Diamond grinding (cleaning) of the face. Reviews, photos before and after peeling

Diamond facial peeling has recently become increasingly popular. This cosmetic procedure belongs to the group of mechanical peelings, which are also popularly called “face resurfacing.” And indeed, thanks to solid particles, this peeling is able to polish the skin, removing dead cells and old layers of the epidermis, allowing the skin to renew itself. Read: How to choose a good cosmetologist?

What is diamond grinding

Diamond dermabrasion is one of the effective methods of mechanical peeling. The essence of the technique is to superficially cleanse the epidermis to activate natural skin renewal processes. Peeling is carried out using a special vacuum apparatus.

The method is micropolishing of the surface layer of the epidermis using maniples - a set of coated diamond heads, which differ in diameter and degree of granularity, in order to correct various skin imperfections, even out the relief, and trigger the regeneration of cells and tissues.

The principle of cosmetic diamond dermabrasion is to polish an uneven surface; instead of abrasive compounds, diamond crystals specially processed by a laser are used. The technique allows you to act evenly on the skin, exfoliating its upper layers and without leaving behind mechanical damage in the form of wounds or scratches.

By individually selecting the rotation speed and intensity of the diamond attachment, the skin is micro-polished to perfect smoothness. The method combines simultaneously 2 principles of influence - vacuum massage and peeling.

As a result, this technology allows you to achieve the following aesthetic effects:

  • eliminate uneven terrain - wrinkles, creases, small scars, scars and acne marks;
  • deeply cleanse the epidermis of impurities and dead cells;
  • start regeneration processes, the mechanism of cell division in the epidermal layers;
  • stimulate local blood circulation for increased flow of oxygen and nutrients;
  • stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin for natural rejuvenation;
  • even out skin tone, eliminate hyperpigmentation.

Thanks to double exposure, a course of diamond dermabrasion procedures allows you to cleanse the skin, even out the relief and eliminate various defects, as well as restore tone and achieve rejuvenation results through vacuum massage.

Approximate prices for diamond peeling in salons

High cost - this is the only minutes of diamond peeling procedures. In beauty salons in Moscow and St. Petersburg, prices for one procedure vary from 4 to 6 thousand rubles. It should be noted, however, that the popularity of this type of peeling does not fall even due to the high cost of the procedures, because the very high efficiency significantly outweighs this annoying minus.


Diamond resurfacing is an effective way to aesthetically correct facial skin; reviews from cosmetologists on this technique are mostly positive. Despite the minimal risk of developing negative side effects and the painlessness of the method, there are a number of contraindications in the presence of which the resurfacing procedure should not be used.

Cosmetologists strictly do not recommend dermabrasion sessions in the following cases:

  • if there is an intolerance to the effects of diamond dust, which covers the hands of the device;
  • the body has not sufficiently restored its immunity after a protracted illness;
  • for hyperkeratosis, scleroderma, any infectious diseases;
  • if there are moles, hemangiomas, open wounds, mechanical damage, burns in the treatment area;
  • in the presence of fungal or bacterial rashes, skin diseases in the acute stage;
  • with rosacea, if the blood vessels are dilated;
  • if there are tumors of an oncological nature on the skin;
  • with heart disease, presence of a pacemaker;
  • for diseases of an epileptic nature, autoimmune disorders, asthma;
  • during pregnancy.

It is not recommended to carry out procedures during menstruation, the lactation period, or on skin after prolonged exposure to the sun with traces of burns. If you feel unwell due to exacerbation of chronic diseases, acute respiratory viral infections, poisoning, the microresurfacing procedure should be postponed until complete recovery.

Indications for diamond peeling

  • Enlarged pores on the skin.
  • Pigmentation , age spots, freckles.
  • Wrinkles , sagging facial skin.
  • Dull, tired, lifeless skin .
  • The presence of post-acne, scars, wrinkles , scars, comedones on the skin.
  • Cellulite (body peeling).
  • Acne , clogged pores.
  • Ingrown hair on the face and body.
  • Oily skin prone to acne formation and clogged pores.
  • Stretch marks on the skin of the body.
  • Very uneven, bumpy surface of the skin .
  • Rapid skin aging , lack of elasticity.

Pros and cons of the method

Diamond resurfacing of the face (reviews are given below) is a cosmetic technique aimed at removing the upper epidermal layer. In some cases, according to indications, the device removes the upper part of the papillary layer, resulting in intensive epithelization in areas of skin damage.

Thanks to this, regeneration processes are stimulated with the replacement of old damaged cells with new and healthy tissue. In young cells, metabolism occurs more intensively, replenishing the lack of collagen fibers. The skin becomes noticeably softer, smoother, more elastic, the relief improves, and a healthy tone is restored without pigmentation.

The main advantages of the method are:

  • Versatility . The technology can be applied to any skin type and used on any area.
  • Hypoallergenic and low-traumatic . Cleansing the epidermal layer is safe and almost painless.
  • Treatment of acne . Hardware technology can be used on skin with acne, helping to fight the signs of the disease.
  • Efficiency . The method allows using diamond-coated maniples to eliminate unevenness and imperfections of the skin - scars, scars, ingrown hairs, hyperpigmentation.
  • Anti-age effect . A course of procedures allows you to cope with signs of aging, activate the natural renewal of cellular structures for tissue healing and visible rejuvenation.

Modern dermabrasion devices allow you to adjust the intensity and depth of the effect, which guarantees a positive result and allows for both superficial and medium peeling.

Grinding can be carried out on various facial areas, as well as in the décolleté and cervical area. But besides the positive aspects of the modern aesthetic method of superficial peeling, vacuum dermabrasion with diamond coating has several disadvantages.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • the procedure is expensive;
  • the method will not help cure skin diseases;
  • quite a large list of contraindications;
  • to achieve the effect, a course of 3-10 procedures is required, and then regular preventive peeling sessions;
  • pain in particularly sensitive areas.

Cosmetologists also note that the effectiveness of sessions will increase if you first conduct a course of surface peeling with acids, which incurs additional financial costs, but increases the effectiveness of aesthetic correction.

On what area of ​​skin can the procedure be performed?

Microdermabrasion can be performed on the face or almost any other area of ​​the skin. Most often the face, neck and chest are subjected to the procedure.

Pros of diamond microdermabrasion

The undoubted advantages of a “precious” session are the following factors:

  • cleanses the upper layers of the skin well;
  • does not injure the dermis;
  • the procedure is hypoallergenic;
  • the process is completely hygienic.

Thanks to gentle peeling, diamond cleansing manipulations help quickly restore facial skin. Immediately after the first cleaning, improvements are already noticeable - a light shade, leveling of the relief, a soft and smooth surface.

The change in skin color occurs due to improved microcirculation of blood flow and saturation of cells with oxygen. The softness and elasticity of the epidermis is ensured by the production of natural collagen. Vacuum air pressure stimulates metabolic processes, which reduces the risk of swelling and injury.

Purposes of diamond-vacuum peeling:

  1. Maximum cleaning of the surface of the dermis - removal of dead cells, dirt and sebaceous plugs, as well as epithelial layers.
  2. Preparing the epidermis for other procedures - resurfacing enhances the effect of subsequent cosmetic procedures.
  3. Stimulation of fibrillar protein synthesis - collagen and elastin, improvement of hyaluronic acid production for rapid renewal.

If the cause of excess spots on the face is long-term exposure to direct sunlight, microdermabrasion has the opposite effect.

Since one of the main functions of the skin is to thicken the surface layer under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, a resurfacing session prevents the formation of a protective dermobarrier. Frequent sunbathing while brushing with diamonds will cause new age spots to appear.

What is the difference between diamond microdermabrasion and dermabrasion?

Dermabrasion is carried out using a device using a rotating roller attachment interspersed with abrasive material - oxidized chromium powder or a laser. The essence of the session is the deep study and removal of the old epidermis for further regeneration of the young layer.

Many cosmetologists call the process of dermabrasion an excellent analogue of plastic surgery. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, and full recovery requires at least eight weeks. This cosmetic intervention is very effective for keloids and scars.

The cleaning method also has a serious drawback - deep exposure exposes the skin, which increases the risk of infected wounds. Therefore, during the rehabilitation period it is necessary to use antibacterial ointments and avoid ultraviolet radiation.

Microdermabrasion with diamonds is a modern way to quickly, efficiently and almost painlessly improve your complexion, remove facial wrinkles, small scars, acne and age spots. The recovery period is short. Correction of the epidermis immediately gives a positive result.

When comparing both cosmetic procedures, we can conclude that diamond cleansing is a superficial stage of skin regeneration, used as an initial remedy. Dermabrasion is a stressful deep cleansing for the dermis, requires long-term observation and treatment, therefore it is used only for medical reasons.

Differences between diamond dermabrasion and microdermabrasion

Both methods are techniques for deep cleansing of the epidermal layer, similar in principle of action, aimed at activating natural regeneration.

But there are a number of significant differences that will help you choose a more effective method of cosmetic intervention:

  • Dermabrasion is recommended for use in severe advanced cases, in which there are visible defects on the skin - scars, cicatrices, deep relief changes. Microdermabrasion is a surface resurfacing technique, a softer and painless method that works superficially to cleanse the stratum corneum and initiate renewal processes.
  • Dermabrasion allows you to eliminate deep wrinkles and visible defects - scars, scars, while the cosmetic effect of microdermabrasion does not affect their elimination or smoothing.
  • Recovery after procedures and preparation before sessions are also different. Dermabrasion requires careful step-by-step preparation and adherence to strict rules during the rehabilitation period, which can last at least 7 days. Microdermabrasion is a more delicate superficial peeling technique that does not require special preparation, and the recovery period is in most cases unnoticed.

The choice of cosmetic mechanical peeling technique occurs individually. The cosmetologist conducts an individual examination, identifies cosmetic problems, the presence of defects, age-related changes, and then determines a more effective way to eliminate imperfections.

Microdermabrasion - hardware facial peeling with instant results

Microdermabrasion is a hardware procedure for resurfacing the surface layer of the dermis. The exfoliant is abrasive microcrystals that gently exfoliate the layer of dead skin cells and cleanse the pores. Microdermabrasion is used as a deep cleansing of the skin, as well as removing scars.

Microdermabrasion – what is it and who is it recommended for?

Microdermabrasion is a gentle mechanical grinding of the surface layer of the epidermis, which has an effect similar to peeling. The purpose of the procedure is to restore the smoothness of the skin, make scars and acne scars less noticeable, and remove age spots. It is used to smooth out the skin texture not only of the face, but also of the neck, décolleté and back, as well as the hands.

The effect of one procedure will pleasantly surprise the client:

  • the number of “blackheads” will decrease, the pores will noticeably narrow;
  • the skin will become smooth and matte, the oily sheen will disappear;
  • Scars and post-acne scars will become less noticeable;
  • complexion will improve.

When asked if it hurts, we hasten to reassure you: a microdermabrasion session is absolutely comfortable.

Types of procedure

Microdermabrasion is divided into the following types:

  • Crystalline. For the peeling effect, a nozzle is used that directs abrasive particles – ionized aluminum oxide crystals – onto the skin under high pressure. This method gives a more pronounced result: it restores the smoothness of the skin, promotes deep cleansing of pores and has a sebum-regulating effect.
  • Diamond. This is the most common type of microdermabrasion, also called diamond peeling. The procedure is intended for those with particularly sensitive skin. The cosmetologist passes over the skin a nozzle coated with diamond chips, which carefully exfoliates the epidermis from a layer of dead cells.
  • Oxygen. This technique is in many ways similar to the crystalline one, however, along with the flow of abrasive particles, jets of air also enter the skin. This provides a kind of massage to the skin and reduces discomfort during the procedure.

How often can I do it and how many sessions will it take?

The optimal frequency of the procedure is once a week. For those with particularly sensitive skin, the time interval between microdermabrasion sessions increases to 1 month.

If you consider mechanical peeling as a way to eliminate cosmetic imperfections or treat acne, you will need to undergo from 5 to 10 sessions. As a maintenance procedure, a monthly visit to a cosmetologist is sufficient.

Indications for mechanical peeling

There are no age restrictions for mechanical peeling: it is allowed for clients aged 12 to 65 years. Hardware resurfacing is equally effective in treating both juvenile acne and shallow wrinkles.

Recommendations for microdermabrasion can be divided into three groups:

  • problematic skin. For clients in this group, the procedure is recommended as a means of combating acne, oily seborrhea, and comedones. The best option would be to choose crystal microdermabrasion;
  • traces of post-acne (scars, cicatrices). In these cases, diamond microdermabrasion is recommended, which, in addition to minor cosmetic imperfections, is used as a remedy for stretch marks. This group can also include those who want to get rid of age spots and freckles;
  • age category “50+”. These are clients with age and expression wrinkles, atonic skin, as well as signs of photoaging.

When can microdermabrasion be done? The most suitable time for such a procedure is a period of low solar activity. Therefore, in the summer, mechanical grinding of the skin is undesirable.

How effective this hardware procedure can be can be best shown by photographs taken before and after microdermabrasion sessions.


Microdermabrasion is one of the few procedures that are allowed during pregnancy. And, nevertheless, there are a number of contraindications to its implementation:

  • damage (scratches, abrasions, sunburn) and allergic skin rashes;
  • herpes;
  • infectious and oncological diseases;
  • reduced immunity and diabetes.

The microdermabrasion procedure is prohibited for rosacea and dermatitis. Please also keep in mind that mechanical peeling is difficult for those with thin and sensitive skin. Therefore, it is not recommended to proceed with the procedure without first consulting a specialist.

Procedure protocol

A microdermabrasion session is traditionally carried out in three stages:

  • cleansing and treating the skin with an antiseptic tonic;
  • mechanical grinding itself;
  • applying a soothing mask or cream.

At the stage of hardware exfoliation, the cosmetologist can change the attachments of the device, reducing or increasing the degree of their abrasiveness. In the case of the diamond microdermabrasion procedure, both mechanical grinding and vacuum cleaning of the skin are carried out simultaneously. Abrasive particles exfoliate dead cells, and the central cavity of the nozzle draws in impurities accumulated in the pores of the skin.

On average, the procedure lasts 30 minutes. It does not require anesthesia, as it is completely comfortable. Some clients feel a slight tickling sensation, while others relax and fall asleep during the process of hardware exfoliation of the skin.

Care after microdermabrasion and possible complications

The expected effect after the procedure is slight peeling and redness of the skin. If you observe similar phenomena in yourself, do not worry. Temporary side effects include local inflammation and abrasions. However, the disadvantages of microdermabrasion are successfully compensated by the effect of the procedure.

The first thing the client should remember is that after microdermabrasion, the skin becomes much more sensitive and vulnerable to external factors. This means that within two weeks after the procedure the following is contraindicated:

  • expose your skin to ultraviolet radiation (sunbathing on the beach or in a solarium);
  • use decorative cosmetics.

During a certain period, it is prohibited to engage in active sports: increased sweating can have an irritating effect on the skin. Scrubs and peels based on glycolic or lactic acid are temporarily prohibited.

Your task for the first weeks after the procedure is to use sunscreen before going outside, nourish your skin with moisturizers, and avoid lotions containing alcohol.

Alternative options and related procedures

This procedure can be replaced by chemical peeling, fractional laser resurfacing and dermabrasion.

Which is better - microdermabrasion or chemical peeling?

The advantage of choosing the first procedure is the minimal rehabilitation period and minimum discomfort. If the positive effect of a course of chemical peels does not appear immediately and is accompanied by unaesthetic peeling of the skin, then a few hours after microdermabrasion you can go out without hesitation. In addition, mechanical peeling is well tolerated by allergy sufferers.

Fractional resurfacing can provide more effective results, but due to its high cost, it is not affordable for everyone. And while microdermabrasion can be done without going on vacation, laser rejuvenation sessions are accompanied by a long rehabilitation period, during which the face may look extremely unaesthetic.

Dermabrasion is the same procedure of mechanical skin resurfacing, but with a deeper impact due to the high degree of abrasiveness of the attachments. Due to this factor, it is not suitable for all clients.

What is better - microdermabrasion or ultrasonic cleaning?

The purpose of these hardware cosmetology procedures varies. Ultrasonic cleaning serves to painlessly cleanse pores of dirt accumulations and activate regeneration processes in tissues. But it will not give results in solving such a problem as removing a scar. Mechanical peeling, designed to cleanse pores and even out the skin texture, can handle this.

What is mechanical peeling combined with?

As accompanying procedures, some cosmetology centers prescribe mesotherapy, facial massage, and superficial peelings. Only a qualified dermatologist can make the necessary combination.

Anna Vinkovskaya

Selection of peeling creams

Diamond resurfacing of the face, reviews of which indicate its effectiveness, is a non-invasive method of mechanical cleansing of the epidermal layer. For better exfoliation of the stratum corneum and stimulation of cellular renewal, special creams with a special component composition are used for procedures. To achieve an aesthetic result, the cream is selected strictly for your skin type.

The peeling formula may include:

  • acids - fruit, lactic, ascorbic, carbolic or salicylic;
  • various polymers, fragrances, resocin;
  • fine-grained abrasive made from sea salt, almond seeds, apricots, berries;
  • complex of natural oils, proteins, hyaluronate,
  • cocktail of plant extracts, algae;
  • complex of amino acids, minerals, antioxidants.

The formula of professional peeling products is designed in such a way that, simultaneously with cleansing the upper epidermal layer, it provides fortification of tissues and cells. The main selection criterion is the type of product and the depth of exposure, so as not to injure the skin during the peeling process.

For example, for thin skin prone to dryness, cosmetologists recommend choosing products with softer abrasive particles so as not to cause harm. The ratio of peeling cream components is also selected taking into account the properties.

For sensitive types, gommage cream is best suited, which includes microparticles of the smallest size. During the procedure, the product is applied in a thin layer, and then rolled off using a massage method, eliminating the stratum corneum and impurities.
Gommage provides an eraser effect without injuring the skin, but thoroughly cleansing it. In accordance with age, when choosing, it is important to follow the recommendations:

  • The use of peelings is permissible from 15 years of age. The task of products with a soft formula is to cleanse the skin of excess fat and dead particles.
  • For young skin (up to 25 years of age), peeling products with glycolic acid are suitable for painless cleansing, toning and slowing down aging.
  • After 30 years, it is recommended to use peeling products with fruit acid to eliminate the first signs of aging and pigmentation.
  • After 40 years, you can begin peeling procedures with products containing a concentrate of active acids. The formula of the products allows you to get rid of age-related wrinkles, improve complexion, and activate protein metabolism.
  • After 50 years, wrinkle formation, hyperpigmentation, and sagging are observed. The use of deep peelings allows you to eliminate negative changes, prevent aging and even out the relief.

When choosing a peeling cream, it is important to give preference to professional brands and study the composition to understand whether the product can help solve a particular cosmetic problem.

Precautionary measures

Fine-plate peeling is normal after microresurfacing. However, if the epidermis peels off in large layers and crusts appear, it is better to contact a cosmetologist for recommendations.

Side effects:

  • facial redness;
  • micro-hemorrhages as a result of exceeding the time or force of impact of cutters or vacuum attachments;
  • pronounced peeling, crusts in the recovery period. Occurs when choosing operating parameters that do not correspond to your skin type.


  • dermatological diseases – dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema;
  • pustular skin lesions;
  • exacerbation of herpes infection;
  • rashes, manifestations of an allergic reaction on the face;
  • rosacea;
  • acne in active phase;
  • numerous or large moles, papillomas;
  • autoimmune diseases with skin lesions;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • tendency to form hypertrophic scars;
  • age up to 16 years.

Another temporary limitation is taking hormonal pills and drugs that reduce blood clotting.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

It should be borne in mind that it is advisable to carry out home procedures after consulting a cosmetologist, who will tell you for which areas of the skin you need to use certain attachments. There is no need to get carried away with home polishing in the summer, since areas of unequal skin thickness perceive ultraviolet radiation differently.


Microgrinding is a hardware procedure. To conduct superficial mechanical peeling sessions, professional devices with handpieces coated with diamond dust are used.

When choosing a device, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Power. The higher its indicator, the deeper the cleaning can be. It is recommended to buy devices with power regulation in order to select the optimal exposure mode.
  • Dimensions . The stores offer portable and stationary devices. A lightweight mobile device for independent procedures is more convenient to use.
  • Functionality . For a more powerful effect, many devices are equipped with additional functions - massage hands, vacuum, ionization.

The cost of the device may depend on several criteria. It is recommended to buy certified equipment from trusted manufacturers with a warranty.

Below is a list of the most popular peeling devices:

Device name Features of applicationPrice
CkeyIn diamond dermabrasion MR039WQ

The dual-action device combines microdermabrasion and vacuum cleansing to tone and improve tone. A portable device with adjustable power (3 modes), complete with three vacuum attachments, as well as three diamond-coated handpieces, can be used for any skin type, including sensitive areas. 3200 rub.
Beurer IFC 78

A device for diamond dermabrasion sessions with sapphire coating. Allows you to independently perform peeling and revitalizing acupressure to stimulate blood circulation and cellular renewal. The set includes three tips with spray of different degrees of grain for cleaning different areas of the face. 4100 rub.
Beauty Benefit MINI ES-004Inexpensive portable device for diamond peeling procedures with a power of 5 W. Can be used regularly for home sessions, the set includes three vacuum attachments and one sapphire-coated tip. 1500 rub.
Diamond dermabrasion device T-06

Professional vacuum device for medium and superficial peeling sessions. The procedures allow you to even out the relief, eliminate unevenness and defects, and activate rejuvenation processes. The set includes 9 diamond-coated attachments of different fractions for treating rough areas and particularly sensitive areas. 18,000 rub.
BtGirl DL-18The professional diamond grinder combines vacuum and cleaning functions with sapphire-coated tips. The set includes 8 sprayed tips and 2 vacuum nozzles of different diameters. It is equipped with a touch display to regulate the power and intensity of action on the epidermal layers. 4800 rub.

For home peeling procedures, professionals recommend choosing a portable device with simple manual controls and a minimal set of functions. Using a professional device without prior training and preparation may result in serious injury to the skin.

How does the diamond peeling procedure work?

Each procedure of this peeling takes approximately forty minutes . The woman does not experience any unpleasant or painful sensations, so additional pain relief is not required for the procedure. After the procedure, there is no significant redness or irritation of the skin , so the woman can easily lead her normal life without taking a break from work. This peeling can be used on all areas of the body - face, neck, skin areas around the eyes and lips, behind the ears, in the décolleté area, on the back, and other areas of the body. The diamond peeling procedure has the following stages :

  1. Skin preparation : cleansing the skin, steaming and warming the skin to better exfoliate dead cells.

  2. Hardware grinding with specially selected attachments for approximately 40 minutes.
  3. Moisturizing or nourishing mask for areas of skin that have undergone diamond peeling.

The advantages of diamond peeling include the fact that it does not require the use of special peeling solutions - it is a completely hardware microdebrassment, and therefore it is a hypoallergenic type of peeling . Since this procedure is performed only in beauty parlors and salons with professional cosmetologists, we can talk about the sterility of the procedure , hygiene, and individual peeling strength, selected for each person separately.

Preparation for the procedure

Diamond resurfacing of the face (reviews given by cosmetologists) is a safe procedure. Unlike techniques with deeper effects, dermabrasion does not require special preparation.

At the preparatory stage:

  1. For better cleansing, cosmetologists recommend applying special products to soften the dead layer.
  2. A few days before a microdermabrasion session, you should stop using cosmetics with glycolic acid.
  3. Immediately before the procedure, the cosmetologist examines the skin for injuries, open wounds, and rashes in the treatment area.

If no contraindications are identified, the specialist begins the procedure of hardware vacuum dermabrasion.

Possible complications

The effectiveness of the cleaning largely depends on the professionalism of the cosmetologist. For example, excessive pressure on the skin or the wrong choice of nozzle provokes the occurrence of spider veins, small abrasions and hyperemia.

When the patient takes vasodilators, inflammatory complications may develop during diamond resurfacing - hyperpigmentation, bruising, herpes rashes. In these cases, it is more advisable to wait until the end of the course of conservative therapy.

Stages of implementation

The diamond grinding session follows the following algorithm:

  1. At the initial stage, the skin must be prepared. The cosmetologist cleans the surface of dirt and decorative cosmetics, steams it, applying a compress with a warm towel, and treats it with a scrub to remove sebaceous plugs from the pores.
  2. After preparation, the cosmetologist begins to treat the facial areas with a diamond-coated tip. The fraction of diamond chips is selected depending on the area being treated.
  3. After peeling, a massage is performed with vacuum maniples to increase tone and elasticity.

After microresurfacing, a special serum is applied to the treated area, a mask is applied to relieve swelling and soothe the skin, and then treated with a healing cream for accelerated regeneration.

Rehabilitation period

Despite the delicacy of the effect and the absence of a rehabilitation period, it is recommended to follow a number of rules in the first days after the micro-resurfacing procedure.

Rules for skin care after microresurfacing:

  • Apply a cream with a high protection factor to the treated area before going outside.
  • It is recommended to avoid visiting the sauna, steam bath, or swimming pool for several days.
  • In the first days after the procedure, you should limit physical activity to reduce the intensity of sweating.
  • You should wash your face with warm water; it is important to maintain a sufficient level of hydration by applying a special cream or serum to the cleansed area.

It is necessary to avoid cosmetic products containing alcohol or acids for several days to avoid injury to the skin and the development of negative manifestations.

Results of the procedure

Microcrystalline peeling allows you to return your skin to a renewed and well-groomed appearance in a short time. To achieve results, you must complete a full course of 3-10 sessions. The number of procedures and the interval between them is determined by the cosmetologist individually.

A special advantage of the technique is its hypoallergenicity and versatility; it is suitable for any skin type and can be performed at any time of the year.

Results that can be achieved with diamond peeling:

  • pores noticeably narrow;
  • the surface of the epidermis is leveled, the texture improves;
  • wrinkles and irregularities are eliminated, microrelief is leveled;
  • scars, scars, stretch marks are less pronounced;
  • the face is evened out, hyperpigmentation is eliminated;
  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized, the skin is matte, without an oily sheen;
  • the skin becomes renewed, elastic, and the rejuvenation effect is noticeable.

Feedback from those who performed diamond resurfacing on the face is overwhelmingly positive.
Microresurfacing is safe and painless, and the result is visible after the first procedure. Immediately after the procedure, the skin may turn red. After 2-3 days, the natural tone of the skin is restored. After diamond microdermabrasion sessions, makeup goes on smoother and lasts longer.

Such an effective facial procedure as diamond resurfacing promotes the renewal of cellular structures, improves the texture and appearance of the epidermis. Feedback on the method and consultation with a specialist will help you decide whether to take the course.

Side effects

Diamond peeling is considered one of the safest, but it also has a number of side effects:

  1. The appearance of microcracks is caused by an incorrectly selected nozzle with high abrasiveness by a specialist.
  2. The appearance of pigment spots - this effect will appear if after the session you are exposed to ultraviolet radiation.
  3. Inflammatory processes - occur due to low sterility during the session.
  4. Swelling - goes away after 1-2 days without treatment.
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