What not to do after facial mesotherapy - list of prohibitions

Unfortunately, it is impossible to achieve eternal youth even from the point of view of physics. However, every year science makes significant steps aimed at increasing life expectancy and improving health. This progress has not bypassed the field of cosmetology. Advanced and highly effective technologies can significantly slow down the age-related changes that our skin undergoes. Moreover, it is no secret that not only age affects its condition: numerous external factors, including poor ecology, ultraviolet radiation, poor quality water, and bad habits inevitably lead to a premature loss of elasticity, softness and tenderness of the skin.

The desire to restore and not lose the beauty of the skin simultaneously coexists with the desire to achieve results in harmless ways that provide a long-lasting effect. The most popular and effective method in cosmetology today is mesotherapy injections, in which a special cocktail consisting of minerals, vitamins, and hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin. This allows you to influence the skin from the inside in places that require maximum attention. The reasons for their popularity are obvious: a minimum number of contraindications, painlessness and a wide spectrum of action:

  • getting rid of wrinkles, scars, burn marks - correction of the chin and facial contour;
  • elimination of pigment spots, acne, pimples and acne;
  • improvement of skin color.

The treatment is suitable for most skin types, and the result is clearly visible within a couple of weeks after the procedure, and can last up to a year (depending on the number of sessions and individual characteristics).

Professional mesotherapy in Moscow by the best cosmetologists at Seline Clinic

What happens to the face after mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is a procedure that involves the introduction of special compounds into the deep layers of the skin. Cocktails containing vitamins, hyaluronic acid and other components deeply restore and heal the epidermis.

As a result of a mesotherapy session, you can achieve amazing effects:

  • reduce the severity of wrinkles, scars, scars;
  • improve complexion, restore blush;
  • get rid of acne, acne and pimples;
  • tighten the oval of the face, double chin, shaved;
  • remove age spots, post-acne, redness.

After injections of mesotherapy cocktails, biologically active and reflexogenic points are activated, which improves skin condition and overall appearance. The face begins to look well-groomed and young, shining with health and beauty.

The effect of mesotherapy is achieved through injection. It is through needles that pierce the patient’s skin manually or through a special device that mesotherapy cocktails enter the skin. After injections, microtraumas of tissue occur, which heal within a few days, so the skin during this time should be treated more carefully and carefully than usual.

The composition of the mesotherapy cocktail itself will also be an important factor. The absorption of components introduced into facial tissue occurs within 2-3 days after the procedure. If this process is interfered with, the effectiveness of the procedure will be reduced several times. There is also a risk of side effects due to improper absorption of the cocktail.

So, whatever one may say, you need to follow the restrictions after the procedure. Careful care and the absence of negative factors affect the speed of epidermis restoration, as well as the final effect after mesotherapy.

General recommendations

General recommendations concern lifestyle changes. The following recommendations are relevant:

  • The diet should include vegetables and fruits, dairy products. Meat intake should be reduced. This diet helps prevent edema and helps accelerate wound healing;
  • Adequate sleep helps restore skin;
  • You need to drink a lot of water, as this is important for assimilation of the healing cocktail.

These tips are especially important in the first week after mesotherapy.

In what cases should you go to the doctor after mesotherapy?

Minor swelling and redness is normal. However, you should consult a doctor immediately in the following cases:

  • The inflammatory process develops with a tendency to intensify;
  • The appearance of bruises that gels do not help with;
  • Severe swelling;
  • Redness that does not subside within three days.

You should read more about the list of “dangerous” symptoms in the cosmetologist’s office. At the first negative signs, you can use gels and creams recommended by a specialist. If the symptom does not go away or gets worse, you should go to the doctor for qualified help.

When should the next procedure be performed?

The result of the sessions will depend on many factors: the client’s age, skin condition, individual indicators.
One course consists of 5-7 procedures. The interval between sessions is 7-10 days. Skin correction is required once a month. The course is repeated every 6-12 months. The exact timing of the re-course is determined depending on the area being treated. Sometimes the effect of mesotherapy disappears quickly. In this case, the procedure is carried out after six months. Results can last throughout the year. Regular use of cosmetic injections provides a lasting effect.

Mesotherapy is especially indicated in the earliest stages of skin problems. Getting rid of one small wrinkle is much easier than correcting a whole list of age-related changes. This is a harmless procedure, but, one way or another, the skin is damaged during the process.

A rehabilitation period is required for complete restoration of the skin and wound healing. Injections are performed using a thin needle, and therefore microdamages quickly heal. But while they are there, bacteria should not get on the covers. Compliance with the recommendations is also important to maintain the effect of mesotherapy and ensure full absorption of the cosmetic cocktail.

You can find more information on this topic in the Mesotherapy section.

Indications for use of procedures

In what situations is facial skin mesotherapy used? Let's figure out what indications exist for this procedure. Among the conditions for which the use of mesotherapy cocktails is recommended are the following:

  • age-related changes in facial tissues;
  • prevention of wrinkles, sagging;
  • acne and acne, including acute forms;
  • the presence of scars, potholes, scars;
  • porosity, fat content, greasy shine of the epidermis;
  • presence of hyperpigmentation, post-acne spots;
  • deterioration of complexion, “gray” skin;
  • vitamin deficiency of the skin;
  • increased dryness, peeling of the dermis.

Mesotherapy helps to tidy up skin of any age. It is recommended for use from the age of 20-25, depending on the indications, and remains effective up to 55-60 years.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite all the benefits and effectiveness of mesotherapy, there are also limitations to its implementation. You should refrain from the procedure in the following conditions:

  1. An abundance of purulent inflammation on the treated surface.
  2. Chronic diseases of any body system in the acute stage.
  3. Pregnancy, lactation period.
  4. Any pathology of blood clotting.
  5. Period of menstrual bleeding.
  6. Diseases of the kidneys and cardiovascular system.
  7. Bacterial, viral, fungal infections.
  8. Neoplasms, including benign ones.
  9. Taking medications that affect blood clotting.
  10. The presence of any autoimmune diseases.

Sessions are also prohibited if you are intolerant to certain components of the meso-cocktail. In some cases, you can choose a suitable cocktail, but if you are intolerant of the main ingredients in the composition, the procedure will have to be replaced with other methods.

If the recommendations for skin care after the procedure prescribed by the cosmetologist were not followed, complications are possible:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • reduction or lack of effect;
  • severe allergic reactions;
  • the appearance of bruises, hematomas;
  • increased redness, swelling;
  • slowing down the regeneration of microtraumas;
  • the appearance of pigment spots;
  • dryness, peeling of the skin.

To avoid consequences and complications, you should follow all the master’s advice after the session. If you observe such symptoms for a long time, you must immediately contact the specialist who performed the procedure.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Pregnancy and lactation are some of the absolute contraindications to mesotherapy.

It's not that she's that dangerous. But no research has ever been conducted on the effects of mesopreparations on the fetus and the pregnant woman’s body. This means that it is impossible to predict what consequences injections of anti-aging drugs may have.

During mesotherapy, drugs may enter the bloodstream and, therefore, penetrate the placenta.

In rare cases, if there are medical indications, mesotherapy in the first trimester of pregnancy may be prescribed by the attending physician. Before this, it is necessary to assess the possible risks and compare them with the potential benefits of the procedure.

Recommendations from cosmetologists after mesotherapy

Cosmetologists will also help us figure out what is impossible after facial mesotherapy. We will consult with specialists to find out what recommendations and restrictions should be followed after the session.

Anastasia Fedorovna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, cosmetologist

Care after mesotherapy is the most important part of the procedure. It has almost the same importance as the professionalism of a cosmetologist and the meso-cocktail itself. If the patient cares for his face incorrectly and ignores prohibitions, the result of the procedure will be nullified!

Strictly, simply strictly prohibited:

  • play sports after mesotherapy;
  • go to the sauna or bathhouse after mesotherapy;
  • visit a solarium, be in the sun;
  • swim in the pool, river, sea;
  • take a hot shower or bath;
  • use decorative cosmetics;
  • touch your face with your hands, especially dirty ones;
  • do massages, peelings, mechanical cleaning.

In fact, all these restrictions are very simple, they are not difficult to apply. Most often, patients neglect them due to banal laziness, due to the reluctance to infringe on themselves in some way. This is a completely wrong approach: it is better to endure a little inconvenience for the sake of beauty than to negate the entire result and throw money away.

It is also very important to monitor what skincare products you use. When we cosmetologists say “go back to your usual care,” we expect that this care is high-quality, non-comedogenic and hypoallergenic. If it does not meet these criteria, look for another product! It is strictly forbidden to clog pores after mesotherapy.

Anna Viktorovna, cosmetologist of the highest category

Many cosmetologists overlook a very important detail: in addition to prohibitions and banal recommendations, it is also very important to adjust the diet. As everyone knows, high protein intake impairs cellular regeneration. By reducing its presence in the diet, you can significantly speed up the restoration of the skin of patients.

Fresh fruits and vegetables containing complex carbohydrates have the opposite effect. They stimulate recovery processes, normalize blood circulation, relieve swelling and redness. Particular attention should be paid to green apples: these are extremely healthy fruits that significantly improve the condition of the skin.

It is also important to eliminate alcohol and caffeine from your diet. These substances have a detrimental effect on the skin at any time, but the presence of microtraumas increases their harmful effects several times. Constant consumption of coffee and black tea leads to severe swelling, and drinking alcohol can cause bruising.

And, of course, it is very important not to consume hot drinks or foods. Increased sweating that accompanies eating hot food is very harmful to damaged dermis.

Polina Sergeevna, cosmetologist with secondary medical education

Recommendations after mesotherapy differ little from measures used after other cosmetic procedures. Injured skin should not be exposed to thermal or mechanical stress, and it is also worth limiting the negative influence from the inside. Decorative cosmetics, sports, baths or saunas, active sun, and solarium are prohibited. Also, do not drink coffee, wine, or other alcoholic beverages.

For better recovery, I recommend using traditional methods. Cucumber or sour cream masks and ice compresses are great help. On the Internet you can find many proven recipes that work no worse than pharmaceutical products. Ointments for regeneration should be used only in extreme cases, when it is necessary to quickly remove swelling or redness: they can negatively affect the mesotherapy cocktail and impair its absorption.

What not to do after mesotherapy

Let's figure it out: what can't be done after mesotherapy? Let's consider what prohibitions and restrictions include post-procedure facial care, and why compliance with them is important.

  1. After mesotherapy, you should not heat the skin. You should not go to the bathhouse or sauna, take a hot bath or shower. You should also refrain from eating hot food. This is due to the fact that the mesococktail is removed from the epidermis along with sweat, and this greatly reduces the effectiveness of the procedure. Sweat also stimulates the development of inflammation.
  2. You should not touch the skin with your hands, at least for the first few days. When your fingers touch the pores on your face, they transfer bacteria that accumulate during daily activities. Since after the procedure the pores become vulnerable, this will provoke severe inflammation.
  3. Mechanical impact should be limited as much as possible. Massage, friction, as well as any contact with other surfaces disrupt the absorption of nutrients contained in the meso-cocktail. After the session, it is forbidden to swim, sleep with your face buried in a pillow, or vigorously rub the treated area with a towel or hands.
  4. It is prohibited to be in the open sun or in a solarium. An increase in temperature, as well as stimulation of melanin production, negatively affects the epidermis after the session. This increases dryness, triggers inflammatory processes in the deep layers of the dermis, causes age spots, and increases redness significantly.
  5. When looking at what you can’t do after the procedure, you can’t help but mention playing sports. There are three reasons for its prohibition: heavy sweating, increased temperature and increased blood circulation. If everything is clear with the first points, then why is the third harmful? It's simple: this process slows down the outflow of fluid, which causes swelling, redness, and also impairs the absorption of the components of the cocktail. How long you can’t play sports is calculated individually, but most often the ban period does not exceed a week.
  6. During the rehabilitation period, alcoholic beverages, strong coffee or black tea should be excluded from the diet. Exposure to caffeine and alcohol impairs the absorption of administered substances and slows down regeneration processes. They can also cause delayed allergies, rashes, bruises and even hematomas.
  7. You will also have to abstain from decorative cosmetics for a while. Cosmetic products clog pores, which will lead to severe inflammation or allergies. In addition, applying cosmetics is accompanied by mechanical impact on the face, which is strictly prohibited after the session.
  8. You should not undergo other cosmetic procedures in the near future. Since the skin after mesotherapy is extremely vulnerable, the effects of other procedures will worsen its condition. The regeneration processes will be suspended, severe irritation will begin, accompanied by peeling or inflammation. Even gentle techniques should be abandoned in the near future after the session.

By observing these simple restrictions, you can completely avoid any complications and negative reactions to the procedure. Recovery after mesotherapy occurs quickly: it will take only 4-7 days to eliminate the above-described things.

How to restore your face after procedures

You should also understand how to care for your face after mesotherapy. It is correct, balanced care that is the key to quick recovery, wound healing, as well as a pronounced effect after the procedure.

Let's look at the most important things to do after facial mesotherapy:

  1. On the first day after the session, you should not wash your face. Over the next three days after this, you should use Chlorhexidine, lotion or drinking water that has undergone deep filtration for washing. This will get rid of rashes.
  2. For speedy healing, it is worth using medicinal ointments: “Bepanten”, “Panthenol”, “Traumel S” or “Rescuer”. What should you apply to your face if you have bruises or hematomas? Use Lyoton, Troxevasin and effective heparin ointment.
  3. Don't forget to apply sunscreen when going outside. Its use is necessary even in the cold season, when there is no active sun. Use creams with an SPF of at least 15 in winter, and at least 30 in the warm season.
  4. Adjust your diet. Reduce the amount of meat on the menu, and also increase the presence of fresh vegetables, fruits, and dairy products. The right diet will speed up regeneration and shorten the recovery period.
  5. Sleep at least 8 hours a day. Lack of sleep and fatigue impair regeneration processes, so recovery from lack of sleep will take 2-3 times longer than with proper sleep and wakefulness.
  6. To combat swelling, drink plenty of fluids. Drink fresh juices, water, green tea. You can also take antihistamines, but only with the permission of your cosmetologist, if seriously necessary.

Otherwise, facial care can be anything. Starting from the second day after the session, cosmetologists allow you to return to the use of conventional cosmetics used in skin care. Before using, make sure that these products are hypoallergenic and will not clog your pores!

Who is suitable for hair mesotherapy?

  • androgenetic, alopecia areata, diffuse alopecia;
  • dehydration and brittle hair;
  • dandruff and skin itching;
  • preparation for scalp transplantation;
  • premature gray hair;
  • seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp;
  • split ends;
  • ringworm;
  • deterioration of hair quality after childbirth;
  • slow hair growth after dyeing, perm, irradiation.

The effect of the procedure is obtained due to the fact that the injected substances enter the hair follicle and stimulate its activity. In order for the results to become noticeable, the procedures are recommended to be done over a period of 2-3 months. For a lasting effect, a course of 5–10 procedures must be repeated several times a year. As for the mesoscooter, it should be used daily for 30–90 seconds. The minimum course is 10–15 procedures, however, in advanced conditions, noticeable and lasting results appear after several months.

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