Is it possible to do a facial massage after blepharoplasty, fillers or Botox injections?

To prolong their youth, clients of beauty salons today use all possible methods, often starting with the most radical: injections of hyaluronic acid, botulinum toxin and, finally, surgery. But before starting any treatment, a specialist needs to analyze the possible occurrence of problems, the reasons for their occurrence and give appropriate recommendations.

Our life is full of emotions and stereotypes. All feelings and habits are reflected in our gestures, words, and most importantly, in facial expressions. It is facial expressions that preserve what we are always struggling with - our wrinkles. Like a map of life, they talk about our experiences, convey common emotions: anger, joy, resentment, happiness, admiration, surprise, pain, delight...

Features of facial care after youth injections

The following changes may occur after blepharoplasty surgery:

  • swelling, which should go away within 9–12 days;
  • dry skin;
  • photophobia and double vision;
  • the appearance of small bruises (the threat is large hematomas - in some cases, repeated surgery is required);
  • inversion of the lower eyelid, when a gap is visible when the patient closes his eyes.

To avoid all these complications, you will need to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations and regularly carry out the prescribed rehabilitation procedures.

Some groups of people are at risk, so their recovery period after surgery may take some time. These include:

  • age after 45 years;
  • tendency to swelling due to improper functioning of the kidneys;
  • physiological characteristics (for example, very thick skin);
  • presence of bad habits (drinking alcohol, smoking);
  • close proximity to the skin of blood vessels.

Important! In general, the recovery period after blepharoplasty can take up to a month. Lymphatic drainage massage, microcurrent therapy, applying cold compresses and keeping the head slightly elevated during sleep will help improve the situation.

But there is one “but”. The eye area should not be subjected to mechanical stress in the first week after surgery. This is done in order not to disturb the suture line and not to introduce infection into a wound that has not yet healed. You also need to use only medications prescribed by the surgeon and refrain from using decorative cosmetics for 2 weeks. In addition, it is not recommended to stay in the sun, watch TV often and undergo intense physical activity.

When injecting botulinum toxin or other fillers, it is forbidden to bend over and lie on your back for the first 5 hours. Immediately after the procedure, do not massage your face or touch it at all, so as not to cause an infection. Do not forget that for the first 2 weeks it is forbidden to visit saunas, sunbathe under the sun, or perform facial peeling.

Consequences of violating the ban

Those who ignore the recommendations of a cosmetologist do not enjoy the results of the procedure for long. Sooner or later complications arise that are not always reversible. If you continue to go for a facial massage after Botox injections, the following consequences may occur:

  1. Ptosis (drooping) of tissues. The facial expression becomes sad - the cheeks, wings of the nose, corners of the eyes, lips droop. If this happens on only one side, the effect is even more noticeable. Ptosis occurs due to migration of the toxin into adjacent tissues.
  2. Facial asymmetry. Features are distorted and become unnatural. It is not possible to hide this with cosmetics, so you have to undergo other procedures from a cosmetologist to neutralize the effect of the toxin.
  3. Vision problems. If Botox migrates across the cell membrane, visual acuity may be impaired. Usually the effect is reversible, but sometimes it remains forever - only treatment by an ophthalmologist helps.
  4. Impaired diction. If the massage concentrates the drug around the mouth, speech may be difficult. It will be difficult to talk, eat, and uncontrollable salivation may occur.
  5. Mask effect. Massage can, on the contrary, “lock” Botox in one place. Due to the high concentration of the drug, the muscles will lose the ability to move, any emotion will appear as if on a wax doll.

Is it possible to have a massage?

Taking a massage course is not only possible, but necessary. As a rule, massage is prescribed already on the second day after blepharoplasty surgery. It is best to take such a course in a plastic surgery clinic, where specialists specialize in the rehabilitation of post-operative patients.

You can also turn to a private cosmetologist for help, but you must find a real professional who will correctly act on soft tissues.

Massage is required to be done in case of such a complication as drooping of the lower eyelid. This defect is associated with the surgeon’s incorrect calculation of the tissue to be cut off; it appears after the sutures and scars have healed.

Thanks to the massage, the circular muscle of the eyelid becomes toned, helping to lift drooping tissues. If manipulations to develop muscles are ineffective, you will need to prepare for another operation.

As for Botox and filler injection procedures, massage immediately after them is not recommended. Massage is allowed after 3 weeks from the moment of cosmetologists’ intervention, or better yet, after a month. But as soon as the specified period has expired, immediately start a massage course, because it will help preserve the beauty of your face for a long time.

When injecting with gel, you need to take the massage technique seriously. They resort to manual techniques that will activate microcirculation and improve muscle tone. But those areas that are filled with gel are prohibited from being affected in any way.

Problems from the inside

After injection, some fillers do not grow new molecules of collagen and elastin, but are overgrown with fibrous tissue, forming “balls”. With repeated injections, the gel often ends up in the same place, inside the “ball”, and is located in it, like in a capsule. The fibrous tissue shell limits the access of water, so the gel cannot “unfold” in its full volume and spectrum. It is not dangerous if you do not operate. For example, a circular face lift requires detaching the skin from the muscles. The moment this “ball” gets under the scalpel, a large amount of exudate and blood enters the gel. And then, having no restrictions, he begins to absorb everything.

Effect of the procedure

Blepharoplasty is a fairly serious operation to lift overhanging tissue and eliminate wrinkles. To avoid swelling and the formation of hematomas, surgeons unanimously declare the need for lymphatic drainage massage, which:

  • will improve microcirculation of the skin, which promotes faster resorption of hemorrhages;
  • will allow you to correctly distribute lymph through the channels to avoid its excess in certain places;
  • strengthens muscles to eliminate wrinkles;
  • will make the skin smooth and velvety;
  • will provide a clear contour of the entire face;
  • activates the penetration of special cosmetics that fight age-related changes in the skin.

As a rule, when performing a massage after facial surgery, swelling resolves much faster, and the resulting hematomas disappear. The scarring process improves - after the course, the suture site will be completely invisible.

Important point! The intensity of the effect on the skin is selected individually. For example, if a girl performs a massage at a young age (25–35 years), then excessive trauma to the skin can lead to muscle hypertonicity. After a certain time, they atrophy, and, unfortunately, signs of premature aging affect a still young face. And, conversely, in old age, a weak effect on the skin will not lead to any positive results.

How are they dangerous and can they cause harm?

Before you go for “beauty injections,” you need to clearly understand the possible consequences of this procedure. Let's look at why fillers are sometimes very harmful to health.

  1. The drug is of poor quality . Just a few years ago in our country there was an equal ratio of certified and non-certified fillers that were used in cosmetic clinics. Some simply did not have time to pass certification, others were fakes. Now the situation has changed dramatically, but there is no 100% chance that you will not run into a fake.
  2. Doctor's ignorance .
    Fillers cannot be used in some areas of the face. In order not to harm the patient, it is necessary to conduct a detailed history and collect all the data. Hyaluronic acid attracts water, for this reason the drug is prohibited from being administered into the orbital zone. The skin there is very thin, and the synthesized hyaluronic acid has an increased density. As soon as filler gets into the area around the eyes, it begins to attract fluid, which contributes to severe swelling and can sometimes cause hernias.
  3. Human factor . Unfortunately, no one is immune from this. You must remember that before you trust a doctor with your appearance, you need to check his documents and certificates confirming his specialization and education. And it doesn’t really matter whether he’s a simple cosmetologist or a plastic surgeon.

  4. Administration of the drug to a high-risk area . There are areas on the face where the vessels are very close to the surface, and there is a possibility of the needle getting into the vessel. This can cause blockage, which can subsequently lead to tissue necrosis.

  5. Violation of facial expressions . The density of the drug is very important. If the cosmetologist chooses a product that is too soft, the procedure will be completely useless, since in this case the filler will not hold its shape. Also, if you use the drug in an area of ​​increased facial expression, this will lead to disruption of muscle activity. This will lead to uneven skin, thickening and fibrosis.
  6. Unsatisfactory aesthetic result. Sometimes the result from the injection of fillers is not pleasing - we were waiting for the best effect. There are several reasons for this:
      the density of the drug is not selected correctly;
  7. much more of the drug is administered than necessary - in this case, lumpiness and severe swelling appear.

Undesirable consequences after administration can be avoided if you choose the right clinic with highly qualified doctors.

You can read more about the side effects of filler here.

We invite you to watch a video about what complications are possible after the filler injection procedure:

Types of massage techniques

After surgery or mesotherapy, you can use various types of massage. But the key point among all the techniques is to be gentle on the skin. Under no circumstances should you feel pain during the procedure.


This type of massage is perhaps one of the simplest, since it does not require special skills or medical education. You need to study photos of the main lines of the face along which the treatment should be carried out. Fingertips are used for massaging.


  1. Apply massage oil.
  2. Place your fingertips on the dimple of your chin and move them towards your earlobes.
  3. In a similar way, place the phalanges of the fingers at the wings of the nose and run them to the top of the ears.
  4. Light pressing movements pass through the lower eyelid, smoothly moving into the area of ​​the brow ridge.
  5. Place your fingers in the middle of the forehead and then move to the periphery.

Each zone is worked for two minutes. You need to work on the same massage line 5-8 times. After the procedure, a relaxing bath with herbal infusions or a healing mask is recommended.

Pinch according to Jacquet

This type of massage is classified as therapeutic. It consists in:

  • smoothing;
  • pinching;
  • deep kneading;
  • creating vibrations.

It is this type of manipulation that will allow you to eliminate stagnant areas on your face, smooth out scars and infiltrates, and also eliminate spots of accumulated blockage that appear after severe acne. Recommended after blepharoplasty surgery, Botox and filler injections, as well as after hygienic skin cleansing in a cosmetologist's office.


  1. Talc is applied to the face and neck-collar area. First, they knead the neck from bottom to top, and then radically change the direction to the opposite.
  2. From the center of the chin they move towards the ears, carrying out a deep study of this area.
  3. The dermis is grabbed between the index finger and thumb. So they move in the direction from the corners of the lips to the ears.
  4. To get a healthy glow and remove sagging cheeks, specialists pinch from the nasal septum to the ears.
  5. Pinching is not carried out in the eye area, since the skin there is very delicate. Consequently, only the fingertips are involved and the intensity of pressing is reduced. They pass first under the lower eyelid to the temples, and then move to the upper eyelid, moving under the superciliary arch.
  6. The forehead is massaged from the center to the periphery. Smoothing and vibration are applied.

The duration of the session is short - no more than 15 minutes, and for thin epidermis - no more than 7 minutes. Basically, the master uses two fingers - the index and thumb.

Lymphatic drainage massage of the eyelids

Since the skin in this area is sensitive and has recently undergone surgery, you should be extremely careful when massaging the areas of the lower and upper eyelids. You will need to apply light pressure on certain points with your fingertips.


  1. In the temple area, sliding movements are required with the pads of four fingers (all except the thumb).
  2. Walk your ring finger along the massage line of the lower eyelid, ending the path near the inner corner of the eyes. Apply light pressure.
  3. Without changing your position, perform 10 presses with your fingertip.
  4. Move to the upper eyelid under the brow ridge and begin pressing with the tips of two fingers - the middle and ring fingers.
  5. The procedure is completed by similarly pressing the point at the outer corner of the eye - 10 times.

Note! You can perform lymphatic drainage massage at home. Do it every other day, and your muscles will always be toned.


This is a special technique, the main task of which is to sculpt your face - the oval of the face is made clear, cheekbones are drawn, various sagging in problem areas are eliminated, wrinkles are smoothed out and puffiness is removed from the lower eyelid area.


  1. First, the master irons each massage line 3 times.
  2. Superficial kneading of the skin is carried out. To do this, you will need to use the inner side of the palm of the second and fourth fingers. Make spiral movements 3 times in each section. The manipulation is completed by point pressure on the skin with the pads of the fingers.
  3. Now they carry out a deep kneading, but use all the phalanges of the fingers and the palm itself.
  4. Perform tapping with fingertips, as if writing circles. Movements always occur from the center to the periphery.
  5. Vibrating claps are also performed with the entire palm. Do not forget to touch the cervical-collar region and décolleté area.
  6. Finally, light stroking is performed to soothe the dermis.

In general, the session lasts 15–20 minutes.


The special Vivaton technique receives positive feedback from women who have undergone rehabilitation after surgery or botulinum toxin injections. The essence of this massage is the formation of a stable muscle roll, which prevents the formation of sagging and wrinkles. The technique involves a successful symbiosis of Japanese, Chinese acupressure and Spanish massage, as well as well-known practices of vibration effects on the skin.

Provides long lasting results. When you turn to the services of real professionals, the dermis will not be injured, so during and after the procedure you will only feel pleasure.

Gymnastics for the eyes

To keep the circular muscles in the eyelid area in good shape, plastic surgeons recommend performing the following exercises:

  1. Warm-up consists of normal eye movements. First look forward, then move your eyes to the left and fixate for a few seconds, then to the right. Then look up and lower your pupils down.
  2. Raise your head up and find some element on the ceiling. Now, without changing your position, begin to blink actively for 30 seconds.
  3. Close your eyes, after a few seconds open them and look into the distance. Then squeeze your eyelids tightly, making sure to do this so that the brow ridges do not move. Repeat this exercise 5 times.
  4. As in the previous version, this gymnastics prohibits moving your eyebrows during the exercise. Close your eyes and place the pads of your index fingers on the upper eyelid - they should be located strictly in the middle and parallel to the bridge of the nose. Now, overcoming resistance, try to open your eyes. Repeat the procedure several times.
  5. Tilt your head back and try to concentrate on the tip of your nose. Take your starting position while sitting, but immediately move your gaze into the distance.
  6. Do the “Chinese” exercise. Place your fingertips at the outer edge of your eyes (eyelids should be down). Move them to the side, moving as if towards your temples. Take the starting position again and repeat the procedure up to 5 times.

Attention! If you do the stated exercises during the first two weeks after surgery, you will definitely notice how quickly the swelling and bruises go away, and the scars smooth out.

Is there an alternative?

So is it necessary to immediately resort to injections and operations? Or maybe you should first think about it, analyze the situation and resort to less dangerous and traumatic methods of rejuvenation?

But let’s return to my unlucky client, whose rehabilitation I began using elements of several massage techniques at once:

  • Hawaiian (transformation of negative emotions and energy into positive ones, by introducing the client into the alpha state);
  • Ayurvedic massages (working out “health” points and chakra zones);
  • shiatsu (stimulating the flow of energy in tissues);
  • elements of the Spanish RTE massage, which gives an excellent lifting effect, focusing on muscle stimulation.

This is how the “Hollywood Plastic” massage was born.

“Hollywood plastic surgery” is a unique non-injection method for solving problems associated with aging skin of the face, neck, and décolleté. The procedure is aimed at combating gravitational ptosis and the imprint of active facial expressions (grimaces). The massage is carried out in five stages, during which the muscles relax, spasms that lead to skin creases are relieved, and all facial muscles are kneaded. The function of fibroblasts to produce collagen and elastin is stimulated, muscle tone is stimulated, and with the help of lymphatic drainage, the remnants of metabolic processes are removed.

Thanks to specially developed cosmetic oil, the massage procedure brings maximum effect. The massage technique is exclusive and quite complex to perform, but the gratitude of clients more than compensates for the specialist’s work.

We consolidate the resulting effect

To consolidate the result obtained, you need to:

  • apply a healing mask or circle your face with a swab dipped in a decoction of herbs;
  • massage at night;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle without bad habits;
  • establish sleep and rest patterns;
  • drink as little liquid as possible to avoid swelling;
  • During and after the procedure, maintain hygiene - carefully pat the skin with a terry towel and use pH-neutral cleansers;
  • start eating a balanced diet.

Time frame

Cosmetologists prohibit massage only after beauty injections. But before them, you should also abandon manual therapy. It is advisable not to go to the massage therapist for a week before the session to allow the muscles to recover, and then take Botox as needed.

After injections, you should not touch your face at all unless necessary for 3-4 days. You can return to massage only after 2 weeks. Before this, you need to visit a cosmetologist so that he can evaluate the result and determine whether there are any contraindications to manual therapy.


Among the contraindications to massage it is worth noting:

  • inflammatory processes on the skin, because, as practice shows, exposure to the dermis contributes to the spread of infection;
  • the presence of warts, papillomas and voluminous moles;
  • hemangiomas and rosacea;
  • frequent nosebleeds;
  • increased fragility of blood vessels;
  • the presence of herpes in the acute stage or allergic reactions on the skin of the face;
  • enlarged lymph nodes that are located in the neck or below the jaw;
  • high or low blood pressure;
  • active hair growth in women on the face;
  • epilepsy and neuritis;
  • hemophilia;
  • skin is too sensitive;
  • weak expression of subcutaneous fat tissue.

Within a month after salon acupuncture procedures, it is prohibited to carry out any impact on the skin.

Negativity without positivity

One of my clients once regularly visited cosmetologists and received hyaluronic acid injections. Having decided to undergo a circumferential lift with blepharoplasty, she did not imagine how things could turn out.

The operation was unsuccessful. The surgeon did not take into account the fact that there was too much hyaluronic acid in the tissues. Upon contact with a large amount of exudate released during surgery, the fillers that were in the tissues increased in size many times. The face was covered with swelling ranging from three to five centimeters in size. In places where injections were injected into wrinkles, ropes as thick as a finger formed.

The swelling persisted for 45 days. Despite the previously injected fillers, the “widow” and “puppet” wrinkles became clearly visible on the face. The client's experiences are difficult to describe. The depressive psychological state was completely reflected on her face. The operating surgeon blamed the cosmetologists for everything, and they shrugged their shoulders in response.

There was an urgent need to save the situation, complicated by post-operative depression.

Side effects

If you do the massage incorrectly or if you ignored the warnings, you can earn:

  • swelling;
  • formation of hematomas;
  • the formation of skin tubercles where the gel accumulates;
  • facial asymmetry;
  • formation of a “waxy” face;
  • ptosis or drooping of the upper eyelid;
  • spread of the inflammatory process.

If you have undergone muscle stimulation with botulinum toxin or other filler, then performing a massage for a month is highly undesirable. Only after the facial skin has recovered from the procedure and wrinkles are smoothed out can we say that the substance injected under the skin has been completely absorbed into the soft tissues, which means that massage is allowed.

After blepharoplasty surgery, on the contrary, massage is indicated already on the second day, and face-building exercises are included in the mandatory rehabilitation program. But it is better to conduct it with highly specialized specialists, say, in a plastic surgery clinic.

Fillers: is everything known?

Today, filler injections are one of the most popular beauty procedures. In Britain alone they are produced up to half a million a year. But English doctors, increasingly faced with the side effects of fillers, say: they are unsafe.

The British Association of Plastic Surgeons points out that not everything has been sufficiently studied and regulated regarding such injections. First of all, filler gels were initially developed to replace tissue in people suffering from atrophy and tumor syndrome, tested as “materials” for these purposes, and only then, over time, found their use in cosmetology.

Having collected data on 823 patients who suffered from such procedures, scientists made the following conclusions. Most clients are women 50-60 years old. In addition to the redness and swelling that is quite likely after filler injections, they experienced paralysis of the muscles of the face and lips, distortion of facial features, vision problems and allergic reactions. Nineteen unlucky beauty hunters were hospitalized with infections and severe allergies that caused difficulty breathing.

Secret ingredient

Snail mucus, pearl extract and snake venom – these ingredients in cosmetics promise to prolong youth for many years. Can you expect a miraculous effect from exotic creams?

Pearl extract. In fact, cosmetics may contain pearl hydrolysate. The most useful thing about this cream is not the pearls, but the amino acids contained in the hydrolyzate (there are at least 15 of them in the pearl protein). They nourish and protect the skin exceptionally well. It is worth noting that any amino acids are useful: for example, wheat ones are no worse than pearl ones.

Leech gland extract. Contains 80 active components. The most valuable are enzymatic complexes and proteins that cannot be created artificially. Improves blood microcirculation, refreshes complexion. Increases the number of lipids in the epidermis, which reduces skin irritability. Creams with leech extract are used mainly to treat dermatitis and eczema. They also have a beneficial effect on aging skin.

Snail slime. The substance that makes up snail mucus is a real storehouse of useful substances (glycolic acid, collagen, elastin, vitamins, minerals).

Snake poison. Creams containing snake venom are considered an alternative to injectable Botox. Two molecules responsible for the paralytic effect have been isolated from viper venom, so creams with poison can smooth out fine wrinkles around the eyes and make wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows less noticeable.

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