Oily eyelids, how to deal with them. Oily eyelid skin: salvation or curse?

Oily eyelids, how to deal with them. Oily eyelid skin: salvation or curse?

It would seem that oily eyelid skin is nonsense, since there are no fat cells in that area of ​​the skin, which is why excessive drying occurs and wrinkles appear.
However, this phenomenon still exists, although oily skin is less common than normal or dry skin. Its signs are quite characteristic: the cosmetics do not lie, but bunch up in the folds of the eyelids just a couple of hours after application. The mascara, crumbling, is smeared across the lower eyelid, turning into circles. It looks ugly, although if you compare oily skin with dry skin, it has much more advantages.

What are the benefits of oily skin near the eyes?

Oily skin becomes so due to the excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which an oily substance is released that maintains the elasticity and firmness of the skin. So, thanks to the presence of fat cells in it, it ages more slowly and the eyelids are no exception.

  • those with oily facial skin experience expression lines later than their peers with dry skin;
  • even from the sun, oily skin on the eyelids suffers less, as it becomes less dry;
  • Another advantage is the fact that in the eye area, even with oily skin, there is no main problem typical for it: enlarged pores and acne.

So you can live with it, as well as mask existing defects and try to reduce them, although in this case you will have to be prepared for a constant struggle, since it is hardly possible to completely eliminate the increased secretion of the glands, although there are cases that the skin type changes. This happens when hormonal status changes, as well as lifestyle.

Cosmetics for oily eyelid skin

It is almost impossible to find a division of eye creams based on skin type, since many manufacturers focus on mature, aging, irritated skin, but not on oily or dry skin, although such differentiation of face products is more than common.

Therefore, the same products are available for oily eyelid skin as for other skin types, the only thing you should pay attention to is their consistency. Creams are more rich and contain oils and lipids, which are essential for dry skin, but for oily skin they will be superfluous, so it is better to choose water-based gels, lightweight serums and oil-free emulsions.

It won't hurt to get a product for washing oily skin and removing makeup. On sale you can find not only cleansing emulsions, but also those with a matting effect.

It wouldn't hurt to use folk remedies. Decoctions of herbs that can be used for washing or as compresses are good for removing oily shine. These include:

  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • sage.

Cucumber and parsley juice have similar properties. You can try simple masks. To do this, simply apply a mixture of grated raw potatoes, a mixture of low-fat cottage cheese and honey, chopped parsley, squeezed until juice appears, and red currant pulp onto your eyelids. Fruit masks with a large amount of fruit acids and vitamin C are generally good for the skin; at the same time they not only reduce its oiliness, but also moisturize and nourish. To achieve results, you need to do them regularly.

    Decorative methods of struggle

If the use of masks and gels does not bring results, it is still possible to change your appearance by getting rid of the folds of shadows in the eyelids. In order for shadows for oily eyelid skin to lie well, you should begin applying them by covering the eyelids with a base foundation. As such, you can use special products, for example, concealers, or simply apply regular powder to the skin first. It will fill the folds and prevent the shadows from clumping.

It should be remembered that if without a base the shadows are absorbed by the pores of the skin, then when applied to the base they lie brighter, so it is important not to overdo it with the richness of the makeup.

Well, if this doesn’t help and the arrows still blur, it might make sense to try permanent makeup, which is long-lasting and guaranteed to last.

Skin care around the eyes: should I use homemade masks?

Homemade recipes and folk remedies for caring for the skin around the eyes can relieve skin fatigue and have a cooling effect, but they are unlikely to get rid of wrinkles, increase skin turgor and resist irreversible aging processes.

For the periorbital area of ​​the face, “monomasks” are most often used based on one basic component, for example, beaten egg white, gruel of grated potato or cucumber, orange and turmeric juice, honey and coffee. Such natural products do contain amino acids, vitamins and minerals, but it is better to take them orally.

Home care for the skin around the eyes can be used in the absence of corrective cosmetics. Natural products can cause swelling, allergies, irritation of the vulnerable and delicate skin of the eyelids and are less effective than professional care from a reliable manufacturer, whose formulas undergo strict dermatological and ophthalmological control.

Alexander Prokofiev: Dermatovenereologist La Roche-Posay

Oily skin stings eyes. Symptoms of the disease and what they lead to

Normally, the eyelids are the driest area of ​​the face. There are practically no sweat and sebaceous glands in them. Therefore, when the eye area begins to sweat, it “knocks you out of the saddle.” There are three main symptoms. This is constant discomfort, the eyes sting, as if something had gotten into them, and severe itching.

And finally, hyperhidrosis of the eyelids itself is their increased sweating. The sensation can be compared to the constant contact of foreign objects such as dust particles in the eyes.

Due to the fact that this problem occurs - sweating under and above the eyes - you may experience such inconveniences as:

  • Oily, sweaty eyelids make it difficult to see properly.
  • For women who wear makeup, it leads to smearing. If a lady also has unwashed hair, the woman’s appearance suffers greatly.
  • Sweating eyelids negatively affects the likelihood of wrinkles.
  • Rubbing the eyelids. Sweat came out and got into my eyes.
  • Their redness from constant scratching.

To prevent this from happening, you need to start fighting hyperhidrosis of the eyelids and upper half of the face as early as possible, but first you need to find out what the cause of sweat under the eyes is. Often it is a change in hormonal levels. Eyes often begin to sweat during pregnancy, during PMS or menopause.

In this case, eye cosmetics are contraindicated for you, at least the ones you use: if they come into contact with the upper eyelids, hyperhidrosis may begin. Change your makeup or give it up altogether. This also includes the use of certain hormonal drugs, such as Cortisone and its derivatives.

Characteristics of oily skin

The basis of oily skin is a naturally thick layer of the epidermis and increased work of the sebaceous glands. Active and constant release of sebum clogs the pores, resulting in the formation of a blackhead, inflammation or acne.

The process of thickening the upper layer is stimulated by fatty acids, which leads to compression of the pores and their expansion, and a large amount of moisture leads to their swelling at the edges.

Due to clogged pores, the skin's breathing becomes more difficult and its natural exfoliation and cleansing process is disrupted. Bacteria that enter their natural habitat cause the development of all kinds of inflammation. All these defects enlarge the pores even more. Oily skin is covered with a fatty film and has a poor blood supply.

Eyelids shine. How to make your eyes shine (secrets of oriental beauties)

“Radiant” - this is what they say about eyes, whose beauty lies in inner strength and purity and cannot be explained only by an ideal external form. Everyone knows the saying that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. But in addition to the personal microcosm, “burning eyes” also reflect the physical state of a person.

More than a thousand years ago, Eastern doctors already knew how to “read eyes.” Changes in the iris, the shape of the pupils, shine, speed and clarity of vision - this is not a complete list of signs that ancient doctors took into account. A concubine in a harem could not appear before the master without sleep or tired.

To ensure that your eyes always shine provocatively and do not frighten you with dark circles, take a regular eye bath. Place your face in the water and open your eyes to rinse the eyeball. A few seconds are enough for them to become clear and healthy. Make a daily eye bath as necessary as brushing your teeth.

If your eyes are red from fatigue, it is best to wash them with chamomile infusion. Pour boiling water over 5 g of chamomile, and when it is infused, strain. After the infusion has cooled, you can drop it into your eyes, make a compress, or simply wipe the skin of your eyelids. In addition to chamomile decoction, you can use dill infusion or rosemary leaves.

Compresses are an excellent remedy known to ancient healers. In addition to chamomile, you can use tea leaves for them. Brew a teaspoon of black tea in 1/4 cup of boiling water, leave for 30-40 minutes, strain. The compress is applied for 10 minutes. Keep cotton swabs soaked in tea for 1-2 minutes, changing them 3-4 times. After completing the procedure, make a compress of cold water and apply a nourishing cream to the eyelids. Thanks to this procedure, the very sensitive skin around the eyes is smoothed and refreshed.

The same results can be achieved using mint decoction. The same products that are used for washing the eyes are suitable for a compress. Spending a few minutes sitting or lying down in perfect peace will have a wonderful effect on the nervous system. With regular implementation of such procedures, nervous twitching of the eyelids, which often causes the appearance of premature wrinkles, can disappear.

For compresses that relieve swelling, an infusion of herbs is perfect: sage, linden blossom or flaxseed. For one teaspoon of herbs - one glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Strain the resulting infusion. Pour a teaspoon of sage leaves into half a glass of boiling water. Leave covered for 10-15 minutes, strain, cool half, heat the other half. Alternately apply cotton swabs soaked in hot or cold infusion to the eyelids. Do the procedure before going to bed, then lubricate the skin with eyelid cream.

Use cottage cheese against dark circles under the eyes and around the eyes: wrap a dessert spoon in a clean cloth and place on the eyes for 10 minutes. Another old remedy is chilled cucumber slices.

An excellent and universal remedy is a decoction of cornflower flowers. Pour 3 tablespoons of cornflower flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Use for eye baths.

You can also make a compress from these flowers: pour 1 tablespoon of cornflowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Apply tampons moistened with warm infusion to the eyes for 15-20 minutes.

In spring and summer, don't forget about seasonal fruits and vegetables. Excellent nourishment for weakened eyes:

- black berries: currants and blueberries

- red fruits: apricots and apricots

- greens: parsley, dill and green onions.

Among the drinks, green tea, brewed leaves and fruits of hawthorn and blueberries are extremely useful. And, of course, nibble on young carrots, topping them with a teaspoon of sour cream or vegetable oil.

How to make eye shadow last a long time at home. 1 Face preparation


    Wash your face. Wash away dirt, sebum and old makeup, which will help your fresh makeup last much longer. If you put fresh makeup on a dirty face, it will usually either rub off or peel off.

  • Wash your face in the morning before applying makeup.
  • Don't use harsh soap on your face. This can cause irritation and dryness, which will make your makeup not last long.


Cleanse your skin several times a week. Dead skin tends to accumulate on the face, especially as we age, so you need to cleanse your skin several times a week to remove it. Applying makeup to dead skin will cause it to flake off throughout the day. Your makeup will look, feel and perform better on a smooth, cleansed face.

  • You can use a facial brush to lightly scrub away the dead skin from your face. Rub your face in a circular motion, never apply too much pressure.
  • A homemade sugar scrub also works well as a gentle exfoliant.
  • Don't forget about your lips! They should not peel off so that the lipstick sticks to them better.


Hydration. For oily skin, buy a non-oil or moisturizer, and for dry skin, buy a more nourishing one. Make sure your moisturizer has at least SPF 15 to protect your skin from the sun, or a separate cream with SPF 45 if you live in a sunny area. If you are older, you can use an anti-wrinkle moisturizer.

  • Avoid using thick, greasy moisturizer during the day. This can make your face look too smooth for makeup.


Apply face foundation. Apply a thin layer of a good base to ensure your makeup lasts all day. Some primers can be very expensive, but you don't need to use a lot to get good results. Apply foundation all over your face, especially over red or oily areas or any blemishes you want to hide.


Use eye primer. This will help the eyeshadow last longer and prevent creasing on your eyelids. In addition, it makes colors brighter and less transparent. You can also use liquid concealer for this.

  • If you don't wear a lot of makeup, you may not need foundation on your eyes. However, it can really help if your eye makeup tends to smudge and end up under your eyes.
  • An eye primer can also help your eyeliner stay in place.


There are many different ways you can get rid of wen on your eyelids. Some of them are gentle, others are more radical. It is possible not only to symptomatically eliminate the formation, but also to cure the root of the problem.

Pharmacy products

This method of therapy is suitable for small formations that are detected only by visual examination. They should be no more than 1 cm in diameter, then medications can help:

  • Dimexide. This is a concentrate that is applied externally. It has an anti-inflammatory effect by eliminating free radicals and improving metabolism in the affected area. The product also eliminates pain and has a slight antimicrobial effect. If you smear it on the formation, it will gradually be absorbed through the skin, increasing permeability for other drugs.
  • Ichthyol ointment. This is a drug for external use that provides an antiseptic and disinfectant effect. Additionally, the drug has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. It quickly penetrates the skin, affecting adipose tissue.
  • Vishnevsky ointment. This is liniment, which is also based on xeroform and tar. The drug has an antiseptic and irritant effect. Due to the latter effect, the internal contents of the wen come out faster.

These drugs are aimed at an antiseptic effect and prevention of infection, as well as independent opening of the contents.


This is a more effective effect on the area of ​​adipose tissue through the use of medications. The method has the following positive effects:

  • resorption of contents without the need to open the skin;
  • single administration of the drug, there is no need for a long course of treatment.

The negative side of the method is the possibility of complete lack of effect. But this occurs quite rarely. In most patients, the secretion is reabsorbed within 2-3 months.

Surgical removal

There are several types of techniques used. It is not selected by the patient, but determined by the doctor after conducting diagnostic tests and identifying the person’s health status:

  • Liposuction. A cut of 0.5 cm in diameter is made on the surface of the formation. A special device is inserted into it, which sucks out the fatty contents. This is the fastest method that allows you to completely eliminate formation. It is possible to re-use liposuction if adipose tissue has accumulated again.
  • Endoscopy. The doctor makes a small incision through which the internal contents are squeezed out. The procedure is painless, as an anesthetic substance is first applied.
  • Classic way. The doctor makes a large incision throughout the entire lump. Using this technique, you can gain full access to adipose tissue. It is performed for large formations that cannot be eliminated using previous methods without the risk of relapse. The surgeon completely cleans out the contents and applies stitches. This is considered a disadvantage of the procedure, since a large connective tissue scar is subsequently formed.

We recommend reading: Eye surgeries

Surgical removal is performed if the formation has reached 2-3 cm in diameter, so medications will not help. The use of the technique is also indicated in the presence of a large number of wen, with the danger of their fusion.

Laser removal

This is the most modern technique that has been developed in recent years. Using the method, the risk of re-formation of wen and various complications is eliminated. Laser exposure completely eliminates the possibility of fusion of formations.

After preliminary disinfection of the tissues, the doctor applies a laser beam to the area of ​​the wen. It burns it completely, leaving no traces. The technique eliminates the possibility of formation of connective tissue scars.

Rehabilitation after the procedure takes several days. The patient only needs to apply an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. This will prevent the spread of infection and overexposure of the immune system at the site of the lesion.

In some patients, the procedure may cause the formation of pigment spots. Subsequently, for most of them it disappears.


This is one of the latest techniques used in modern medicine. During electrocoagulation, the lesion is exposed to high frequency current. It completely burns out the formation down to the deep tissues. The treatment can be applied to large or small fat deposits.

The rehabilitation period also takes several days; complications do not arise if the patient uses medications prescribed by the doctor.

Eyelids become oily. Cosmetics for oily eyelid skin

It is almost impossible to find a division of eye creams based on skin type, since many manufacturers focus on mature, aging, irritated skin, but not on oily or dry skin, although such differentiation of face products is more than common.

Therefore, the same products are available for oily eyelid skin as for other skin types, the only thing you should pay attention to is their consistency. Creams are more rich and contain oils and lipids, which are essential for dry skin, but for oily skin they will be superfluous, so it is better to choose water-based gels, lightweight serums and oil-free emulsions.

It won't hurt to get a product for washing oily skin and removing makeup. On sale you can find not only cleansing emulsions, but also those with a matting effect.

It wouldn't hurt to use folk remedies. Decoctions of herbs that can be used for washing or as compresses are good for removing oily shine. These include:

  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • sage.

Cucumber and parsley juice have similar properties. You can try simple masks. To do this, simply apply a mixture of grated raw potatoes, a mixture of low-fat cottage cheese and honey, chopped parsley, squeezed until juice appears, and red currant pulp onto your eyelids. Fruit masks with a large amount of fruit acids and vitamin C are generally good for the skin; at the same time they not only reduce its oiliness, but also moisturize and nourish. To achieve results, you need to do them regularly.

    Decorative methods of struggle

If the use of masks and gels does not bring results, it is still possible to change your appearance by getting rid of the folds of shadows in the eyelids. In order for shadows for oily eyelid skin to lie well, you should begin applying them by covering the eyelids with a base foundation. As such, you can use special products, for example, concealers, or simply apply regular powder to the skin first. It will fill the folds and prevent the shadows from clumping.

It should be remembered that if without a base the shadows are absorbed by the pores of the skin, then when applied to the base they lie brighter, so it is important not to overdo it with the richness of the makeup.

Well, if this doesn’t help and the arrows still blur, it might make sense to try permanent makeup, which is long-lasting and guaranteed to last.

Do you often feel that your eyelids have become sticky and oily? What are the reasons for this?

The eyelids are known to be the driest part of the face. However, when they become oily, it becomes a matter of concern. Most of all, the stickiness of the eyelids interferes with applying makeup.

Methods for treating oily skin

Treatment for oily skin should be complete and comprehensive. It is important at the first stage of treatment to identify the cause of oily skin and eliminate it, if possible. In case of improper care, use of low-quality cosmetics, poor and unhealthy diet, the reasons for oily skin will be obvious. To get rid of the problem, it will be enough to get rid of the factors that provoke it.

If only external therapy is used, which is aimed at eliminating the manifestations of the disease, it will not be possible to achieve a lasting result. Specialists usually use a combination of different techniques, which allows them to achieve the most effective results.

Sticky eyelids. Possible diseases

By the nature of the discharge, one can determine the disease of the visual organ. Periodically appearing white discharge from the eyes in the morning, not accompanied by signs of inflammation, is normal. If they become regular and other complaints appear, then the development of an ophthalmological disease is likely.

  1. White mucous discharge from the eyes is characteristic of viral diseases (viral conjunctivitis), and is possible after an acute respiratory viral infection. Additionally, redness of the mucous membrane and sclera, lacrimation, photophobia, swelling, as well as signs of a cold (coughing, sneezing, elevated body temperature) are noted. When the virus first affects one visual organ, then the second one joins.
  2. Another reason is dry eye syndrome. It manifests itself as dryness and fatigue of the visual organ. Occurs after prolonged hard work at the computer or with small objects.
  3. Liquid transparent. This is a sign of an allergy (allergic conjunctivitis). The defeat is two-sided. Accompanied by severe itching. The eyelids turn red and swell. After eliminating the allergen, the symptoms subside.
  4. Transparent liquid discharge is possible when dust or foreign bodies enter the discharge. It is a protective reaction of the body. The goal is to remove foreign particles mechanically.
  5. Yellow abundant. Appear due to inflammation of the lacrimal sac - dacryocystitis. The discharge is copious and thick. It intensifies when massaging the affected area.
  6. Greenish or yellowish foamy discharge is most often found with blepharitis, an inflammation of the eyelid. Accompanied by itching, peeling, swelling of the eyelids. The discharge from the eyes is sticky, accumulates in the morning, sticks together the eyelashes, and forms dense scales and crusts. Other causes are eye infections, a reaction to a dust mite.
  7. Thick yellow, green with a gray or brown tint is a sign of inflammation, formed due to the accumulation of leukocytes. Characteristic of bacterial conjunctivitis, viral and fungal infections of the cornea, trachoma, opening of barley. Additionally, there is the formation of dense crusts that are difficult to remove. A film forms on the eye, which interferes with the clarity of vision. There are redness, swelling, lacrimation, and photophobia. In severe cases - pain in the eyeball, headache, increased body temperature.
  8. Thread-like discharge is characteristic of filamentous keratitis. This is a disease that occurs when the function of the lacrimal glands is reduced. It manifests itself as dryness, burning, thread-like discharge, redness of the sclera. Leads to dystrophic changes in the cornea.
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