Improving your beauty - chin correction with fillers

SHAPE CORRECTION AND CHIN CONTOURING Correction of the shape of the chin will make the face slender, its proportions harmonious, and its features graceful. A “heavy” lower part or an overly sharp chin gives the face an extra 10 years of age and can create a repulsive impression. Correction of the chin with hyaluronic acid in just one procedure improves its shape, adds the desired volume, eliminates folds, and harmonizes the face. Some are interested in double chin contouring, and this task can also be solved with fillers.

So, chin contouring with hyaluronic acid is a 21st century procedure that does not require rehabilitation and can remove aesthetic defects in appearance in one go. You can have chin contouring done with hyaluronic acid without health complications in a clinic whose doctors have the necessary qualifications.

Why is the drug administered?

If previously only mentoplasty - the use of plastic surgery - helped solve the problem with the shape of the chin, now it is quite simple to correct it with fillers.
The introduction of hyaluronic acid into the chin area allows you to make it more pronounced, or, conversely, soften its contours and give it roundness if nature has awarded you with a sharp chin. Of course, the main purpose of filler is to increase volume. But this does not mean that it is impossible to use it for other corrections, for example, using it to reduce a protruding chin, or to disguise a dimple. And if you change the volume of the cheekbones, the chin will visually look much smaller .

Injecting fillers is not a surgical procedure, so it will not bring drastic changes. The purpose of the correction is to add volume or create beautiful contours.

We invite you to watch a video about indications for chin correction with fillers:

Sculptra filler (poly-L-lactic acid based) –

Sculptra filler is a synthetic, biologically compatible, immunologically inert polypeptide that consists of microspherical particles of poly-L-lactic acid. Many experts call this filler a dermal stimulator, because... it is not a traditional dermal filler - unlike traditional hyaluronic acid or collagen fillers. Its mechanism of action is to initiate the formation of new collagen in the dermis, resulting in a slow correction of deep wrinkles and restoration of soft tissue volume.

The drug is produced by the international dermatological company Galderma®.

The mechanism of action of the drug is such that when administered correctly, it not only corrects the depth of the wrinkle, but also restores the volume of lost collagen in the injection area. In essence, this is more like the injection of fatty tissue when correcting sunken areas of the face and deep folds, which arise as a result of a decrease in the volume of deeper structures (dermis and subcutaneous fatty tissue). Small and precise volumes of Sculptra should be injected into the correction area to avoid overcorrection. In patients 30-39 years old, 2-3 cm3 of the drug is usually used, in 40-49 years old - 4 cm3, in older patients - 5 cm3.

The cosmetic effect after administration does not appear immediately, but not earlier than after 4 weeks. Sculptra injections are performed monthly (or rather, at intervals of 4-6 weeks) until the patient is satisfied with the amount of correction of the problem area. Therefore, it is impossible to immediately say exactly how much of the drug you will need, but usually this is 3-4 courses of injections. The best effect is achieved in pre- and postmenopausal women receiving hormone replacement therapy. A worse effect occurs in postmenopausal women NOT receiving hormone replacement therapy. Studies have shown that cosmetic defects in men are corrected more quickly when using Sculptra than in women (for an unknown reason).

If it is important for the patient to immediately achieve a cosmetic effect, then Sculptra can be combined with other fillers (and already during the first visit), but Sculptra must be injected first. It is successfully used to increase the volume of cheekbones, cheeks, and correct nasolabial folds, and the achieved results last for at least 18-24 months. Very important: the technique of working with this drug is very complex, and the doctor must undergo special training, which is provided by the manufacturer of this drug (you must ask the doctor to present such a certificate). But the effect of this drug will be the most impressive, like after a successful plastic surgery.

→ Sculptra price – from 20-30 thousand rubles for 5.0 ml.

Technique for performing contour plastic surgery

The drug can be administered under the patient's skin using various techniques.

  1. Transdermal . This is a method of injecting the drug in close proximity to the correction site.
  2. Transoral . Some surgeons use this technique, injecting the drug by making a puncture from the side of the oral cavity, in order to eliminate swelling and punctures visible on the face. This technique is practically not used, since there is a high risk of introducing a third-party infection that may be on the mucous membrane. In addition, before carrying out such a procedure, the oral cavity must be sanitized.


The advantages of correction using fillers include:

  • no scars;
  • instant achievement of results;
  • minimum complications;
  • ease of the procedure;
  • short rehabilitation period;
  • in the case of using hyaluronic fillers, additional normalization of hydrobalance, rejuvenating effect, stimulation of the production of own collagen and elastin;
  • affordable price compared to plastic surgery;
  • no need to use anesthesia.

Indications and cost of the procedure in Moscow and St. Petersburg

It is worth noting that the introduction of filler will not radically change the shape of the chin, but with their help you can correct:

  1. add a little volume to the lower part of the face;
  2. remove dimples and folds;
  3. make the contour of the chin clear;
  4. remove asymmetry.

Let's look at it in detail:

  • Chin augmentation (augmentation) .
    By injecting fillers, an experienced cosmetologist can make a flat chin more expressive by slightly increasing its shape. The advantage of the method is that after the introduction of hyaluronic acid, it is possible to carry out a pre-correction, that is, inject the filler into the desired place.
  • Change . You can change the shape of your chin or visually reduce the lower part of your face without resorting to implant installation or plastic surgery. The shape is changed by injections directly into the dermis of the chin. But the reduction is carried out by injecting filler into the cheekbones.
  • Dimples . They can be eliminated very quickly with the help of gearulonic acid; just one linear injection of the drug under the dimple is enough and the problem will be solved. At the same time, complications and negative consequences are minimal if the injections are given by a professional cosmetologist.
  • Folds. They can also be quickly removed by introducing filler, and the effect, depending on the drug, will last for 1-2 years.
    The cost of any correction depends on the drug used and its quantity on average:
    1. Radiesse – 1 ml – 15,000 rub.
    2. Juvederm Voluma – 0.55 ml – 12,500 rub.

  • Surgiderm 30 XP – 1 ml – 17,000 rub.
  • These prices are current in Moscow. In St. Petersburg, the cost of the drug does not differ from Moscow, but contour plastic services are a little cheaper.


  • Underdeveloped or “sloping” chin;
  • Deformation of the chin after injury;
  • “Floating” oval of the face;
  • Asymmetrical chin.

Chin augmentation and correction of its shape with fillers can help solve the following aesthetic problems:

  • add volume to the lower third (if the chin is insufficient);
  • harmonize facial proportions;
  • smooth out dimples on the chin;
  • eliminate asymmetry;
  • strengthen the oval of the face.


You need to prepare for the procedure. First, they go to a cosmetologist, who conducts an examination and survey to find out what result the patient expects from the procedure.

As soon as the cosmetologist is convinced that it is possible to inject the filler, the patient can be sent for examination. The stages of the examination include :

  1. general urine and blood tests;

  2. radiography;
  3. visiting specialists.

If no medical contraindications are found, the cosmetologist will give the following recommendations:

  • 3-4 days before the procedure, stop taking pills that thin the blood, such as ibuprofen, aspirin, St. John's wort, vitamin E, etc.);
  • 2-3 days in advance, stop drinking alcohol and preferably smoke less;
  • It is imperative to maintain water balance; you need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Professionals speak positively about injections with dermal gels, considering this procedure highly effective and safe.

Nelly Mezerya (Cosmetologist):

Recently, correction of the lower third of the face has become increasingly popular among patients. Thanks to this procedure, you can give your face sculpted features, correct imperfections and signs of aging. In my work I prefer Juvederm Voluma. It is quite easy to use the drug, the result pleases both the specialist and the patient. The disadvantages include the rather high cost of the drug.

A cosmetologist expresses his opinion regarding the drug Radiesse:

The specialist shares his experience regarding the injection of fillers in the presence of contraindications:

Description of the zoom session

The duration of a chin correction session is approximately 30-40 minutes; the drug is administered on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia.

The doctor performs the following actions:

  1. Removal of facial skin makeup, if necessary, and disinfection in correction areas.
  2. Anesthesia is carried out based on the patient’s sensitivity threshold. If the patient does not experience pain, then sprays or creams are used. If the pain threshold is high, then lidocaine or ultracaine is administered.
  3. Markings are applied to the skin.
  4. Filler is injected.
  5. The treated area is re-disinfected.
  6. The patient is given a passport about the injected filler, which indicates the expiration date, name, and quantity.

We invite you to watch a video about the technique of performing the procedure for correcting the chin using filler:

Side effects

Complications after correction are uncommon, but the following reactions may occur:

  • erythematous nodules (appear when using collagen-based filler, which is immunogenic in 1.3% of cases);
  • necrosis of soft tissues (formed as a result of blockage or compression of blood vessels if the drug gets into them);
  • bluish tint of the skin (associated with incorrectly chosen injection technique and insoluble protein produced during internal bleeding);
  • hematomas;
  • swelling;
  • hypersensitivity of the epidermis;
  • painful sensations;;
  • the formation of abscesses due to violation of sanitation standards;
  • gel migration;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • fibrosis;
  • vascular embolism.


We suggest you evaluate the changes using photos taken before and after the augmentation procedure, when any area of ​​the face is enlarged:

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of non-surgical mentoplasty:

  • fast and high results, the effect is noticeable immediately;
  • This is a one-time procedure and will need to be repeated when the filler disintegrates (biodegrades);
  • minimum injury to soft tissues;
  • fillers do not disrupt the functioning of facial muscles;
  • short rehabilitation period, after 7–10 days you can fully enjoy your flawless look;
  • minimum side effects and complications;
  • performed in winter and summer, there are no time restrictions;
  • after the procedure the patient goes home;
  • does not leave scars or scars;
  • Fillers with hyaluronic acid promote skin rejuvenation and slow down the aging process.

Disadvantages of the procedure:

  • high price;
  • fillers with the addition of silicone often cause inflammatory processes in tissues;
  • the result and health of the patient significantly depend on the level of professionalism of the cosmetologist; exceeding the dose of the drug threatens asymmetry and deformity;
  • possible side effects;
  • The effect of filler correction lasts no more than 3 years, be prepared for repeated waste.

Rules for further skin care

After injecting hyaluronic acid into the chin, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Do not touch your face with your hands, especially the injection site.
  2. Do not use decorative cosmetics for 3-4 days after injections.
  3. You can only use care products that are recommended to you by a cosmetologist.
  4. Do not use aggressive agents such as crabs for 14 days.

We invite you to watch a video on how to care for your skin after the procedure:

Rehabilitation period

In the first few days after the procedure, slight swelling and redness occur, and sometimes small hematomas appear in the area where the dermis is punctured.
These side effects do not require additional treatment and go away on their own after a maximum of a week. To speed up recovery and minimize the risk of complications, it is necessary to exclude:

  • cosmetic procedures such as peeling, resurfacing, dermabrasion, etc.;
  • alcohol (prevents the body from “getting used” to the active substance of the drug);
  • playing sports;
  • solarium, swimming pool, sauna, bathhouse;
  • influencing the correction area in any way (rubbing with hands, massage);
  • application of decorative cosmetics (at least 24 hours).

When can I expect results?

If hyaluronic fillers are used to correct the chin area, the effect will be visible immediately after the procedure, but the final result can be observed 14 days later, after swelling and possible bruising have passed and the drug has been evenly distributed under the skin.

If the procedure is carried out correctly and the filler is selected at the required density, then the result will be what the patient and the cosmetologist expected.

After two weeks, the cosmetologist is visited again , and if the shape of the chin is not as desired, due to the fact that a small amount of gel was injected, it can be pinned.

If you don’t like the result at all, you can introduce special antidotes that quickly dissolve the HA, but it is worth remembering that you will have to pay extra for these injections.

Negative consequences

The norm after chin correction with fillers is considered to be small bruises at the puncture sites, slight swelling, as well as small lumps, which decrease after a few days.

Lack of proper experience and professional skills of a cosmetologist, neglect of contraindications threatens the following unpleasant consequences:

  • hematomas, subcutaneous hemorrhages caused by puncture of a capillary;
  • edema, swelling at the site of filler injection;
  • increased sensitivity, even pain in the chin area;
  • purulent formations at the puncture sites with further inflammation, as a result of violation of hygiene and sanitation rules, infection of soft tissues during the procedure;
  • asymmetry of the chin caused by the proliferation of connective tissue - the reason lies in the incorrectly selected drug, the incompetence of the doctor;
  • scarring of tissues, formation of nodes under the skin caused by exceeding the dose of the injected filler;
  • vascular embolism;
  • allergy to the drug;
  • herpes rash.

Complications such as vascular embolism (when part of the filler is injected into a blood vessel) require immediate treatment and are dangerous to the patient’s health.

Important point! Violation of the rules and recommendations for caring for the problem area, massages, and pressure on the chin can cause the filler to dislodge. Therefore, despite the simplicity and ease of the procedure, treat it with particular rigor and seriousness.

What can and cannot be done?

It is forbidden:

  1. Stay in direct sunlight and do not visit the solarium.
  2. Visit saunas and baths, do not take a hot bath for 2 weeks.
  3. If you have a habit of leaning on your chin, you will have to give it up, as there is a possibility of the filler shifting.
  4. Avoid hypothermia if the procedure was performed in winter.

You can : visit a massage therapist immediately after the procedure, who, using acupressure on the chin, gives it the correct shape. In addition, there is an even distribution of the filler and the risk of stagnation of blood circulation in the chin.

Alternative to fillers

Alternative methods of transformation are mento- or genioplasty. They involve a full-fledged surgical intervention.

During the procedure, the skin is excised and the implant is subsequently inserted. The material used is solid porous polyethylene or silicone. The result lasts throughout your life.

Possible difficulties that can actually be encountered during plastic surgery:

  • the need to spend a certain time in the clinic;
  • use of anesthesia;
  • long recovery period;
  • high cost (about 120 thousand rubles);
  • the risk of implant rejection and serious complications (if a foreign body is removed, there is a possibility that the skin flap will stretch).

Types of funds

There are a lot of hyaluronic acid-based drugs on the market that are used for chin contouring, let’s look at the most popular ones:


An Austrian drug that contains hyaluron, which is obtained using SMART technology. Its advantage is that the resulting drug is well resistant to environmental influences.

Princess is characterized by stability and the absence of various impurities . It contains no active proteins and oxygen, which makes the gel more viscous.

The product is often used for correction of the lower jaw, as it holds its shape very well and is safe.

We invite you to watch a video about the characteristics of Princess Filler drugs:


A filler made in the USA that contains stabilized HA. Compared to other drugs, this gel is denser and harder.

The filler is injected into the deep layers of the dermis, so there is a possibility of severe swelling and large hematomas. These unpleasant symptoms disappear in three days, and the result of the correction lasts for 2-3 years.


The French filler Filorga is produced using a unique technology based on HA . High purification allows the drug to be used for plastic surgery not only of the chin, but also of facial contours.

There are very few contraindications to the drug. But there is an age restriction - it can only be used after 27 years.


This is a Korean drug that contains a high concentration of hyaluronic acid, so it has found wide application in cosmetology for various procedures. The gley structure allows the filler to be evenly distributed under the skin.

The drug goes through 8 purification phases, after which it becomes resistant to biodegradation, therefore the effect of its use remains for a long time and can last up to 2 years.

Advantages of HA fillers:

  • excellent compatibility with human dermis;
  • long-term corrective effect;
  • instant results;
  • no long rehabilitation period required;
  • leaves no scars;
  • the ability to quickly remove filler using Longidase injections.

Side effects:

  • hyperemia and swelling at the injection sites;
  • soreness;
  • small seals that disappear within 7 days.

It is worth noting that all side effects go away very quickly, while the effect of plastic surgery lasts for a long time.

Fillers based on hyaluronic acid –

Hyaluronic acid fillers are most often used to eliminate cosmetic defects. They are easy to use and do not require too much training from a doctor. Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide that is constantly synthesized by skin cells. Its biological role is to moisturize the skin and give volume to the skin, which becomes possible due to the fact that its molecules are able to hold a volume of water - 1000 times greater than the volume of the molecules of the polysaccharide itself.

The “lifetime” of hyaluronic acid molecules in the body is no more than 24-48 hours, which is why so-called “bound hyaluronic acid” is used for the production of fillers. It is a gel in which single molecules of hyaluronic acid are linked to each other (using special substances) in long chains, which prevents its rapid destruction. After being introduced into the tissue, such a gel retains its elastic structure and volume for a long time, which makes it possible to use it to correct wrinkles and add volume to facial tissues. The duration of the effect is usually about 6 months, but for some drugs the effect lasts up to 9-12 months.

Type of hyaluronic acid filler –

Below we list the most popular hyaluronic acid fillers, but in general there are a very large number of them, and they all have different properties. For example, one of the most important characteristics of a filler is its elasticity (density). High-density fillers are used to eliminate deep wrinkles and folds. Slightly less dense ones are intended to create volume in the cheekbones and cheeks, and very soft ones are used in the lips and eyes. In Table 1 you will find information about filler brands and for which areas of the face they are recommended.

1) Restylane® filler (Restylane) –

Restylane contains non-animal hyaluronic acid obtained through bacterial fermentation. The manufacturer is Q-Med (Sweden). This is the most popular filler in the United States (approved by the FDA in 2003). It has a high concentration of hyaluronic acid - 20 mg per 1 ml. Restylane refers to incompletely hydrated gels, i.e. During the first 24 hours after injection, it will absorb moisture, which will lead to additional expansion of the soft tissue at the injection site.

Due to the fact that the gel has medium density and elasticity (gel viscosity corresponds to 100,000 particles per 1 ml), it is well suited for the correction of wrinkles of medium depth. The effect after its administration lasts from 6, but not more than 8 months. This drug is ideal for reducing the depth of nasolabial folds, marionette lines at the corners of the mouth, nasal defects, acne scars, as well as for lifting the tip of the nose.

In addition to the classic Restylane® filler, there are also several options that are more adapted to specific tasks: 1) “Restylane Touch” - for eliminating the smallest wrinkles, 2) “Restylane Lip” - for correcting lip volume, 3) “Restylane Sub-Q” - to create additional volume in the cheekbones and cheeks. All these preparations contain the same concentration of hyaluronic acid, and differ only in the density/elasticity of the gel. The cost of 1 syringe with a volume of 1 ml for clinics is from 6,000 rubles, which in our opinion makes this filler the best in terms of price/quality ratio. In clinics the price starts from 10,000 rubles.

A big plus of Restylane brand fillers is that the manufacturing company tests its fillers for residual content of bacterial proteins. This is important because Almost all fillers are now produced by bacterial fermentation, and residual proteins can cause the risk of allergic reactions. For example, the popular Juvederm fillers do not undergo such laboratory tests. However, there are no comparative data in the literature on the frequency of allergic reactions of different brands of fillers.

→ Restylane® filler release forms

2) Perlane® filler (Perline) –

Perlane filler was also developed by Q-Med (Sweden). It is part of the Restylane® line of fillers, differing from them in higher viscosity and gel density. At the same time, the concentration of hyaluronic acid in it is the same - 20 mg per 1 ml. This filler is FDA approved and is designed to treat only severe deep wrinkles and folds of the skin. The duration of the effect is about 9 months after the injection (sometimes longer).

This gel is an excellent option for reducing the severity of nasolabial folds, increasing the volume of the cheekbones, reducing deep wrinkles on the chin, and marionette lines in the corners of the mouth. In general, to successfully work with this drug, the doctor must have extensive experience in using fillers, because Perlane has a very high density. Using such a gel with insufficient experience can lead to the skin surface being uneven (lumpy). The cost of 1 syringe with a volume of 1 ml is about 7,000 rubles, and in clinics the cost usually starts from 12,000 rubles.

3) Juvederm® filler (Yuvederm) –

Juvederm is one of the most popular fillers in Europe and the USA. Manufacturer: Allergan Inc. (USA). Contains hyaluronic acid obtained using bacterial fermentation technology. The gel is not fully hydrated, so additional expansion should be expected in the first 24 hours after injection. Two forms of Juvederm® filler were approved by the FDA in 2006: Juvederm Ultra and Juvederm Ultra Plus. They correspond to those released for Russia - “Juviderm Ultra 3” and “Juviderm Ultra 4”.

In Juvederm Ultra 3 and Juvederm Ultra 4, the concentration of hyaluronic acid is the same - 24 mg / 1 ml, but they differ from each other in the density of the gel. Juvederm Ultra 4 gel is the densest and is used to correct deep wrinkles and folds, as well as atrophic scars. The slightly less dense Juvederm Ultra 3 is used to correct wrinkles of medium depth, but it is also suitable for working with the contour of the red border of the lips. Moreover, both of these gels are equally suitable for increasing the volume of the cheekbones, reducing the depth of nasolabial folds, as well as for marionette wrinkles.

The cost of 1 syringe with a volume of 1 ml (depending on the form of release) ranges from 7,000 to 13,000 rubles, and accordingly in clinics the price will start from 12,000 rubles for the most inexpensive option - Juvederm Ultra 2, used for lips and wrinkles around the eyes . The duration of the effect of Juvederm Ultra 3 is similar to Restylane® filler and is 6-9 months, but the effect of Juvederm Ultra 4 will last up to 12 months. Additionally, there are 5 more variants of this filler, designed for narrow areas of application (you can check them out at the link below). These include -

  • Juvederm Ultra 2,
  • Juvederm Voluma,
  • Juvederm Ultra Smile,
  • Juvederm Volbella (Volbella),
  • Juvederm Volift (Volift).

→ Juvederm® filler release forms

4) Filler Belotero (Belotero) –

Belotero filler was created by the Swiss company Anteis SA, but currently the owner of the brand is the pharmaceutical company Merz (Germany). Belotero is positioned as a “smart filler” that has a unique degree of homogeneity and the ability to be evenly distributed in tissues. This will ensure that you don't feel it on your skin. Has FDA approval. The line of this filler is represented by 3 drugs - Belotero Soft, Belotero Balance and Belotero Intense.

Belotero Soft – contains 20 mg/ml3 of hyaluronic acid, and is intended for the correction of fine superficial wrinkles, as well as delicate areas of the face, neck and décolleté with thin skin. Belotero Balance – contains 22.5 mg/ml3 hyaluronic acid, and is used to correct medium-sized wrinkles and folds, as well as lip augmentation. And the third option - Belotero Intens - with 22.5 mg/ml3 of hyaluronic acid, for the correction of deep wrinkles and folds, as well as increasing the volume of the cheekbones and cheeks. The effect lasts approximately 6-9 months. The cost of 1 syringe with a volume of 1 ml is about 6,000 rubles.

→ Cost in clinics – from 11,000 rubles per 1 ml.

5) Filler Stylage –

Stylage® filler is produced by the French company VIVACY Laboratories. Stylage filler has a whole line of drugs. First up is a line of 3 Stylage® fillers - lettered S, M and L. They target fine superficial, medium and deep wrinkles, respectively. The effect of Stylage® S lasts up to 9 months, and M and L - up to 12 months. Each gel version is available with or without lidocaine.

The second option is a soft filler called Stylage Lips, which contains 18.5 mg/ml3 of hyaluronic acid and is intended only to increase the volume of the body of the lips and/or contour their red border. The effect lasts about 6 months, sometimes longer. Well, the third option is Stylage XL and XXL fillers, which are designed to add volume to the cheekbones and cheeks. The effect lasts about 12 months (

The manufacturer, as one of its competitive advantages, claims to contain antioxidants (mannitol and sorbitol), which slow down the destruction of the hyaluronic acid gel. However, the process of destruction of hyaluronic acid gels in tissues depends on many factors, and antioxidants are not the main ones. The manufacturer does not publish comparative studies on this issue with other fillers. The cost of Stylage® S,M,L is about 3500-4000 rubles (for 1 syringe). The cost of other forms is about 5,500 rubles per 1.0 ml syringe. In proportion to this, you can calculate the price in clinics (usually + 5,000 rubles to the cost of the drug).

6) Princess® and Hyalax® fillers –

Both Princess filler and Gialax filler are produced by the same company Croma-Pharma (Austria). There are 2 release forms in the Princess line of fillers. The first option is the classic Princess Filler®, this is a fairly soft filler that can be used for superficial and medium wrinkles, as well as for lip augmentation. To correct deep wrinkles and nasolabial folds, increase the volume of the cheekbones and cheeks, you can use a denser version of this drug - Princess Volume.

The effect of classic Princess filler will last 4-6 months. The effect of the second filler option will last up to 6-9 months. It must be said that this brand is the most inexpensive among fillers. Cosmetology clinics buy them - only 3,000 and 3,500 rubles, respectively (for a 1.0 ml syringe), and the low price allows for a higher markup. For comparison, the purchase cost of 1 1.0 ml syringe of Juvederm Ultra 3 is about 11,000 rubles.

It should be noted that for Princess fillers (in comparison with those listed above), very few clinical studies have been published, and with not too many people who took part in them. However, if you want to save money or get acquainted with the contouring procedure for the first time, you may well choose this particular brand. By the way, another economical option is the “Revofil” line of fillers (Fine, Plus and Ultra), made in Korea. Their purchase price for a 1.0 ml syringe is also only about 3,100 rubles.


Contraindications to the procedure:

  • Low blood clotting.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Tendency to form keloid scars.
  • Diabetes.
  • Diseases of the immune system.
  • acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.
  • The period of exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Herpes in its active phase.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

We invite you to watch a video about contraindications for the procedure:

We suggest reading articles about other areas for injection of fillers - lips, nose, cheeks, cheekbones, forehead, face, intimate places, nasolabial folds, nasolacrimal groove.

Offer from the Renaissance Cosmetology clinic

If you want to correct your chin, contact our experienced cosmetology specialists. We use high-density branded fillers in our work, offer fair prices for professional contouring and make sure that the result exceeds your wildest expectations.

After the procedure is completed, the doctor will definitely consult the patient on what to do during the rehabilitation period. The entire procedure (chin contouring with fillers), including waiting for the anesthetic to take effect, takes no more than 20–45 minutes. The compositions are administered using a cannula or syringe with a very thin needle. The results can be assessed immediately. If the patient feels well (no signs of allergies), he can immediately leave the clinic.

If you are not satisfied with the result

If too much filler is injected or complications arise after contouring, you can try the following methods to neutralize the effect:

  • to remove hyaluronic acid - administer hyaluronidase or drugs based on it;
  • To neutralize or reduce the effect after the administration of calcium hydroxyapatite, the manufacturer recommends the use of saline injections. However, reviews indicate that this technique is ineffective and you will have to wait until the filler is completely dissolved. In case of severe side effects, therapy is used aimed at eliminating the problems that have arisen, and not at eliminating the implant.

How is the procedure done?

Correction of the chin area takes little time. However, it takes about 30 minutes for the anesthesia to take effect. The injections themselves are done quickly. It will take about 45 minutes in total.

Stages of a doctor’s work:

  • make-up removal is carried out;
  • a gel with an anesthetic effect is applied, which is included in the cost of the procedure;
  • the remains of the anesthetic are removed, the skin is wiped with an antiseptic;
  • hyaluron is injected into pre-marked areas deep under the skin in an amount of no more than 0.5–1 ml per session;
  • puncture sites are treated with an antiseptic solution.

The procedure takes place in comfortable conditions and does not cause suffering to the patient.

Comparison with other anti-aging procedures

There are other ways to rejuvenate the chin.


Contouring is confused with Botox, but they have significant differences. The Botox technique is based on the injection of botulinum toxin, which relaxes the muscles. This procedure is used to eliminate and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Botox cannot change the shape of the chin and fill the necessary places with volume.

Surgical mentoplasty

If we compare contour plastic surgery with surgical plastic surgery, the latter has a clear advantage - you can significantly change the shape of the chin by installing a durable implant made of polyethylene or silicone.

This operation is associated with certain difficulties:

  • general anesthesia is required to install the prosthesis;
  • long and difficult rehabilitation period;
  • there may be numbness in the operated area;
  • there is a risk of implant displacement;
  • the formation of scars at the suture sites is inevitable;
  • if the prosthesis is installed near bone tissue, it will gradually collapse.

Surgery does not rejuvenate the skin at the cellular level and is inferior to contouring in this regard.

Thread lifting

The procedure is carried out by introducing mesothreads under the skin in order to form a strong muscle frame without adding volume. This is in contrast to contouring, which can enhance the chin where it is needed.

Hardware lifting

Laser therapy is used to rejuvenate the skin. As with threads, the laser does not create volume.

Efficiency of the technique

The injection actions are aimed at achieving the following result:

  • adding volume;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • elimination of defects - cavities, acne;
  • formation of a clearer oval face.

The procedure provides not only an aesthetic, but also a rejuvenating effect. But you shouldn’t expect dramatic changes in appearance from contouring. A significant change in the shape of the chin is only possible with surgical intervention - surgical mentoplasty.

Also, the invasive (injection) technique has a short-lived result. The average lifespan of fillers is one and a half years.

Patient reviews

The fact that preparations based on calcium hydroxyapatite give good results is reported by a patient who first received injections with this filler in the cheekbones, and then in the chin.

A patient who experienced serious complications after the injection of filler shared her unsuccessful experience of using Radiesse. For this reason, she generally does not recommend using any brand of filler:

Detailed information about the practice of using Radiesse gel is here

And here the patient talks about her unsuccessful experience with lipofilling, and how contouring helped her improve her chin. The only thing she is dissatisfied with is that the result is not permanent and the procedure will have to be repeated.

Another patient shares her experience of having filler injected into her chin, saying that the procedure was unpleasant and a little painful, but she liked the result. And she also shared how, some time after contouring, she was injected with saline solution. Such actions led to the fact that the places where contour plastic surgery had been carried out for a long time became swollen again.

Injection chin plastic surgery is not as popular as lip or facial contouring. Many people don’t even understand why resort to this method of correction. But those who have an incorrect bite, a sloping or very narrow chin and other problems dream of a similar procedure. And it can give good results. Moreover, judging by the reviews, a positive outcome of contour mentoplasty is most often obtained. It all depends on the qualifications of the doctor. It is his experience that will eliminate incorrect administration of the drug and give the patient confidence that everything is going as it should without harm to health and with benefit to appearance.

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