Lips after hyaluronic acid: possible consequences and ways to eliminate them

Technique of the procedure

The basis of the method is the introduction of a special filler based on hyaluronic acid along the contour and pink part of the lips. This substance is a polysaccharide, which is actively produced by the human body at a young age. That is why the risk of complications in the form of adverse reactions is minimal.

The whole process takes about half an hour and looks like this:

  1. During consultation with a specialist, the type of drug and the scope of the upcoming manipulation are determined.
  2. An anesthetic cream is applied to the treated area or a pain-relieving injection is made into the gum.
  3. Injections of hyaluronic acid are carried out along the contour of the lips; to distribute the filler evenly, the injection sites are kneaded with fingers.
  4. To create volume, a rejuvenating drug is injected along the pink part of the lips; at the end of the procedure, the doctor must perform a massage.
  5. If necessary, after a week or two, correction is made by additional injection of hyaluronic acid.

Is there a visible effect?

The visible effect of the injection of 0.5 ml of hyaluronate can be detected already on the second day after the procedure. Lips acquire natural volume. Of course, it will not be as noticeable as with 1-2 ml, but the swelling after the injection is less pronounced. The contour becomes clear and the skin becomes elastic. Patients do not feel any foreignness even when kissing.

Other changes are taking place:

  • the skin is smoothed;
  • dryness disappears;
  • asymmetry is eliminated.

A similar result cannot be achieved at home. Therefore, many ladies prefer to regularly spend money on their beauty.

There are reviews about an inconspicuous volume resulting from the injection of 0.5 ml of hyaluronate. This dose is sufficient for patients with plump or medium-sized lips if they are not satisfied with any nuance.

If a girl naturally has very thin skin-muscular folds, which have pronounced asymmetry or are unattractively shaped, it is worth increasing the dose of the drug. A volume of 0.8-1 ml is suitable for this. If the effect is not satisfactory, you should change the drug or think about the professionalism of the cosmetologist.

Experts assure that almost every patient, after increasing her volume with 0.5 ml of hyaluronic acid, dreams of adding a little more volume. However, this fact relates more to psychological dependence. You need to be careful in this matter, because excessive lip size does not always look beautiful and even repels the opposite sex.

Expected Result

You can notice the visual effect immediately after the injection. Overall, the following positive changes have been achieved:

  • creating an even natural contour, eliminating asymmetry in the mouth area;
  • increasing skin firmness and elasticity;
  • resorption of wrinkles around the mouth, raising its corners;
  • creating an attractive lip volume;
  • moisturizing the skin by retaining water molecules;
  • masking minor defects;
  • stimulation of self-rejuvenation processes.

Hyaluronic acid is eliminated from the body on its own after 6-10 months, then the procedure can be repeated, while synthetic fillers are not recommended to be used too often.

Possible consequences

The likelihood of complications developing after contouring is extremely low. This is due to the fact that hyaluronic acid is produced and present in the human body, and the drugs used are biosynthesized, that is, completely safe. But there is still a risk of the following side effects:

  • swelling;
  • soreness;
  • bruises and bruises;
  • creating excessive volume;
  • transillumination of the drug under the skin when it is administered superficially;
  • lip asymmetry;
  • allergy;
  • formation of compactions and granulomas;
  • herpes due to infection or due to a decrease in the body's defenses.

Although the needle creates imperceptible and very small wounds, mechanical damage still provokes short-term inflammation, accompanied by swelling. Healing occurs in just a few days, so unpleasant symptoms create virtually no discomfort. If they do not disappear for a long time, or other complications appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The result largely depends on the qualifications of the specialist and how correctly the procedure was carried out. It is better to do lip contouring in an aesthetic medicine clinic, making sure in advance of its good reputation and the presence of positive reviews about the chosen doctor.

Why does swelling occur?

The most common problem is swelling after lip augmentation. This is a completely natural reaction of the body to skin damage and the introduction of foreign substances from the outside. Therefore, water accumulates in the tissues that have undergone intervention. The following circumstances influence how long swelling will last:

  • type of drug used;
  • volume of work performed;
  • compliance with antiseptic treatment standards;
  • individual characteristics of the patient's body.

In most cases, swelling decreases within 2-3 days. 12 hours after the procedure, slight swelling remains, but the results of the increase can already be assessed.

If the lips continue to swell, pain, itching occurs, and the general condition worsens, this may be a manifestation of an allergy or inflammatory reaction. You should immediately consult a doctor while the situation can still be corrected without much difficulty.


Another problem is the occurrence of bruises and hematomas. They are the result of tissue damage. Bruising occurs due to a violation of the integrity of the vessels, as well as when they are compressed by the injected substance. They can last about a week, the bruise will completely go away along with the swelling.

You should not use products intended to resolve bruises if they contain alcohol or thin the blood. It is better to limit yourself to antiseptic solutions and regenerating creams.

Cones and subcutaneous balls

In some cases, patients experience the formation of balls in the lips. Even if they are visually invisible, the defect can cause severe discomfort. Mostly they appear in the first week after the procedure, but sometimes this happens after 1-2 months. These balls are fibrous formations and are caused by increased collagen production. Such seals can increase the sensitivity of the lips and distort their shape.

A lump can also form if the filler is not distributed correctly. Lumps of gel are removed using absorbable agents or redistributed under the skin during massage movements.

Much more dangerous are seals of inflammatory origin. Small papules resolve on their own when the body’s rehabilitation is complete. If the hard pellet persists for too long, there is a risk of granuloma formation. If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, you can only get rid of them through surgery.

If you are prone to scarring, injection marks may remain on your lips.


Injections into the lip area sometimes provoke the appearance of herpes. If a person has a tendency to this disease or has a weakened immune system, it is recommended to take antiviral drugs for several days before the procedure, which will be recommended by the doctor after a preliminary conversation and examination.

If a herpetic rash appears, it is necessary to fight the disease with special means. Antiviral drugs are taken orally and used locally. In some cases, the allergic mood of the body plays a role in the exacerbation of herpes, then antihistamines are additionally prescribed.

If you have a rash on your lips, hyaluronic acid injections cannot be performed. It is necessary to completely get rid of the problem and strengthen the immune system so as not to provoke a relapse of the infection. It is better to postpone a visit to a cosmetologist for several weeks.

Poor quality correction

It is not difficult to cope with the body’s natural reaction to the procedure, and the patient’s recovery occurs quickly. Much more dangerous are the consequences associated with using a bad drug or choosing an insufficiently qualified cosmetologist. A person may experience the following problems:

  1. Unnatural look. It is important for a specialist to accurately determine the amount of substance needed to give the lips a natural shape. Excess gel creates a “duck lips” effect and causes discomfort in places where it accumulates. In order to get rid of excess, Lidaza or similar drugs are used to stimulate the breakdown and rapid absorption of injected hyaluronic acid by tissues.
  2. Asymmetry. Occurs when the gel is not distributed correctly. Injections must be accurate and fast, since developing swelling can negatively affect the final result.
  3. Transillumination of filler accumulations. Introducing the substance to insufficient depth provokes the appearance of a bluish tint to the lips. It is impossible to correct the defect without removing the filler.
  4. Significant damage to tissues and blood vessels. Unsuccessful injections cause pain, despite anesthesia, the integrity of blood vessels is compromised, which is fraught with bruising and prolonged swelling.

Before carrying out the procedure, it is important to ensure that the instruments are sterile and that the drug is in unopened packaging. It is not allowed to use leftover filler from another patient.

What to do if your lips were done unsuccessfully?

If your lips have been done unsuccessfully, you should definitely contact several doctors: cosmetologists, surgeons, and get a comprehensive consultation on how to further solve the problem.

You can correct asymmetry or “duck lips” in several ways, depending on the characteristics and location of the problem:

  1. Specific drug therapy aimed at improving metabolism and blood flow in tissues.
  2. Contour plastic surgery by a more experienced specialist (introduction of absorbable biothreads along the contour, correction with fillers, surgery).

When nodes form , massage is necessary, as well as corticosteroid injections. However, the nodes may be resistant to such methods of corrective therapy, so sometimes a more radical method of solving the problem is necessary: ​​puncture and aspiration of the contents, surgical excision.

The severity of fibrosis (i.e. hard lips) can be reduced with the help of special medications that promote tissue resorption. But the problem can only be completely eliminated through surgery.

The infection is treated with systemic and local antibiotics. The dosage and specific drug should be chosen only by the doctor, taking into account contraindications and the presence of allergic reactions in the patient.

If the facial nerve was affected , then the patient will need a thorough diagnosis (MRI, radiography, electromyography, etc.) to determine further treatment tactics. It usually includes taking anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics, painkillers, glucocorticoids, and vasodilators. As well as physiotherapy (electrophoresis, acupuncture, ultrasound, massage, etc.).

If complete recovery does not occur, biostimulants and hyaluronidase are added. If a rupture occurs, suturing or neurolysis is necessary.

How to prevent complications: rules of care

To reduce the likelihood of negative consequences, it is important to properly care for your lips after the procedure. Particular attention should be paid to the first three days.

Basic recommendations for lip care:

  1. To speed up healing and eliminate dryness after injections, use Bepanten or other products containing panthenol.
  2. To distribute the drug, the cosmetologist must massage the lips well. You can knead them on your own only through facial exercises and light pats.
  3. Ice is applied to relieve discomfort and swelling.
  4. It is recommended to make moisturizing and nourishing masks. You can use home remedies: honey, aloe or cucumber juice, cream.
  5. It is better to sleep on your back, so as not to create unnecessary pressure on the lips and not to provoke displacement of the filler.

What not to do

It is equally important to know what restrictions exist. Otherwise, you can ruin the final result of the transformation.

So, after hyaluron injections, the following cannot be done:

  • use alcohol-containing products for facial care;
  • the first day it is forbidden to drink alcohol, hot drinks and food;
  • Smoking is harmful, as it reduces the rate of tissue regeneration and provokes irritation of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • For 2-3 weeks you cannot sunbathe, visit the solarium, swimming pools and saunas;
  • It is not recommended to kiss until complete healing and distribution of the filler;
  • Do not get involved in sports and other physical activities;
  • during the first month, you should not rub your lips or perform self-massage so as not to displace the injected gel;
  • The use of decorative cosmetics is contraindicated for about 4-5 days.

All restrictions should be discussed with the specialist who will perform the procedure. If suspicious symptoms subsequently appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Questions and answers

When should all side effects go away?

Swelling lasts on average 3-4 days, bruises take a little longer to resolve. By the end of the first week, you will be able to evaluate the results obtained and, if necessary, make additional changes.

How many days should you not drink alcohol and why?

Alcohol contributes to the development of swelling and reduces the effectiveness of the procedure. You should refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages for at least 3-5 days.

When can you paint your lips?

After just a few days, you can use decorative cosmetics. The doctor must inform the patient about all restrictions.

How can you correct a cosmetologist’s mistakes?

To eliminate the shortcomings, there are 2 options: introducing an additional portion of hyaluronic acid or drugs to break it down.

Is it possible to tattoo lips after lip augmentation?

It is necessary to wait at least 3-4 weeks until the wounds heal completely. It is worth considering that permanent makeup lasts longer than contouring, and therefore in the future some defects may appear due to the loss of volume and shape of the lips.

Why does pain occur?

Enlarging lips with hyaluronic acid is painful because it occurs by puncturing the upper layer of skin around the labial muscles with a needle. The drug is administered using a syringe. Since there are a lot of nerve endings on the face, and they are especially sensitive, the procedure becomes painful. It sounds terrible, of course, but the reason for the discomfort during the procedure is clear. The effect of such painful lip augmentation lasts from 6-12 months.

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