"Baziron AS": reviews from dermatologists and buyers, before and after photos

Let's consider whether Baziron AS helps with acne. According to reviews, it is very effective.

The drug is a pharmaceutical product with a dense gel structure and is intended for the treatment of dermatological diseases such as pimples, acne and comedones (cystic nodules formed by sebum and dead epidermal cells in the area of ​​the hair follicle).

There are a lot of reviews about Baziron AS.


The active substance in the drug Baziron AS for acne and acne is benzoyl peroxide. On the packaging the name is written as Dibenzoyl peroxide.

You will be very surprised that benzoyl peroxide is the most important component of special effects on the set where the fire process is necessary. At the same time, it is one of the most effective medicines in the treatment of acne and acne.

The drug also contains additional components, namely:

  • Glycerol.
  • Acrylate copolymer.
  • Propylene glycol.
  • Disodium edetate.
  • Carbomer.
  • Distilled water.

Release form

The drug Baziron AS is available in gel form. Gel concentrations are 2.5%, 5% and 10%. The product has a pleasant aroma and delicate texture. When applied, it is absorbed quickly enough and does not leave a greasy sheen.

Sold in pharmacies in cardboard packaging. Inside the package there is a tube of gel; the volume of the tube is 40 grams. In addition, instructions with a detailed description of the medicine are attached to the drug.

How is it produced?

You should know that only one form of this drug is sold in the pharmacy - gel. There is no cream, no ointment, much less tablets for acne Baziron AS.

The concentration of the active substance in the gel can be very different. Today the manufacturer produces tubes of this type:

  • At a concentration of 2.5%, 1 gram contains 25 mg of the active substance.
  • 5% baziron AC 1 gram contains 50 mg of active substance.
  • At a concentration of 10%, 1 gram contains 100 mg of the active substance.

Auxiliary components are necessary to make the gel texture light. They are responsible for uniform application to the affected area, as well as for rapid absorption.

How does Baziron AC work?

The main advantage of the drug is its versatility. “Baziron” successfully copes with the problem of acne of any origin, be it a teenage rash or “adult” acne.

A serious hormonal imbalance occurs in a young body, which is reflected in the condition of the teenager’s skin. Ideally, once your hormone levels normalize as you get older, your acne should go away on its own. However, this does not happen in all cases. Often the acne problem continues into adulthood for many reasons:

  • disruptions of the endocrine system, in the presence of which the concentration of hormones in the patient’s blood differs from normal values ​​for the patient’s gender and age;
  • acute and chronic diseases of internal organs - intestinal dysbiosis, gastritis, liver dysfunction, kidney stones and others;
  • severe stress, severe psycho-emotional instability, depression;
  • hereditary predisposition to disruption of the sebaceous glands. This problem occurs mainly in men;
  • insufficient skin care, poor hygiene or use of inappropriate cosmetic products;
  • excessive passion for natural or artificial tanning.

"Baziron AC" is available in 3 varieties, which differ in the concentration of the active substance - benzoyl peroxide:

  • 2.5% contains 25 mg of active substance per 1 g;
  • 5% contains 50 mg of active substance per 1 g;
  • 10% contains 100 mg of active ingredient per 1 g.

All varieties have exactly the same therapeutic effect, however, the probability of achieving the desired result may be more or less expressed depending on the percentage of the active component.

It is easy to guess that in the case of severe acne, it is necessary to choose the Baziron AS gel with the highest possible concentration of the active substance. To get rid of rare single pimples, it is better to give preference to the lightest form, which contains no more than 2.5% of the active ingredient.


The acne remedy “Baziron AS” has an active effect on the skin due to the inclusion of the synthetic component benzoyl peroxide in its composition. Depending on the form of release, its percentage can be 2.5, 5 or 10 percent.

Thanks to the unique properties of benzoyl peroxide, Baziron AS ointment not only relieves patients of pimples on the face and body, but also helps normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands. As a result, this medicine can be used both for the treatment and prevention of acne in men and women at any age.

Benzoyl peroxide is the most important, but far from the only component of the Baziron AS drug. This medicine also contains a fairly large number of excipients, which give the gel good absorbent properties and contribute to the uniform distribution of the active ingredient throughout the entire volume.

For this purpose, Baziron AS includes the following components:

  • poloxamer;
  • carbomer;
  • acrylate copolymer;
  • glycerol;
  • propylene glycol;
  • disodium edetate;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • distilled water and others.

By regularly using Baziron AS, you can achieve the following results:

  • normalization of sebum production;
  • exfoliation and removal of keratinized epidermal cells;
  • increasing the rate of regeneration of damaged skin;
  • destruction and suppression of the activity of pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammatory processes in the skin;
  • normalization of the level of moisture and oiliness of the dermis;
  • complete elimination or significant lightening of spots and scars formed after acne healing, as well as age spots;
  • narrowing of pores and, accordingly, preventing contamination and infection of the inner layers of the epidermis;
  • suppression of existing signs of acne;
  • restoration and normalization of natural skin color, appearance of blush on the cheeks;
  • acceleration of skin regeneration.
  1. The product must be applied to acne-affected areas of the skin 1 or 2 times a day. Beforehand, the treatment area must be thoroughly cleaned and dried.
  2. Baziron AS should be applied with light circular movements of your fingers, without rubbing the composition into the skin.

As a rule, after about a month of regular use of Baziron AS, you can see a noticeable result with the naked eye. However, it is necessary to continue using this medicine for at least 3 months in order to highly likely prevent a relapse of the disease and further clear your skin of unsightly cosmetic defects.

Regardless of the severity of acne, the first 2-3 weeks of therapy in most cases use a gel with a concentration of the active substance of 2.5%, and only subsequently switch to 5%. In case of extensive skin damage from acne and comedones, you can also use a 10% form of the drug, but it is better to do this as directed and under the strict supervision of a doctor. In addition, a gel with such a high concentration of the active ingredient is incredibly difficult to purchase - it is not freely available in pharmacies in Russia and Ukraine.

If necessary, the course of treating acne with Baziron AS can be repeated, but still, after three months of using it, you should give the skin a rest for at least a month.

Contraindications for use

"Baziron AS" is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • the period of waiting for a child and breastfeeding in women;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • individual intolerance or hypersensitivity of the body to any component included in the drug.

In addition, it is strictly not recommended to apply preparations from the Baziron line to skin with signs of other damage, with the exception of pimples, blackheads, comedones and other similar problems.

In the summer, areas of the skin lubricated with the gel should be protected from exposure to direct sunlight.

Side effects and overdose

As a rule, side effects do not occur when this drug is applied to the skin if it is used correctly and in acceptable quantities. If the dosage of the medicine is significantly exceeded, irritation occurs in the form of a rash, redness, itching, peeling, and so on.

How does it work

Baziron AS , which helps get rid of acne and blackheads not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body, for example, on the butt, acts in several directions.

  • Relieving inflammation.
  • Destruction of microbes.
  • Delivery of oxygen to tissues.
  • Reducing the amount of sebum that is secreted by the skin.
  • Dissolving blackheads.
  • Prevents re-clogging of pores.
  • Rejuvenation.
  • Hydration.
  • Nutrition.

Baziron AS for acne on the body is considered not only a therapeutic, but also a preventive drug.

At the same time, regular use does not allow microbes such as staphylococcus to multiply. This means you don’t have to wait for the new appearance of pimples and blackheads.

Another feature of this gel is the inability of microbes to develop resistance to Baziron AS. There will be no addiction even with prolonged use. And this distinguishes the drug favorably from those that contain antibiotics. Sooner or later, bacteria and microbes get used to them and such treatment does not bring the desired effect.

Photo: Before and after

See the reasons for the appearance of globular acne. Treatment of papulopustular acne on the face. Find out further.

What to do when there are whiteheads on the forehead? The answer is here.

The main thing is to use Baziron acne gel correctly; reviews claim that only if you follow the instructions you can completely get rid of acne.

It is also worth considering contraindications and side symptoms. Despite the fact that unpleasant effects occur rarely, you should still not forget about them.

Learn more about the effectiveness of Baziron AC for acne and acne

Baziron AS helps against acne on the face and this is a proven fact. In addition, with regular use, you can slow down the aging process. The drug acts as a good cosmetic product - it moisturizes and nourishes the skin, making it soft and velvety.

The gel can be used by people with oily and combination skin, as well as those who have dry and sensitive skin. Unlike those drugs that contain acids, Baziron AS does not have such a strong drying effect.

The second important action is the normalization of sebum production. This helps prevent the appearance of comedones. And new acne will no longer appear with regular use.

Baziron AS is an ideal remedy for internal acne , which can be very difficult to overcome. This is due to the normalization of the concentration of acids contained in sebum, as well as the fact that the growth rate of epithelial cells is noticeably reduced, and the inflammation that is located in the sebaceous gland is completely eliminated.

Another important action is exfoliation. For those who suffer from pimples and acne, the upper layer of the epidermis very often does not leave the skin after dying, but forms into a film that clogs the pores. Baziron AS is able to completely destroy and remove it, and sebum, which was previously blocked, will now easily come out and be removed using conventional cosmetics. Used for washing.

In addition, many doctors recommend the gel as a treatment for trophic ulcers.

Indications for use

The indication for the use of Baziron is acne of any severity and localization. The drug copes well with acne located on the nose, chin, and forehead.

It is included in therapeutic regimens when any clinical manifestation of acne is detected:

  • subcutaneous acne - dense to the touch nodules under the epidermis layer, filled with purulent contents;
  • closed comedones - whitish nodules;
  • blackheads - open comedones;
  • inflammatory elements - papules (nodules) and pustules (pustules).

Acne can also be an external manifestation of demodicosis. This is the name of a skin lesion caused by an opportunistic parasite. This is a mite from the genus Demodex, which lives in hair follicles and sebaceous glands. With the help of Baziron you will not be able to get rid of the parasite. The drug is prescribed to patients to eliminate inflammation, reduce the severity of itching and pain.

The product is used to relieve symptoms of demodicosis

Cosmetologists also use Baziron in their practice for the treatment and prevention of acne. But they recommend it to patients only after studying the results of biochemical studies. This drug is most often used in the initial stages of acne development.

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Instructions for use of Baziron AC for acne on the face

This gel has a minimal number of contraindications, so it is considered an ideal remedy for treating teenage acne. As a primary treatment, it is ideal for diagnosed mild to moderate acne.

It can also be used for severe acne. But only as one of the drugs in complex treatment. How to use Baziron AC?

  • Before applying the gel, the skin should be thoroughly cleaned and dried. It is not advisable to use soap for this, as it dries out the skin greatly. But a cleansing gel or foam will be the best choice.
  • After washing your face, you should let it dry on its own. As a last resort, wipe with a disposable napkin or towel.
  • Squeeze out a strip of gel one to one and a half centimeters long from the tube.
  • Apply in a circular motion to the affected area.
  • It is advisable to carry out this procedure twice a day. This is the only way to get rid of acne and pimples in the shortest possible period of time.

The duration of treatment should be at least 3 months. This applies to the use of Baziron AS for both internal and subcutaneous acne. The first results appear after at least a month of regular use. Therefore, one cannot expect quick relief from skin rashes when using this drug.

Recommendations for use on the face

Baziron gel should be used according to the instructions.

The following recommendations should be taken into account:

  • The gel should be applied twice a day;
  • Before applying the product, you need to prepare the skin. To do this, the epidermis is cleaned of dust and cosmetics;
  • You can use toner or micellar water for cleaning. But the use of soap and alcohol-based products can cause dryness and severe irritation;
  • after cleaning, gel must be applied to affected areas;
  • apply the product in a thin layer and rub in with light massaging movements;
  • After applying the gel to the skin, it is not recommended to apply decorative cosmetics, or immediately go outside.


Baziron AS has a minimal number of contraindications. This means that you can use it almost always. But it is not recommended to use in the following cases:

  • Age up to 12 years.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Lactation period.
  • Hypersensitivity to one or another component.

The use of baziron is possible only after mandatory consultation with a specialist. Otherwise, instead of getting rid of acne, you can get a lot of side effects.

Description of the drug Baziron AS

Baziron AS is an antiseptic disinfectant intended for external use. The purpose of use is to combat pimples (acne), blackheads, and boils. Its active ingredient is benzoyl peroxide. Due to it and a number of excipients, the composition has antimicrobial and keratolytic properties. This drug suppresses inflammatory reactions, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, normalizes metabolic processes, cleanses pores and moisturizes the skin.

Side effect

  • Skin irritation.
  • Dryness.
  • Peeling.
  • Itching or burning.
  • Redness at the application site.
  • Edema.
  • A rash that resembles small blisters with cloudy contents.

It should be remembered that Baziron AC (sometimes its name is written like this) does not remove acne marks or spots after them. This ointment is intended only for the treatment of acne, acne and pimples.

There is no need to remove Baziron AS from the body, since the medicine acts only on the surface of the skin and does not enter the blood. That is, it does not have any systemic effect on the body.


Gel Baziron AS should be used to treat acne, pimples, and acne. Many reviews claim that the remedy can relieve these problems within a week after starting to use the drug.

But there are other indications for which Baziron gel is prescribed:

  • to accelerate the healing of trophic ulcers;
  • helps speed up blood flow during rosacea;
  • prescribed for wounds, skin damage, scratches. Accelerates the healing period;
  • to normalize tissue nutrition. In these cases, it ensures their saturation with oxygen;
  • to eliminate pathogenic microflora, purulent formations;
  • for cleansing and moisturizing.


Pharmacies and stores today sell a huge number of different medications for acne and acne. It’s quite difficult to choose what you need on your own. If you look only at analogues of Baziron AS, there will be about 10 of them. These are:

  • Oxygel.
  • Ugresol.
  • Oxy10.
  • Clean & Clear.
  • PCA Skin.

It should be remembered that before using this or that product you should definitely visit a doctor.

There is another interesting question - which is better than Baziron AS, Zinerit or Skinoren. Few people know that each of these medications contains completely different active ingredients.

For example, Zenerit is erythromycin (an antibiotic) and zinc, and Skinoren is azelaic acid. This particular drug is recommended for the treatment of spots and marks after acne.

The cheapest analogues of Baziron AC are:

  • AcneStop.
  • Acne-Derma.
  • Azelik.

When is the drug required?

It is recommended to use the product in the fight against numerous purulent formations of the upper layer of the epithelium, which are commonly called pimples, blackheads, and acne.

We are talking not only about teenage disease, but also about problematic skin in general, since it is possible to encounter this problem at any age. The cause of these unpleasant purulent pimples can be quite a few.

The main task is to establish as soon as possible the cause that provoked this appearance; after the cause has been established, it must be eliminated immediately.

To understand what reasons can affect the appearance of acne:

  • various diseases of the digestive system as a whole or individual sections of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • a sharp change in a person’s hormonal levels;
  • allergic reactions of the body;
  • the body's reaction to a polluted environment;
  • severe stress or neurosis.

What is the secret of the drug’s effectiveness?

The manufacturers of the drug claim that the high effectiveness of the product was achieved thanks to the innovative discovery that formed the basis of the drug. The main component of baziron is benzoyl peroxide.

It is this component that exfoliates as much as possible all the rough skin on the face, affecting all the upper layers of the epithelium, and also dries out all redness and inflammation.

As a result, the pimple becomes covered with a crust, and under the crust it quickly heals. In addition, peroxide relieves all signs of inflammation and prevents the growth of bacteria; after using the drug, the skin no longer looks red.

Baziron helps reduce oily skin; oily skin is such a favorable environment for the appearance and further proliferation of acne. It is important that baziron is able to correct problems such as post-acne; unpleasant spots on the face will become invisible after a course of treatment with this drug.

Baziron is available in different dosage forms, depending on the concentration of benzoyl peroxide and the amount of the drug.

Thus, the drug successfully copes not only with the treatment of purulent formations, but also improves the condition of the skin as much as possible.

How to use the drug Baziron

Treatment with Baziron must be prescribed by a doctor. It is the doctor who is aware of the course of the entire disease, as well as all the characteristics of your body, who can prescribe a certain dosage and how often the product can be applied.

The medicine (ointment) should be applied to the acne-affected area of ​​the skin once a day. The effect will not force you to reap; after a month of daily use, the result will be noticeable to others.

At the end of the 3-month course of treatment, an improvement will occur that will last for a long time.

It is important to know that Baziron is not addictive.

Microorganisms are defenseless against the components of this product; there is not the slightest possibility of the appearance of forms of bacteria resistant to the product. Therefore, Baziron is the most effective remedy for acne on the face today.

How to use Baziron correctly, watch this video:

With prolonged use, the product can normalize the functioning of the subcutaneous sebaceous gland, blood flow in the skin significantly improves, thanks to which nutrients freely saturate the skin.

That is why, vitamin-rich skin begins to glow, the face looks rested and completely clean.

Baziron AS for acne on the face. Reviews

Mikhail: “I used Baziron AS for a month. I didn't notice any significant improvements. But the instructions say that it should be used for three months. I’ll try to use this entire period.”

Ilona: “Baziron is my salvation. I completed the full course and, on the doctor’s recommendation, I use the gel once a week as a preventive measure. There is simply no better cure for acne.”

Katya: “Baziron is a miracle! “We haven’t yet come up with a better cure for acne.”


Marina, 28 years old, Saratov

I will leave my positive review about Baziron AS. Previously I used products with antibiotics, which had a very bad effect on the skin. She became dry, very irritated, and even developed severe itching. And Baziron only improves the condition of the skin - moisturizes and quickly eliminates flaking.

Galina, 34 years old, Nizhny Novgorod

My review of Baziron is extremely positive. The drug effectively and quickly copes with large pimples on the forehead, chin, and nose. It also removes blackheads well, even the deepest ones.

Read further:

Zinerit for acne: instructions for use, review and reviews

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Baziron AS (review) from 600 RUR


  • Efficiency
  • Price
  • Safety
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  • Efficiency
  • Economical


  • Price
  • Dries the skin
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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