Swollen eyes after crying - how to quickly get yourself in order

Crying provokes the active work of the lacrimal glands, which leads to their swelling, and in especially serious cases can cause rupture of small blood vessels. This is what causes swollen eyes after crying.

If you know in advance how to quickly remove swelling from your face and put it in order, you can avoid numerous questions and sympathetic glances from people around you. In addition, timely help will eliminate swelling and avoid complications, while maintaining the elasticity and firmness of the skin around the eyes. Thanks to proven tips on what to do if your eyes are swollen after crying, you can always remain irresistible and well-groomed.

Causes of swelling

Causes of swelling

To understand how to remove swelling without harming your health and eyes, you need to understand the causes of such unpleasant consequences.

Swelling occurs due to the accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the eyelids. And this happens for a simple reason, according to ObaGlazaR: when the lacrimal glands contract more than usual, the outflow of interstitial fluid is disrupted, and the salt content in tears, according to many, additionally retains fluid. That’s why the eyes look swollen, inflamed and bags appear after crying.

How to get rid of puffy eyes after sleep. Why do my eyelids swell in the morning?

The eyes tend to swell more than other tissues due to their anatomical features:

  1. There is no tight connection between the tissues. They are quite loose.
  2. Rich supply of vessels. Abundant blood supply when plasma sweats through their wall causes the eyes to swell.
  3. The presence of fatty tissue, which contributes to swelling of the eyelids.
  4. Easy penetration of liquid from other spaces.

After a night's sleep, the eyes swell due to physiological or pathological reasons:

  1. Allergy. Swollen eyes in the morning in a person with hypersensitivity will indicate incompatibility with the components of care products (cosmetic eye serum, mascara, cream) or allergic conjunctivitis. When wearing lenses, intolerance to the storage solution occurs, and then the upper or lower eyelids of the eyes swell after sleep.
  2. The face and eyes swell in the morning when the person cried the night before. Salt irritates the mucous membrane, which swells, causing swelling of the eyelids.
  3. Excessive amount of fluid. At night, it is more difficult for the kidneys to remove fluid due to a drop in pressure in a horizontal position; increased water load leads to edema in the morning.
  4. A large amount of salt retains fluid in the body, which is the reason why the eyelids, often the upper ones, swell in the morning. Especially often in the mornings, swelling under the eyes of men appears after beer with salted fish.
  5. Kidney pathology disrupts the filtration of fluid through them, leading to its retention in the body. When the structure of the kidney filter is damaged, it can no longer thoroughly filter out the necessary particles, and large particles (proteins) albumin leave the blood. They create conditions that retain fluid in the blood vessels. When they decrease, fluid from the vessels passes into the tissues, which is how swelling appears in the morning.
  6. Severe liver diseases, such as cirrhosis, lead to disruption of albumin (protein) synthesis, which causes oncotic edema to develop (when there is little protein in the blood plasma).
  7. Heart problems (heart failure) cause swelling in the morning due to impaired blood flow and venous stagnation (congestive edema).
  8. Sleep disturbance. Staying awake at night leads to impaired circulation of blood and lymph in the skin of the face, so in the morning the eyelids are swollen.
  9. Problems of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) cause myxedematous edema (mucous). With them, fluid accumulates in the tissues. Not only the lower eyelids swell, but also the entire face, spreading to the limbs.

Eye massage

Eye massage

For some people, massage of the eyelids and their immediate area with the pads of the fingers, as well as performing exercises for the eye muscles, removes swelling well. We have already written about such exercises in our articles. It is only worth noting that the pressure on the eyes should be light, so as not to create a worse condition through friction and excess pressure.

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ice compress

If we take into account the fact that swelling of the eyelids is accompanied by an increase in blood vessels, then it is necessary to relieve their increased tone. Cold, for example ice, is suitable for this. You can wrap it in cloth so as not to freeze the epidermis and apply it to the eyelids for 10-15 minutes every 30 minutes, giving the eyes some time to rest from the cold and restore blood flow.


Cold perfectly relieves swelling from the eyelids:

  • Take 2 pairs of tablespoons. Place one of them in the freezer for 5 minutes. Then take it out and apply it to your eyes, while the remaining couple of spoons go into the freezer. You need to change them every 5 minutes until there is a visible improvement.
  • Wrap an ice cube in a handkerchief and move it over your eyelids until it melts. If necessary, use another cube.
  • Instead of frozen water, it is better to use herbal ice. But you need to take care of its availability at least in the evening. Prepare a decoction of chamomile, parsley, mint or tea. Strain it through cheesecloth, pour into molds and cool.

Important! You can't keep ice on your eyes all the time. This is fraught with inflammation of the paranasal sinuses or the membranes of the eyeball. Apply for 2-3 seconds, and then lift the ice piece or simply move it without letting it stop in place.

Contrast shower and washing

Cold and hot shower

If we take into account the previous method of hiding tear-stained eyes, then you can replace the ice with a similar method - using a morning contrast shower or washing with cold water. It also tones the blood vessels. To do this, you can simply wash your face with cold water or take a cool shower. And when leaving it, try to lightly wipe your face with a towel, without pressing. It’s best to simply pat your face dry with a towel, says ObaGlazaRu.

How to remove traces of tears in an office or other public place?

If you were unable to contain your emotions at work, it is best to simply wash your face with cool water - it will quickly relieve swelling and redness, and remove makeup defects.

If there is no time or opportunity for such a procedure, gently apply a cold, damp cloth or paper towel to the area under the eyes. Reddened whites of the eyes are brought back to their natural state using any eye drops. When the swelling and redness subside, all that remains is to slightly correct the makeup, and you can return to your duties.


Diuretics and herbs

If swelling appears after crying and it is severe, then you can use a diuretic. For these purposes, you can drink chamomile decoction, lingonberry leaf decoction or coffee. There are also medications, for example, Eufillin, Amiloride and Triamterene. But ObaGlazaRu pays special attention to the fact that using this method can be hazardous to health, so you must first consult a doctor.

Prepare in advance

If you had to cry in the evening, take care of your appearance in the morning in advance. For this:

  • Don't rub your eyes with your hands.
  • Go to bed no earlier than 2-3 hours after crying.
  • Avoid eating salty foods after crying.
  • Before going to bed, rinse your face with cold water, but do not drink. If thirst bothers you greatly, then drink as little water as possible.
  • Place 2-3 pillows under your head to sleep half-sitting. This will help ensure fluid drains from the eyes after crying.

In the morning, set your alarm clock 2-3 hours earlier than usual. This time is enough to remove swelling if you let yourself cry enough in the evening. If there were few tears, one hour is enough to relieve swelling.

Important! After waking up, take an upright position and do not lie down again. This way you will deal with the problem faster.

Traditional recipes to help

Other popular methods for combating teary eyes can be combined into one section under traditional “medicine”.

Tea bags

Tea bags

A popular method to bring swollen eyes from tears back to normal. Just take two tea bags and place them in hot water for 5 minutes. It is necessary that they are soaked and steamed. Then place them on closed eyelids for 5-10 minutes. It is important that tea bags contain caffeine, which helps to constrict blood vessels, toning them up. Also make sure that their temperature is not too high.


Cucumber is also good for removing puffiness from sore eyes. They contain minerals and moisture, and are relatively cold, which helps restore the blood vessels of the eyelids.

Cut two cucumber slices and place one on each eye. Keep them on for 10-15 minutes, then remove. And this is repeated 2-3 times.

This method, ObaGlazaPy believes, can be used both in the evening before bed and in the morning.

Egg whites

Egg whites

Separate the whites from the yolks and beat into a homogeneous airy mass. The resulting composition is applied to closed, swollen eyelids. Proteins dry out the skin, tightening it. After drying, the protein mass is washed off.


Grated potatoes for compress

Potatoes contain a special enzyme that reduces puffiness, brightens the skin and removes dark circles under the eyes. By the way, if you have dark bruises, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the causes of dark circles.

To quickly relieve swelling using potatoes, you need to make a special compress. To do this, take one medium-sized tuber, peel and grate. The resulting pulp is wrapped in gauze and applied to the eyes or the entire face. The duration of the procedure, notes obaglaza.ru, is up to 20 minutes. The swelling will go away faster than usual.

Fermented milk compress

Fermented milk compress

A cotton swab is soaked in sour milk and applied to swollen eyes. Keep the compress for 10-30 minutes. After the procedure, wash with warm water.

Whipped whites

You only need one egg:

  1. Separate the white from the yolk;
  2. Beat the egg whites until white foam with a mixer or blender;
  3. Apply foam to the eye area and eyelids;
  4. Leave until the mixture dries completely.

Important! Dry protein strongly tightens the skin, so it is easy to stretch it. To prevent this from happening, perform the procedure without allowing any facial muscles to contract. To remove dried mass safely for the skin, it should first be moistened with water, after which you can wash your face as usual.

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