. Since scar tissue of striae can be located at the level of the dermis, only deep peels - laser, mechanical or chemical - are effective for their removal. We have already discussed the first two (laser resurfacing and microdermabrasion), now we will analyze the third.

Chemical peeling involves applying aggressive acids (alphahydroxy acids, trichloroacetic or phenolic acids) to the area with stretch marks, which burn the epidermis. Phenols have the strongest effect, but their use in such a delicate area can cause unwanted side effects, in particular hyperpigmentation.

The procedure is quite painful, it is carried out under general anesthesia, and to maximize the protection of healthy tissues and speed up rehabilitation, you will also need special preparation of the breast skin (regular application of creams, hardware procedures, injections of preparations based on hyaluronic acid). The recovery period will take about 2 weeks. The effect is very good, but in difficult cases several of these unpleasant procedures may be required.

Photos before and after laser correction of stretch marks:

↑ How can a plastic surgeon help?

There is no independent plastic surgery to remove stretch marks from the breast - this is not aesthetically advisable, since a large post-operative scar will remain. But for every rule there are exceptions: during a breast lift (mastopexy), strips of skin are excised around the nipples and in the lower part of the bust, which allows you to permanently get rid of stretch marks in these areas.

↑ Prevention of stretch marks

It is quite possible to prevent the formation of these annoying defects, except in cases of a pronounced hereditary tendency to their occurrence. Here's what you need to do:

  • Always wear a comfortable and properly sized bra;
  • Perform regular breast self-massage;
  • take a contrast shower more often, swim in the pool, and periodically visit the sauna;
  • do exercises to strengthen the chest muscles;
  • regularly use body care products, and during pregnancy and breastfeeding - special products to prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

↑ Experts' opinions:

Ivanova Irina Nikolaevna cosmetologist-dermatologist, doctor of the highest category, DoctorPlastic clinic:

To eliminate stretch marks, we use methods such as fractional resurfacing, ELOS therapy, peelings, and mesotherapy. However, it must be taken into account that the mammary gland is a very sensitive organ, there is a risk of mastopathy and other contraindications, so working in this area must take this into account and consider each case individually. The most effective non-surgical methods - fractional resurfacing and peeling - require rehabilitation.

If after childbirth and lactation a woman plans to have a breast lift, some of the stretch marks will be removed during the operation. So if there are plans for surgery, then first the operation, and only then the cosmetologist.

And I want to emphasize that cosmetologists do not eliminate excess stretched skin and ptosis - this is the work of plastic surgeons. But we can completely solve stretch marks, sagging and other problems associated with the quality of breast skin!

Sosnovskaya Nadezhda Ivanovna
Leading cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist at the EMC Aesthetic Clinic:

This problem most often appears due to hormonal “changes” in the body: puberty, pregnancy, lactation, weight changes, etc. Stretch marks themselves are nothing more than a tear in the dermal layer of the skin. To combat them, laser technologies (in particular Fraxel, CO2 laser), mesotherapy (based on collagen or collagen-stimulating drugs), chemical and mechanical peels, radio frequency technologies, PRSP (authentic fibroblasts) are most successfully used. I consider it mandatory to take an integrated approach to the problem, and the sooner treatment begins, the better the result will be.

Pavlova Anastasia Viktorovna Leading cosmetologist at the Uniclinic clinic:

Our clinic uses injection and laser techniques to remove stretch marks on the chest. They are quite effective when properly selected and completed the full course. The main thing for the patient is to understand that no single procedure will produce immediate results, only after systematic treatment.

Dernovoy Sergey Sergeevich plastic surgeon at the Estet Clinic:

Unfortunately, stretch marks are a rather problematic topic and not a single doctor has the right to promise to completely eliminate them. This is only possible if they are still “fresh”, i.e. appeared recently. Laser treatment of stretch marks is one of the few effective methods today.

Zobnina Olga Nikolaevna Leading cosmetologist at the Beauty Line clinic:

We use the radiofrequency method with a special attachment for removing stretch marks, mesotherapy and plasma lifting using a special Plasmajet device. After one minimally invasive procedure, skin condition improves by 60% (radiofrequency technique). After mesotherapy and plasma lifting procedures, after 3-4 procedures a very good visible result occurs. The sooner you start treatment, the faster you can deal with this problem.

TOP 5 rules for the initial fight against stretch marks

To get rid of stretch marks, which significantly worsen the appearance of the breasts, you must immediately eliminate the possible causes of their appearance:

  1. Buy high-quality underwear with a supportive and corrective effect. It allows the skin to breathe and does not interfere with normal blood circulation. It is better to avoid lace products with underwires during this period.
  2. Check your hormonal levels. Almost all aesthetic defects must be combated from the outside and from the inside. If there are problems with hormones, specialists select suitable medications and give the necessary recommendations.
  3. Resort to moderate physical activity. To maintain a healthy lifestyle and a beautiful figure, 2-3 sessions per week are enough, and training may also include exercises for the chest muscles.
  4. Avoid strict diets. The diet must include vitamins A, C, E, proteins and calcium. Lack of iron negatively affects the condition of the skin. To determine the presence of this factor, it is enough to donate blood for hemoglobin. If its amount is below normal, you will need to take medications containing iron, as well as enriching the diet with buckwheat, red meat, eggs, and liver.
  5. Quit smoking. Giving up a bad habit will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the whole body.

Reviews from women who talk about how to remove stretch marks on the chest indicate that in some cases the listed rules help to significantly improve the appearance of the mammary glands. But the recovery process will be long.

Preventive measures: massage, nutrition and more

There is a greater chance of avoiding the appearance of stripes if there is no genetic predisposition. Check with your parents if they have had such problems.

Treating scars is difficult, time-consuming and expensive, so it's worth trying to prevent them. Prevention is based on three pillars:

  • special skin care;
  • proper nutrition;
  • physical exercise.

Home peeling with gentle scrubs, such as coffee grounds, improves blood circulation and tissue metabolism. Avoid the nipple area during this procedure. Then douse yourself with warm and cold water alternately - this has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and blood vessels.

If you are gaining or losing weight, building muscles or expecting a baby, lubricate your skin daily after a shower with suitable oils for stretch marks. Any recipes used to treat scars will do. Accompany the application of the products with a massage until you feel a rush of blood to the skin.

Oil massage at home or in the salon is the best prevention of stretch marks

Include animal and plant proteins in your menu. It is from these building blocks that our skin is built. Don't forget about vitamins, fiber, healthy vegetable fats. Adequate water consumption is also important: at least 1.5–2 liters per day.

Do exercises every day for 15–20 minutes. Make sure that you develop the muscles not only of the chest, but also of all areas prone to stretch marks: the abdomen, thighs, buttocks. Anything that improves blood circulation in the body is good for the skin: dancing, badminton, volleyball, swimming, walking.

If there is a risk of stretch marks, evening exercises are more effective than morning exercises. Training “at night” speeds up your metabolism. But do the exercises no later than 3 hours before going to bed.

Those losing and gaining weight should do this slowly, otherwise the risk of getting unsightly stripes increases. If you gain weight too quickly, eliminate fatty, starchy and sweet foods from your diet. Athletes should also build up their pectoral muscles gradually. A quick result always results in streaks. Especially for those who take steroids. These substances reduce the amount of collagen in tissues.

During pregnancy, start prevention as early as possible. Apply anti-scar products approved for pregnant women daily to risk areas: stomach, chest, thighs. Massage gently without applying excessive pressure.

During pregnancy and lactation, it is very important to choose suitable underwear that supports the mammary glands. It is better if it is made of natural fabric. Buy a bra that does not have underwire, but has wide straps and a band under the bust. Bras with special cups have been invented for nursing mothers. When you need to feed the baby, the required cup comes unfastened. As a result, the breasts are in the correct position, do not sag, and the milk ducts are not overtightened. If there is no such underwear, do not feed the baby while standing or sitting, do it lying on your side. This will prevent sagging and stretching of the breast skin.

To maintain beautiful breasts, purchase a bra for pregnant and nursing women

Caring for the mammary glands to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy - video

Cosmetology techniques

Such methods will be effective only in the presence of superficial and not very deep breaks. Old severe stretch marks require more drastic measures.

The most common cosmetic procedures include:

  1. Algae wraps. They regenerate the epidermis well in the presence of fresh and shallow damage. The main component used in the wrap is spirulina. This algae contains 17 amino acids, 9 of which are considered essential for the skin. To achieve a positive result, many sessions will be required, which must be repeated regularly.
  2. Applying masks and creams. It is recommended to use products that contain elastin, hyaluronic acid, collagen, vegetable oils, vitamins, and extracts from medicinal plants. It is better to give preference to trusted manufacturers of creams and masks.
  3. Massage. It is recommended to do it even for women who do not have stretch marks on their breasts. It is recommended to use special oils that are designed to combat stretch marks. Make all movements carefully, do not squeeze the mammary glands. It is better to go to a specialist for such a procedure.

Seaweed wraps can be made at home. Dry kelp, which is sold in pharmacies, is suitable for this.

After taking a shower, you need to carefully rub your chest with a towel, lubricate the skin with oil for stretch marks, and then apply steamed seaweed. After this, the chest is covered with film and wrapped for 1 hour.

Main types of stretch marks

In domestic dermatology, there are 2 main types of stretch marks on the chest:

  • “Young” (fresh) striae, the age of which does not exceed six months. They are in the stage of inflammation and have a red, purple or brown color. Sometimes a slight tingling or burning sensation may be felt, but most often the stretch marks are painless. During this period, stretch marks have a structure different from scars.
  • Old striae in the atrophic stage. They are characterized by the formation of dense connective tissue, reduction and deformation of blood vessels, and metabolic disorders. Externally, stretch marks become whitish. The more time has passed since the formation of stretch marks, the more their structure approaches scarring.

The method for eliminating stretch marks on the chest is chosen depending on their type. Experts recommend using hardware treatment at the very early stage of the formation of a skin defect, since old stretch marks practically cannot be completely removed. However, this is not possible in all cases; for example, when breastfeeding, it is necessary to resort to more gentle methods.

Table: main methods for correcting stretch marks depending on their stage

PeriodMethod for eliminating stretch marks
Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • external products, home and professional care (creams, masks, scrubs);
  • massage;
  • contrasting douches;
  • mud and seaweed wraps.
Inflammation stage (up to 6 months)
  • injection techniques (mesotherapy, biorevitalization, contour plastic surgery);
  • chemical peels (TCA, phenol);
  • physiotherapeutic correction (microcurrent therapy, vacuum massage, electrophoresis and phonophoresis with collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid);
  • dermabrasion;
  • phototherapy and laser therapy;
  • external agents;
  • manual massage.
Atrophic stage
  • peelings;
  • injection techniques;
  • physiotherapeutic correction;
  • laser therapy.

Salon treatments (6 options)

How to remove stretch marks on the chest with a laser or other method? The services of qualified cosmetologists help get rid of old defects that appeared 5 or more years ago.

The duration of therapy directly depends on the age of the stretch marks; the older it is, the more procedures will be required.

The choice of appropriate techniques depends on the condition of the skin, ruptures, and individual parameters of each patient.

Procedure nameWhat is it?Peculiarities
Laser resurfacingControlled laser damage to problem areas. Microburns form on them, which activates the production of collagen and elatin. This leads to thickening of the dermis and a decrease in the severity of stretch marks. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia using a fractional laser. To achieve the desired result, at least 5 sessions will be required. Dealing with old stretch marks may require up to 10 treatments.
Chemical peelingThe effect of acid-containing agents on the upper layers of the epidermis. The resulting injury leads to stimulation of regenerative processes. Healed skin acquires an even texture, and imperfections are completely absent. High results are achieved only if the procedure is performed professionally and after proper care. Chemical peeling is a painful procedure and is performed under local anesthesia.
WrapsSaturates the body with beneficial microelements through the skin. It differs from similar home methods by the use of preparatory manipulations that help the active components penetrate more quickly to the source of the problem. Up to 15 sessions will be required.
Ultrasonic exposureIt acts on the deep layers of the epidermis, activates blood circulation, which leads to an intensive supply of nutrients. All this provokes the regeneration of injured areas. Suitable only for the treatment of “fresh” stretch marks.
MesotherapySubcutaneous administration of drugs with plant extracts, tissue restoration activators, vitamins, minerals, proteins.To increase efficiency, it is combined with microcurrents and plasma lifting.
MicrodermabrasionMassage of the upper layers of the epidermis, which is carried out by supplying crushed solid particles with a stream of directed air.The technique affects only the surface of the dermis, therefore it is intended for the treatment of recently appeared stretch marks.

It is not recommended to prescribe treatment for yourself and sign up for the first procedure you come across. You should consult your doctor first.

Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks

Within 6 months, the purple skin breaks are filled with new white connective tissue. It does not contain melanin, so it does not tan when exposed to sunlight. In addition, this tissue is devoid of collagen and elastin, as a result of which depressions form on the skin. It is impossible to completely eliminate such old scars; you can only slightly reduce their size and make them less noticeable, and slightly even out the skin. The earlier treatment is started, the better the prognosis. Therefore, it is worth taking the stripes seriously while they are still fresh - colored red and not healed. After treatment they will be barely visible.

If you can’t get rid of stretch marks, don’t worry, buy a beautiful one-piece swimsuit, it will hide the defects from prying eyes

TOP 10 folk recipes

How to remove stretch marks on the chest at home? This is precisely what various recipes from the people are intended for.

All formulations are created only from natural ingredients that can restore skin elasticity. Before using home methods, you must carefully monitor the freshness of all ingredients and first do an allergy test.

Folk recipes include wraps and masks:

  1. Essential oils. They are applied to the skin, used for massage, and added to creams. The components are mixed in the following proportions: for 0.5 tablespoon of vegetable oil, take 2 – 3 drops of ether.
  2. Base oils. The proportions are the same as in the previous recipe. Olive, jojoba, apricot, peach, and almond oils are suitable for this.
  3. Oil mixture and honey. If you add natural honey to the oils (in the proportion described above), the consistency will be more viscous. It can be used as a mask, which is applied to the skin for 15 minutes and then washed off with water.
  4. Cereals. The product is poured with boiling water and left for 20 minutes. A spoonful of rich sour cream is also added here. The finished mask is applied to the chest and washed off after 15 minutes. Suitable for combating early breaks.
  5. Cottage cheese, honey, jojoba oil, egg. The components are mixed and left on the skin for 15 - 20 minutes.
  6. Kelp powder. 2 tablespoons of this component should be poured with boiling water and left for 1 hour. Then the composition is applied to the chest and covered with polyethylene. After 20 minutes, the kelp is washed off. It is recommended to do the wrap in the evenings at least 1 – 2 times a week.
  7. Linden decoction. Used as an additional tool. A cotton pad soaked in this product should be used to wipe the mammary glands twice a day.
  8. Mumiyo. Helps against deep damage. 1 gram of wax must be added to any nourishing cream and applied with massaging movements to the affected areas.
  9. Coffee scrub. Completely cleanses the skin and restores its elasticity. You can prepare a mixture from coffee brewed in hot water, honey and a few drops of rosemary oil. Use up to 2 times a week, only on steamed skin.
  10. Sea salt scrub. To prepare, you will need a small amount of salt, 0.5 teaspoon of honey and the same amount of almond oil.

Traditional recipes are suitable for teenagers, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

Prevention creams

Mustela/Stretch mark prevention cream

A French manufacturer that has been producing skin care products since 1950. The company's cosmetic products meet all pharmacological standards.

Volume: 105 ml

In 96% of 100% use it gives excellent results in the prevention of stretch marks.


  1. herbal ingredients and avocado concentrate - will relieve the feeling of tightness; will increase elasticity, firmness;
  2. oils with beeswax - nourish, moisturize, soften.

Nourishing texture is quickly absorbed.

Use morning and evening as a thin layer applied to the chest area in the morning and evening to prevent formations.

To eliminate - apply directly to the strips.

Mustela/Stretch mark prevention cream


  • passed dermatological tests;
  • no parabens, no sulfates, phthalates, phenoxyethanols;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • safe;
  • multifunctional;
  • reduces harmful environmental impacts



  • individual intolerance to the constituent components.

Reviews: average rating 5 out of 5

Average price: 1408 rub.

Elancyl/Soins Corporels C01005/ Cream for the prevention of stretch marks

Elancyl (France) has been producing dermo-care cosmetic products for skin elasticity, beauty, slimness using massages for about 45 years.

Effective, with a pleasant texture, created with herbal ingredients, cosmetic creams help in the fight for the attractiveness of the female body.

Volume: 150 ml

The cream is intended to prevent the formation of stretch marks. Reduces existing ones resulting from hormonal changes or weight fluctuations.

Suitable for use in ages from 20+ to 40+.

Apply 1 to 2 times a day with massaging movements on problem areas.


  • B5 vitamins;
  • cartama oil;
  • seaweed extracts;
  • recovery complex consisting of vit. E, hydroxyproline, organic silicon.

Elancyl/Soins Corporels C01005/ Cream for the prevention of stretch marks


  • intensive hydration;
  • multifunctional;
  • with panthenol;
  • without parabens;
  • hypoallergenic.


  • expensive.

Customer reviews: average rating 4.5 out of 5

Average cost: 1466 rub.

MamaCare/Stretch mark prevention cream

The products of the Israeli brand meet high standards of safety, high quality, natural composition, ease of use, cost-effectiveness, and versatility. Cosmetics are created to preserve health and beauty.

Volume: 100 ml, 150 ml, 200 ml.

The cream increases elasticity, tone, and hydration of the skin. There is an effective prevention of the formation of stretch marks with simultaneous detoxification of tissues and normalization of metabolism.

With the simultaneous process of enhancing cell division and the formation of new collagen and elastin fibers.


  • oils: shea, shea butter, sweet orange;
  • vitamin F;
  • fucus extract;
  • fruit acids: citric, malic, tartaric, ascorbic;
  • omega acids.

НMamaCare/Stretch mark prevention cream


  • no dyes;
  • no sulfates;
  • effective;
  • multifunctional;
  • pleasant texture;
  • economical;
  • inexpensive;
  • neutral fragrance.


  • expensive.

Customer reviews: 94% of 100% of customers recommend for use.

Average price: 1235 rub. for a volume of 100 ml.

Preventive actions

Many representatives of the fair sex are interested in how to remove stretch marks on the chest after childbirth. It is easier to prevent the formation of stretch marks on the mammary glands than to treat them.

Skin requires regular proper care. In this case, the risk of defects is significantly reduced. There is a list of rules that will help maintain the attractiveness of a woman’s breasts:

  • The skin needs additional nutrition and hydration. Products with these effects must be used regularly. Cosmetics should contain natural vegetable oils, elastin, and collagen.
  • It is important to monitor your own weight and avoid sudden changes. If you need to lose weight, special sets of exercises and menus are selected that lead to gradual weight loss. The pace of training should increase gradually, without overwork.
  • The body should be hydrated from the inside by drinking at least 2 liters of water per day.
  • The daily diet should contain fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, and proteins. You should not consume sweets and flour products in large quantities.
  • A contrast shower serves as the best prevention of ruptures. Pouring cool water stimulates blood microcirculation and nutrition of the epidermis. It is important to start the procedure with hot water and end with cold water.
  • Massage. Garcia massage is considered the most effective. It is quite simple, so every woman can master the technique. The key to breast health is regular procedure.
  • Underwear is selected exactly in size so that there is no compression, friction, or discomfort. The quality of the bra for nursing women is of particular importance. It is worth giving preference to products made from natural fabrics.
  • It is important for pregnant women to follow all of the above rules and additionally wear a bandage. Before purchasing, you should consult with a specialist.

Regular adherence to preventive measures will protect the mammary glands from the formation of stretch marks and other problems.

For nursing

BABY PHARMACY/Stretch mark cream

, which released this cream, specializes in the production of care products for pregnant and nursing mothers, aimed at eliminating and preventing stretch marks, getting rid of age spots, and solving the problem of cracked nipples.

All cosmetics:

  • tested by cosmetologists;
  • does not contain fragrances, parabens, sulfates;
  • created using natural plant ingredients.

Volume: 150 ml

The cream is suitable for nursing mothers and is safe for babies. It will nourish and moisturize skin that has been stretched. Will return it to its original elastic state.

Apply to the chest area in a circular motion and let it absorb.

The composition contains the following substances:

  1. wood extract – has the function of nutrition and restoration. Reducing the size of existing scars and preventing the formation of new ones. Increased elasticity and tone. Reduced redness at the sprain site.
  2. Shea butter, almond butter, coconut butter - have moisturizing and nourishing properties. Makes the skin firmer, increasing its elasticity. Thus, they warn against the emergence of new formations.
  3. Allantoin - has an anti-inflammatory, soothing, itching effect.

BABY PHARMACY/Stretch mark cream


  • price below average;
  • multifunctional;
  • delicate texture;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • without parabens;
  • leaves no sticky residue;
  • not liquid consistency;
  • effective;
  • good distribution over the surface;
  • not expensive.


  • Absorption takes longer than oil.

Customer reviews: average rating 4.4 out of 5

Average cost: 246 rub.

Mama Comfort/Body cream for stretch marks

A Russian brand that produces products for mothers and babies, combining comfort from use and a budget price range. The only company in Russia that produces high-quality hypoallergenic care cosmetics of the fullest range for mothers.

Volume: 100 ml

The creamy product contains:

  • hyaluron – for intense hydration;
  • active substances that restore collagen and elastin structure;
  • horse chestnut in the form of extract - to increase blood microcirculation and normalize metabolic processes;
  • natural oils - to nourish the skin and restore it;
  • vitamins – A, E, PP, B, C, F.

The line also includes a balm-gel, which contains green coffee oil with extracts of various plants: nettle, ivy, horsetail, green tea, fucus, meadowsweet.

Mama Comfort/Body cream for stretch marks


  • accessible;
  • fast absorption;
  • does not leave greasy or sticky residue;
  • low price;
  • easy application;
  • hypoallergenic.


  • liquid consistency;
  • not economical.

Customer reviews: average rating 4.5 out of 5

Average cost: 260 rub.

Expert opinion

  • Surgeon
  • Cosmetologist

Elsa Borodina

plastic surgeon

From my practice, I can say that 80% of women, having tried various methods, end up with us for surgical intervention. If the case is not advanced, then we use mesotherapy (DMAE cocktail 3%) and collagen + plasma lifting. Sometimes we do RF lifting.

Irina Dorofeeva

practicing cosmetologist

To combat this problem, I recommend laser resurfacing, peelings, and mesotherapy.
But we must not forget that the mammary gland is a sensitive organ, so you should trust this area only to professionals. But if the woman who gave birth plans to undergo plastic surgery in the future, then it is better to postpone cosmetic procedures. In addition, such manipulations are not able to remove excess skin. This is also worth taking into account. Is it possible to remove stretch marks on the chest? If cosmetology, salon and folk methods do not bring the desired result, surgical treatment is used.

The possibilities of plastic surgery are extensive, so they allow you to restore the attractiveness and natural beauty of the breast even in the most advanced cases.


  • Stretch marks - what are they?
  • The main causes of stretch marks
  • Prevention
  • Exercises to strengthen the chest muscles
  • Methods for treating stretch marks
  • Cosmetical tools
  • Salon treatments
  • Folk remedies
  • Fighting stretch marks during pregnancy and breastfeeding


Women tirelessly fight for their beauty and youth, eliminate defects in appearance, striving for the ideal, and visit cosmetologists. On the way to an ideal body, many ladies face such a problem as stretch marks. Often this unpleasant phenomenon can be seen on the sides, stomach, shoulders, hips, buttocks, and, of course, chest.


  1. Mederma is a gel aimed at eliminating cosmetic scars and stretch marks. In addition to the main action aimed at reducing existing stretch marks, the gel helps damaged skin adapt to ultraviolet rays. Thus, when tanning, stretch marks become the same tone as the skin and do not look contrasting.
  2. Contractubex is a gel for eliminating cicatricial changes in the skin. Contains allantoin and enhances collagen synthesis. Requires long-term and regular use, but is very effective for removing stretch marks. In addition, its use is possible during pregnancy and lactation, since the active ingredients are not absorbed into the blood and do not harm the child.

Cosmetics for stretch marks

In pharmacies and specialty stores you can find a wide variety of products designed to remove stretch marks. We recommend buying cosmetics with natural ingredients. Pay attention to the packaging, the sequence of components used should be in this order:

  • vitamin A (retinol);
  • vitamin E (tocopherol);
  • hyaluronic acid - by the way, it is often used to enlarge lips;
  • natural oils and extracts;
  • amino acids.

Buy cosmetics only from well-known manufacturers with a good shelf life. It is prohibited to use expired products!

Fighting methods

Red stretch marks on the chest indicate their initial stage. If timely measures are taken, they can be eliminated or made less noticeable. Famous nutritionists who have developed popular nutrition systems recommend mumiyo and coffee scrub to their patients for prevention and control.

This recipe can be used by any woman at home after pregnancy and during lactation.

Photo: coffee scrub for stretch marks

Coffee scrub perfectly regenerates the skin, increases blood flow to problem areas and improves the elasticity of the epidermis. It can be prepared from coffee grounds or medium grind powder.

To do this, mix two tablespoons of coffee with any natural oil. You can add a spoonful of liquid honey if the woman is not allergic to it. The scrub is rubbed into the skin of the chest in a circular motion for 3-5 minutes. It is better to steam the skin first to achieve maximum effect.

A contrast shower is very useful both for preventing stretch marks and after they appear. During pregnancy, this procedure is relatively safe if there is no threat of miscarriage.

Photo: mumiyo for breast stretch marks

Shilajit for stretch marks on the chest is perhaps the most popular and effective home remedy. Some women complain about the lack of results, but this is because they use mummy in tablets from the pharmacy. It is not suitable for treating stretch marks.

You need a natural product in a plate; it usually has a dark brown color, close to black, and a characteristic specific odor. A standard plate of natural mummy weighs 2 grams. This is enough to make a special remedy for stretch marks - a mixture of mumiyo and a few tablespoons of rich baby cream.

It is necessary to mix the components thoroughly and rub into the chest daily, paying special attention to the locations of stretch marks. The cream must be stored in the refrigerator or other cool place, otherwise it may spoil.

Shilajit gives maximum results in combination with the use of a coffee scrub and a contrast shower. You can alternate these procedures, and rub the cream with mumiyo, performing a light self-massage, every day before bed.

Photo: grape seed oil

Grapeseed oil contains Omega 6 and Omega 9 acids (linoleic acid), which promote regeneration, maximum nutrition and hydration.

It is enriched with vitamins A, C and E, essential for the beauty and health of the skin.

Therefore, the oil is also widely used for the prevention and removal of stretch marks on the chest after childbirth. It is quickly absorbed, does not weigh down the skin and is not sticky, so it is suitable for use before bed.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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