Cleansing, rejuvenation, treatment and care in one procedure - darsonvalization of the face

For beautiful and healthy skin, everyday cosmetic care is not enough. More serious, therapeutic procedures are often required. There are a lot of them: some are popular, others not so much. A device such as darsonval for the face has gained wide popularity. Let's take a closer look at what this device is, how it is useful and whether you need it.

Darsonvalization of the face: what is it?

This procedure is considered extremely effective. Its goal is to correct facial skin imperfections. A special device applies pulses of high-frequency current and low voltage to the skin. You can carry out darsonvalization both in beauty centers and at home - then you must buy a device for this event in a store that sells such products.

This procedure can be carried out even at home

Is it possible to do darsonvalization of skin for children?

It is allowed to use darsonvalization of facial skin in children, starting from 6 years old. The technique helps strengthen the immune system and is used for colds, skin rashes or injuries. In addition, the method is often used in adolescence to treat acne, inflammatory processes and other pathologies. The duration and number of procedures are determined individually and only by a specialist.

The price for salon darsonvalization fluctuates in a wide range (600-4000 rubles). If you decide to purchase a device for the whole family, you need to carefully study its characteristics and side effects. Then this device will become an indispensable assistant for your beauty at home.

Progress of the procedure

A specialist in a cosmetology office uses electrodes, which are either passed over the skin or held in a specified position at a certain distance.

Important! The electrodes move along the massage lines - from the central part of the forehead to the edges, from the wings of the nose to the temples, from the chin to the cheeks.

Massage lines on the face

This event allows you to “train” your facial muscles, get rid of unsightly, sagging skin and “erase” most of the wrinkles. If you carry out the procedures in a course, you can normalize the water balance in the skin cells. Thanks to the effects of the equipment, lymph flow is normalized, swelling from the face disappears, and, thanks to the action of the current, the skin is disinfected. Local immunity becomes stronger.

Often the darsonvalization procedure takes about ten minutes. They do it every day or once every couple of days, and in total you will need to do at least ten procedures, although only a cosmetologist can accurately tell you the required number. It is not recommended to take long breaks between procedures. Repeated exposures, if necessary, can be carried out a month after the end of the course.

The procedure usually lasts about 10 minutes

Number of sessions

This is both a medical and cosmetological physiotherapeutic method. For a woman, it is a good addition to daily care.

A visible effect is achieved only with a course of using the technique. One course consists of 10-20 sessions, repetition should be carried out no earlier than after one month.

By 6-10 sessions, a stable positive result is observed on the face. Neglected conditions and problems are eliminated by the constant use of the darsonvalization technique.

Consolidation of the results obtained and maintenance of youth and beauty of the skin occurs through annual preventive courses.

Indications and contraindications

Darsonvalization is recommended if the client has:

  • profuse acne;
  • acne;
  • swelling of the skin;
  • scarring of the skin;
  • old scars;
  • excess sebum produced by the sebaceous glands;
  • pores are too wide;
  • wrinkles;
  • dull and loose skin;
  • age-related skin changes;
  • acne.

This procedure is performed to get rid of acne.

With a wide range of applications, darsonvalization has its contraindications:

  • tendency to bleed;
  • the presence of tumors in the body;
  • vessels and veins are too close to the surface of the skin;
  • problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • tuberculosis;
  • presence of a cardiac pacemaker;
  • blood clotting problems;
  • purulent rash and other purulent lesions of the skin and body;
  • very sensitive skin;
  • pregnancy;
  • excess facial hair growth;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;

Thyroid disease is one of the contraindications to the procedure

  • active growth of hair on the skin;
  • skin diseases of various nature;
  • brain diseases;
  • feverish condition;
  • mental or nervous excitement;
  • intoxication of various types;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • high body temperature;
  • epilepsy;
  • other diseases manifested by repeated attacks.

This procedure is not performed for thrombophlebitis


The disadvantages of Darsonval include only contraindications for use in certain diseases. For example, with skin pathologies, wearing a pacemaker, pregnancy, the presence of blood clots, tuberculosis and epileptic seizures. Also, the device is strictly prohibited in the presence of any tumors, both malignant and benign.

How is darsonvalization performed in a cosmetology clinic?

If you want to carry out the procedure in a salon or clinic, give preference to those establishments that have a positive reputation and which clients speak well of. Specialists working there must have appropriate experience and skills.

Before the start of the event, the person’s face is cleansed with a special tonic or lotion - it is necessary to get rid of excess fat on the skin, dirt, and cosmetics. If the client has oily skin type, the face is sprinkled with talcum powder or special powders. This is necessary in order to dry the skin.

Before the procedure, the skin is cleansed

Note! During the procedure, the person sits in a chair or is placed on a couch. The head should be elevated using a headrest or pillow.

Types of discharges for darsonvalization.

Quiet (contact method)In this case, the electrode is placed on the skin, and the cosmetologist acts on it with leisurely circular movements. It is recommended to use this method if you have sluggish, loose skin. The impact of electrodes increases blood flow, increases elasticity and firmness, and normalizes skin tone.
Spark (non-contact method)In this case, the electrode does not interact directly with the skin, since it is held at a short distance. For this method, absolutely safe discharges of sparks are used, which correct scars, old scars, marks after acne, and pimples. The action resembles cauterization, but the person does not experience pain.

Darsonvalization can be either contact or non-contact

Both methods involve the action of electrodes in the direction of massage lines - from the central part of the forehead to its edges, from the center of the nose to the wings, cheekbones and temples, from the chin to the cheeks and cheekbones. The corners of the lips and the lips themselves are not manipulated. If the skin is affected by scars, cicatrices, or is too dense, more time is given for the effect.

At the end of the event, the cosmetologist treats the skin with special ointments and creams, achieving a calming effect. It is necessary to provide the skin with moisture, prevent redness, spots and irritation, and also improve the result. In some cases, medicinal ointments are used, which provide a more pronounced effect, since darsonvalization improves the permeability of the facial skin.

At the end of the procedure, the facial skin is treated

The event is carried out in two main ways.

  1. General. With this type of darsonvalization, there is an effect on nerves, muscles and blood vessels. The effect on the skin is really significant: it tightens, acquires tone, and is enriched with oxygen. In addition, a person can be saved from migraines and other similar discomfort, get rid of problems with blood pressure, insomnia, improve blood supply to skin and body tissues, and eliminate inflammatory processes. Acne and pimples disappear, sweat production decreases, and the sebaceous glands begin to work normally. To carry out the procedure, the patient must be placed in a special device called a “Darsonval cage”.
  2. Local (local). Involves the use of vacuum electrodes in certain parts of the body. The effects are absolutely the same as with general darsonvalization.

Darsonvalization can be local and general

Important! In addition to correcting problems associated with facial skin, the procedure allows you to influence the hair on your head, making it healthier and accelerating growth, reducing hair loss and preventing baldness. Therefore, it is contraindicated to use darsonvalization equipment where hair growth is not needed - for example, near the upper lip.

How does the Darsonval technique work on the face?

Darsonvalization is a physiotherapeutic procedure based on the influence of an electrical impulse. A special device, Darsonval, generates weak high-frequency currents. The latter have a strong stimulating effect:

  • First of all, currents enhance microcirculation, thereby improving skin nutrition;
  • Darsonval eliminates vascular spasms and improves venous outflow. And at the same time, lymphatic drainage improves, which allows you to get rid of swelling;
  • exposure to weak current increases the turgor of the dermis and helps increase the density of the skin layer;
  • Darsonval also relieves spasms of muscle fibers, and they lead to the formation of deep dermal wrinkles;
  • Electric current promotes skin regeneration.

Darsonvalization is used not only in cosmetology for rejuvenation, but also in the treatment of skin diseases, neuralgia, osteochondrosis, and trophic ulcers.

For wrinkles (rejuvenation)

Whether Darsonval helps against wrinkles depends on the general condition of the skin and the type of formation. The device is used to smooth out deep and fine wrinkles. However, the effect of currents is not instantaneous: to remove a fold, you need to take at least 1 course. The current affects the skin indirectly: improving microcirculation in the dermis stimulates intensive collagen production. For better results, you can use special collagen masks and creams.

With good blood circulation, a greater amount of hygroscopic substances, such as hyaluronic acid, are retained in the dermis. High skin hydration eliminates small epidermal wrinkles.

The effect on deep wrinkles, especially facial wrinkles, is explained by the ability of weak high-frequency currents to relieve spasms of blood vessels and muscle fibers. When the latter relax, the constant tension that maintains the wrinkle disappears. Unfortunately, in this case, fibroblasts are not completely restored, but take on a configuration close to their original one. You can learn about the features of carboxy masks in the article.

Double chin, oval lift

This unpleasant formation occurs for 2 main reasons:

  • accumulation of fat - adipose tissue is simply deposited under the chin until it forms a heavy double fold. In this case, darsonvalization gives practically no result, since the electric current does not affect fat cells. They conduct current very poorly and are therefore weakly sensitive to influence. Accordingly, it is impossible to get rid of a double chin in this way;
  • sagging – with a decrease in collagen and elastin fibers, the skin loses firmness and elasticity. As a result, under the influence of gravity in a place such as under the chin, the skin quickly sags. And this applies to both the dermis and fatty tissue. Darsonval stimulates collagen production and thickens the top layer of skin. In this way, sagging is reduced and the double chin disappears or becomes noticeably smaller.

To tighten your chin, it is recommended to combine Darsonval with exercises such as lip stretching and enhanced articulation.

Devices for darsonvalization

If you don’t want to spend money on regular visits to a cosmetology center, purchase the Darsonval device, with which you can perform darsonvalization at home. Now you can buy many different devices, let’s take a look at the most popular ones and give approximate prices.

  1. Spark ST-117. It involves both contact and non-contact exposure, there are several attachments. You can buy it for about 2500 rubles.

    Device Spark ST-117

  2. DE-212 Carat. There are several attachments intended to affect the skin of the face and hair on the head. You can buy it for an average of 2600 rubles.
  3. Ultratek. Has several attachments. The price is around 2700 rubles.
  4. Gezaton Biolift 4 110. Involves both contact and non-contact effects on problem areas. There are different attachments. Costs about 2500 rubles.

    Apparatus Gezaton Biolift 4 110

  5. Gezaton Biolift 4 BT201S. You can massage your face and body using several attachments. Can be purchased for 3000 rubles.
  6. Gezaton Family Doctor. It can only be used on the face; it has a heating function with infrared rays. The price is around 2000 rubles.
  7. Crown. There are several attachments that use high-frequency corona discharges. Approximate cost: 1,700 rubles.
  8. ELAD MedTeCo. Provides a healing effect on the skin. You can buy it for 3000 rubles.

Device ELAD MedTeCo

What attachments are there for darsonvalization?

Typically, the equipment for the procedure requires the presence of several attachments (up to five pieces). Typically there are four attachments in the box:

  • petal;
  • a drop;
  • comb;
  • mushroom.

Typically, several attachments are used for the procedure.

The comb attachment is only suitable for the scalp; it is not used on the face. The mushroom-shaped attachment can be used on both the face and body. Petal or drop attachments are great for facial treatment. Both the petal and the mushroom are used for the entire surface of the skin, they are used for:

  • massage;
  • obtaining a lifting effect;
  • erasing wrinkles and scars;
  • getting rid of acne and skin pigmentation.

The drop nozzle acts on individual pimples, spots or scratches. It gives excellent results in the treatment of herpes.

Drop nozzle

Important! Before using the darsonvalization device, carefully study the manufacturer's recommendations for use. It should indicate what you should do in pursuit of a particular goal. Only if you read these instructions carefully will the procedure be safe for you.

Experts' opinion

Darsonval has been used in our country for more than a hundred years. Every physiotherapy room had a device that generated high-frequency currents. Its effect on the human body contributed to the elimination of many diseases.

Gradually, darsonvalization has become a popular salon procedure that helps fight many cosmetic problems, including wrinkles on the face.

However, according to experts, darsonval is not a panacea in the fight against aging skin. The procedure effectively helps eliminate wrinkles, but does not completely eliminate them. In addition, the final result largely depends on the physiological characteristics of the body. Therefore, cosmetologists cannot clearly guarantee how accurately the goal will be achieved, since each case is individual.

How to do darsonvalization at home?

In general, the procedure is similar to that carried out in a beauty center. They use both contact and non-contact methods of influencing problem areas.

Below are the basic rules for using the equipment.

  1. First, disinfect the electrode with alcohol. This needs to be done some time before the procedure so that the alcohol dries and disappears.
  2. Insert the electrode into the darsonvalization device.
  3. If you use the contact path, be sure to hold the base of the electrode, otherwise a spark may occur.
  4. If you have oily skin, sprinkle it with talcum powder before the procedure. When the skin is dry, it needs to be treated with a rich cream.

    Using the device at home

  5. Do not use lotions or toners containing alcohol, as exposure to the device may cause burns.
  6. Tell your household that while you are carrying out darsonvalization, you should not be disturbed, touched, etc., since any mistake can provoke a spark.
  7. When you are holding an event, do not touch metal objects, your body, or your hair.

Important! Do not forget that between each procedure you need to take at least a 24-hour break.

The procedure should be done no more than once a day

Naturally, such home leather treatment saves both time and money. But the device for this procedure must be chosen carefully. It is best to make purchases in stores specializing in cosmetic devices or pharmacies. You can also order the device on the manufacturer’s official website. Before using the equipment, please read the attached instructions and the features of using specific equipment. Be sure to ask your cosmetologist for an opinion.

Efficiency and benefits

Externally, the body’s positive reaction to electrical discharges manifests itself as follows:

  • cauterizing anti-inflammatory effect;
  • suppression of the activity of microorganisms on the surface of the skin;
  • expansion of capillaries and improvement of blood supply to tissues;
  • increased blood and lymphatic microcirculation;
  • eliminating congestion;
  • improving skin color and quality;
  • smoothing the skin texture;
  • increasing local and general immunity;
  • activation of metabolic processes in the epidermis;
  • normalization of the functioning of the endocrine glands - sweat and sebaceous;
  • restoring the natural balance of moisture and elasticity of skin tone;
  • penetration of beneficial substances and medications into the deep epidermal layers.

A lasting positive result on the face is achieved subject to a course of healing.

Electrical treatment is carried out continuously and in courses with breaks between them of a month or two. The physiotherapeutic technique of darsonvalization is carried out in salons and beauty salons, and can be used at home.

Darsonval from...

You should think about darsonvalization if you want to get rid of the following problems.

Darsonvalization in the fight against acne

It is advisable to use this method for many different rashes - you can remove pimples, comedones, acne. The work of the sebaceous glands is corrected, skin tissues are enriched with oxygen. To have a targeted effect, you can take a droplet nozzle, deliver the strongest discharge and cauterize a specific area. A mushroom attachment is suitable for massaging the skin, the effect of which is provided for five minutes.

With the help of darsonvalization you can get rid of acne

Darsonvalization in the fight against post-acne

Devices for darsonvalization work well with scars on the skin. Use the mushroom attachment first non-contactly for about four minutes, and then contact it for the same period of time. By acting on facial tissue, it is possible to stimulate the outflow of lymph and the restorative functions of the skin, due to which puffiness disappears, scars are “erased”, and complexion is normalized.

You can get rid of scars and scars

Darsonvalization in the fight against wrinkles

Clients of cosmetology clinics are often interested in how to carry out darsonvalization in such a way as to “erase” expression lines or senile wrinkles from the face. In this case, you need to use a mushroom or leaf attachment, setting the power to medium or very low. A slight tingling sensation is usually felt during the procedure. The electrode is held along the massage lines contact and non-contact for about twenty minutes. At the end of the event, you need to use a cream with an anti-aging effect, since it will be absorbed by the skin several times better.

They also resort to darsonvalization to eliminate wrinkles

Darsonvalization in the fight against swelling under the eyes

If you have swelling under your eyes, darsonvalization is an ideal option for getting rid of them. You can save a lot of money by not purchasing premium products with similar effects. When the skin near the eyes is massaged, blood flows to it, vascular spasm is relieved, and lymph flows away. The procedure for the skin around the eyes takes a maximum of a minute; an electrode is passed along the massage lines. At the end of the event, eyelid skin care cream is applied to the skin.

Can eliminate puffiness under the eyes

Darsonvalization in the fight against rosacea

If you suffer from rosacea, you need to discuss the sequence of your actions with a specialist. He will conduct an examination to assess the condition of your skin and blood vessels, after which he will approve or strictly prohibit such a procedure. If approved, you will need to act on the skin as gently as possible, using slight tension. Use the mushroom attachment to apply contact pressure, then add a little tension and move on to the non-contact method. The event lasts about five minutes. Thanks to this procedure, you will strengthen blood vessels and normalize the blood supply to skin tissue.

Before undergoing darsonvalization, a person suffering from rosacea should consult a doctor.

Care instructions

The skin of the face responds well and quickly to the darsonvalization method. This is manifested by an external improvement in the appearance and quality of the epidermis.

Inflammation and acne gradually disappear, pigmentation disappears and tone evens out. Small wrinkles are smoothed out, and deep-lying wrinkles become less noticeable.

An additional bonus of the procedure is a reduction in headaches, general muscle and emotional relaxation, normalization of mood and sleep.

After a darsonvalization session, normal daily facial skin care is recommended - cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing.

Compatibility of the procedure with other cosmetic treatments

You can carry out darsonvalization as an independent treatment, or combine it with various cosmetological measures.

  1. Vacuum therapy, which improves and consolidates the results obtained from darsonvalization. By combining these two effects, you can significantly improve your skin health.
  2. Use of various medications for facial skin. This enhances the effect of the products used, since after darsonvalization the skin absorbs ointments, creams and other substances much better.
  3. It is acceptable to carry out this event after various cleansing or peeling in order to better deal with dirt on the skin, get rid of inflammation and irritation.
  4. If you want to increase the effect of using a face mask, first carry out the darsonvalization procedure.

Darsonvalization can be performed simultaneously with other cosmetic procedures

Operating principle

Electric current discharges cause irritation of nerve fibers located in the layers of the epidermis. The response is manifested by tissue drainage and active movement of biological fluids into them.

As a result, the circulation of blood and lymph increases, the nutrition of cells and intercellular structures improves, and deep saturation with moisture and oxygen occurs. The process of skin regeneration is activated, and decay and waste products are removed faster.

The therapeutic effect is achieved by an optimal combination of low-intensity electric currents and low-voltage alternating currents.

This allows you to gently act on the skin - without burns or irritation, without muscle pain and spasms.

The result and advantages of darsonvalization

If you complete the required number of procedures, the results will be as follows:

  • swelling will disappear;
  • the skin will be toned;
  • toxins will be eliminated, blood circulation will improve;
  • inflammation, redness of the skin, acne, pimples, acne will be eliminated;
  • complexion will become healthier;
  • the skin will become firm and elastic, it will look younger, small wrinkles in the area of ​​the eyes and mouth, around the eyes or on the forehead will be “erased”, as the skin’s regenerative processes will become more active;

The skin will become more elastic after completing the course of procedures.

  • the sebaceous glands will not work as actively;
  • the wounds will heal, the scars will be erased, the same applies to acne marks and scars;
  • sweat will not be released as actively;
  • the skin will be enriched with oxygen;
  • sleep returns to normal.

Significant advantages of darsonvalization:

  • no pain;
  • accessibility for everyone, as it is carried out both in the clinic and at home;
  • gives excellent results.

During the procedure, the person will not experience pain.

What side effects might there be?

During the procedure, a slight tingling sensation may be felt, but patients do not experience severe discomfort.

In rare cases, active growth of vellus hair on the face begins. When the course of procedures comes to an end, the problem will disappear. If this does not happen, you need to consult an endocrinologist.

Headache, weakness. If such sensations are repeated after each procedure, then it is not suitable for you. Tell your doctor about this.

Before carrying out darsonvalization it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor

Redness of the skin and burns are possible if the rules are not followed and inappropriate products are used. Follow the instructions strictly.

Possible complication of existing health problems. That is why you should consult a doctor before the procedure, even if you have no contraindications.

Precautionary measures

In order not to harm yourself during home darsonvalization, it is recommended to follow safety precautions:

  • Electrodes should not be allowed to come into contact with the eyelids;
  • It is strictly forbidden to touch other electrical appliances and grounded metal objects during the procedure (possible electric shock);
  • It is undesirable to touch people;
  • first remove all metal jewelry and accessories;
  • the skin should be completely dry, without open wounds;
  • Before using the device, be sure to read the instructions to avoid burns.


Alexandra, Moscow

“I suffered from constant problems with the skin on my forehead - it regularly became inflamed. There was always some kind of nasty rash on my cheeks, I tried to squeeze it out, but the situation only got worse. Neither cosmetics nor numerous cleanings helped me. It seemed that the condition was only getting worse, and I was completely desperate. However, I was advised to do darsonvalization of the face, and I decided to try it, because it does not cause any harm. Just two procedures - and I have already stopped applying so much “war paint”. After the full course, I completely forgot that I had such a problem! I repeat darsonvalization every few months and enjoy life. Now I’m thinking of buying a device for home in order to combat other problems with the help of darsonvalization.”

Many people are satisfied with the results of darsonvalization

Anna, Irkutsk

“An excellent variation of a home cosmetology procedure. I purchased the device online from the manufacturer’s official website. This is a real salvation for me in the summer, since at this time of year the skin is especially oily and suffers from sun rays. I use different attachments. I completely forgot about my skin problems in the summer, and my wrinkles smoothed out. I started to look younger and fresher, and now I don’t need to put a bunch of makeup on my face. I recommend to everyone!"

Natalya, Novosibirsk

“For the first time I tried to do darsonvalization on my own, at home. The results were not the best, and I went to cosmetology with my own device. The specialist explained to me how to use it and how many procedures to do. I tried it again at home and finally noticed results: my pores became smaller and my acne disappeared completely. This effect required 5 procedures. By the way, I really like the fact that there are several attachments, thanks to which the device can be used for both the face and body - for example, to get rid of cellulite. Be sure to try doing darsonvalization yourself, just ask experienced cosmetologists for advice first.”

How much does darsonval cost and where can I buy it?

The cost of the device ranges from 1,500 to 5,000 rubles, depending on the model of the device and the city in which you buy it. In the salon, one facial procedure will cost you 200-400 rubles. However, after one treatment you are unlikely to feel the result. A course is required, which is 10-15, in some cases even up to 30 procedures. In addition, everything will not be limited to one course. Therefore, purchasing a device for personal use is, of course, cheaper.

If you are afraid to master Darsonval on your own, you can do this. First, go to the salon to see how the treatment works. Do not hesitate to ask the master any questions you are interested in. And then purchase a device for home use.

You can buy darsonval in specialized stores that offer health products and cosmetic procedures. The devices are also sold in pharmacies.

Photos before and after the procedure

Photos before and after darsonvalization course No. 1

Photos before and after darsonvalization course No. 2

Photos before and after darsonvalization course No. 3


Let us give the average cost for one darsonvalization procedure in different cities of Russia.

CityCost of one procedure
Moscow800 rub.
Saint Petersburg750 rub.
Volgograd500 rub.
Penza500 rub.
Krasnodar400 rub.
Nizhny Novgorod500 rub.
Vladivostok350 rub.
Novosibirsk500 rub.
( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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