Why do women’s lips dry out, and what can be done to treat delicate skin?

Lips are an important part of every person's appearance, be it a man or a woman. They attract attention and harmonize the image. It is not for nothing that all representatives of the fair half of humanity, without exception, who take care of their appearance, keep a whole battalion of all kinds of glosses, scrubs and lipsticks in their cosmetics cabinet.

However, sometimes it happens that sponges suddenly lose their attractiveness due to dryness, cracks, peeling, etc. Many people tend to throw everything away in the bright sun or severe frost, without thinking about the underlying factors of the annoying cosmetic defect. Unfortunately, the weather does not always play a decisive role - the reasons can be much more serious.

Causes and contributing factors for the appearance of cracks

The first reasons for the development of cracks in the corners of the mouth are red spots in the corners of the lips. Soreness will follow.

The appearance of cracks is influenced by various factors. They are infectious, traumatic or fungal in nature, etc.


A wound on the edges of the lips occurs after a visit to the dentist. If the doctor used the instruments aggressively, then damage will not be long in coming. With frequent visits to the dentist, angulitis does not have time to drag on. Problems are often observed with constant wearing of a prosthesis.

It is the corners of the lips that suffer due to friction of the structure. If the lips are prone to dryness, clefts occur when screaming, yawning, or passionate kissing. You can find out the cause of such a seizure by remembering a recent trip to the doctor.


Injury due to improper hygiene. With chronic trauma to the corners of the mouth, infections occur. Whether children or adults, everyone can be affected by the germ. This is facilitated by a reluctance to wash hands and put dirty objects in the mouth. Those who do not brush their teeth often experience angular wounds.

If dirt gets on your lips, the inflamed area becomes crusty and begins to bleed. Almost always the wound goes to the pharynx and chin.

Lack of vitamins

This is a big problem in the winter-spring period, when many people eat less varied than in the summer. The main fighters for the beauty and smoothness of the skin of the lips are vitamins A, E, D and B (especially B2). Often, in addition to dry lips, there is a burning sensation in the mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue, and signs of fine-scaly peeling and thin vertical cracks are noticeable on the reddish border of the lips. The lack of vitamins is often painful - cracks that tend to bleed and an enlarged tongue are a concern.


A common cause of cheilitis is a lack of vitamin B2. Hypovitaminosis occurs if there are problems with the intestines and poor absorption of the beneficial element.

Vitamin deficiency can also be accompanied by clefts. With a severe lack of them in the body, ulcers spread to the lips, swelling, redness, and inflammation of the tongue appear.

Dry and cracked lips - internal diseases

In medical practice, when making many diagnoses, the condition of a person’s skin is taken into account. It is considered a kind of health indicator. The skin on the face is no exception, and if your lips dry out, the cause of the disease may be hidden inside the body.

Lips that constantly crack and dry out for no apparent reason may indicate the following health problems:

  • Allergic diseases. Dryness can be caused by direct contact of the lips with an allergen, for example, with a cosmetic product, lipstick, toothpaste, or a low-quality toothbrush. A food allergen can also cause dryness, which has a bad effect on the entire body, but then dryness will be not only on the lips, but also on the cheeks, knees, and elbows.
  • Diabetes. If your mouth and lips are constantly dry, you are thirsty, your skin is itchy, and the number of urinations per day has increased, you need to rule out this endocrine disorder.
  • Herpetic infection. Herpes comes in several varieties, and most of them can cause inflammation on the lips. This virus, once in the blood, remains in the body forever. Only the immune system restrains it, and if a failure occurs, the virus begins to “attack.” The appearance of a dry crust, small bubbles, cracks, and wet wounds indicates a possible activation of a viral infection. The diagnosis can be confirmed using a blood test to determine antibodies to herpes.
  • Dental diseases. Lips often dry out due to carious teeth. Bacteria that live in the mouth can affect the lips and the skin around them. With the rapid proliferation of harmful bacteria against the background of poor immunity, the lips become very dry, often followed by rupture and the release of ichor. You can kill bacteria by treating oral caries.
  • Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. Pancreatic dysfunction, gastritis and cholelithiasis can also cause increased dry lips.

Dry and cracked lips due to weather influences

If you have chapped lips, the first thing to consider is the weather, especially during the off-season. The deterioration of the lips can be caused by:

  • Strong wind. Air masses increase the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the lips, causing them to become rough and dry. In addition, lips can become chapped in the wind, especially if you drank something outside or just like to lick your lips. In this case, in addition to dryness, redness of the skin around the lips and deep, often bleeding, cracks will appear.
  • Dry air. It can have a detrimental effect on lips both in hot summer and winter. The drier the air, the more intensely your lips will lose moisture and, accordingly, dry out. Lips are also exposed to the same effect in an apartment with central heating, where air humidity often drops below 20%. Therefore, it is important to monitor the level of humidity in the house and use a special humidifier in time.
  • Direct sunlight. This is another reason why the skin on your lips dries out intensely. The scorching sun leads to evaporation of moisture and negatively affects the condition of the lips, exposing them to harmful UV rays. Therefore, in summer you should not neglect lipsticks with a high SPF factor.
  • Freezing. At low air temperatures, lips dry out, lose elasticity and become inflamed. Often there is the appearance of hard crusts on the skin of the lips, which bleed when torn off. This occurs as a result of the rapid release of moisture from the lips, which does not have time to completely dissipate and creates even worse conditions for the skin.

Advice! You can determine why your lips are constantly dry through regular observation. If after a walk in windy or hot weather you notice that your lips and cheeks have become rough, then this defect is caused by bad weather. The secret is that your cheeks are just as sensitive to the weather as your lips.

Initial manifestations of syphilis

With this disease, a hard lump is disguised as cheilitis. This is an element of the initial stage of the disease. If left untreated, it will turn into secondary syphilis.

Angulitis becomes covered with a grayish coating without pain when touched. When a streptococcal infection occurs, the chancre becomes painful even when opening the mouth. A thickening occurs in the affected area.

Chronic recurrent fissure of the corner of the mouth

A chronic fissure occurs against the background of general pathologies and neurogenic mechanisms. Psycho-emotional trauma often contributes to this. The crack becomes covered with a red, soft crust with slight pain. The psychosomatics of the disease is diagnosed by a qualified doctor.

Cracks in the corners of the mouth are a sign of a lack of nutrients. This is easy to recognize by the presence of weakness, increased fatigue, and intense hair loss.

Dry and cracked lips due to bad habits

If the damage to the skin of your lips has nothing to do with the weather, and they constantly dry out, even if you don’t go outside, then you need to reconsider all bad habits.

Here are a few harmless, at first glance, habits that cause dry lips in women and men:

  • Licking. The urge to lick your lip may occur due to a feeling of dryness on the lip surface, which often appears from thirst or after eating too salty food. After licking your lips, moisture will begin to be lost even more and dryness will increase. With repeated licking, the situation will constantly worsen.
  • Biting. You can understand that the cause of damage to the lip surface is your habit by looking at its appearance: when you bite, you constantly injure only one lip, so either the upper or the lower lip dries out. In this case, double damage is caused to the lips. Firstly, when biting, the lips are moistened with saliva, and we have just looked at what happens next. And, secondly, microcracks appear on the lips as a result of damage by teeth. Abrasions open the door to fungi, coccal microbes, viruses, including herpes, which delay the healing process of wounds.
  • Piercing. Decorating your lips with different rings is, of course, beautiful, but due to the risk of chronic dryness and dark cracks on your lips, it’s not worth it. A small amount of saliva regularly enters through the hole, which causes roughness of the labial skin. In addition, if the jewelry is large and has an uneven surface, there is always a risk of damage to the skin of the lip. Minor abrasions will not be noticeable, but the consequences will not be long in coming.
  • Lack of nasal breathing. Regardless of the reasons why you breathe through your mouth, your lips will regularly crack and your skin will peel and peel. In this case, not only will your lips dry out, but also your tongue, and you will also constantly suffer from a lack of oxygen.
  • Smoking. With constant contact with cigarette paper, the lips partially give up their moisture to it. As a result, lips are cracked, tight, and unkempt. Smoking outside in windy weather further aggravates lip damage.
  • Insufficient water intake. The condition of the skin directly depends on the amount of water in the body. If you don’t drink enough liquids (first courses, compotes, soda don’t count), correct this.
  • Addiction to hot spices. People who eat spicy foods every day have very dry lips. To correct the situation, you don’t have to give up your favorite foods, just don’t forget to rinse your lips with water after eating.
  • Constantly pinching your lips with your hands. What could be dangerous here, you ask? Hands are an inexhaustible source of microbes, and if you have small wounds on your lips or your immune system has decreased slightly, you are guaranteed long-term non-healing cracks and dryness.

Fungal infections

Candidiasis on the corners of the mouth is called “yeast infection” among specialists. Fungi multiply after a recent cold, diabetes, and gastrointestinal pathologies.

Long-term use of antibiotics also contributes to their occurrence. In this case, whitish erosion is observed, the plaque from which is removed by scraping.


Adult patients sometimes develop clefts in the corners of the lips. It signals active pulmonary tuberculosis. The person’s condition is serious, so such manifestations do not attract attention.

In this case, the ulcer on the corners of the mouth will be painful with undermined edges. The condition is unsatisfactory.


  • A common runny nose forces you to breathe through your mouth, dries out the skin of your lips, which can cause cracks.
  • Fever, when the whole body is “on fire”, leads to dehydration, which can first of all be felt by the skin of the lips - they literally dry out.
  • Cheilitis. Redness, dryness, swelling in the lip area. Bursting skin can be extremely painful. What to do? You should consult your doctor.
  • Herpes. A viral infection naturally disrupts the fragile hydrobalance in this area, and after treatment, the skin of the lips requires restoration. Dryness and cracked lips in themselves are not signs of herpes.
  • Consequences of antibiotic treatment. They disrupt the microflora as a whole, not only in the intestines, but also in the oral cavity and on the skin, including lips, which results in increased dryness.
  • Atopic dermatitis. It manifests itself on the skin of the lips too, hence the severe, impossible dryness, even to the point of cracks.

Of course, when you are sick, there is no time for that, but once again lubricating the skin of your lips with balm or oil is useful.

By the way, all these problems can affect not only adults, but also children. The habit of biting or licking your lips can also indicate stress, anxiety, and even be one of the signs of neurosis.

Signs of dry, dehydrated skin

If the skin on your face is peeling, you shouldn’t panic, you just need to find out what to do in such cases. The process of dehydration, when the skin on the face dries, does not occur spontaneously. As a rule, it lasts for some time, influenced by several factors.

Dehydrated, dry facial skin has its own signs. These include:

  • Hypersensitivity to cosmetics and decorative cosmetics;
  • Exposure to climatic factors and properties: low humidity, low temperatures, wind, frost cause redness and peeling of the skin on the face;
  • After each wash or cleansing, an unpleasant feeling of tightness appears, so you want to apply a rich or moisturizing cream;
  • The superficial, stratum corneum of the skin is very thin, which does not allow it to properly retain moisture in the lower layers;
  • A lack of lipids causes the skin on the face to dry out. Ultraviolet rays speed up this process. This is why it is so important for people with dry skin to protect themselves from sunlight.

Signs of dry facial skin will help you pay attention to the problem in time, which means solving it with the least amount of effort and expense.

Important! It is important to understand the difference between dry and dehydrated skin. Dry and even very dry facial skin, which peels, is initially caused by an innately thin, delicate epidermis, which contributes to sensitivity to external factors.

How to tell if your facial skin is dry

To diagnose dry facial skin you need to:

  • remove all decorative cosmetics;
  • Do not apply cream;
  • After two hours, apply a paper napkin to your face;
  • If there are no marks on the napkin, this is a sign of dry skin.

Knowing the causes of peeling skin on the face, you can choose the most effective remedy to eliminate it. To get a permanent result, it is worth influencing the cause.

Nutritional features for this problem

Compliance with nutritional rules, which include the following recommendations, can help in the fight against the problem of chapped lips:

  • Refusal of salty, sour foods that can cause irritation of the skin surface;
  • Refusal of citrus fruits and figs, which can cause cracks due to acid exposure;
  • Refusal of drinking alcohol, smoking, which suppress the immune system;
  • Refusal from chewing gum, sweets, stuffed with dyes and GMOs;
  • Fruits, vegetables, nuts, olive oil, sour cream, red meat are healthy;
  • If there are cracks, you need to eat in small portions, with a small spoon, which will help you not open your mouth too much, creating conditions for the crack to deepen;
  • Saturate your daily diet with fiber-rich foods.

Vitamins for dry lips

What vitamins are missing? Due to the lack of what, lips become dry and rough? Usually, almost all vitamins, but lips react especially painfully to a lack of retinol (A) - the regeneration process slows down; ascorbic acid (C) – immune defense weakens; tocopherols and tocotrienols (E) – capillaries suffer, elasticity is lost; group B – metabolism is disrupted, the corners of the mouth become inflamed, rashes and cracks appear.

Any disease, first of all, is reflected in appearance: even ordinary illness is manifested by pallor or, conversely, redness of the skin - it’s not for nothing that doctors always pay attention to this when seeing patients.

Dry lips can be due to allergies and diabetes, herpetic infections, diseases of the oral cavity, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, thyroid gland and many other health problems. Medicines taken for various diseases often cause thirst and dry out the mucous membranes - this often happens with antibiotics.

Women may suffer from the problem of dry lips during pregnancy, and here there are also plenty of reasons: dehydration due to an imbalance of water-salt balance, manifestations of toxicosis, hormonal changes, shortness of breath - in the last months, many begin to breathe through the mouth, etc.

Treatment for dry lips

Dry lips occur for certain reasons, the identification and treatment of which is the main task of every beautiful lady or man. At the same time, it is necessary to treat and eliminate external defects at home.

  1. Deep health problems that cause dry lips can be treated with appropriate medications prescribed by a doctor. In some cases, autohemotransfusion (transfusion of a patient’s own blood), UVB (ultraviolet irradiation of blood) and other methods of increasing the body’s reactivity are effective.
  2. If signs of an allergy are found to any cosmetic product or product, then you should not experiment - forget about it forever, no matter how tasty or expensive it is. If the lips are very sore, antihistamines are taken orally.
  3. In order to prevent your lips from drying out, flaking and hurting, you need to constantly protect them from cold or insolation, using hygienic lipstick before going outside - and better with SPF protection, which will be useful in winter.

    It is also beneficial to use moisturizing lipsticks after meals and throughout the day.

  4. It will take more than one or two days to treat vitamin deficiency by adding to the diet foods that contain microelements that are beneficial for the skin: nuts, herbs, vegetables, fish, etc. To speed up the process of restoring balance, you need to take pharmacy vitamins in addition.
  5. Don't lick your lips! Yes, the feeling of dryness causes great discomfort, but you absolutely cannot do this - and here’s why: this only worsens the symptoms of dryness, and besides, licking leads to the formation of weeping cracks against the background of dry skin. The lips continue to constantly hurt, and soon a feeling of roughness, tightness and tingling appears - subsequently deep cracks form, which are difficult to treat.
  6. You should always take care of your dental health - check them for caries, periodontal disease and other problems. Sanitation of foci of chronic infection in the oral cavity is the key not only to fresh breath, but also to smooth, delicate skin of the lips.
  7. It is necessary to increase the amount of fluid you drink to avoid dehydration. The best option is a glass of clean water in the morning and half an hour before meals.
  8. It is worth maintaining air humidity in the room in which you spend the most time. It is especially important not to dry your skin in winter.
  9. To improve the condition of the delicate skin of the lips, it is worth resorting to the use of anti-inflammatory ointments, creams and special masks. It can be:
      vegetable oils (olive, sea buckthorn, jojoba oil);
  10. tetracycline, erythromycin and oxolinic ointments, products with glucocorticosteroids (sometimes it is necessary to treat with hormonal ointments);
  11. honey, sour cream, curd masks; masks made from flax seed decoction, aloe juice, etc.

Taking care of the beauty of your lips is an important daily ritual for every girl who wants to always look attractive to her man and everyone around her. Following these simple rules will always allow you to smile broadly and feel great!

Mask with aloe juice for nutrition and hydration

This plant is widely used in folk medicine and home cosmetology. For chapped lips, a paste made from the pulp of a fresh plant or juice, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, is suitable. The plant component is mixed with a nourishing cream.

During the period when lips are cracking, a thick mask is applied three times a week for 15 minutes. After the first use, your lips dry out and itch much less.

Tonic to help for beautiful lips

A tonic designed for sensitive facial skin will help nourish dry and chapped lips with moisture. Apply a little liquid to a cotton pad and touch dry lips with blotting movements. To effectively combat peeling, this manipulation is repeated at least 2 times a day.

Green tea to the rescue

When the skin on your lips dries and peels, it is recommended to give up coffee. Excessive consumption of an invigorating drink leads to dehydration. An excellent substitute is green tea. Thanks to its caffeine content, it tones the skin without drying it out.

This drink contains many antioxidants that help maintain the elasticity and firmness of organic tissues.

Strong brewed green tea can be used as a tonic. It is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. The tannins it contains can make the walls of blood vessels stronger.

Such care will help counteract the negative influences of the environment if your lips are peeling.

Nourishing and moisturizing oils

If your lips are chapped, cream alone is not enough. Oils provide an excellent healing effect.

The list of the most effective:

  1. sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  2. apricot;
  3. grape seed oil;
  4. avocado;
  5. rosehip;
  6. cocoa;
  7. almond.

The oils are saturated with fat-soluble vitamins A and E. They soften the crust that forms, preventing cracks from deepening when the lips dry out and peel. New cells reproduce faster, and when the coarsened film comes off and the next layer appears, it will be more elastic.

Use lip scrubs

Chapped lips are covered by a layer of dry skin, which can prevent healing ingredients from reaching the desired area. You can use lip scrubs that contain sugar or baking soda to gently exfoliate this dry skin.

Honey mask

Honey contains a huge concentration of vital elements. If the lower lip constantly dries and cracks without having time to heal, honey will help reduce pain. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, and its use reduces the risk of infections.

For those who have dry lips, it is recommended to massage them with solid honey during the evening wash.

You can make a mask based on liquid honey and melted butter. The nourishing lubricant is left for 5 - 7 minutes. You shouldn’t keep it longer, bee products contain a lot of active substances, and there is a risk of “burning” the injured surface. As a result, it will dry out even more.

Apple mask for peeling

To neutralize the effect of fruit acids, which dry out the epidermis, first boil the apple a little. Heat treatment destroys vitamin C, the lack of which causes lips to dry out, so keep the peeled slices in boiling water for no more than 30 seconds.

Then they are ground with full-fat milk (3.2%) and a couple of drops of base oil (squeeze from grape seed, sea buckthorn, apricot).

To find out how to get rid of peeling lips, it is recommended to try different compositions of nourishing and moisturizing masks and choose the right one. Alternation of care products is also welcome, since a variety of replenishment is useful.

Mask with cream and cottage cheese for nutrition

The preparation method is similar to a healthy snack recipe. (You can actually eat the leftovers. This will only benefit those who have dry, flaky, and cracked lips). Cottage cheese (1 tsp) and cream (1 tsp) are thoroughly mixed and applied in a dense layer to the dry surface.

The higher the fat content of the products, the better. Cream can be replaced with sour cream. The composition is left for 15 minutes. Then it should be washed off with warm water.

To prevent lips from peeling, the following procedures are performed after any of the masks:

  • wipe them with tonic;
  • apply moisturizer;
  • coated with a protective agent.

Lip massage

A light massage will help restore smoothness. It is carried out using a toothbrush with soft bristles. In order not to damage the delicate skin, it must be lubricated with greasy cream, Vaseline or oil. With light circular movements without pressure, the surface of the lips is stimulated 3-4 times a day.

Massage will ensure a good supply of oxygen to tissues and improve the delivery of nutrients.

When lips are very dry, cracked and peeling, massage cannot be performed. You should wait until it heals to prevent harmful bacteria from entering.


When your lips dry out, they constantly hurt and don't let you get distracted. Small cracks quickly deepen when you smile. In this case, the first aid is hydration. To restore the former shine and eliminate flaking and dry lips, you need a light moisturizer.

You can’t do without it, even if you plan to use another product in the future. Thanks to its delicate texture, the cream is quickly absorbed and provides hydration.

To moisturize dry lip skin, cubes of frozen herbal infusions are suitable. You can brew chamomile or string. If your lip is cracked, these herbs have a powerful wound healing effect.


  1. put 1 filter bag of dry raw materials into a thermos;
  2. pour a glass of boiling water;
  3. leave for 30 minutes;
  4. The liquid is cooled, poured into molds and frozen.

Whose lips dry out more often: men or women?

It is known that beautiful ladies use protective cosmetics much more often and take more care of their lips and their appearance in general, in contrast to the harsh representatives of the stronger half of humanity, who are many times more susceptible to dry lips due to weather conditions. Agree, it is rare that a man will apply a protective balm before going outside, even if it is transparent and odorless, and the wind is raging outside the window or the sun is shining dazzlingly.

And women who use many different products and love new products often reap the fruits of their carelessness by not testing a new lipstick or gloss before applying it to their lips. What can I say, most people don’t even think about what is included in the substance in the bright packaging.

So it turns out that men suffer more from the weather, and women – from cosmetics.

Prevention of cracks

To ensure the beauty of the face and make it well-groomed, it is necessary to take preventive measures to care for the skin of the lips and prevent the occurrence of various diseases.

Prevention involves following the following recommendations:

  1. Carrying out a massage.

A regular toothbrush is used as a massager. Before starting the procedure, you need to lubricate the surface of your lips with a nourishing cream or fortified oil. Massage with a brush using gentle circular movements for 2 minutes. Massage accelerates blood circulation in the lips, making them appetizing and sexy.

  1. Refusal from low-quality bright, rich tones of lipsticks.

This cosmetics contains a lot of dyes that dry out the surface of the lips and help cause microcracks on them.

  1. Applying nourishing, natural healing oils before applying decorative cosmetics.
  2. Daily use of cosmetic products with a moisturizing effect during the morning toilet.
  3. The use of aromatherapy, which has a beneficial effect on the epidermis, on the entire body.
  4. Refusal of self-medication. Sometimes the cause of problems on the lips is not a lack of vitamins or hypothermia, but the presence of a herpes infection. Using moisturizers will not help. You will have to undergo drug treatment.
  5. Minimizing time spent in freezing, dry winds.
  6. Maintaining a healthy diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  7. Compliance with personal hygiene rules.

This problem of cracking and peeling lips worries adults, children and teenagers. Its occurrence can be triggered by weather factors and some internal diseases of the body.

Both medications and folk remedies are used to treat cracked, flaky lips. It all depends on what diagnosis the attending physician makes.

Do not smoke

Tobacco smoke can irritate the sensitive skin around your lips, causing them to dry out and become more likely to crack. Smoking can also cause other problems in the mouth, such as canker sores and sore gums.

Lips also begin to crack after a person quits smoking as the skin begins to heal.

How to care for dry skin

So let's figure out what to do if you have dry facial skin and how to deal with its peeling. Regular, competent care will help avoid the problem of peeling, a feeling of “tightness” and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

  • You should be careful when washing: use only warm water. If possible, it is recommended to cleanse dry facial skin with mineral still water or settled boiled water. Tap water in this case is too hard and will dry out the skin;
  • After washing with foam or soft gel, do not wipe your body dry, just pat dry with a towel;
  • When using cosmetic products or products for dry skin, it is better to use products from the same brand. The product must not contain alcohol;
  • With decorative cosmetics - for dry skin - you need to be careful: use in moderation, only high-quality, branded cosmetics. A special powder with protection from UV rays, or a foundation with the same effect, is perfect;
  • Often powder dries out the skin even more, so people with dry skin types are better off using only foundation, after applying a moisturizing or nourishing cream as a base.
  • If you use decorative cosmetics, be sure to wash them off thoroughly before going to bed. Soft milk is ideal for dry skin.

In general, caring for dry skin is not that difficult, it just has its own characteristics, just like caring for any other type. If dehydration occurs, that's a different matter. Caring for dehydrated skin involves a complex effect, not only on the skin, but also on the body as a whole.

You should be careful when choosing cosmetics: choose a cream for dehydrated facial skin.

Pharmacological drugs that eliminate dry skin

The problem of dryness can be solved with the help of pharmaceutical preparations. Every woman will be able to choose what suits her. Let's take a closer look at what the pharmaceutical market offers to eliminate dry facial skin.

  1. Cream for dry skin “LIBREDERM” with hyaluronic acid in its composition can be found in almost any pharmacy. Perfectly moisturizes thanks to a natural humectant - hyaluronic acid. With regular use, a nourishing cream for dry facial skin launches a rejuvenating process through enhanced creation of elastin and collagen. Camelina oil, which complements the composition of the cream, nourishes the skin with PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids). They inhibit the withering process, relieve inflammation, and perfectly moisturize. This cream can be successfully used for peeling skin on the face.
  2. Bepanten cream stimulates tissue regeneration. Used for the prevention and treatment of dry skin when its integrity is violated, normalizes cellular metabolism.
  3. D-panthenol - the product is aimed at protecting the skin from adverse external influences. Promotes tissue regeneration, due to which it has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. In pharmacies it is presented in the form of lotions, moisturizing masks for dry skin, sprays, and creams. Its main action is aimed at moisturizing and eliminating flaking. Thanks to its enriched composition, it has a quick, intense effect on the epidermis. D-Panthenol is used in courses. The duration of one course is no more than a week, in order to avoid addiction to the drug.
  4. Oily cream for dry skin "Hydrabio". This cream is suitable for dry and sensitive skin. Its action is based on the Aquagenium complex, thanks to which metabolic processes in the dermis are restored for a long time. There is an improvement in water exchange between cells.

This, of course, is not the entire list of cosmetics. The best cream for any skin, including dry skin, is the one that is chosen taking into account all the characteristics of the skin. And he is always individual.

When is it time to go to the doctor - timely treatment of pathologies

Dry and flaky facial skin may be a sign of internal organ disease. This occurs in cases where only external, cosmetic methods do not help, giving a temporary effect.

When nothing is possible and tried at home to no avail, you should consult a doctor. It may be necessary to diagnose the body to identify the real cause. Only in this case is a deep solution to the problem of dryness and flaking of the skin possible.

And finally, a video with tips from a dermatocosmetologist on caring for dry and flaky facial skin.

So, dry and flaky skin can occur for various reasons: heredity, lack of water in the body, poor diet, lifestyle, inappropriate cosmetics, and so on. The article tells you what to do if the skin on your face is dry, how you can solve this problem at home, on your own, by regularly making masks, taking multivitamin complexes, and replenishing the body’s daily need for water.

In pharmacies you can also find a solution to the problem of dryness and flaking of the skin.

In the event that the measures taken do not produce a tangible result, you should look deeper for the cause by consulting a doctor.

Tags: skin, rejuvenation, care

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Dry lips - treatment with medications

It is better to get rid of dry lips, which is accompanied by the proliferation of bacteria, with the help of pharmaceutical preparations:

  • Calendula-based ointment ensures rapid cell regeneration, kills harmful microbes, moisturizes, and relieves itching. You need to lubricate your lips several times a day.
  • Cocoa butter - perfectly removes crusts and cracks, moisturizes and relieves the feeling of dryness and soreness on the lips. Can be used all day as needed.
  • Levomikol is an effective antiseptic in the form of an ointment. Completely destroys bacteria and is indicated for deep cracks with signs of infection. You need to treat your lips twice a day, preventing the drug from getting inside. And it doesn’t matter whether the lower lip or the upper lip is dry, the main thing is to completely disinfect all lips from infections.
  • Panthenol is a regenerating agent. It is used for various skin burns, but in case of dry lips it has also shown high effectiveness. You can also use Rescuer ointment with the same success.
  • Syntomycin ointment is a great help for “sticking” in the corners of the mouth.
  • Miramistin is a liquid antiseptic. You need to irrigate injured sponges twice a day.
  • Aevit is a vitamin preparation in gelatin capsules. You need to crush the capsule and lubricate your lips. The product contains vitamin A and E.
  • Acyclovir is an antiviral gel that is used to treat dry lips caused by herpes.

If all these methods did not help you forget about dry, painful lips once and for all, it is better to go to the doctor to accurately determine the cause of this pathology and get rid of it.

What are chapped lips and cheilitis?

The skin of the lips tends to dry out under the influence of atmospheric factors (wind, low temperatures, dry air). The result is a feeling of tightness and roughness. Reflexively moistening the lips with the tongue significantly worsens their condition. Evaporation of saliva leads to rapid drying. The lip epidermis becomes rough, cracks and begins to peel off.

Chapped lips are the most common cause of lip red inflammation (cheilitis). The patient may develop deep cracks that bleed and are very painful. Characterized by excessive peeling of the skin of the lips. Symptoms often affect both lips and the skin around the mouth.

Inflammatory lesions of the lips, affecting the red border and mucous membrane of the mouth, are defined in medicine as cheilitis or cheilosis.

This disease is manifested by the following characteristic symptoms:

  • burning and dryness of the skin of the lips;
  • itching;
  • cracks in the corners of the mouth;
  • maceration with transverse cracks and a bright red border at the line where the lips close;
  • pain in the lips;
  • peeling of the skin of the lips and the appearance of scabs.

Inflammation of the lips can be acute or recurrent-chronic. In this case, we are talking about recurrent, labial, red inflammation. This condition signals the need to consult a dermatologist.

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