Comparison of Dysport and Botox: what is the difference? Characteristics table

Botox and Dysport are the two most famous and popular botulinum toxin preparations. Each of them has its own army of fans among patients, just as each of them has its own supporters among cosmetologists.

Knowing this, every person, when deciding to undergo botulinum therapy for the first time, tries to find out what will be better for him - Botox or Dysport, so that he can go to the clinic with a ready-made decision to inject one drug or another. Understanding the properties of these funds and making a specific choice is not so easy. Moreover, the most accessible source of information for comparison - reviews - are quite contradictory. Some people praise one drug, others another, and in most cases the information received cannot be applied to oneself, since the differences in the action and side effects of both drugs often greatly depend on the individual characteristics of the body. And reviews from doctors themselves are often too streamlined, not allowing a specific conclusion to be drawn.

It can be difficult to understand the properties of the products and the differences in their actions. This is an area mainly for professionals and narrow specialists who are well versed in the features of facial anatomy, the physiology of the human body and the laws of biochemistry in general. Therefore, when a future patient tries to find out how one of these drugs differs from another, he is lost among the abundance of professional information that is difficult to understand.

An experienced cosmetologist, having studied the characteristics of a particular patient’s body, decides which drug will help best cope with the problem.

Let's try to find out which drug is better - Botox or Dysport, and whether any of them have clear advantages. Moreover, we will try to answer these questions in the most understandable language, and at the same time we will give several of the most typical reviews, so that such a review is based not only on theoretical information, but also on the real experience of cosmetologists.


I have had experience with both Dysport and Botox. The first time I was injected with Botox, my face became rubbery, I really didn’t look like myself. At least yes, everything is as ordered, no wrinkles. A week ago I made a replacement and installed Dysport. Full complex - eyes, forehead, eyebrow area. 160 units, 14-something thousand. On the 4th day I got up and everything was perfect. Where necessary - smoothly, when necessary, all emotions are visible. Even if I laugh and my eyes are slits, there are no crow's feet. This is my drug, thanks to the doctor, I chose it well.

Victoria, Moscow

Brief description of both drugs

Despite the fact that they have the same active ingredient, the drugs have both similar features and some differences, which is why they were separated into separate types of products, each of which received its own original name.

The distinctive feature of each pharmaceutical product is its unique composition. Therefore, drugs of one group have other components, which determine their specific properties. Despite all the similarities and differences, Botox and Dysport share common goals - smoothing out wrinkles and eliminating hyperhidrosis.

Botox and Dysport serve the same purposes

Botulinum toxin causes the muscles to become unresponsive to nerve impulses, causing them to stop contracting. The tension in the muscle fibers begins to decrease, and the skin folds gradually smooth out. After such an intervention, a person will not be able to frown or squint for some time.

Important ! When the effect of botulinum toxin wears off, you will need to undergo a repeat procedure.

General view of drugs

Botox and Dysport are two different, but similar to each other in terms of the principle of action of the botulinum toxin drug.

Botox has been produced by the American corporation Allergan since 1989, being the earliest botulinum toxin drug on the market. It was he who made a kind of cosmetic revolution when it was discovered that introducing it into the facial muscles allows you to completely get rid of dynamic wrinkles. The rest of the products (including Dysport) began to be produced after this breakthrough and are therefore considered to be a kind of clones, even if sometimes more effective or safe.

On a note

Due to its popularity, the very name of the drug “Botox” has become a household name: this word is more often understood as any product based on botulinum toxin than a specific drug. Moreover, some patients even mistakenly make such blunders as phrases like “Botox Dysport.”

Dysport is a drug produced in France, approved for use in medicine and cosmetology since the early 2000s. While in Europe it had already become a serious competitor to Botox, in America - the largest market at that time - the drug was just beginning to spread, which led to the formation of Dysport’s status as “drug No. 2”.

However, the competent marketing policy of the leaders of “IPSEN Pharma” allowed their product to almost equalize Botox’s position in terms of sales volumes. This was primarily due to the fact that Dysport is cheaper than Botox.

It was precisely due to the lower cost that it opened up access to botulinum therapy to almost everyone: if only wealthy citizens and, to a lesser extent, representatives of the middle class could afford cosmetic procedures with Botox, then with the advent of Dysport, people with almost any income level could remove their wrinkles. Thus, botulinum therapy has become known and popular even in third world countries.

You can, for example, compare the prices for the use of Botox and Dysport in Russia: the introduction of a unit of the first product costs from 250 rubles, the second - from 165 rubles. Even though Botox is approximately 2.5 times more effective, resulting in less need for it, the cost of the doctor's work still makes it a more expensive drug.

Dysport is noticeably cheaper than Botox.


The first time I didn’t know what to choose, the doctor gave me Botox. He says it’s safer because it’s a proven drug. Well, it turned out well, there were no wrinkles. The second time too, but I also did Restylane on my cheekbones to tighten the skin. The doctor is still such a fighting woman, she’s about 50 years old, but she’s a tough professional, she offered everything in one day, but I heard somewhere that such procedures cannot be combined, they need to be done separately. We did everything at once, it turned out perfect. And then she went abroad and had to go to another doctor. And she likes Dysport more. It seems to be stabbing well, I did everything, now I’m waiting for the result. So, for comparison, I did Botox for 4,400 rubles, Dysport for 3,000. Tomorrow it should be clear whether the result is the same or something better...

Irina, from correspondence on the forum

And yet, despite the lower price, Dysport was unable to displace Botox from the market. The fact is that an even more significant difference between these drugs lies in some nuances that are not obvious at first glance, but are important for both the doctor and the patient. What are these subtleties?


Diffusion of botulinum toxin is the ability of the drug to penetrate structures located nearby. When choosing a drug, it is very important to take this feature into account. Dysport's diffusion rate is 29%, while Botox's is only 19%. This means that Dysport penetrates and distributes into skin cells better than Botox.

Dysport is better for the skin

Diffusion is directly related to the main side effects and consequences. Without her participation, not a single facial asymmetry or drooping eyelid will occur. However, this does not mean that this is an exclusively negative process.

Important ! Professional cosmetologists who know how to work with diffusion and predict its consequences know how to turn this phenomenon into a benefit for the patient.

Manufacturers of drugs for rejuvenation procedures

Botox and Dysport are difficult to distinguish simply because they are based on the same substance – botulinum toxin. Accordingly, the effect of these two substances will be almost the same. The direct difference between the drugs is, first of all, that they are produced by different companies - Botox for wrinkles was first produced by the American company Allergan, and Dysport is an achievement of the French company Beaufour Ipsen Pharma. Both of these drugs have been equally widely used throughout the world for several decades, which proves the effectiveness of each of them.

Due to the intense competition between the two companies, there is a real struggle to completely conquer the market. For these purposes, both manufacturers use a variety of marketing tactics, including assuring customers that the composition of their injection is more effective.

Indications for the use of botulinum toxin-containing drugs

The use of Botox and Dysport is indicated in the following situations:

  • facial folds near the eyes and mouth;
  • vertical or horizontal skin folds on the forehead, chin and neck;
  • increased sweating, manifested in a feeling of discomfort;
  • pronounced facial asymmetry;
  • sagging of soft tissues in the upper eyelid area.

Both products improve facial skin condition

The mechanism of action of both drugs is similar due to the fact that they contain a common component - botulinum toxin.

Botox was invented and patented in the USA; it has been used in cosmetology for more than two decades. The development of Dysport was carried out by the French. Due to the fact that development and testing ended relatively recently, it is one of the newest methods for skin rejuvenation, this is confirmed by reviews of cosmetologists.

Botox has been used for a long time, while Dysport began to be used recently


This is a German botulinum toxin drug that entered our market not so long ago - only in 2008. Its appearance created a real sensation, and a new type of botulinum toxin became a real alternative to Dysport.

But this does not mean at all that this product is better, they are just different and focused on different needs.

The peculiarity of Xeomin is that it contains botulinum toxin of the highest degree of purification.

Thanks to this, it is considered one of the safest on the market, and the active substances of Xeomin are almost never rejected by the immune defense.

One of the biggest differences between Xeomin and Botox is that it lacks stabilizing proteins, meaning it does not require refrigeration before opening.

Dermatologist Gretchen Freeling

Xeomin is safer for the body when compared with analogues, but the effect lasts up to 6 months. It is easier for doctors to use this drug, since the shelf life of Xeomin is up to 8 months without a special regimen.

The big advantage is that immediately after the injection you can go on vacation to sunny countries. Xeomin contains albumin, which makes it resistant to environmental influences, and most importantly, active facial expressions are maintained.

The effect of an emotionless, “stony face” is almost completely absent.

Due to the small size of the molecules, the action of the drug occurs in close proximity to the cellular tissue.

Therefore, the cost of Xeomin is an order of magnitude higher than Botox, as well as Dysport. But the effect of using such a substance is very short, therefore the tightening abilities are much weaker.

Theoretically, patients are less likely to develop antibodies to Xeomin due to a lack of attached proteins. So if a patient begins to notice that Botox is no longer working for them, Xeomin may be a good option.

Dermatologist Gretchen Freeling

Contraindications to the use of botulinum toxic drugs


  • individual intolerance to components;
  • hemophilia is a pathological inability of blood to clot;
  • existing infectious diseases;
  • neuralgic diseases or muscle atrophy;
  • diseases of the immune system, HIV infection, hepatitis or syphilis;
  • local diseases of the skin areas into which injections should be performed;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • people with mental illnesses or disorders.

Contraindications to the procedure for administering Botox or Dysport must be taken into account by the doctor during the examination.


There are some contraindications.


  1. allergic reaction or individual intolerance to one of the components of the drug;
  2. hemophilia - a disorder of normal blood clotting;
  3. if there are infectious diseases in the body (including if the symptoms are fever, chills and chills);
  4. for any diseases of a neuralgic nature, as well as muscle atrophy;
  5. if the patient is sick with HIV/AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis;
  6. in case of disturbances in the normal functioning of the immune defense in the body;
  7. for skin diseases in the area where injections will be made;
  8. pregnant women and mothers during breastfeeding;
  9. persons suffering from mental illnesses and disorders.

Preparation for the procedure

The preparatory period is necessary to make the effects of the drugs more effective, to reduce the risk of side effects and complications. Therefore, doctors recommend not to neglect preparatory measures. In addition, such preparation does not require particularly complex manipulations.

  • a week before the procedure, you must stop taking antibiotics and any other medications that affect blood clotting;
  • It is necessary to stop drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking tobacco.

You must follow all preparation rules

Botulinum toxin preparations

Dysport and Botox belong to the same group of botulinum toxin drugs. What are they? Botulinum toxin preparations are medications that block neuromuscular transmission. They consist of neurotoxin type A, produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. Neurotoxin type A is the most powerful poison known to medicine. Most often it is formed in contaminated home-canned products.

Eating such canned food can cause a serious illness - botulism. Botulism is a dangerous infectious disease that is accompanied by damage to the nervous system and which, without treatment, is fatal.

Trying to cure this disease, scientists noticed one ability of botulinum toxin - to block neuromuscular impulses. Interested in this fact, they made attempts to use it for medical purposes. And it turned out that highly diluted and purified botulinum toxin can be used to relax spasming muscles. Botulinum toxin in very small doses began to be used in ophthalmology.

Doctors who used drugs based on botulinum toxin drew attention to an interesting “side effect” - the disappearance of facial wrinkles in the area where the drug was administered. Thus, botulinum toxin has become the “star” of cosmetology.

In addition to Botox, there are other drugs based on botulinum toxin. Their difference lies in the amount of the drug in the bottle, the dosage method for one procedure, production technology, and the presence of excipients included in the composition, except for botulinum toxin. But it is worth remembering that the active substance in them is the same - botulinum toxin.

What complications can there be?

After the administration of Dysport and Botox, the following complications are possible:

  • dizziness, fever, headaches, fever and chills;
  • apathy, weakness and lethargy;
  • vomiting and attacks of nausea;
  • hematomas at injection sites, bruises and hyperemia;
  • pain syndrome, tightness of the epidermis, facial asymmetry, itching, burning and discomfort at the injection sites;
  • eversion of the upper eyelids, vision problems;
  • partial immobilization of muscle fibers;
  • complete paralysis of the facial muscles.

The administration of the drug may cause some complications

Complications after such procedures

But there is one significant drawback that disqualifies the drug Dysport in the eyes of many. Complications in case of incorrect injection of this drug can be very disastrous - atrophy of muscles that should not have been affected. If a medical error is made, the client will suffer. As a result, consequences such as drooping lips, eyelids and eyebrows may occur.

In the case of Botox, this risk is much lower. Because this drug does not spread after injection onto adjacent tissues, but remains strictly at the injection site. However, a skilled specialist can perform the procedure with Dysport without such consequences. Then the result will be even better than after using Botox.

Thanks to this fact, only one thing can be understood: you can trust your own health and beauty only to a proven professional who knows his business down to the smallest detail. When choosing a doctor to perform the procedure, you need to make sure that he has a certificate of completion of the appropriate certification, as well as long-term experience in this particular field.

If side effects do occur, the patient has no choice but to wait until the drug expires. This will take approximately one to three months. The patient also has the right to apply to the judicial authorities for compensation for moral damages, if he considers it necessary to do so.

Features of Dysport

Dysport is in great demand in cosmetology. Subcutaneous administration of this drug helps get rid of facial wrinkles. It can be used to treat many neurological diseases.

Dysport is a fairly strong medical remedy, often used to immobilize muscle groups and innervation. With the help of this drug you can fight pronounced problems.

Important ! Dysport is a fairly popular product in cosmetology.

Impact of Dysport

After the drug reaches the site of active action (the junction of muscles with nerve endings), the components of the drug stop transmitting electrical impulses. The muscle fibers relax, as a result of which wrinkles do not appear so clearly.

Dysport promotes muscle relaxation

Ultra-thin and safe needles are used to administer the drug, which makes injections minimally traumatic. The dosage of the drug is determined by the doctor in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient.

Important ! The dosage of Dysport depends on a number of reasons: the person’s age, the depth of the skin folds, the number of wrinkles and their location on the face, the general condition of the skin. Other factors are also taken into account.

To mark the treatment area as best as possible, the specialist asks the patient to smile broadly and sincerely, and then completely relax his face and return his expression of calm.

Dosage depends on many factors


The drug should be used:

  • to relieve the tone of muscle tissue that was unable to relax after a previous stroke;
  • with high sweating;
  • if there are “rays” in the eye area;
  • to smooth out wrinkles in the area between the eyebrows, on the nose or forehead;
  • for correcting skin in the neck and face.

Medicines will help improve your appearance

Dysport injections are not painful due to the fact that microscopic needles do not break the surface layers of the skin. The positive aspects of the procedure include its short duration - the session lasts from 10 to 30 minutes.

There is no recovery period required after the procedure. Due to these properties of sessions, during which botulinum toxin is injected into the skin, they are often called a “weekend session”.

There is no need to worry about the recovery period

Important ! Botulinum toxic drugs are characterized by an accumulation effect, which means that you should not expect lightning-fast results immediately after the session. The effect can be noticeable only about half a month after the session.

The result from the administration of the drug can remain stable for about 4 months. With proper facial skin care and strict compliance with all instructions, the effect of the procedure is extended for another 2 or 3 months.

The effect doesn't last that long

What is the difference

To compare these two drugs, it is necessary to conduct a full analysis of them, and only then draw conclusions.

Manufacturing company and duration of use

The manufacturer of Botox is the American company Allergan, which has been on the cosmetic market since 1981. Dysport® is much younger than Botox. It was produced by the French company Beaufour Ipsen Pharma. The experience of using this drug is significant; it has been produced since 1990.

Composition and safety

Each drug contains botulinum toxin type A to make it as safe as possible; it is pre-diluted to a safe concentration and purified in a special way. Botulinum acts on facial wrinkles where the injection is given, causing temporary paralysis, which smoothes them out.

The concentration of botulinum toxin type A may differ between the two products. Thus, the composition of Botox is based on 12.5 ng of botulinum toxin, as well as albumin and lactose.

Dysport® contains the following indicators: 5 ng botulinum toxin, albumin and sodium chloride.

Difference between filler and botox

In the field of cosmetology, there is a wide variety of procedures that help fight signs of age-related changes and help improve skin firmness and elasticity.

These differences in drug concentration represent differences in the activity of one unit of drug. So one unit of Botox corresponds to 3-4 units of Dysport®.

Regarding the safety of these products, many people mistakenly believe that the concentration of Botox is high and therefore more dangerous for humans. However, this opinion is incorrect.

As practice shows, more side effects are detected after using Dysport®, and it is more difficult for the body to tolerate. There are explanations for this:

  • The European is introduced into the body in larger quantities.
  • Dysport® contains smaller and more active substances that can penetrate into nearby muscles without requiring medication. And this sometimes leads to undesirable results.

Effect duration

It is impossible to say with certainty that one or another remedy is better and more effective, since the susceptibility of each organism is individual, and it can react differently to the composition of the drugs.

If you read the annotations for the drugs, as well as find out the statistical data, then the following is officially accepted as the effectiveness of the cosmetic products under discussion:

  • The effect of Dysport® lasts for 3-5 months, depending on the individual body.
  • The effect of Botox will last from 4 to 6 months.

Which is better: Relatox or Botox?

To preserve the beauty and youth of the skin, for several decades, beauty salon specialists have been offering their clients injections of botulinum toxin.

But, despite the short duration of the effect of Dysport®, a positive result on the face after its use will be visible within 3-4 days, while the result of Botox will appear only after 4-7 days.

These two drugs are united by the end result of smoothing out wrinkles at the injection site, which occurs on the 14th day.

Application areas

Dysport® is used for spasmodic muscles or increased tone. For cosmetic purposes, this drug is applied to the following areas:

  • When facial wrinkles appear on the forehead, in the corners of the eyes, on the bridge of the nose.
  • Corrects lips when the mouth and eyebrows are asymmetrically positioned.
  • It is used on the armpits , palms and feet if hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) is observed.
  • For preventive purposes, in order to eliminate senile skin atrophy.

Botox – primarily eliminates facial wrinkles. The following problems may be indications for use:

  • Wrinkles in the form of folds on the forehead and between the eyebrows.
  • Expression wrinkles in the corners of the eyes.
  • Wrinkles in the nasal area.

Diffusion of the drug in tissues

It is worth understanding how the diffusion of drugs occurs, that is, the penetration of the composition into neighboring tissues that do not need the drug. It is believed that this effect is higher with Dysport®, and penetration into adjacent areas of Botox is unlikely.

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In some cases, such diffusion can have a beneficial effect on a person's appearance. So, despite the main side effect of this condition - sagging tissue that did not need the drug, a natural transition is created, invisible to others.

When choosing a drug, there is no emphasis on the positive or negative of diffusion, you just need to be aware of the consequences of Botox and Dysport®.

For example, when injecting into the eye area, Botox preparations are recommended to avoid side effects. But getting rid of wrinkles around the mouth or on the forehead, you can look more natural after using Dysport®.

Possible side effects

When botulinum toxin is administered in small doses, the body will react to it calmly. But sometimes, if the wrong dosage was chosen, sterility rules were violated, or the injection point was incorrectly determined, side effects may occur.

These include:

  • Loss of sensitivity in the face, it becomes numb and becomes like a mask.
  • Swelling , skin itching and redness, which on average lasts up to two weeks.
  • Less commonly , fever, flu symptoms, nausea, headache, difficulty breathing.

Since Dysport® and Botox preparations contain toxic substances, the procedure must be carried out by a specialist. Even the slightest inaccuracy when injecting with these drugs is unacceptable. All this can lead to facial asymmetry.


Dysport® and Botox do not differ in a number of contraindications to the use of drugs; the following health problems may serve as a contraindication:

  1. Individual intolerance.
  2. Hemophilia.
  3. Chronic respiratory diseases.
  4. Infectious process at the injection site.
  5. Somatic diseases in the acute stage.
  6. Muscle weakness (myasthenia gravis).
  7. Myopia (high degree of myopia).
  8. Endocrine diseases.
  9. Cancerous tumors.
  10. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  11. Taking certain medications.
  12. Predisposition to edema.
  13. Recent surgeries on the facial area.


For many, the price of the drug plays an important role, but not everything is so simple. A procedure with Botox will cost 3-4 times more But it is worth taking into account the fact that its correction will be carried out as much, or less often, and the price will be the same.


Speaking about the effectiveness of drugs, there is still debate, since almost no clinical studies have been conducted on this matter. You can only rely on consumer reviews, which say that after using the drug Dysport®, the effect is noticeable within 1-4 days; when using Botox, the visible result appears on 4-7 days after the procedure.

Possibility of toxin neutralization

One dose of Botox contains less botulinum toxin than one dose of Dysport®. Therefore, it is easier and faster to neutralize the effect of the first drug.

Even after each drug has been analyzed, there is no clear opinion. Currently, both Botox and Dysport® are actively used in cosmetology practice and quite successfully, in addition, each product has appropriate certificates indicating that they have been clinically tested.

The patient himself does not have the appropriate knowledge to independently choose the drug. This should be done by a specialist who not only has practice with these medications, but is also aware of the patient’s problems in order to decide what is best to use.

Features of Botox

The use of Botox is one of the most effective ways to immobilize muscle groups and get rid of wrinkles.

Botox injections are as painless as Dysport injections, thanks to very small needles that are unable to injure the skin.

Patients rarely experience discomfort when receiving Botox.

Important ! Botox can be injected not only into the facial muscles, but also into the décolleté, neck and arm areas.

The drug must be diluted to the required concentration in order to affect the selected area with the required strength.

Botox must be diluted before injection.

If you experience excessive sweating, Botox will be most effective. If the procedure is performed by a qualified specialist with extensive experience, and the patient follows all medical instructions and prescriptions after the session, the possibility of side effects and complications is minimized.

Only a qualified specialist can be trusted to administer Botox.

The main advantages of Botox include positive dynamics after just one use of the drug. After just three days, your face will look fresher and younger, and your skin will glow as if it were young.

Important ! With proper care, the effect of the procedure can last for a long period, up to 1 year.

The effect can last up to a year

Botox helps improve your appearance!

In addition to age-related changes in the form of wrinkles on the face, neck and décolleté, Botox and Dysport allow you to achieve the following results in improving your appearance:

  • Getting rid of the double chin and improving the oval of the face (the double chin, hated by many women and men, significantly worsens the overall appearance).
  • Improving the shape of the lips. Which is the most popular procedure using Dysport or Botox for the face in recent years. Most often, clients strive to make their lips plumper and sexier.
  • Raises the corners of the brows to create a more open and fresh look.
  • Combating excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis. Both men and women seek Botox or Dysport injections to combat excessive sweating. This deficiency significantly reduces the quality of life, makes one refuse to wear certain types of clothing and becomes embarrassed when this kind of embarrassment arises at festive events. Botulinum toxin has a blocking effect on nerve impulses. As a result, sweating becomes impossible.

The difference between Dysport and Botox

So what is the difference between these means and is there any? Both drugs have proven themselves to be highly effective cosmetics that undergo clinical testing in a timely manner. There are not many differences between them, but they still exist.

The greatest effect from the use of Dysport and Botox can be noted after two weeks, but the result obtained from the use of Dysport is more noticeable. According to cosmetologists, it works better than Botox when there is a need for quick correction of wrinkles.

It is noted that the effect of Dysport is more noticeable

Important ! If you need to get quick rejuvenation, then you need to use Dysport, and if you want to extend the effect of the procedure for a longer period, then Botox will help with this.

If a non-professional or inexperienced specialist works with Dysport, the patient may suffer complications in the form of asymmetry of the eyebrows or face, as well as ptosis of the upper eyelid. In this case, in order to avoid such complications, it is better to use Dysport to correct dynamic wrinkles in the area of ​​the forehead and bridge of the nose, and use Botox for the eye area.

It is important to contact only professionals

The price of drugs also varies. One unit of the active ingredient Botox costs significantly more than the same amount of Dysport. Many may conclude that it is more profitable to purchase Dysport, but a specialist in the procedure will warn that to obtain a solution with the required concentration of Dysport, 3 times more is consumed than Botox. After calculations, we can conclude that the cost of both drugs is practically no different.

Botox is more expensive than Dysport, but more of the latter is needed for the procedure

Important ! From the moment of production, Botox can be stored for 2 years, and Dysport - no more than a year. Once diluted, both solutions should be used within 1 hour.

There are some differences between the drugs regarding their activity and composition. One Botox ampoule contains 5 units. botulinum toxin - this is equivalent to 100 units. activity. The contents of an ampoule with Dysport are 12.5 units. botulinum toxin, which equates to 500 units. activity.

There is a difference in the composition of the drug

Without understanding it, we can conclude that Dysport is much more economical and profitable than its competitor. However, ordinary people are not pharmacists or doctors and cannot know that the active units of both drugs are not equal. Three units of activity of Dysport correspond to one unit of Botox.

Important ! Botox is a proven medical product that has been approved and certified by the European and American Associations that control the quality of products and medications. Dysport has only a guarantee of European quality.

Botox has been tested by time and various organizations, but Dysport has not been tested so thoroughly

At first glance, it may seem that Botox is a higher quality drug, since it is produced in the USA and has been on the cosmetic market for 10 years longer than its arch-competitor. Of course, the results and mechanisms of Botox have been better studied than those of its French counterpart. However, this does not mean that Dysport is less popular or that only a limited number of people use it; on the contrary, it is very actively used by specialists.

Dysport, despite some factors, is as popular as Botox

The fundamental difference between Botox and Dysport

Both drugs contain the same active ingredient, but differ in the set of auxiliary components and the strength of the drug as a whole.

It is also useful to read: The use of botulinum therapy in cosmetology: botulinum toxin injections

The main active component of both drugs is botulinum toxin type A (hemagglutinin complex). This long name hides a common toxin produced by clostridia, the causative agent of botulism, maximally purified from other bacterial proteins and other substances, but associated with auxiliary proteins (their task in the body is to help the toxin penetrate the cell).

Mechanism of action of botulinum toxin.

Differences in purification technologies require that these products be considered different drugs, since one cannot be sure that they contain the same complex-forming proteins in quantity and properties. For this reason, the active ingredient in Botox is called onabotulinumtoxin, and Dysport is called abobotulinumtoxin.

The onabotulinumtoxin molecule in Botox is the largest among all molecules of similar drugs. Its mass is on average 900 kDa, and the number of complex-forming proteins is maximum.

The abobotulinumtoxin molecule in Dysport is smaller and lighter - its average mass is 700 kDa. It is believed that since this is due to a smaller amount of hemagglutinating proteins, it is in this difference that the differences in the effectiveness of the drugs in question lie.

On a note

Research shows that in an already prepared solution, most of the botulinum toxin molecules are in free form, being separated from complexing proteins. And if Botox has approximately 85% of such free molecules, then with Dysport all the molecules in the injected solution are separated from these auxiliary structural units.

Further, these products contain various auxiliary components. Both contain human albumin, but Botox additionally contains sodium chloride, and Dysport contains lactose. It is impossible to judge on the basis of these data which drug is better - the only difference here is that in very rare cases the patient may have lactose intolerance.

Lactose (milk sugar), which is part of Dysport, can cause an allergic reaction if the patient has an individual intolerance to this substance.

Thus, we can conclude that there are no differences in the composition of Botox and Dysport that are important for the patient. But it is precisely these compositional nuances that cause quite noticeable differences in the dosages of the drugs used.

Doctor's review

In general, Dysport and Botox cannot be compared. These are completely different drugs, although they have the same active ingredient. At a minimum, Botox does not diffuse into the tissue; it will not leak from the injection site. But Dysport can and does leak. Another point is that when they talk about prices, they forget that the main cost of the procedure is the doctor’s salary. Well, you will get a saving of 12-20 rubles per unit. Is this critical for you? But the safety profiles of the drugs vary. In Holland, even the court ordered Ipsen Pharma to admit that their drug has no similarity with Botox. And also keep in mind: the Chinese have already learned how to fake Botox. I’m not talking about their Lantox, which is not like normal drugs, but even the cheapest Russian drugs cannot be replaced. It was the fake Botox that was discovered, which doesn’t work well and gives a lot of side effects. So my advice: go to good cosmetologists and don’t chase savings of 200 rubles.

Oksana Dmitrievna, cosmetologist

Popular questions

Which drug should you give preference to?

As mentioned above, both drugs contain the same active ingredient. Therefore, the mechanism of action of these drugs is almost similar. Differences may include price, concentration and long-lasting results. A cosmetologist will tell you what is best to use in each specific case.

If you have excessive sweating, which remedy will be more effective?

Botox will show the best results. The resulting effect will last for quite a long time.

Botox is more effective in treating the problem of sweating

Is it possible to combine the administration of Dysport and the consumption of alcoholic beverages?

After administration of the drug, it is necessary to refrain from drinking strong and weak alcoholic beverages during the first week. They can neutralize the effect of the drug.

Is it possible to have Dysport injections during pregnancy?

In no case. This is one of the main contraindications to the procedure.

Is it possible to undergo the procedure without stopping taking antibiotics?

Any medication can be taken only 2-3 weeks after the procedure.

You need to wait six months before taking antibiotics

When does the drug start working?

A visible result can be noted within a day after the session; it gradually becomes more noticeable and reaches its maximum after 12–15 days.

You need to wait two weeks for the drug to take full effect.

How should you behave after the procedure?

After the drug has been administered, you should not visit the solarium, sauna or bathhouse. You should not drink alcohol or strong drinks, such as coffee. It is necessary to exclude spicy and fatty foods from the diet. Making face masks is also not recommended.

Is swelling possible after administration of the drug?

In the first days after the procedure, slight swelling may appear, but it goes away fairly quickly.

How often can I have the procedure?

The best option is to take 1 or 2 courses during the year.

It is necessary to administer drugs once or twice a year

Question answer

You need to understand that all these products have the same active ingredient - botulinum toxin. That is why the drugs act almost identically. They have differences in cost, concentration, and duration of effect. But what is better to choose, the doctor will tell you.

A more pronounced effect can be obtained after the administration of Botox. In addition, the results after it are longer lasting.

This drug is quite similar to those listed above. It is also used to combat expression lines. The significant difference lies in the use of gelatin rather than albumin protein. That is why the product rarely provokes allergies.

The main rules of the recovery period

Although it is generally accepted that such procedures do not require a recovery period and rehabilitation, following the rules will avoid unpleasant consequences.

Regular care of the treatment area and strict adherence to medical recommendations will make the recovery period after the procedure painless and short-lived. The possibility of side effects and complications will also be minimized.

Following the rules will prevent possible problems from arising.

10 golden rules

  1. You should not leave the clinic immediately after the procedure. It is better to spend a couple of hours in a medical facility under the supervision of specialists.
  2. It is not recommended to lie down or bend over for several hours after the procedure.
  3. If irritation occurs at the injection sites, applying a cold compress can relieve it.
  4. You should not take any medications during this period, as the body can produce any reaction.
  5. You need to get used to the fact that the facial muscles will be in a “stupor” and not try to use them.
  6. If the injection sites itch or hurt, it is strictly forbidden to touch them, much less scratch them.
  7. For a week after the session, it is forbidden to massage the skin of the face, tan or swim.
  8. Under no circumstances should you use cosmetics with abrasive particles in the first weeks after the session.
  9. You shouldn’t get carried away with physical activity – it’s better to abstain from it for a while. Sweat released during sports gets into the punctures and causes irritation; in this case, infections cannot be ruled out.
  10. For two weeks after the session you must refrain from drinking alcohol and smoking.

Important ! For several months after injections, you should forget about using the following antibiotics: kanamycin, erythromycin and monomycin.

It is important to adhere to certain rules during the recovery period

Features of the drugs

A medicinal substance that includes botulinum toxin has been successfully used in medicine to block seizures, spasms and paralysis. Observations of patients allowed us to notice an interesting side effect: the patients’ facial expressions became less pronounced, and wrinkles smoothed out. This secondary result for medicine was adopted by cosmetologists. This is how the famous Botox and Dysport injections appeared.

What unites these two drugs is the main active ingredient - synthesized botulinum toxin. In fact, it is an artificially derived poison that paralyzes muscle fibers. At the same time, the doses of a toxic product that are used in cosmetology are microscopic and insignificant for the client’s health and do not have any particular effect on the condition of the body.

But what an amazing result can be achieved thanks to botulinum toxin, using it for aesthetic purposes! Turning back time, regaining lost youth and beauty has now become possible without the use of radical surgical methods.

To find out how Botox differs from Dysport , you need, first of all, to clarify the features of each product separately.

Botox beauty injections

The drug began to gain its popularity back in the 80s of the last century, as soon as clinical trials were completed in America in 1981, and the Allergan company released Botox into mass production. Famous Hollywood film stars and representatives of the aristocratic elite were the first to try the miraculous beauty injection.

Botox contains:

  • botulinum toxin type A - 5 ng (nanograms);
  • sodium chloride - 0.9 mg;
  • albumin - 0.5 mg.

The use of this drug for several decades allows us to confidently speak not only about its effectiveness, but also about the absence of negative reactions to human health in the future.

Botox injections use ultra-thin needles. The injection is given subcutaneously in certain muscle areas. When botulinum toxin gets inside, temporary local paralysis and weakening of the muscle fibers that form wrinkles occurs. During the period while the muscles are in a relaxed state, the surface of the skin is leveled and stabilized.

Despite the apparent simplicity of the procedure, all manipulations must be carried out by a certified cosmetologist in this field. It is very important to accurately diagnose not only the desired area for injection, but also determine the depth of injection of the substance.

The maximum visible result from a Botox injection occurs 10-14 days after the procedure. And the effect lasts from 4-7 months. The duration of action of the drug depends on the individual characteristics of the body, as well as on the severity of the original problem.

The effects of Botox can be weakened by:

  • alcohol consumption;
  • use of antibiotics;
  • the use of peelings and hardware procedures for facial cleansing.

You should avoid visiting baths and saunas in the first weeks after using Botox. And also limit physical activity and sports.

Dysport injections

This drug has also been known to medicine for several decades. It has been approved for use in cosmetology since 2002. It was developed by French scientists, and today this cosmetic product is produced by Beaufour Ipsen Pharma.

Dysport is a modern analogue of Botox. It contains the same botulinum toxin, just in a different dosage.

Composition of Dysport:

  • botulinum toxin type A - 12.5 ng;
  • lactose - 2.5 mg;
  • albumin - 0.125 mg.

The increased dose of the active substance is balanced by the low concentration of the drug. This allows you to more accurately adjust the amount of product used. To obtain a similar effect, 1 unit of Botox corresponds to approximately 2.5-3 units of Dysport. But at the same time, the lower concentration of Dysport allows it to be used more effectively for the correction of minor facial wrinkles.

You can enjoy the results of the procedure and observe the maximum effect of Dysport in just a few days. The effects of the drug, unlike Botox, will end faster and last on average 4-6 months.

It is important to remember that alcohol, antibacterial medications, and salon facial cleansing have a detrimental effect on the effect of Dysport injections. They can significantly shorten their effectiveness.

Despite its later entry into the global cosmetology and beauty industry, Dysport has successfully passed clinical trials and passed international certification for compliance with all safety standards.

Cost of drugs

As discussed earlier, the cost of both drugs is almost the same. But it is worth keeping in mind that the Dysport procedure requires more than its analogue in order to get the same result.

In all beauty salons, the cost of the drug is individual.

MeansApproximate cost of 1 unit of the drug
Botox350 rub.
Dysport150 rub.

But even one procedure requires a large number of units of the drug. Therefore, taking into account the amount of work, a skin correction session will range from 3 to 15 thousand rubles.

The price is worth the result you can get

Research on extending the duration of action of drugs (2020)

Galderma has announced research on Dysport, which is considered the main competitor to Botox.

Experts decided to check whether it was possible to somehow increase the duration of action of botulinum toxin. That is why it was decided to increase the dosage. But the question arose: is it safe for humans?

As is known, before the procedure, the neurotoxin is diluted, taking into account the manufacturer’s instructions. In this study, the single dose was increased.

401 people agreed to participate in the experiment. Their age was 18-65 years. 3/4 of this group were injected with a more concentrated drug, the rest received the usual injections.

What did the study show?

For 9 months, specialists observed the participants. It was found that increasing the dosage does not harm human health.

But the interesting thing is that the best result was in patients who were injected with a drug with a higher concentration.

In addition, the duration of the effect increased to 9 months.

This study showed that if you increase the concentration of Dysport, you can achieve a better and longer-lasting effect without harm to health.

Plastic surgeon John Joseph (Beverly Hills, California)

After that, other products, Xeomin and Botox, underwent the same tests. The result of the experiment is the same.

The reason for this study was the emergence of the newest drug from Revance. It has been studied by the FDA and is expected to receive approval.

As a result, a serious competitor will appear for current neurotoxins, since the effect after Revance lasts up to 7 months.

In order not to lose their position in the market, Dysport manufacturers began to fuss, so they decided to experiment.

But if the dosage increases, the cost of the drug will increase, which will affect the price of the procedure itself. But the good news is that you will not need to visit the doctor as often due to the increase in the duration of the effect.


Natalia, Voronezh

“I went through the procedure several times to inject botulinum toxin. In this case, either Dysport or Botox was used. I came to a conclusion: both drugs are quite effective and I don’t find any fundamental differences in them. The first procedures caused a contradictory impression: wrinkles disappeared, but the face turned into a stone mask. After I changed specialists, the situation changed for the better. Now the face retains a lively expression. It seems to me that it is best to find a good specialist who can make a choice in favor of any drug.”

The girls are extremely pleased with the results of the procedures

Claudia, Sergiev Posad

“As a child, I often squinted at the sun. When I got older, I realized that this is fraught with wrinkles - and I was not mistaken. Unsightly folds appeared in the corners of the eyes and between the eyebrows. I was advised to have injections. I chose Botox as the drug and was right. The result is stunning. A repeat session was required only a year later. Then the doctor recommended Dysport to me. At first I wanted to follow the rules, but curiosity got the better of me and I agreed, but I didn’t see any big difference. Both had a simply amazing effect.”

Which is better - Dysport, Botox or Xeomin, what's the difference?

All these drugs are used to relax muscle tissue, and thus smooth out wrinkles on the face, neck, décolleté and hands.

The main difference can be considered the chronological severity of the effect.

After Botox, the result becomes noticeable already on the third day, and after Dysport - after 2 weeks.

However, it can be stored for a long time and not exposed to the external environment, maintaining all its qualities.

Drug nameAdvantagesFlaws
Xeomin1. Can be stored at room temperature (not exceeding 22 - 25 C). 2. Does not contain specific proteins that form a complex, so the immune defense does not reject it. 3. Has a reduced risk of addiction to the active substance. 4. Does not cause persistent addictive effects. 5. Due to the small size of the molecules, the risk of sagging soft tissues (which are located directly next to the treatment area) is minimal. 6. A small dose of the drug is required for use. 1. The drug is not effective enough in the treatment of excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) in humans. 2. The results are less durable than those of identical drugs. 3. Currently not well studied.
Dysport1. The effect appears very quickly. 2. Works great on crow's feet around the eyes. 3. Guarantees minimal risk of loss of elasticity of soft tissues around the treatment area. 1. The effect lasts up to 6 months, it is not durable, it is short-term. 2. It has a weakly concentrated proportion of the active substance, so consumption is less economical.
Botox1. Very effective in the area of ​​the eyes and eyebrows, as well as the mouth. 2. It has no equal for injections into the palms, armpits, etc. 1. Can cause the effect of a stony, lifeless face. 2. The natural shape of the face may change.

The interesting thing is that some people may notice that, for example, Dysport takes effect faster. While others say the same about Botox. This also applies to the duration of the effect.

Dermatologist Gretchen Freeling

On the popularity of drugs among specialists

It just so happens that Russian specialists prefer to work only with Botox, believing that it is much higher quality and more economical than its analogues. Therefore, should they ask questions about its effectiveness and reliability if a person has long ago decided on his preferences and made a choice in favor of Botox? But in this situation, you can be sure that he knows how to work with it and knows all the nuances of the procedure.

It would be a good idea to ask your doctor which drug would be best.

It is best to visit a clinic that practices the use of both drugs. There they will be able to provide you with any information: customer reviews, their before and after photographs. You can even see the procedure being performed in the clinic. In a salon where they practice only one correction method, you won’t be able to hear about the disadvantages and advantages of different analogues. There will be an emphasis on only one type of drug.

Important ! Of course, such an assessment is not considered adequate and honest, so it cannot help you in your choice.

The effect of which product lasts longer?

It is widely believed that Botox lasts longer than Dysport.

Thus, in most reviews, patients at beauty salons report that when using Botox, the duration of the effect is on average 7-9 months. Similar reports from patients who received Dysport injections indicate an average duration of effect of about 6-7 months.

The exact reason for these differences cannot be stated. If the effect of the drugs themselves is the same in strength, then their effect on the target muscles is identical and there seem to be no prerequisites for faster restoration of wrinkles with Dysport injection. Moreover, the mechanism of muscle inactivation when using both drugs is the same.

Moreover, there is reason to believe that information about such differences is greatly exaggerated. Both when using Dysport and when using Botox injections, the duration of the effect can be either longer than average or shorter than it. What it will be in each specific case depends only on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the psychological factor: if the patient was given more expensive Botox, it will be more difficult for him to admit (including to himself) that the duration of the product was shorter than he expected. Consequently, the number of such reports and reviews is generally less than reports about the shorter duration of action of Dysport.

It is also useful to read: Undesirable consequences for the face from Botox injections

But something else is more important: special clinical studies have not revealed a difference in the duration of action of these drugs. These studies were carried out over a long period of time to determine differences in the duration of the effect between different patients, and, if these differences were found, to find out what caused them. As a result, after precise measurements, the researchers concluded that the duration of action of both muscle relaxants is approximately the same.

Clinical studies have proven that the effect of both Botox and Dysport is almost the same in duration.

Doctor's review

You need to be very careful with different substitutes and combinations. There was a case in the clinic when a patient had threads placed two days after Dysport, while he was still getting up. So her entire forehead was swollen, including the bridge of her nose and eyelids. And this horror lasted for a month and a half. And when I got off, Dysport didn’t take up. Then I tried again - the same reaction. Then she wanted to inject Refinex, but she was convinced and switched to Botox. In general, here you need to listen to your doctor.

Evgenia Nikolaevna, Moscow

It is interesting that the same results are shown by the drugs in question during studies of their effect in the treatment of various pathologies - hyperhidrosis, spasms, urinary incontinence. When using the products in correctly calculated dosages, there is practically no difference in their effectiveness.

There are also reviews that for some people Dysport does not give results at all. However, the same situations happen with Botox, and it is impossible to check the ratio of reliable reviews about both drugs. Data from clinical studies show that there are no significant differences in the rate of unsuccessful procedures between these drugs.

On a note

According to statistics, approximately 5% of patients are not at all sensitive to botulinum toxin preparations. Neither Botox nor Dysport affects their wrinkles.

There is a certain category of patients for whom neither Botox nor Dysport produce positive results.

Photos before and after

Photos before and after using Botox No. 1

Photos before and after using Botox No. 2

Photos before and after using Dysport No. 1

Photos before and after using Dysport No. 2


Dysport, a drug based on a neuroparalytic poison, is a type of Botox and is used in a concentration that is safe for health and life. Dysport, getting into the tissue, blocks the nerve impulse that leads to muscle contraction. As a result, for a certain period of time, the muscles are in a relaxed state, and wrinkles simply disappear.

Dysport is injected into the upper part of the face: the forehead and eye area. After the injection, it is very difficult to squint your eyes or frown. The effect of the drug lasts from 6 months to a year, and the neurotoxin is completely eliminated from the body. Usually the procedure is repeated 2-3 times a year. The drug Dysport has been used for more than 10 years, it has been tested in 100 countries.

Contraindications and side effects are no different from drugs based on botulinum toxin, but, according to many cosmetologists, working with Botox is easier. As with other injection techniques, the results of working with Dysport depend on the experience and professionalism of the cosmetologist.

Dysport competes very successfully with Botox due to its low cost and therapeutic effect. Manufactured by Dysport, a European pharmaceutical company.

Let's sum it up

After carefully studying the properties of these drugs, it's time to find out which is better - Dysport or Botox.

Based on the research results, the following points were derived.

  1. Botox is much cleaner, since it does not contain various impurities.
  2. The results of using Botox last longer.
  3. The Botox effect lasts much longer than its French counterpart.
  4. Botox has few side effects.

When choosing a drug, you should listen to the opinion of a professional. You should not rely only on your choice - a specialist is aware of many nuances that no one will initiate you into. Such procedures cannot be carried out at home; such proposals must be nipped in the bud. Botulinum therapy is a medical procedure, and only a specially trained person can perform it. Such skin correction should be carried out exclusively in medical offices and by certified specialists. Otherwise, anything can happen, such as muscle atrophy or pinched nerves, which can cause facial deformation and even disability.

Try to find a clinic or salon with an impeccable reputation and qualified staff. Do not hesitate to ask for documentation from the clinic you are visiting. Remember that it is easier to prevent any problem than to eradicate it. Watch your facial expressions in order to get “beauty injections” as late as possible.

Selection rules

What conclusions can be drawn as a result? Dysport is cheaper, but the cost of the final effect with its use is the same as with Botox. Judging by the available information, it can be assumed that the effect on the face after Dysport will last slightly less than after Botox, but this duration depends on the sensitivity of the individual patient. In the same way, depending on the individual characteristics of the body, unwanted side effects appear when using these drugs.

All this means that choosing the best one of these drugs on your own is pointless. The specific result of using a particular product in a specific person can only be checked after injections. However, in some cases, a cosmetologist, based on his experience, can, with some degree of probability, determine in advance which drug will be preferable for a given patient.

When choosing a drug, you should first of all rely on the opinion of an experienced, qualified specialist.

Almost always you need to inject the product that was used previously and gave the desired result. Changing it in an attempt to make it even better is not only undesirable, but also dangerous - the body’s reaction can be unpredictable. Therefore, if you have already had experience with botulinum therapy, the cosmetologist must tell you which product was administered previously.

If severe side effects occurred during previous use of one of the drugs, this should also be reported to your doctor. He will decide which product to use instead and whether it is worth repeating botulinum therapy at all.

So, it is impossible to say unequivocally which is better – Botox or Dysport. In some situations, one of these drugs will be preferable, in others, the other. In some cases, there are no clear advantages of one drug over another, and in others, neither of them can be used. You won’t be able to figure this out using the Internet, forums or reviews alone, and only a specialist with special training and experience should make a decision about using Botox or Dysport. Therefore, the patient’s task is not to choose a drug, but a cosmetologist, who will decide which product is best to inject to obtain the maximum effect.

Useful video about choosing between Botox and Dysport: expert opinion

The effect of provoking the body to produce antibodies

The body's production of antibodies may block the effects of the injections. This happens when large doses of the drug are used or small doses are used, but too often. After which, upon repeated use, the desired effect does not occur or it will be very weak.

Note! The body can produce antibodies after the first use if it has previously been vaccinated against diseases caused by botulinum toxin. When the injection is carried out correctly, from 20 to 60 units of the drug are injected into the muscles.

Antibodies are produced in the body when more than 200 units are administered. An overdose of Dysport injections is unlikely, and when using Botex it is virtually impossible. Botex gives a visible effect after each application.

Table 1. Difference between Botex and Dysport

Features of the drugBotoxDysport
Recognition of global companies for quality control of drugs used in aesthetic cosmetology and body plastic surgeryBotox, unlike Dysport, has been tested by the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) and NIBSC (UK Government Agency).Dysport was recognized as truly effective only in NIBSC.
PurposeInjections to eliminate facial wrinkles
Primary resultFor 4-7 daysFor 1-4 days
Maximum effectFor 10-14 daysFor 10-14 days
Accuracy of actionAffects only the injection siteAffects not only the injection site, but also neighboring areas
EfficiencyThe result lasts 14 weeksthe result lasts 7 weeks
Shelf life2 years2 years
ContraindicationsPregnancy, lactation, oncology, blood clotting problems, age
Side effectsRash, itching, dizziness, nausea, partial facial paralysis, increased fatigue, diarrhea, lacrimation, swelling, numbness at the injection site
CompoundBotulinum toxin, albumin, sodium chlorideBotulinum toxin, albumin, lactose
Concentration1 unit of Botex contains 2-2.5 units of Dysport
Average cost per 1 unit.300100
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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