Modern medicine pays considerable attention to the development of non-drug treatment methods.
This is due to the fact that many people, due to individual reactions of the body, cannot tolerate traditional medicinal techniques. Ozone therapy as one of the types of physiotherapy has become a solution to a whole range of problems for people suffering from inflammatory, metabolic, and infectious diseases. But it has found its greatest application in cosmetology, where the effects of ozone can be observed very quickly. What kind of procedure is ozone therapy? What are its advantages? To whom can ozone treatment be recommended and how is it carried out? Margarita Manasyan , a general practitioner and figure correction specialist at the Novoklinik Center for Aesthetic Medicine and Cosmetology network, told a FAN journalist about this .
The essence of the technique
Ozone therapy for the face is performed on an outpatient basis. The procedure requires mandatory compliance with the rules of conduct and sterility. The intervention is performed by a cosmetologist-ozone therapist.
The procedure is carried out manually or using hardware. The essence of the manipulation is the introduction of a special oxygen mixture under the skin. The integument is punctured to a specified depth, and the tissue receives a specified amount of gas.
Quantitative parameters and processing zones are determined individually. In a single procedure, the entire face or certain areas can be chipped. The doctor determines how many injections to give based on his own experience.
Attention! To create a more obvious therapeutic effect, a special saline solution can be injected intravenously, and ozonated oil can be applied superficially to the skin as a mask. At home, washing can be done using distilled water saturated with oxygen.
How is ozone therapy carried out?
Ozone is used for cosmetic purposes in several ways:
- Ozone therapy intravenously;
- Subcutaneously;
- Minor autohemotherapy using ozone.
The specific method is selected depending on the clinical picture of the patient. Injections under the skin are used to combat local obesity, excess weight, treat cellulite, rejuvenate facial skin, acne and various skin diseases.
Minor autohemotherapy is produced by mixing small doses of ozone with blood and injecting the resulting mixture subcutaneously to treat various types of skin diseases.
Indications for use
Ozone therapy is used as a therapeutic or preventive measure. Saturation of tissues with oxygen improves the flow of all physiological processes. The procedure is useful for patients of any age. Typically, a cosmetologist prescribes ozone therapy for:
- treatment of acne, comedones, post-acne, hyperpigmentation, rosacea, rosacea;
- reducing hypersensitivity, dryness, excessive oiliness of the skin, enlarged pores;
- eliminating swelling, bags, dark circles in the eyelid area;
- tightening sagging tissues, smoothing wrinkles;
- correction of the severity of the double chin, jowls, drooping lips, eyebrows, eyelids;
- improving skin quality (firmness, elasticity, color);
- preparing the integument for further therapeutic interventions.
To obtain a positive effect, cosmetologists prescribe a course of interventions . 5–15 sessions performed at intervals of 1–4 days are sufficient.
What effect can you expect from ozone therapy?
Noticeable positive changes after this cosmetic manipulation appear after 3-4 sessions. The following effect is observed:
- smoothing out small wrinkles;
- increased skin turgor;
- slight lifting effect;
- eliminating acne;
- improvement of skin tone;
- eliminating dryness.
The following statistics can be noted: 1/4 of people who have tried ozone therapy see positive changes after the first session, half notice improvements after 3-4 procedures. But 95% of people who take the course respond positively to this manipulation.
After administration, the gas is gradually distributed throughout the cells and absorbed, activating the following processes:
- local metabolism;
- blood supply to tissues;
- synthesis of collagen, elastin, fibroblast activity;
- functioning of sweat and sebaceous glands;
- normalization of hydrolipid balance;
- lymphatic drainage
The activation of internal mechanisms is reflected:
- improvement of skin condition (increases tone, firmness, elasticity, normalizes color);
- tissue tightening (the oval is strengthened, jowls and double chin are reduced);
- decreased susceptibility to various influences (reactions to water, temperature, emotional instability);
- elimination of defects (acne, bags, dark circles, age spots, protruding vascular network).
As a result of the procedures, the face acquires a fresh, toned appearance, the skin becomes clean and pleasant to the touch. The permeability of the integument improves, facilitating more efficient absorption of nutrients from surface applied products.
Types of procedure
In cosmetology, the injection method of introducing a gas mixture is most often used. The method allows you to quickly achieve highly targeted effectiveness. At the injection sites, the gas instantly reaches its target. The cells are immediately saturated with oxygen, and the tissues receive beneficial effects. To achieve a clear result, a course of interventions is required.
The use of ozonated oil as a basis for preparing cosmetics and performing massage is also common in cosmetology. The method allows you to obtain a complex effect, but the effect of oxygen is weakly expressed. The option is preferable for consolidating the results obtained from injection ozone therapy for home care.
A systemic method of administering a mixture of gases, saline or the patient’s blood is more often carried out to achieve therapeutic goals. The substance is given intravenously. The blood is actively saturated with oxygen. The body receives stimulation to renew itself. Rejuvenation occurs from the inside: systems and organs begin to work better. Locally (to the facial tissues) oxygen enters in small portions.
Advice. To obtain the maximum therapeutic effect, a set of measures is recommended. The possibility of using a type of ozone therapy or carrying out a combination of effects will be determined by the doctor.
Consequences and complications
Those who are going to experience the rejuvenating and healing effects of ozone therapy should understand that after it, like any serious cosmetic procedure, there is a risk of complications, unpleasant consequences and side effects. These include:
- botulism, swelling, rash;
- pain at the injection sites (can spread to the ears and teeth) and headache;
- visual impairment;
- hematomas;
- decreased mobility in the limbs on one side of the body;
- acute psychosis;
- complete lack of result (also considered a complication).
To better understand the effect of ozone therapy, it is worth looking at before and after photos of other patients and videos on the topic.
Sometimes ozone therapy may be useless if there are pathologies of the digestive system, endocrine system, etc. In this situation, it is worthwhile to initially treat the underlying disease.
Preparing for the session
The standard preparatory stage will be a preliminary visit to a cosmetologist. The doctor will assess the problem and collect health information. You may need to undergo additional tests. Based on these data, the doctor will make a decision on the possibility of intervention.
At home, preparation for the procedure will include giving up blood clotting medications, alcohol, and smoking. It is advisable to completely switch to a healthy lifestyle during the period of preparation and rehabilitation. Be sure to come to the procedure in good health.
Carrying out the procedure
The most effective solution will be ozone therapy, carried out by injection. The procedure takes no more than half an hour. To prepare the integument for such manipulation, cleansing and disinfection of the skin will be required. To anesthetize the process, it is recommended to use a local anesthetic applied by application.
A cosmetologist works with a syringe with a thin needle. The gas mixture is injected into the subcutaneous fat. The depth of injection, the amount of substance, and treatment zones are determined individually. After the injections, swellings filled with gas are noticeable on the skin. The cosmetologist performs a light massage of the treated areas to more evenly distribute the substance throughout the tissues.
To consolidate the effect, after the main part of the procedure, the doctor will suggest wiping the skin with a cosmetic product saturated with oxygen, or making a mask based on ozonated water or oil. After talking about the intricacies of restoration, the cosmetologist releases the patient.
Recovery period
Skin damage after ozone therapy is minimal, the introduction of foreign substances does not occur. Appearance after the procedure rarely loses its presentable appearance. Slight redness, slight swelling, and local bruising are possible. The symptoms disappear completely within 2–3 days.
Ozone therapy does not involve long-term rehabilitation. After 2–3 days, you can already conduct another session. To speed up the recovery process and prevent possible complications, the cosmetologist will suggest giving up:
- impacts in processing areas (kneading, friction, pressure);
- any cosmetics (decorative, skincare);
- baths, gym, solarium, swimming pool;
- temperature changes;
- other cosmetic procedures.
The result of the manipulation is visible after 3–5 hours. The skin acquires a healthy color and fresh appearance. You will notice cleansing, smoothing, and tightening of the skin only after 5–10 sessions. For therapeutic purposes, courses are carried out as prescribed by a doctor at least 2-3 times a year. To prevent age-related changes and maintain healthy tissue, 1–2 interventions per year are sufficient. The effect of the intervention lasts from 3 months to 1 year.
Ozone therapy – Price in our clinics
Intravenous administration of ozone (for payment of 5 procedures or more) | Price: from 1,800 rub. | Price: 2,500 rub. |
Ozone therapy/carboxytherapy 1 zone (for payment of 5 procedures or more) | Price: from 1,150 rub. | Price: 3,000 rub. |
Our clinic offers affordable prices for ozone therapy - from 1150 rubles for a local procedure, which is the average cost in Moscow. The use of a systemic technique is somewhat more expensive - from 1,490 rubles per session, which is associated with the increased complexity of cosmetic manipulations.
We try to constantly update the information on the website about the cost of all procedures, but in order to avoid misunderstandings, we recommend that you clarify it by phone on the day of your request.
If you are going to use several beauty services, individual discounts are possible.
Precautionary measures
The cosmetologist must conduct a preliminary conversation with the patient. The main goal of the conversation is to identify possible contraindications that preclude the session:
- any head injuries (even in the distant past);
- tendency to seizures, epilepsy;
- hemophilia, other conditions affecting blood clotting;
- oncology;
- hyperthyroidism;
- recovery period after a heart attack, stroke;
- retinopathy in diabetes mellitus;
- individual intolerance to medical ozone.
Important! The cosmetologist refuses to perform manipulation if the level of platelets in the blood decreases, during a period of prolonged bleeding (menstruation, other blood loss). The procedure is prohibited for patients under the influence of alcohol.
Any violations: the presence of contraindications, violation of the session technology are fraught with complications: prolonged pain, infection. Headache, depression, cramps, and itching may occur. The appearance of mild pain, swelling, bruising, and redness is considered a normal reaction to the intervention.
Advantages and disadvantages
Ozone therapy is recognized as an affordable option for maintaining healthy skin. The intervention is universal: it helps with various problems, as preventive support. Unlike mesotherapy and biorevitalization, the course of procedures takes less time and is less likely to cause complications. Ozone therapy does not require the purchase of complex, expensive devices.
Compared to similar injection procedures, ozone therapy is considered a more painful procedure. To obtain the intended effect, strict adherence to the methodology is necessary. A cosmetologist must have not only knowledge, but also experience. Ozone therapy is not recognized internationally. The safety of the intervention has not been confirmed by numerous studies.
Opinion of cosmetologists
Doctors are confident in the effectiveness of the positive effect of oxygen on the skin. The technique is often offered, but in most cases to improve the quality of the skin, in order to combat age spots, acne, and dark circles. To achieve rejuvenation, the effectiveness of ozone therapy is considered low. Doctors offer an option to support your general condition.
The cosmetologist questions the safety of the procedure.
The cosmetologist offers a technique along with other options that are similar in effectiveness.
The cosmetologist positively evaluates the technique.
Ozone therapy - indications and contraindications
“Ozone therapy can be recommended for people who are overweight,” says Margarita Manasyan. — It normalizes metabolic processes in the body and accelerates the destruction of fat deposits, thereby stimulating weight loss. Ozone therapy is especially effective after surgical liposuction. The procedure improves skin tone and visibly tightens it.”
In addition, ozone therapy treatment is indicated for other cosmetic problems.
- Cellulite . Ozone improves microcirculation in tissues, accelerates the destruction of subcutaneous fat, restores skin smoothness and helps fight the “orange peel” effect.
- Decreased skin turgor, appearance of wrinkles and stretch marks . Ozone therapy revitalizes cells, accelerates regeneration processes, stimulates cellular metabolism, which leads to skin rejuvenation.
- Skin rashes . The therapy has proven itself in the treatment of acne and acne. Ozone therapy for the face normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. And the accompanying bactericidal effect suppresses pathogenic microflora, reduces the severity of inflammatory processes, and accelerates healing.
According to reviews, ozone therapy not only has a noticeable external effect, renewing the skin and helping in the fight against excess weight. Actively feeding the body with oxygen normalizes the functioning of the circulatory system, which improves overall well-being and normalizes sleep. These positive changes will be a pleasant bonus for losing weight, rejuvenating your face and body.
The procedure has few contraindications: cancer, recent heart attack or stroke, acute pancreatitis or ozone intolerance. But, despite its safety and good tolerability, ozone therapy is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Patient reviews
Patients are more often satisfied with the results of the course of manipulations. The effect allows you to cleanse, heal the skin, and restore a healthy appearance to your face. The effect lasts for a long time. In some cases, patients panic, having received standard side effects, without waiting for the final result, they begin to criticize the technique.
The patient is satisfied with the results of ozone therapy courses.
The patient did not notice a lasting result from ozone therapy.
The patient praises the results of the course of procedures and talks about how long the effect lasts.
The patient panics without receiving the final result.
Ozone therapy for acne
Ozone not only has the ability to smooth the skin and eliminate age spots, it is one of the most effective means of combating rashes and their consequences.
The essence of the procedures, which consist of a course of therapy, is to inject the inflammation with a mixture of ozone and oxygen gases. To enhance the effect and quickly achieve the desired result, ozone therapy in case of acne is combined with magnetotherapy.
The depth to which the drug should be administered, as well as its dosage in each specific case, is determined by a specialist in accordance with the characteristics of the patient’s health condition.
As a rule, the complex consists of 4-6 procedures, which are carried out every 5 days. But up to 15 sessions may be required.
Most patients note positive dynamics after the first injections.
- softening of infiltrates;
- reducing the amount of exudate released (turbid fluid from inflammation);
- reduction of swelling and redness in the area of the rash.
In some cases, the number of procedures can increase to 10. Each of them is carried out using special creams with an anesthetic, since the introduction of the composition is a rather painful process.
Many people, fearing pain, are inclined to other methods of dealing with skin problems, for example, acid peeling.
Before carrying out ozone therapy, you must consult an ozone therapist who will examine your medical history and warn you about all possible side effects.