A gentle procedure with great effect, phonophoresis for the face

Hardware techniques in cosmetology are very popular because they are effective and practically painless. The combined effect of drugs and ultrasound is called ultraphonophoresis.

A special feature of the procedure is that ultrasound loosens connective tissues in the human body and increases the permeability of the skin. The administration of medications and cosmetics using ultrasound is considered an innovative technique that has a beneficial effect on the human body.

What is this procedure, the essence

With the help of phonophoresis the following occurs:

  • acceleration of recovery processes;
  • injection of drugs into the skin by ultrasound;
  • stimulation of metabolic reactions and blood circulation;
  • enhancing the effect of medications.

Ultrasound with vitamin complexes, through a special apparatus used for phonophoresis, penetrates heated tissues to a depth of 6 cm. With this effect, the work of enzymes and the production of biologically active components are enhanced. During the procedure, the facial skin is covered with therapeutic serum or oil, after which it is treated with ultrasound.

Thanks to ultrasound and medications, the skin:

  • deeply moisturized;
  • refreshed;
  • acquire tenderness and softness.

The cost of phonophoresis usually ranges from 700-2200 rubles.

The price depends on:

  • the number of required treatment courses;
  • region;
  • size of the affected area.

Phonofrez for the face.
In addition to cosmetology, phonophoresis is also used for the treatment of diseases.

Skin diseases

  • psoriasis;
  • dermatitis;
  • eczema.


  • radiculitis;
  • hernias;

  • osteochondrosis.

ENT organs

  • sinusitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • otitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • sinusitis.


  • gout;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • meniscopathies;
  • arthrosis;

  • bursitis.


  • inflammation of the trigeminal nerve;
  • neuritis;
  • neuralgia.

Gynecological diseases

  • urethritis;
  • tubular infertility;
  • adnexitis;

  • mastitis;
  • menstruation disorders;
  • adhesions in the pelvis;
  • chronic inflammation of the appendages and uterus;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • primary infertility.

In cosmetology, the combination of ultrasound with the administration of drugs is appropriate for:

  • skin cleansing;
  • cellulite;
  • normalization of microcirculation;
  • swelling;
  • obesity;
  • the presence of scars and scars.

Phonophoresis for the face (reviews can be found on websites and forums dedicated to it) heals the skin with ultrasonic waves and medicinal preparations. With its help, there is a chemical and physical effect on human integument. At the same time, this procedure saturates the skin with oxygen and increases its elasticity. Phonophoresis, which is a type of non-invasive mesotherapy, can be performed not only in salons, but also at home. At the same time, it is used three times a week, 20 minutes a day.

Indications for phonophoresis at home are:

  • appeared 2nd chin;
  • withered or mature skin;
  • blurry facial contours;
  • wrinkles that have become very noticeable;
  • clogged and dirty pores;
  • dry, due to age, facial skin;
  • fatigue and lack of freshness of the skin;
  • seborrhea;
  • lymphatic swelling;
  • oily skin;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • acne and acne;
  • inflammation;
  • keratinized and rough areas on the skin.


Like other methods, the use of ultraphonophoresis is categorically not recommended for some categories of patients. Contraindications to the procedure:

  • moles, wen, any damage to the treatment area;
  • inflammation of the skin in the acute stage;
  • diseases of the facial nerves;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels (hypertension, heart failure, arrhythmia, coronary artery disease);
  • CNS diseases;
  • respiratory and other infectious and inflammatory processes in acute form;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • tuberculosis;
  • tumor processes;
  • the presence of a pacemaker, metal implants;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • individual intolerance to medications or ultrasound.

Ultraphonophoresis is not performed for pregnant and lactating women.

Temporary restrictions for prescribing ultraphonophoresis are surgical interventions performed on the face or head, and chemical cleanings. After them, the ultraphonophoresis procedure cannot be performed for at least three months.

Mechanism of action

There is a certain algorithm for performing phonophoresis:

  1. The face is cleaned of cosmetics and dirt with napkins or an antibacterial gel.
  2. Next, a cosmetic concentrate or serum is applied to the skin.
  3. Then, with the device turned on and the attachment (manipula), the skin is carefully treated, following all the massage lines. At the same time, the intensity and frequency of the ultrasound are also gradually changed.

  4. After 10-30 minutes of treatment, the skin is moisturized with cream.
  5. The patient is left to rest for a while, and then sent out of the clinic or salon.

Indications for phonophoresis with hyaluronic acid

Reasons are needed to prescribe a procedure. If carried out unnecessarily, you can cause deterioration of the skin in the form of swelling, weakening of turgor and stretching. Indications for this type of manipulation are:

  • dryness of the epidermis, peeling, feeling of tightness;
  • fine wrinkles;
  • loss of overall skin tone;
  • age-related decrease in its moisture level, manifested by tissue ptosis;
  • photoaging.

Positive effects on the skin

Phonophoresis has the following positive qualities:

  • formation of an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • improving the general condition of the skin;
  • evening out the tone of the face and getting rid of dark circles under the eyes;
  • increased blood flow to the affected area;
  • saturating the skin with oxygen;
  • enhancing tissue restoration.

Pulsed ultrasound vibrations will be appropriate for:

  • treatment of children;
  • sensitive skin;
  • internal pathologies that require gentle therapy;
  • presence of acute pain;
  • rosacea.

Continuous ultrasound is used for:

  • recovery from skin pathologies;
  • getting rid of scars and hyperpigmentation;
  • hematoma therapy;
  • eliminate dark circles in the lower eye area;
  • striae.

Phonophoresis for the face (reviews about it are usually left by satisfied clients) introduces various medications into the skin through ultrasound. It also accelerates biochemical reactions and stimulates the body's recovery. At the same time, the connective tissue is warmed up and loosened to absorb medicinal substances.

Benefits of ultrasonic phonophoresis for the face

The procedure has several advantages:

  • with its help, tissues receive more oxygen, so the skin becomes elastic and rejuvenated,
  • the effect of the cosmetic preparations used lasts a long time after the end of the session, and it is deeper,
  • phonophoresis combines activation of metabolic processes in the skin, lymphatic drainage effect and stimulation of blood circulation,
  • the result is simultaneous cleansing, moisturizing, rejuvenation, elimination of swelling, tissue regeneration and relief of inflammation,
  • the effect goes not only on the surface of the skin, but also on the deeper layers,

  • it does not require special preparation, there are no strict restrictions after the procedure,
  • phonophoresis can be used for dry, oily, problematic or aging skin, as well as young and aged,
  • after it, the possibility of scars and burns is excluded, since its surface is not damaged,
  • the effect of phonophoresis occurs quite quickly.

We recommend reading about ultrasonic SMAS facial skin lifting. You will learn about the advantages of this technique, indications and contraindications for the procedure, methodology, and the required number of procedures to achieve the desired result. And here is more information about facial iontophoresis.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of phonophoresis for the face:

  • Fast and long lasting effect.
  • Acceptability of use for any age.
  • The procedure can be performed at home.

  • No pain or harm in the process.
  • Possibility of combination with other physiotherapy procedures.
  • No negative effect on the body.
  • Formation of active drug concentration in the area of ​​influence.
  • Relieving pain and inflammation.
  • Strengthening the absorption capacity of the skin.
  • Improvement of leukocyte activity.
  • Acceleration of cellular recovery.
  • Micromassage effect.
  • Non-invasive.
  • No burns or redness after the procedure.
  • Possibility of frequent use.
  • An excellent alternative for injections.
  • Help in the treatment of many diseases.
  • Instant regeneration and no side effects.

Disadvantages of the ultrasound procedure:

  • Presence of contraindications.
  • High price of treatment course.
  • Weak impact.

Why add hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid for phonophoresis
Hyaluronic acid is necessary for the skin to maintain elasticity, smoothness and healthy color. When present in sufficient quantities, it supports the formation of new collagen and elastin cells. This is an important factor in the health and beauty of the skin.

With age, there is a natural decrease in the volume of the substance. This leads not only to a deterioration in the appearance of the skin, but also to a weakening of its immunity. The problem causes disruption of the sebaceous glands, a decrease in regenerative abilities and an acceleration of the aging process.

The deficiency can be filled using the phonophoresis procedure with synthetic hyaluronic acid. The substance, penetrating deep into the tissues, fills them with moisture. Thus, the skin receives an incentive to regenerate, and aging factors are neutralized. Herpes bothers you less often, rashes and peeling practically do not appear.

After using phonophoresis with hyaluronic acid

Devices for carrying out the procedure at home

For home phonophoresis, lightweight devices with low power and a small set of functions are produced.

The most convenient and portable ultrasonic machines include:

Brand Price
Venko E+ 08 From 3.5 thousand rubles.
Delta From 15 thousand rubles.
Delta Combi From 19 thousand rubles.
Venus Ultra 3 From 10 thousand rubles.
Yuemes-04 From 7.5 thousand rubles.

Phonophoresis for the face (reviews about the procedure are found both from new clinic patients and from regular ones) is an indispensable assistant in the fight against skin imperfections. It is a special device that slows down aging and treats acne.

Execution technique

To achieve a pronounced effect from phonophoresis at home, it is recommended to adhere to the following instructions:

  1. At the initial stage, problem areas are identified and the choice of treatment composition is determined.
  2. Before treatment, the selected areas are cleaned with micellar water or warm soapy water.
  3. After disinfection, clean areas are thinly coated with a bioactive agent. After this, they begin to move an ultrasonic nozzle over them. The movements should be circular. The sensor delay time over each zone is about 15 seconds.

  4. After ultrasound treatment, the skin is additionally moisturized. To do this, apply cream or nourishing serum to it.

How often can I do it?

A home treatment course using phonophoresis can consist of 15 procedures, which are carried out every day or every other day. Therapy is usually repeated after 4 months.

As a result of exposure to ultrasound on facial skin:

  • becomes smooth;
  • loses cosmetic defects and wrinkles;
  • gains aesthetics and youth;
  • gets rid of inflammation and swelling;
  • regenerated;
  • deeply cleanses and moisturizes;
  • looks fresh and rested.

Lifting program for skin with age-related changes using ultraphonophoresis

Suitable for mature, atonic skin with a network of superficial and deep wrinkles, as well as stressed, tired skin with signs of early aging.

Thanks to the unique composition of the preparations, the procedure has a good preventive effect, increases skin density and elasticity, reduces the depth of wrinkles, relieves inflammation, smoothes the skin, restores turgor, and makes the face noticeably younger. Moreover, all these changes are achieved thanks to the internal mechanisms of the body and are natural for human skin. Hyaluronic acid penetrates into the deep layers of cells, “pushes out” wrinkles, gives noticeable turgor to the skin, increases its density, and straightens the network of superficial wrinkles. Vitamins A, C and E, Aloe Vera, extracts of dandelion roots, parsley seeds and licorice roots restore the skin's antioxidant protection, have a rejuvenating effect and prevent premature aging.

The program has a noticeable rejuvenating effect, provides a lifting effect, makes the skin smooth and radiant.

The duration of the procedure is 60-70 minutes.

Course and frequency of the procedure: 15 procedures with a frequency of 2 times per



After 2 applications of phonophoresis, a positive effect is already noticeable. After a full course of therapy, facial skin becomes completely transformed.

The long-term effect of using phonophoresis is expressed in:

  • normalization of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • disappearance of swelling and wrinkles;
  • increased muscle tone and smooth skin texture;
  • immediate removal of toxins;
  • improved microcirculation.

As a result of using phonophoresis for the face, the following are observed:

  • reduction of pore sizes;
  • removal of edema;
  • freshness and smoothness of the skin;
  • the most even tone and relief;
  • reduction of deep and expression wrinkles;
  • disappearance of comedones;
  • tightened facial oval;
  • elimination of pain and inflammatory impulses;
  • inhibition of negative processes;
  • increased concentration of nucleins;
  • improved trophism and skin turgor;
  • muscle and connective tissue tone.

Medicines together with ultrasonic waves:

  • relieve migraines;
  • increase local blood flow;
  • moisturize and nourish tissues;
  • have a prolonged effect, lasting several days;
  • trigger recovery reactions;
  • scars resolve;
  • improve local immunity and lymphatic drainage;
  • restore cellular functions;
  • stimulate tissues to rejuvenate;
  • cure acne;
  • improve metabolism;
  • accelerate enzymatic reactions;
  • improve membrane permeability;
  • fight rashes and oily skin;
  • recovering after plastic surgery;
  • tighten pores;
  • relieve skin from irritation and hypersensitivity;
  • protect covers from withering and dryness.

From patient reviews, it is known that phonophoresis does not cause any pain or harm. The help of such a procedure is very important for the skin. After all, after just a few sessions, the face regains its lost irresistibility and beauty. But along with the positive aspects of the technique, we should not forget about the contraindications with which it is so full.

Principle of operation

The mechanism of action of ultraphonophoresis on tissue is due to biological effects that occur during the propagation of vibrations in tissues. Physicochemical, thermal and mechanical changes are observed in the body. The connective tissue of the skin and subcutaneous structures is subject to the greatest therapeutic effect, since it contains a large number of blood vessels. The additional effect of the procedure is due to the properties of the medicinal substances used. Increased transport in tissues is associated with polarization of cell membranes and improvement of vascular microcirculation.

Additional effects:

  • Restoration of the natural structure of adipose tissue. High-frequency sound waves allow you to loosen the subcutaneous tissue. This effect is useful for cellulite and obesity.
  • Improved metabolism achieved by converting heat into energy. There is an expansion of blood and lymphatic vessels. Synthetic processes in tissues are enhanced, resulting in the formation of more elastin and collagen in skin cells. The skin becomes smooth and elastic.
  • Cleaning fabrics. The mechanical action of ultrasound is used to remove skin impurities. The vibrations free the excretory ducts of the glands from blockages and help remove toxins from the body.
  • Enhanced cell nutrition. Energy substrates and oxygen enter cells through dilated vessels. This effect is especially important during intense physical activity, when muscle tone is impaired due to lack of oxygen.
  • Relief of inflammatory processes. Inflammatory mediators are removed from tissues faster.
  • Strengthening local immunity. More protective cells and humoral factors of the immune system enter the soft tissues.

For all therapeutic effects to appear, phonophoresis must be used repeatedly. The duration of the course depends on the patient’s complaints and the medications used.

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